
Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Secret of the India Orchid (Proper Romance) by Nancy Campbell Allen + Win This Book!!

Anthony Blake is in love with his best friend's sister, Sophia Elliot. But his plans to court her are put on hold when he is forced to resume his role as an undercover spy for the Crown. A secret document listing the names of the entire network of British spies-including his own-has been stolen. To protect Sophia, Anthony cuts off all ties to her and exchanges his life as an honorable earl for the façade of a flirtatious playboy.

Heartbroken and confused, Sophia travels to India, hoping to find healing in one of the most exotic regions of the British Empire. But the exotic land isn't as restful as she had hoped. Instead, she finds herself embroiled in a mystery of a missing sea captain, a possible murder, and a plot that could involve the prince of India. And when Anthony appears at the British Residency, asking questions and keeping his distance from her, she is stunned.

She still loves him, and, in her heart, she knows he loves her too. But how can she rebuild her relationship with him if he won't confide in her? Does she dare offer her heart to him a second time, or will their love be lost under the India sun?

I really do love the Proper Romance line from Shadow Mountain.  This book is an excellent addition to this collection and I just love Nancy Campbell Allen's writing.

This book is set in India during the regency era.  Yes, this is a romance but it's got some swirling intrigue as well.  There are secrets everywhere and Sophia is caught in the middle of them all and she doesn't even know it!  Well, eventually she does.  And then she is in trouble!

Poor Anthony.  His heart beats and yearns for Sophia but hello?  Spy?  Yeah, that puts a damper on the whole I love Sophia thing.  It was rather fun watching him squirm and clench his jaw and fist his hands in frustration as he watched and interacted with Sophia.  There was some good tension and build up between the two of them.

AND because today is my lucky day, AND because it's Romance Awareness Month, AND because Shadow Mountain is completely awesome. . . I get to give away a paperback copy of this book!  YAY!!!!!!  (I'm just a little bit excited about this)

Shadow Mountain is have a  Proper Romance Anniversary Facebook party on Friday, August 4th!  Chat with the authors and win prizes!  You can find the details here:

You must be 13 or older to enter.  This giveaway is for US residents only due to postage.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I recently read The Vicar's Daughter by Josi Kilpack and loved it!

    1. I loved that one too! I will be giving that book away later this month!

  2. Can't wait to read! I love all genres this sounds amazing

    1. Regency romance is one of my favorites and this book was good! I hope you get a chance to read it!

  3. EdenBrook is my favorite but my favorite author is Sarah Eden. While working in the High school library I always start with EdenBrook and if they love it then I suggest Eden, Allen, Kilpack, Moore, Moore, Lyon, Klassen, Hunter, Ladd, and a few others. The girls love these.

    1. I love Edenbrooke too. It's one of my all time favorites. I'm giving that book away later this month! Sarah Eden is a favorite of mine as well. I have her next book waiting for me to read later this month. I can't wait!

  4. I've read many of the Proper Romance books. One of my favorites is Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson.

    1. Me too, Amy! I'll be giving that book away later this month. :)

  5. This book sounds intriguing! Reading is the best!

  6. I haven't read any yet, but would love to read this.

    1. I hope you get to read this book and others in this collection. They are all amazing.

  7. Longing for home by Sarah M. Eden

    1. I'm giving that book away later this month! I loved it too.

  8. I've read several. I love this series!!

  9. I've only read The Lady of the Lakes by Josi Kilpack. I really enjoyed it!

    1. That one was so good. You'll have to read her others in this series. You will love them.

  10. This is a new author to me, so I have not read any of her books. I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance. 😊

    1. Yay! Finding new authors to read is the best! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. no I have not, but I sure would like to
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  12. I haven't read these books yet, looking forward to. Thank you

    1. Ooh, you have some good reading ahead of you, Linda! :)

  13. No I have not read any of those books yet. Thanks for this chance.

  14. I haven't read any books in the Proper Romance line, but The Secret of India Orchid sounds soooo good....clean romance, mystery, suspense....What's not to like?! Thanks for your great review and the opportunity of this giveaway!!!

    1. You pretty much summed it up! What's not to like?! :) Thanks for stopping by and entering!

  15. I haven't read these books, like the sound of this one.

  16. No, I haven't read any books in the Proper Romance Line. Thank you for the great review and the chance to win a copy of The Secret of India Orchid.

  17. Until today I have been unaware of this line. But I want to read this book and others like it.

  18. I can't wait for this one! I love that cover and the reviews being posted are making me pretty excited!


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