
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Paige's Turn by Jennifer Peel

With the encouragement of her beloved Aunt Mitzi, plain and overlooked Paige James left her hometown of Bella Port ten years ago and never looked back. But free-spirited Aunt Mitzi had plans for Paige to stop being pushed into the background. Those plans included leaving Paige as sole heir to her fortune and owner of her bookstore, Paige’s Turn. Begrudgingly, Paige returns home to fulfill her aunt’s last wishes, no longer the girl who’d left in baggy jeans and an ill-fitting t-shirt.

Paige discovers, though, that Mitzi’s last wishes include a lot of meddling in her love life. From the grave, and with the help of some friends, Mitzi has set out to make sure Paige and Bella Port’s most eligible bachelor, Sam Kennedy, find true love together. What Mitzi didn’t foresee is the firestorm and gossip she created that paints Paige as a swindler and liar, leaving Sam to wonder about the grown woman Paige has become. It doesn’t help when Paige fires him after their first meeting. But as friendship blossoms between Paige and Sam, they find each other hard to resist.

Was Mitzi right about the two of them? Will Paige finally have her turn?

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Sometimes when I read a book, I just know I'm going to use the word "love" too much when writing a review.  It's inevitable.  So, this is the forewarning for that type of review.

Paige's Turn had me swirling with emotion which comes as no surprise given Jennifer Peel's knack for writing fantastic characters, rich with personality and feeling.  Each character in this book had me feeling something from sympathy and love to I want to wring your neck.  It's such a gift as a reader to be able to feel emotionally connected to characters in a book.

I was immersed in Paige's world- her struggles and her triumphs.  She leaves home a young and insecure girl but returns a woman with more confidence and determination.  I loved seeing Paige overcome the bitter memories and spread her wings instead.  She returned angry for kind and was willing to forgive.  I loved Paige.  And I wanted to be Paige.  Because hello?  She owns a bookstore!  What a fun dream job!  Well, at least I think so.  

I was hit by emotion more than once over Paige's Aunt Mitzi.  Her story and her love for Paige really tugged at my heartstrings.  Sam was more of the love, hate, love kind.  It made for some fun situations!

Ooh, and the cover!  I love it!  This one is probably one of my favorite Jennifer Peel book covers.  And one more side note- my name appears in this book!  That surely made me smile!  I hardly ever see my name in a book because of the spelling.  Fun!

I have never met a Jennifer Peel book I didn't like.  Her writing just settles in my mind and heart and fills me up with yummy.  LOVE.

Content:  kissing

- I received a copy of this book from the author which in no way influenced my opinions of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.


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