
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Perfectly Summer by Robin Daniels Book Blast! Win $20 and Signed Books!

Summer vacation is Levi London’s favorite time of the year. Each summer, he and his brothers are shipped off to Florida to stay with their grandparents. For ten weeks everything is perfect. He has freedom, fun, and Summer West—the cute and spunky girl across the street—for whom he’s planned to confess his giant crush. Right before the London boys are scheduled to leave, a scandalous family situation causes their mom to accompany them on vacation. Not only does Levi’s fun quotient promise to take a nose dive, but all the drama has him feeling less than his normal happy self. Summer decides that Levi needs a distraction, in the form of a prank war. But he gets more than he bargains for when his older brother Lucas is both better at pranking and determined to date Summer too. Levi is a peacekeeper, but he isn’t sure he can mediate his family’s struggles or strike the right balance between mischief and romance. Especially when Lucas keeps reminding him that all is fair in love and war.

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Book Excerpt
“So, your birthday is coming up soon. The big 1-6. We need to do something epic. I’m thinking a huge party…” I trailed off, knowing she’d shoot me down. There’s only one thing she’s ever wanted to do for her sixteenth birthday. That was to go on her first date.
Summer’s parents only had one formal rule—that I knew of, at least. No dating until you’re sixteen. I was surprised the first time I heard it, because her parents never seemed to care that I was always in her bedroom. I mean, we didn’t shut the door or do anything dodgy, but still. Hunter broke that rule all the time, but Summer had stayed obedient. She’d yet to go on an official date. I think the reason she didn’t push it the way Hunter did was because she was scared and a little naïve. But, regardless of the reason, the waiting had built up a lot of anticipation for her sixteenth birthday.
“You know me better than that by now.” Summer smiled. “I don’t want a party.”
I winked at her. “I know you don’t. The real question is, who do you want to take you on your very first date?” I tried to play it off like I didn’t care, but I already knew the answer. “Let me guess, you want me to pull some strings so my dopey older brother will ask you out?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, that’s never going to happen.” She waved me off, then got quiet, like she was nervous. Summer looked down at the stuffed animal she was holding. “Actually, I was hoping you’d take me on my first date.”
“Me?” I was beyond surprised.
Summer grinned and said, “Yes, you. Who else would I want to take me?”
Something exploded in my chest, and my body got warm and tingly. I’d been out on plenty of dates, kissed my share of girls, too. But the thought of doing either of those things with Summer made my emotions do a happy dance. She wanted me to take her on her first date. Maybe by default because she didn’t think Lucas was an option, but I’d take it. This would be the perfect opportunity to show her why Lucas sucked and I should be the man of her dreams.
                “I’d be honored,” I replied coolly, trying to hide how giddy I was. I didn’t want to look like a desperate chump. “Do you have anything specific that you want to do?”
“Nope. I trust you to make it amazing and unforgettable.”
“Geez, no pressure or anything.”
Summer laughed. “Of course not. No pressure at all. I’ve only got a full page reserved for the event in my scrapbook.”
“Do you really?”
“What do you think?” she countered, but I couldn’t tell if she was being serious or not. Forget one page. Honestly, I could see her making a whole “first date scrapbook”.
“I’m invoking my right to plead the Fifth Amendment on this matter.”
“I think you’re smarter than Lucas gives you credit for,” she replied.

About the Author: Robin Daniels is married to an amazing guy and has five equally amazing but crazy kids. When she’s not chasing children or writing books, she’s probably coaching volleyball or working with her church youth group. She tries to read as much as possible, especially if she’s got housework to do. And if she’s not home during the day, you’ll likely find her hanging out at her sister’s house—where they mostly talk about writing and reading books. Robin loves long naps, yummy food, Diet Coke and being outside in the Arizona winters.


