
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Long Time Gone (The Cimarron Legacy #2) by Mary Connealy

The Boden clan thought their troubles were over with the death of a dangerous enemy. But with new evidence on Cole's shooting, Justin can't deny that the plot to take their ranch was bigger than one man. While the doctor and his distractingly pretty assistant help Cole, Justin has to uncover the trail of a decades-old secret as danger closes in.

 * Amazon * Goodreads

I love reading Mary Connealy books.  The western setting, the rough cowboy heroes, the strong sense of loyalty and family all wrap together to make for a fantastic adventure.

This is the second book of this series and you really need to read these books in order.  There is an ongoing plot of mystery and danger that begins in the first book and continues on here.  It took me a quick minute to remember the last book and how everything ended there.  This book picks up right where the last book leaves off.  All the same characters from the first book are here, but the focus has shifted to someone else.

I don't think this was my favorite book of Mary Connealy's, but it was still good.  I had a hard time feeling really connected to Justin but I liked him.  Angie was a lot of fun and I liked her ability to stay calm and smart in stressful and anxious situations.  It's easy to get wrapped up in this story given the many elements that are continually humming.  Good writing, good plot.  I'm anxious to see how this story continues to play out and eventually resolves.

Content:  some mild violence

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.  A favorable review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Be Happy by Hank Smith + $25 and Book Giveaway

You can be happy—solidly, genuinely happy—no matter what's going on around you, no matter what happens to you, no matter what storm comes along to batter and bruise you.
Keep reading, and I'll show you how . . .

Face it: it's not always easy to feel happy. With all of the worries and trials of day-to-day life, the cares of the world can seem overwhelming. But as popular speaker and author Hank Smith demonstrates, no matter your circumstances, you can be happy—the kind of happy that illuminates you from the inside out, a joy that does not depend on what happens to you but on what you do with what happens. With his characteristic humor, Hank offers readers a fresh perspective on finding joy in the journey with a collection of tools and strategies designed to inspire genuine happiness, such as: • Learning to develop an optimistic outlook

• Understanding how to deal with feelings of depression

• Mastering ten simple tricks to jump-start your joy each day

Featuring an inspiring collection of real-life examples, enlightening doctrinal direction, and motivating goals, Be Happy is the guide you need to start living a happier life, today!

Are you happy today? I sure am! I'll tell you why. I just read Hank Smith's new book which is awesome for me because I am a Hank Smith fan. He is my best long car ride friend because he has fantastic talks on CD and every time we set off on a road trip, I take him along to entertain, motivate and inspire me (and my kids by default as they are usually with me. Trapped. Just kidding- they love to listen to Hank Smith too. He always makes us laugh.) I was so happy to see he had a book coming out. This sure seems like a good idea for a guy like Hank Smith! Yay!

This book sounds just like Hank Smith. I like that. The humor and excitement I am used to in his CD's was also present in this book. It's like I could hear him talking. 

I like to think that generally speaking I am a happy person but there is always, always room for improvement, right? This book is full of good ideas and information on how to find, develop, and cultivate that real and lasting happiness we are all craving. None of the ideas here shocked me or surprised me, but instead, served as a good reminder. Sometimes life has a way of dealing you crummy things- sometimes all at once. Like pouring rain. The trick is to know how to be happy from the inside out and not depend on outside events or sources to bring happiness. This book is positive and well, happy. :) You just cannot go wrong reading or listening to anything by Hank Smith.

This book is an LDS non- fiction book. There are religious references throughout.

-I received a copy of this book from the publisher. A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

$50 Book Blast for Beauty's Thief by Konstanz Silverbow

Beauty's Thief

Not every monster has claws—not every beauty is kind. Born a princess, raised to be queen, but living as a servant, Avalyn never realized she would pay the price for her father’s mistakes. Now Avalyn is living in a castle not her own, a slave to an evil witch who wants revenge on the man who betrayed her trust and ruined her. For Avalyn, her real punishment has yet to begin. She will be cursed to work for the witch for the next one hundred years unless true love can find its way into the castle and into her heart. Now the princess’s freedom rests in the hands of a lowly thief who cares only for himself.


