
Saturday, April 8, 2017

Starting Over at Steeple Ridge (Timeless Romance Single) by Liz Isaacson

Tucker Jenkins has had enough of tall buildings, traffic, and business meetings to determine the next app that will change the world. He's sold his technology firm for billions and traded it for Steeple Ridge Horse Farm in rural Vermont.

Missy Marino has worked at the boarding stable and farm since she was a teen, and she's always dreamed of owning it. But her ex-husband left her with a truckload of debt, making her fantasies of owning the farm unfulfilled.

When she meets Tucker, she starts having a new kind of fantasy—one where they work with the horses together. Tucker didn't come to the country to find a new wife, but he supposes a woman could help him start over in Steeple Ridge. Will Tucker and Missy be able to navigate the shaky ground between them to find a new beginning?

I love the Timeless Romance series and I love these Timeless Romance singles as well.  The original series is an anthology of novellas written by different authors.  These singles are from those same authors but one at a time so the spotlight shines on just one.  

Starting over at Steeple Ridge is by Liz Isaacson.  It is only about 100 pages, and is set in rural Vermont.  I've always wanted to go to Vermont and this book makes that desire even stronger.  I'm going to have to plan a trip!

I loved Tucker.  He's so out of his element and doesn't really have a clue, but he really wants to learn about horses and the new horse farm he just bought.  Missy is the best of the best when it comes to running and managing the horse farm.  She starts teaching Tucker right away, putting aside her disappointment at not being able to buy the farm herself.  The relationship between Tucker and Missy develops both quickly and agonizingly slowly, if that makes any sense.  :)  Tucker has a kind and generous heart and I loved that about him.  That and his patience.

This was a sweet love story in a beautiful setting.  It was a fun, quick diversion on a rainy day for me.

Content:  Clean, some kisses

- I received a copy of this book free.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

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