Giveaway Details: Runs now through Sunday December 10, 2017 at midnight. Winner receives a signed copy of each book in the Perfect Series along with a Christmas/Holiday card containing a $20 Amazon gift card. Winner can keep for themselves or choose to gift the prize. If gifting, I will wrap and mail directly to the recipient upon request—hopefully in time for Christmas.

Enter HERE

Brush with Love by Lisa McKendrick

Lana, a talented Ivy League artist, and Walt, a small-town farmer, couldn't be more different. She arrives in Bluegill, Idaho, ready to spend the summer painting, excited to study under Walt's grandpa, a brilliant but aging artist. The more she is thrown together with Walt though--and the more she spends time with him--the more she realizes her heart may be drawing up its own plans. As the weeks pass, Lana realizes she'll have to choose between following her dreams or following her heart.

First I have to say that I really love this cover.  I love the colors and how perfectly it represents what is inside.

Although this book started out slowly for me, I enjoyed the gentle progression of getting to know the characters.  Lana is an interesting girl- full of contradictions, really.  Other than being able to paint, I'm not sure she really even understood herself.  I certainly didn't for most of the book but she pulled through in the end and I loved her for that.  

I didn't understand Grandpa's motivations when it came to his grandson, I just don't understand how love could mean doing what he did, and while I cannot explain it more without giving things away, that was my biggest peeve with this book.

My favorite bits of this book always involved Walt.  He was easily the winning character for me.

There was an emotional disconnect between me and the characters so I wasn't really "feeling" it, but I did enjoy the story, the setting and the ending.  

Content:  This is an LDS fiction book so there are some mentions of things specific to the LDS religion but nothing preachy.  Clean romance, some kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

More Trouble in Loveland by Jennifer Peel + Win This Book!

Charlee Jensen-Carter has been looking forward to her first Christmas with her new husband, Ryan, and her adorable stepson for weeks. Not only is her dad tying the knot, but she’s looking forward to two weeks of no exes, no drama, and especially no trouble. At least that’s what she thinks.

First, she gets talked into wearing red hooker heels again. Next, she finds herself trying to save her dad’s wedding. And if that isn’t bad enough, more than one ex shows up, and she's suddenly in the middle of more trouble than she ever bargained for.

Will she ever find the right moment to give Ryan the best Christmas present ever? Or will her Christmas hopes and dreams die a fiery death in this comical holiday tale?

It feels like Christmas today!  Jennifer Peel has a new book and that always feels like Christmas to me.  It's no secret that I am a Jennifer Peel fan.  Like, leader of the club, fan.  Honestly.  She is fantastic and I haven't met a Jennifer Peel book that I haven't loved.

This book is a continuation of Trouble in Loveland which I would highly recommend that you read before this book.  It's the book that begins it all for Charlee and Ryan.  It's their love story.  It is where you will come to love all these characters like I love these characters.  Please read it.  :)

I didn't realize when I picked this book up just how much I had missed Charlee.  She is so fun and being in her head makes me smile.  All the time.  Charlee has a big heart.  She is so kind and wish I were more like her.  Even when her plans are ruined, when everything seems to be falling apart, Charlee is generous and kind (even when she doesn't want to be).  Another thing I've missed about Charlee?  Her very active tummy butterflies.  I can't even begin to tell you how much those things amused me in the first book.  Those active, swearing, sighing butterflies make me giggle.

This book is just full of Christmas plans gone wrong.  A comedy of errors.  But even in the midst of heaping family drama, Charlee and Ryan's love is the stuff happy sighs are made of.

Content:  This is about a newlywed couple so there are references to intimate relations with no details, some innuendo and kissing.

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Other Timeless Romance Singles:

From Cairo, With Love by Nancy Campbell Allen

Sophia's Leap-Year Courtship by Kristin Holt

Starting Over at Steeple Ridge by Liz Isaacson

The Matchmaking Game by Donna Hatch

The Heart Only Grows by Michele Paige Holmes

Tour schedule

Dec. 1 - Katie’s Clean Book Collection

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Darkest Summer by Rebecca J. Greenwood

Lady Cora Winfield's life has always gone according to plan--her mother's plan. That's why Cora is so fascinated when she meets the dark Duke of Blackdell. Knowing his dangerous reputation, Cora's mother flatly forbids the match, and the duke decides to take matters into his own hands. Kidnapped and facing a scandal, Lady Cora must now decide whether love will be her downfall or the beginning of a new plan, one she never dreamed possible.