Author Konstanz Silverbow Konstanz Silverbow has always been a dreamer . . . but not a writer. Being an author was something she was dragged into. But since that day, she hasn't stopped. It has become more than a hobby, it is a passion. During the day Konstanz works, making jewelry, playing the violin, collecting dragons, and learning all she can about medieval weapons. But at night she creates made up worlds and places where those dragons come to life and the weapons are used in battle." Proud Creator of magical worlds, fictional creatures, ideal super heroes and sarcasm since 2007!  

amazon paypal
Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 3/19/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Condemn Me Not: Accused of Witchcraft by Heather B. Moore

“This woman was one of the most impudent, scurrilous, wicked creatures of this world; and she did now throughout her whole trial discover herself to be such a one. Yet when she was asked what she had to say for herself, her chief plea was that she had led a most virtuous and holy life.” —Reverend Cotton Mather, 1692

USA Today Bestselling author Heather B. Moore brings the life of her 10th great-grandmother to center stage. Susannah North Martin, accused of witchcraft in 1692, joins five women in the Salem Jail, all sentenced to death for their crimes. Amidst tragedy, Susannah finds hope and compassion as she remembers a well-loved life, and readers discover that love reaches far beyond the grave as Susannah faces the magistrates in Salem.

 * Amazon * Goodreads

I knew going into this book that it was going to be emotional and hard to read.  I have read things about the Salem Witch Trials but nothing too in depth and nothing this personal.  Heather B. Moore does an excellent job of bringing the injustice and bleak realities of the people unfairly accused to real life.  My heart broke.

The story of Susannah Martin is told both from her view as a prisoner, accused of witchcraft to flashbacks of her younger years as she meets and falls in love with her husband.  Those were moments that held more hope, promise and love.  It was a necessary change of pace from the hopeless and desperate circumstances of the prison and  inquiries that Susannah and the other prisoners faced.  

It's honestly so hard to believe that people can do such horrible things to other people.  It's absurd and heart wrenching.  So, so sad.

I thought the book was beautifully done.  It made me think and feel so many emotions.  I'm glad I had the opportunity to read it.

Content:  prisoners are abused and treated poorly, mild violence, death, characters stand naked in front of accusers to be scrutinized, kissing, some intimate touching, married relations (non graphic)

- I received a copy of this book for free.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

One Fell Down by Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen + $25 and Book Giveaway

When Mikaela York opens an anonymous blue sympathy card with the nursery rhyme “Jack and Jill” written inside, she doesn’t know what to make of it. But soon after, Mikaela and her fiancé are in a tragic car accident, resulting in her husband-to-be’s death. Then when Mikaela’s grandmother loses her life in a hiking accident one year later, an old man gives Mikaela another mysterious blue card at the funeral. After the service, Mikaela’s grandfather asks that she oversee the renovations on his bed & breakfast in New Zealand. When she arrives, Mikaela meets Tui Davies—the inn’s manager—and Brentin Williams, the man Tui expects her daughter to marry. Tui helps Mikaela retrieve a doll from the cellar vault, but the doll turns out to be an evil omen that Mikaela is told she must get rid of before someone is murdered. Meanwhile, the old man from the funeral is bent on revenge and is plotting against everyone who has ever wronged him, and Mikaela is next in line. But until she discovers the killer’s contact in New Zealand, whom can she trust? And while Brentin attempts to help Mikaela overcome her grief, she must decide—is she ready to love again? 

First of all, what do you think of the cover for this book?  It's so bold and really stands out, doesn't it?  It's so unlike any other covers I've seen.    I like it.

This book has a younger feel to it.  It's more like a YA book than an adult book but the cast is a good mixture of ages and personalities.  I loved the New Zealand setting and the Lord of the Rings references.  I really hope I'm able to visit that country some day.  But, I surely don't want it to go like Mikaela's visit!

This book was a slower paced suspense novel.  The story itself moves along at a good pace, but for a suspense novel, it was just a bit slower than many I have read.  There were bits of creepy and mystery that maintained a gradual build until the explosive ending.  Everyone was a suspect to me at one point or another and I liked that.  Well, we know the person behind the evil pretty early on, but we don't know who is acting on his behalf.  That's the bit of mystery!  Mikaela didn't know who to trust and I didn't either!  This one is less of a romance and more of some romantic interest here and there (mostly on Brentin's side) until the very end.

I enjoyed this book!  It was a fun diversion.

Content:  some violence and deaths

- I received a copy of this book free from the publisher.  A positive review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, February 20, 2017

$50 Book Blast for The Rise of Miss Notley by Rachael Anderson


When Miss Coralynn Notley’s father barters her off to the first titled gentleman to come along, she realizes she must flee her home or be forced to wed a despicable man. Driven by desperation, she applies for the position of housekeeper at Tanglewood Manor, the home of the handsome Mr. Jonathan Ludlow. The moment Jonathan sees Miss Notley, he is intrigued. She is far too young and inexperienced, yet there is something about her that that inspires a certain hope within him. Does he dare offer her the position of housekeeper or will doing so result in catastrophe?