Set in the stormy summer of 1816, this Regency romance is a retelling of the myth of Hades and Persephone.

This is a regency romance unlike any I have read before.  Of course there were plenty of similarities too, but this story took an unbeaten path when the brooding, dark Duke becomes a bit desperate and takes matters of love into his own hands.

The story actually starts out a bit on the slow side with the Duke doing a lot of lurking- which sounds sort of creepy but I just dare you not to fall in love with the Duke of Blackdell.  Once the story picks up, it's a surprising and fun ride to the end.  I loved it!

Cora is a unique young lady with a curious mind and a passion for horticulture.  Her mother is quite severe with her and when Cora has a chance to choose her own path, she takes it.  I love how Cora thinks things through.  She isn't too quick to judge, forgives quickly and has such a pleasant nature about her.  I loved how both she and the duke were kind and respectful to those around them no matter their station.

The Duke!  He is passionate but so controlled.  Well, most of the time.  As the story progresses and you get to know the Duke better, his longings and desperation make more sense.  No matter what is happening, he is respectful of Cora and all the people around them.  A true gentleman.

I loved the growing romance, the unveiling of personalities along with the situation and the genuine fondness I developed for these characters.  The secondary characters were fantastic as well and really helped round out the story.  So good!!

There is a novella that goes along with this story ( The Darkest Hour) and I'm reading that next month.  I'm really looking forward to that!  

Content:  kissing, mild peril

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Rebecca J. Greenwood is an author, artist, and designer with a love of stories, especially Regency romances. She grew up in Texas as the oldest of six, and studied visual art with a music minor at Brigham Young University. Rebecca lives in Utah with her husband, where she listens to audiobooks, cooks experimentally, has an interest in alternative health, and constantly has a new project in mind. Visit to experience more of her art, writing, and upcoming projects.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Christmas Secrets by Donna Hatch

Holly has two Christmas wishes this year; finally earn her mother's approval by gaining the notice of a handsome earl with an impeccable reputation, and learn the identity of the stranger who gave her a heart-shattering kiss...even if that stranger is the resident Christmas ghost.

This was the perfect "after Thanksgiving, getting in the mood for Christmas" book to read this weekend!  This regency romance started things off just right with a Christmas kiss by a mysterious stranger.  I love when books start right off with the kissing!  ha.  Holly receives the kiss in the dark and has no idea who her mysterious stranger is but she cannot forget that kiss.  

Holly has been under her mother's thumb for so long, always abiding by her wishes.  It was awesome to see Holly stand up for herself when she finally found something worth standing up for.  It made me so proud of her.  

This book is on the shorter side but perfect for this time of year.  I loved the Christmas traditions that filled this book!  I finished it wanting to play my Christmas music, turn on the fireplace and drink hot chocolate.  And that my friends, is a happy place to be.  

Content:  kissing, clean

- I received a free copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Finding the Truth in Christmas Falls (Return to Christmas Falls #7) by Danielle Stewart

Olivia Mackey spent her whole life hearing how she was destined for bigger and better places than Christmas Falls, Tennessee. A regular on the beauty queen scene from a very young age, she learned from her stage mom, that appearances mean everything. Having spent the years after high school traveling the world and failing at the dream everyone told her she should have, she's back home and wondering what she's to do next.

Nothing is where she left it. Friends have scattered, her mentor is ill, and Olivia is fumbling her way through a big life in a small town.

Tim Avondale and his young daughter showed up in Christmas Falls one evening looking for a fresh start. Buying the Sleepy Hound Bookstore seemed the perfect opportunity. Life had gone so wrong and now here in this quiet town he could keep anything bad from happening to his daughter again.

When the two cross paths Olivia and Tim find an instant connection. A tug toward each other they don't want to ignore. The problem is, in the process they are being tugged away from all the things they thought were important in their lives. He can't hide out from real life forever. She is more than just what people see on the surface. But when they're forced to decide will they choose to be better together or safer apart?

This is it!  The last book in the Return to Christmas Falls series.  I have now read them all and what a fun series this is!!  If you are looking for a holiday romance series as we head into December, you really have to try this one!

Olivia feels like she has sunk to an all time low but really she has taken the first steps into the life she wants to live on her own terms.  I love how her self confidence grows throughout the story as she learns to stand on her own.  She is letting the "real" Olivia come to the front.

Olivia and Tim feel like personality opposites, but they sure have a zingy attraction.  They help each other see things in a different way.  Yay for opposites attracting!!  I loved the setting in a bookstore- of course I did.  What a dream to own a bookstore and live right above it.  😍

This was a fun book and a great way to end the series.  The epilogue fills in the ongoing story of Miss Anna Cate and the community center and wraps it all up nicely.  I love happily ever after endings.

Content:  clean romance, some kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the author.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Seven fabulous authors bring you this holiday romance series about a group of special friends returning to their hometown at the request of their high school mentor. Each book is a standalone, but read them all to fully enjoy the journey of these remarkable women and their emotional reunion with their mentor, an incredible woman who changes their lives and helps save a small town community forever. 

Book 1: Homecoming in Christmas Falls by Ciara Knight
Book 2: Honeymoon for One in Christmas Falls by Jennifer Peel
Book 3: Once Again in Christmas Falls by Becky Monson
Book 4: Rumor has it in Christmas Falls by Melinda Curtis
Book 5: Forever Yours in Christmas Falls by Susan Hatler 
Book 6: Love Notes in Christmas Falls by Beth Labonte
Book 7: Finding the Truth in Christmas Falls by Danielle Stewart

Friday, November 24, 2017

For Castle and Crown by Sian Ann Bessey

After years spent fighting alongside King Richard in the crusades, Lord Edmund of Hawksford is finally returning to his ancestral home. But far from a joyful reunion, what awaits him is devastation. His elder brother is dead, killed in a tragic fire at Hawksford Castle—and the title of duke now falls to Edmund.

When he strives to rebuild the fire-scarred castle, Edmund learns that his was not the only life the fire shattered: his childhood friend Lady Phillipa survived the flames that took Edmund’s brother, but badly burned, she has hidden herself away from those she loves. Yet as the pair renews their acquaintance, they find that their affection runs deep—perhaps even deeper than they’d ever realized.

As Edmund and Pippa begin to question whether the fire was truly an accident, they must discover the truth of the past before they can plan for their future. While coming perilously close to the answers they seek, Edmund and Pippa find themselves at the mercy of a dangerous foe who will stop at nothing to lay claim on Hawksford—and he will destroy any who stand in his way.

I was all sorts of caught up in this book.  Knights and castles, Lords and Ladies, danger and intrigue.  This story captured my interest and held tight the whole way though.  

I loved the emotional stirrings Pippa's story provided.  Her insecurities and hurt  are gradually overcome by friendship and love.  Lord Edmund was all that a male hero should be.  Strong, determined to try to do his best and gentle with Pippa.  He was the one person who really saw her and heard what not only her mouth was saying but her heart as well.  

The story starts out so gently and grows in intensity until the very dynamic ending.  I loved every minute of it!

Content:  some violence, peril, kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Cover Reveal for My Sister's Intended by Rachael Anderson + $25 Giveaway!