Excerpt Cora nodded and followed Mr. Ludlow into the parlor. He closed the doors and stood in front of them with his arms folded, looking far more intimidating than he had during their last meeting. He said nothing, merely lifted an inquiring eyebrow and waited. Caught unprepared, Cora stared at him, trying to organize her thoughts into words. After a few moments of awkward silence, he lost patience. "What is it you wished to speak with me about, Mrs. Notley? Or are we to stand here staring at each other all afternoon?" Not knowing how else to begin, Cora blurted, "Why have you hired me, sir?" He blinked a few times before frowning. "I believe I have made that perfectly clear. You are to be the housekeeper, are you not?" This was going to be more difficult than she had imagined. "Yes, of course, but there has been some talk about, or rather concerns expressed . . ." How did one put this delicately? "About . . .?" he prodded, obviously not thrilled that his morning regime had been waylaid. "About the reasons I have been offered the position," she quickly said, hoping that would be enough to make him understand her meaning. Unfortunately, his brows drew together in confusion. "What are you saying, Mrs. Notley? I have hired you to do certain duties that will hopefully make my household run more smoothly. What other reason could I possibly have for offering you the position?" "You have hired me to do a job I am untrained to do," she said. "While I am grateful for the opportunity, I also find it necessary to clarify that I have come here to be a housekeeper and only a housekeeper. Even though I am young and . . ." Her voice drifted off. Had she almost referred to herself as pretty? Goodness, this was proving to be very awkward indeed. "Beautiful?" he finally guessed, not looking at all pleased with the direction the conversation was taking. "I was going to say not repulsive," she fibbed. "Very well," he said. "Even though you are young and not repulsive . . ." He moved his hand in a circular gesture, urging her to finish her thought. Cora straightened her shoulders and forced herself to continue. "I am not the sort of girl who would ever . . . fraternize with her employer." Her face infused with heat, but she forced her gaze to remain steady. "I see." He walked slowly towards her, rubbing his chin with his hand. A few steps away, he stopped and eyed her quizzically. "Have I made any improper advances towards you?" "No, sir." "Have I spoken to you in an unprofessional manner?" "No." "Have I looked at you in a way that has made you feel uncomfortable?" "No." Cora suddenly wished she had not felt the need to clarify anything. He made her feel as though she had put the cart before the horse when what she had been trying to do was see that the cart and horse simply stayed in their proper places. Was that so wrong? "Might I ask who, exactly, has led you to believe that I am the sort of man capable of—how did you put it? Fraternizing with my help?" "I, er, would rather not say, sir." Though Cora felt no loyalty towards Sally, she refused to bring Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd's names into the conversation. "I did not mean to besmirch your name or cause any offense, Mr. Ludlow. I merely wanted to make my feelings on the matter clear." "And you have." "Good." Cora dropped into a quick curtsy, anxious to get away. "I shall go and find Watts now." She was almost to the door when his voice stopped her. "Once again, you are attempting to scuttle away before we have completed our conversation." Slowly, she turned around and lifted her eyes to his. "I never scuttle, sir." "What would you call that rapid walk of yours?" "A rapid walk."



Author Rachael Anderson A USA Today bestselling author, Rachael Anderson is the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can’t sing, doesn’t dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

    amazon or paypal
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 3/15/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.     a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Cover Reveal for Sarah M. Eden's new Hope Springs Novel: Love Remains

From the USA Today Bestselling author of the Longing for Home series, LOVE REMAINS is a new romance novel set in the beloved world of Hope Springs.

Cecily faces a dark, uncertain future. Tavish is haunted by his painful, anguished past. Fate has brought them together in a world determined to tear them apart.

Release Day:  September 5th, 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

Cover Reveal $25 Giveaway for The Splash of Lady Harriett by Rachael Anderson

Coming August 2017 from USA Today bestselling author Rachael Anderson

The Splash of Lady Harriett
When wills clash and hearts collide, who will come away victorious?