Coming Spring 2018 My Sister's Intended by Rachael Anderson

For as long as Prudence can remember, it has been understood that her sister will one day wed the eldest son of their nearest neighbor. Such an alliance will benefit both families and bring a great deal of joy to all parents involved. Unfortunately, Prudence has never been able to feel as joyful. She believes her sister is mad to consider marrying a man she hardly knows, even if he will one day make her a countess. Titles and wealth shouldn't factor into matters of the heart, and as an aspiring romance novelist, Prudence cannot fathom how anyone could even think of settling for less than love. She certainly wouldn’t, and she doesn't want her sister to either. Unable to stand by and do nothing, Prudence sets out to help the awkward couple discover the best in each other with the hope that they will eventually find love. What she neglected to foresee, however, was that she might fall in love with Lord Knave herself.


Author Rachael Anderson A USA Today bestselling author, Rachael Anderson is the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

  amazon or paypal

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 12/17/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Rumor Has It: In Christmas Falls (Return to Christmas Falls #4) by Melinda Curtis

Twelve unlucky years ago, rumors flew about Lexi and Kevin. And now? Well, not much has changed, except this time neither can run away. Not from Christmas Falls. And maybe . . . not from each other.

As a political strategist at Dunlop Bennet & Associates, Lexi Townsend's career is going nowhere. She's a cubical dweller writing speeches for freshmen senators in DC. But if she can hitch her career wagon to a rising political star, she’ll be on her way to a corner office in no time. When she’s offered a plum holiday assignment–an ideal candidate with deep pockets, someone who could make the leap from local to national politics–she starts to dream about that corner office.

Until she realizes her candidate is Kevin O’Malley, aka Kevin the Hottie, Kevin the Snob, Kevin the Liar, the same guy who shattered her high school reputation back home in Christmas Falls with a rumor. Assignment in hand, Lexi braces herself for the most difficult political race of her career--because this time it’s personal.

This is such a fun series.  I love the whole concept with different authors writing about different characters that have some cross over into the other books.  This series has a real coming home feeling about it which I love.

Small towns and rumors.  Ugh.  I know how that is.  I've pretty much lived in small towns my whole life and it's true that rumors travel fast.  Once people have their mind set about those rumors, it's hard to shake.  But, as displayed in this book, small towns also know how to rally and take care of each other.  Christmas Falls is a perfect representation of small towns and I love how the authors in this series bring out a little of the worst but so much of the best.

I will say that I liked this book okay but I didn't love it as much as the others I've read.  I had a hard time connecting to the characters.  Even understanding Kevin's motivation for letting rumors fly, I didn't like it.  I felt like there could have been a better way to take care of the issue without hurting someone he supposedly cared about so much.  I don't know.  It just wasn't my favorite set up for a book.  But, all's well that ends well, right?  I love a happy ending.

Content:  kissing, some references to sexual relations with no details, mention of affairs with no details, drinking alcohol

- I received a copy of this book from the author.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, November 17, 2017

The Trouble with Billionaires (Southern Billionaires #1) by Michelle Pennington

She's sworn to never fall for another rich man.
He's determined to change her mind.

​Charlotte Mabry moves to a small town in Alabama, full of plans for a better life, especially for her son Taylor. Cash is short, but at least she's free from the crushing heartbreak of being married to a man who only cared about money. So even though Nate Haverton sends her pulses racing from the moment they meet, she refuses to let her heart lead her back into misery. Because he might be her son's t-ball coach, but he's also a billionaire.

Nate's drive and genius for solving problems have made him insanely wealthy, but not happy. With no time for a committed relationship, he tries to fill the emptiness inside by giving back to his home town. But then Charlotte moves in, and he knows that all this time he's been waiting for someone like her. She's beautiful, sweet, and strong...but adamant about keeping him at arms length.

When his good intentions go wrong and rumors fly in their small southern town, this may be one problem he can't solve—even though it's the one that matters most.

This is a sweet romance.

Ummmm, yumma yumma.

This book is good enough to eat.  It sure hit my sweet spot for -take me away, butterfly inducing, humming attraction- romance.  All while keeping it sweet and clean.  Charlotte (and the whole town, really) have a healthy attraction to Nate and well, let's just say it came across loud and clear.  Ahem.

Nate is a force to be sure.  He's smart and resourceful and a tad bit pushy.  Yes, he's loaded but he is always helping people with his time and his money.  I loved his attention to Charlotte, his persistence.  Charlotte is wary but not spiteful.  She is kind and respectful to people and I loved that about her.  

This book was such a fun, fluffy diversion and I just loved it.  I was smiling pretty much the whole way through and my heart was letting out little romantic sighs.  Michelle Pennington knocked it out of the park for me with this one.  I can't wait to see what comes next!  

Content:  kissing, some lusty attraction

Pick this one up on Kindle Unlimited if you have it!  

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

River Rising (Carson Chronicles, #1) by John A. Heldt

Weeks after his parents disappear on a hike, engineer Adam Carson, 27, searches for answers. Then he discovers a secret web site and learns his mom and dad are time travelers stuck in the past. Armed with the information he needs to find them, Adam convinces his younger siblings to join him on a rescue mission to the 1880s.

While Greg, the adventurous middle brother, follows leads in the Wild West, Adam, journalist Natalie, and high school seniors Cody and Caitlin do the same in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Like the residents of the bustling steel community, all are unaware of a flood that will destroy the city on May 31, 1889.

In RIVER RISING, the first novel in the Carson Chronicles series, five young adults find love, danger, and adventure as they experience America in the age of bustle dresses, gunslingers, and robber barons.

I have been reading and enjoying John Heldt's books for quite some time now.  I guess I would describe his books as historical fiction with a twist.  As a fan of historical fiction, I really love how Heldt brings prominent events in history to life for me.  He has a way of creating the scenes perfectly in my head.  When you add in the time travel aspect and some fun characters, the story takes on humanity and life.

This book builds up to a flood that destroyed so many lives in 1889 when a dam failed.  I cannot ever recall hearing about this event so this was a new and interesting thing for me to read about.

The pacing in this book is sedate.  We shift around from one point of view to another- following the five siblings who have traveled back in time to find their parents.  The story isn't flashy or intense, but has a slow, gentle build as we get to know the characters and watch them settle into lives in 1889.  There were times I wished for a little more OOMPH in the story but for the most part I was completely content to settle in and enjoy the journey.  The story definitely builds to a climactic scene of destruction and devastation that is honestly horrifying to think about.  So, so sad.

And then?  I was left with a bit of a cliff hanger ending which is, I'm sure, meant to lead me perfectly into the following books that I assume follow the different characters established in this book.  I am looking forward to the journey!

Content:  some peril and death, mild swearing

- I picked this book up through Kindle Unlimited for review.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Enter to Win a Book of Your Choice in the Gratitude Giveaway Hop!

Hello everyone!  I love participating in this hop every year.  It's my chance to say thank you for stopping by my blog, for following me around the social media world and for reading my reviews.  I love reading books and I love talking about books!  It's my favorite.

I'm giving away a book of your choice, $12 or less, from Amazon if you are US and the Book Depository if you are INT.  You may also choose an ebook if that is the format you prefer.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Lies Jane Austen Told Me by Julie Wright

Ever since Emma read Pride and Prejudice, she's been in love with Mr. Darcy and has regarded Jane Austen as the expert on all things romantic. So naturally when Emma falls for Blake Hampton and he invites her home to meet his parents, she is positive an engagement is in her future. After all, Blake is a single man in possession of a good fortune, and thus must be in want of a wife.

But when it turns out that what Blake actually wants is more of a hook-up than a honeymoon, Emma is hurt, betrayed, and furious. She throws herself deeper into her work as CMO of Kinetics, the fastest growing gym franchise in the nation. She loves her work, and she's good at it, which is why she bristles when her boss brings in a consultant to help her spearhead the new facilities on the East Coast. Her frustration turns to shock when that consultant turns out to be Blake's younger brother, Lucas.