Author Rachael Anderson A USA Today bestselling author, Rachael Anderson is the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

  amazon or paypal

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 3/15/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Falling for Maria (Falling series #2) by Heather B. Moore

At twenty-six, Maria is holding out for the perfect man to share the rest of her life with. Josh seems to be that man, but after months of dating, their relationship is at a stand-still. Maria plans to nudge Josh forward, but when the company she works for is bought out, her new boss Walker seems determined to change Maria’s idea of the perfect man.

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

This is such a fun series!  These are shorter books- novella size- which means that they are over before I know what hit me and leave me longing for more.  :)  The author does a great job of creating characters that I feel like I know and like in a very short amount of time.

Maria is a girl that loves life and pushes just outside the box of "normal".  Her clothes are an extension of her view on life and are full of color and vibrancy.  She doesn't want to be pushed inside a box where everyone and everything should be the same.  (not her clothes or her work space) I liked that about Maria and I really liked how she was willing to stand up for herself and the people around her who weren't brave enough to do it.

Since this is a short book, we just get the very first glimpse of Maria and Walker.  The first bits of attraction and interest that dance around until they finally work out initial kinks to date.  There is no deep love yet- just the promise of good things to come.  It was perfect for the amount of time I had with this book.

I can't wait for the next book coming out this summer!  

Content:  clean, kissing

- I received a copy of this book for free.  I was under no obligation to review and all opinions expressed are my own.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Because You're Mine by Colleen Coble

Alanna has been plagued by tragedy. So it should come as no surprise that in the beauty that surrounds Charleston, all is not as it seems.

When her husband is killed by a car bomb while their band is on tour in Charleston, Alanna doesn’t know where to turn. Her father-in-law is threatening to take custody of the baby she carries, but the one thing she knows for sure is that she can’t lose the last piece of Liam she has left.

Their manager offers her a marriage of convenience to gain her U.S. citizenship and allow her to escape her father-in-law’s control. It seems like the perfect solution . . . but her doubts begin almost as soon as she arrives at Barry’s family home, a decaying mansion surrounded by swamp.

To make matters worse, Liam’s best friend survived the car bomb. She’s never really liked Jesse and now she can’t seem to get away from him. When he takes Liam’s place in their band, it’s almost more than she can bear.

But then things start happening. Things that could easily cost Alanna her life—or the life of her unborn child. Are they merely coincidences? Or is there something much more sinister at work?

This is actually the first book I have read by Colleen Coble.  She is such a popular author that it seems absurd, I know.  But, here it is!  My first Colleen Coble book ever.

I really had no idea what to expect going into this book.  I didn't really read the blurb very well so the whole book was sort of a surprise to me.  I actually like it that way.  😀  I didn't expect the creepy sort of suspense I was feeling for most of this book.  But I liked it!  It was good for me because I don't like things too intense. 

Yes, the whole story was completely predictable.  You can call the ending from almost the beginning when the bomb goes off, but I didn't mind that.  

I enjoyed the moments in the book where I felt the Irish brogue coming out.  I also enjoyed the musical moments where the music transported the characters.  It helped me connect to them and to the story.  I wish there would have been more of that.

I'm not so sure I loved Alanna.  There were some inconsistencies in her character, I think.  I would have liked to have seen more resolution between Alanna and her mother and Alanna and her in-laws.

Overall a good book and a light read.  Nothing to be taken too seriously.  I liked it.  3/5 stars from me.

Content:  I guess this is supposed to be a Christian fiction book but I can't really remember much of that.  There definitely wasn't anything overly preachy.  It was clean- no swearing or sexual situations but there is some light innuendo and some moments of mild violence.

- I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  I was under no obligation to review and all opinions expressed are my own.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Release Celebration for Royal Design by Sariah Wilson! $25 Giveaway!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Release Celebration for
Royal Design
By Sariah Wilson

ROYAL DESIGN is releasing as a Kindle in Motion ebook. Go to Amazon to see a preview of some of the special video features included. It's so fun! And in case you need a teaser, here is one of the heroine, Bellamy Sullivan:

Learn more below and enter the fabulous giveaway...

Royal Design
(The Royals of Monterra Novella)
by Sariah Wilson
Contemporary Romance
ebook, 217 pages
February 14th 2017 by Montlake Romance

Bellamy Sullivan’s life is hardly regal. She’s a waitress from Ohio who’s been on her own since she was sixteen, working several jobs while her dreams of being a fashion designer stay just that. But everything changes when PR maven and soon-to-be-royal Lemon Beauchamp drops in to announce that Bellamy is a princess. Unfortunately, Bellamy’s newly assigned bodyguard is the last man she wants to see.

A year ago, the royal family of Monterra tasked Enzo Rannalli with confirming Bellamy’s heritage, which meant he had to get very close to her. Enzo got the confirmation he needed, but he didn’t expect their connection to be so meaningful. And he didn’t expect his sudden departure to break the young princess’s heart.

In exchange for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to kick-start her fashion career, Bellamy agrees to star on a royal reality show that will match her with the world’s most eligible bachelors. But after a series of disastrous dates make her even more grateful for Enzo’s company, she wonders if her fairy-tale ending is waiting to happen off camera.

The Royals of Monterra Series

Nestled in the Alps between Switzerland and Italy, the small kingdom of Monterra is ruled by a loving and loyal family. Thanks to magical good fortune, the gorgeous and charming royal Fiorellis always know when they have found their true love and partner, and they won’t let anything get in the way of their happily ever after. Along with their friends and extended family members, they travel the world in pursuit of love and adventure. Full of relatable heroines, irresistible heroes, and glamorous backdrops, these sweet modern-day fairy tales offer a perfect romantic escape in a world where money is no object and love conquers all.

— Sariah

Other Books in the Series


About the Author

Bestselling author Sariah Wilson has never jumped out of an airplane, never climbed Mount Everest, and is not a former CIA operative. She has, however, been madly, passionately in love with her soul mate and is a fervent believer in happily ever afters—which is why she writes romance. She grew up in Southern California, graduated from Brigham Young University (go Cougars!) with a semi-useless degree in history, and is the oldest of nine (yes, nine) children. She currently lives with the aforementioned soul mate and their four children in Utah, along with three tiger barb fish, a cat named Tiger, and a recently departed hamster that is buried in the backyard (and has nothing at all to do with tigers). Learn more about her and her work at

Release Celebration Giveaway

1 winner will receive a $25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Ends February 17th

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Grab Our Button!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Begin Again (Home In You #2) by Crystal Walton + Giveaway

What happens when a free-spirited artist from big-city New York collides with an uptight business owner from small-town Ocracoke? Fireworks. The kind neither saw coming.

A single call is all it takes to drive artist Ti Russo into what she does best. Run. But hey, lying low in a beach town for a while isn’t so bad. Thanks to the distraction of playing consultant to a guy she’s determined to crack, she can almost forget about the past stalking her back home. But she never counted on the real danger being a picket-fenced life she has no business falling for.

Focus and self-preservation have gotten single dad Drew Anderson through the last nine years. With the threat of his shop’s foreclosure jeopardizing his daughter’s health care, the last thing he needs is a distracting hippie chick swooping in to shake up what he’s fought to protect. Including himself. The bank’s deadline adds enough pressure without re-risking feelings better left buried.

But as sparks flare and secrets escalate, the race against time propels Ti and Drew into a choice neither’s ready to make: Find the faith to surrender their past or forfeit their only chance to begin again.

Download Begin Again and escape into a sparks-flying, opposites-attract contemporary clean romance full of small-town charm, broken characters, and deep undertones of grace that’ll win your heart.

Happy Valentines Day today!  I hope you all get to celebrate this day with people that you love.  Love is always something to be celebrated.  💚  I've got a great book today with a fantastic love story!

I've really been looking forward to this book.  Ever since I read the first book in this series, Write Me Home, and got a glimpse of Ti, I've wanted to know her story.  If you haven't anything in this series yet, now is a great time to start.  You don't have to read these books in order, but I would recommend it just for the sake of build up and history.  :)  And, this book is on kindle unlimited if you have that.  yay!

I'm a fan of Crystal Walton because she has a gift for writing real, emotional characters who struggle, but keep moving forward.  Readers will be able to find a bit of themselves in her characters. 

I loved the opposites attract aspect of this book.  It made for some great sparks between Ti and Drew who really are polar opposites in many ways.  Ti radiates energy and confidence with a free spirit attitude.   She also bottles up her pain and her past tightly within herself.  Drew is a tightly wound guy.  He carries many burdens on his shoulders and keeps things carefully controlled in order to stay on top of things.  He is frustrated and has been operating in self preservation mode for a long time.  In actuality, Ti and Drew are more alike than they think.  They have many of the same hurts and frustrations, dreams and talents.  They just handle them in different ways.

This story was a great emotional journey.  I felt like I knew the characters and shared in their success and pain.  The story unwound itself bit by bit so the build up felt significant.  I was drawn in from the very beginning and couldn't put this book down.  