Emma is determined not to fall for Lucas, but as she gets to know him, she realizes that Lucas is nothing like his brother. He is kind and attentive and spends his time and money caring for the less fortunate.

What she can't understand is why Lucas continues to try to push her back into Blake's arms when he so clearly has fallen as hard for her as she has fallen for him. It isn't until Lucas reveals to Emma that he was adopted into the Hampton family that she begins to understand his loyalty to Blake as well as his devotion to the child April-she is Lucas's biological niece.

Emma opens up to Lucas about the feelings of abandonment she has harbored ever since she was a child and her mother left the family. As she helps Lucas deal with his past demons, she is able to exorcise some of her own.

Realizing that her love life is as complicated as anything Jane Austen could have dreamed up, Emma must find a way to let Blake know that it's time for him to let her go and to let Lucas know it's time for him to love her back.

This book!  Where do I even start?  

I'm a Jane Austen fan but perhaps not so big a fan as Emma is.  That may be a gross understatement but I am enough of a fan to greatly appreciate the Austen references and all the quotes at the beginning of the chapters.  I found great humor in Emma and her love/hate relationship with her Austen ideals.  Especially when she throws her book in the garbage only to dig it out a bit later, feeling ever so guilty.  Ha.

Yes, I had plenty of smiling, giggling moments with this book.  It was amusing and entertaining.  There were also plenty of moments of depth and challenge.  The characters deal with real life issues and struggles.  They are both weak and strong.  It's a fantastic balance and felt very true to life.  I loved the whole cast of characters and how everything changed, circled and evolved from beginning to end.  Speaking of the ending, I LOVED it.  It was like my heart let out such a big, happy and contented sigh.  "Finally", it said.

This will probably go on the list for one of my favorite books this year.  I really loved it.

Content:  some references to drug abuse, clean

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Happily Ever After Collection (A Timeless Romance Anthology) by Jessica Day George, Julie Wright, Annette Lyon, Heather B. Moore, Sarah M. Eden, Julie Daines

MAIL-ORDER PRINCESS by Jessica Day George: Elise flees her small kingdom and arrives in the New World with only her two trunks and seven swans—her seven brothers to be exact. But Elise will do anything to get her brothers away from their cruel stepmother’s curse, even if it means accepting the long-distance marriage proposal to a former count turned farmer.

THE MILLER’S DAUGHTER by Julie Wright: When Isa meets Thomas Rumple, she is quickly infatuated with his good looks and natural charm, until she learns his true identity. Due to a wild claim by her insufferable father, Isa’s life is threatened by the king if she can’t spin a room full of straw into gold, and Thomas may be the only one who can save her.

THE PEBBLED PATH by Sarah M. Eden: Deep in the heart of a mysterious forest, Gretel trades her freedom to save her beloved father from the spell of an evil enchantress. Even attempting to escape would cost her father his life. Gretel’s determination to fulfill her promise wavers when she meets Hansel, a young man who captures her heart. For, she loves him too dearly to put his life in danger, and he loves her too much to simply leave her to her fate.

BLACK FERN by Julie Daines: Rós is desperate to find work in order to care for her ailing father and younger sisters. She applies to the mysterious owner of a crumbling castle and is soon swept up in dark secrets. Unsure if the owner of the castle is man or beast, Rós determines to help him at all cost. She soon discovers that the cost may be too great, even for her.

SCARLET by Heather B. Moore: When Scarlet needs to fetch a healing tonic on the night when the wolves are at their most dangerous, she has no choice but to apply to her nemesis, August, for help. He agrees to help her, but they encounter a pack of wolves that put up a fierce fight, marking Scarlet as their newly targeted prey.

SO RARE A POWER by Annette Lyon: Stella knows she’s taking a risk each time she meets Patrick in the rose garden that they’ve cultivated together. And no matter how much her mother will disapprove of their relationship, Stella can’t deny her feelings for him. When the Snow Queen steals away Patrick to drain him of his powers of creating beauty and life, Stella must decide what she’s willing to risk to rescue him.

What a fun collection of fairy tales retold and tweeked a bit.  This is a great line up of authors!  Oh, and I love this cover!  So pretty.

These are all short, novella size stories which lend themselves so well to reading here and there when you have a minute or two.  They are all clean and sweet.  I love these Timeless Romance Anthology Collections.

Of course, I loved some more than others but they were all good.  My top three were Scarlet, Black Fern and The Miller's Daughter.

Content:  clean

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

On Tour with Christmas at Cade Ranch by Karen Rock + $50 and Book Giveaway!

Christmas at Cade Ranch
(Rocky Mountain Cowboys #1)
by Karen Rock
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
November 7th 2017 by Harlequin

The Christmas they never had.

James Cade has one priority: keep the family ranch running smoothly in the wake of his younger brother's death. With Jesse's ex, Sofia Gallardo, and her young son, Javi, stranded at Cade Ranch over Christmas, this task just got a lot harder. The longer Sofia and Javi stay, the harder it is to imagine the ranch without them. James couldn't save his brother from his inner demons, but he can give his nephew a secure future. Maybe more—if he can figure out how to trust Sofia, and stop feeling like he's betraying Jesse. Because trying to stop thinking about beautiful, determined Sofia is impossible.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleKoboBook DepositoryHarlequin

Karen Rock is one of my favorite author in the Harlequin Heartwarming line.  She is so good at telling me a story with characters I feel something for.  I am loving this Cade family!  I sure am glad this is a big family with plenty more stories to come.

Sofia is a single mother, struggling to take care of her boy.  She's made some mistakes in her life, but ever since becoming a mother, nothing has been more important to her than her son, Javi.  I loved Sofia.  She is strong and determined and such a good mother.  She fills Javi's life with love.  I had such a growing respect throughout this book for Sofia because she did what was best for Javi even when it meant swallowing her pride and doing things that were hard for her.  She has the heart of a mother.

James is Sofia's polar opposite in most ways.  But one thing they share in common is love for their family.  James is pushy and bossy.  He is a stickler for rules because rules keep people safe.  James and Sofia both both learn and grow throughout this book and that is always a satisfying journey as a reader.  

If you are looking for a book to put you in the holiday spirit, this book has plenty of that as well.  'Tis the season for a good Christmas romance!  I can't wait to get back to Cade Ranch with the next book.

Content:  talk about drug addiction, death, mild swearing, kissing

About the Author

In a quest to provide her ELA students with quality reading material, educator Karen Rock read everything out there and couldn't wait to add her voice to the genre. In addition to her work as a Young Adult romance novelist, she's now an author for Harlequin's Heartwarming line and thrilled to pen stories that moms can share with their teenage daughters. She's loved Harlequin books since she spent summers going through her grandmother's Presents books that she passed along in paper grocery bags each year. As half of the writing duo J.K. Rock, Karen also pens young adult romance. When she's not busy writing, Karen enjoys scouring estate sales for vintage books, cooking her grandmother's family recipes, reinventing her gardens to suit her moods and occasionally rescuing local wildlife from neighborhood cats. She lives in the Adirondack Mountain region with her husband, her very appreciated beta-reader daughter, and two Cavalier King cocker spaniels, who have yet to understand the concept of "fetch" though they know a lot about love. For more information about Karen's upcoming books, check out her website.


Other Heartwarming Books by the Author

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.
Tour Giveaway

- 1 winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card along with print copies of HIS KIND OF COWGIRL, UNDER AN ADIRONDACK SKY AND A COWBOY TO KEEP by Karen Rock, TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH by Elizabeth Lowell, THOSE TEXAS NIGHTS by Delores Fossen and FAMILY TREE by Susan Wiggs.- US Only.
- Ends November 15th