Content:  Clean, some kissing.  Some references to drug abuse and prostitution.

Crystal is having a giveaway on her blog if you are interested!  Enter to win this book and some other goodies as well!

-I received a copy of this book from the author.  I was under no obligation to review and all opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Breach of Trust by Kathi Oram Peterson + $25 Giveaway

Lieutenant Commander Cooper Lane has so much to live for. With a loving husband and beautiful baby girl waiting for her back home, she is anxious to finish her mission in Afghanistan and return to her family. But in a split second, her world shatters. Her helicopter is going down in that hostile country, and there will be no survivors. Four Years Later . . . On a covert mission in an Afghan village, Navy SEAL Axe Talbot finds something no one ever expected: Lieutenant Cooper Lane—alive. Cooper survived the crash that killed her team and has been hiding behind enemy lines for four years. It’s the woman he’s been looking for and dreaming about for so long. After her rescue, Cooper is not sure she can survive the reality waiting for her back home—when she disappeared and was pronounced dead, her husband married her best friend. Cooper is lost, but her troubles are just beginning. In one horror-filled moment, her former husband is murdered before her eyes, and Cooper becomes the prime suspect. Now she must embark on one last mission to clear her name. And there are only two people she trusts to help her: her father and Axe, the SEAL who rescued her. Cooper and Axe take off, and together the makeshift team uncovers a trail of mysterious deaths that leads to unimaginable danger.

I really loved reading this book!  It grabbed my interest from the very beginning and just didn't let up.

We get to know Cooper and Axe through current circumstances as well as flashbacks.  The flashbacks really help us understand the struggle and the bonding these two went through.

If I could summarize Cooper's life in one sentence it would be:  What a mess.  Honestly, What.  A.  Mess.  Her helicopter goes down in Afghanistan and everyone in her crew dies leaving her the lone survivor hiding in a remote village.  Little does she know that in the four years since as she has tried to just survive, back home she has been declared dead and her husband has married another to help raise their daughter that doesn't even know her.  See?  It's a mess.  But that's not all.  Cooper is suffering from PSD, her husband is killed and then she realizes that someone is trying to kill her.  But the local sheriff thinks Cooper is the killer.  Oy.  Axe shows up and he and Cooper are off on mission to discover what is really going on.  It's a crazy ride!

In my mind I kept thinking, "how much can one woman take?!"  I still wonder but at least Cooper had Axe and her father on her side.  They were her rocks and the steadying influence when her whole world was crashing down.  I loved them both.

This book has a bit of everything.  Suspense, danger, drama, action.  It was really good.  I read through this book so quickly because I just didn't want to put it down.  Yay!  I love when that happens.

Content:  No swearing or sexual scenes.  Some kissing, some violence.  There is some mention of the LDS religion and some talk of praying and God but nothing overly preachy.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.  I was under no obligation to review and all opinions expressed are my own. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, February 11, 2017

$50 Book Blast for Returned by Kimberly Griffiths Little

Returned Trilogy


After tragedy strikes on the day they were to wed, Jayden must support Kadesh as he ascends the throne and becomes king of Sariba. But with the dark priestess Aliyah conspiring to control the crown, and the arrival of Horeb, Jayden’s former betrothed, Kadesh’s kingdom, as well as his status as king, is at stake. Jayden knows that the time to be merciful has come and gone, and that some enemies can only be halted by death. Now she and Kadesh must prepare to fight not only for their love, but also for their kingdom. This is the final book in the epic trilogy that began with Forbidden and Banished. Jayden and Kadesh’s love will be put to the ultimate test as they fight a war to save their kingdom.

My sister laid the tablet in her lap, running a finger along the symbols with affection.

“To Jayden, daughter of the Nephish
From Aliyah, Goddess of Sariba
The Goddess and High Priestess of Sariba officially invite you to witness the summer solstice sacrifice in two day’s time. It will be a night you will remember for the rest of your life. A permanent kinship with the Goddess will bless you and your family forever.”

“She sent an invitation to watch Sahmril sacrificed!” Grabbing the tablet, I threw it across the room where it hit the corner of a table and broke into pieces.

With a shriek, Leila staggered off the chair and crawled across the floor. Picking up the shards, she cradled them in her hands, trying to fit them together.

“Leila, what is wrong with you? How could you bring this despicable letter to me?”

She raised her eyes to mine. “You’ve been invited as a special guest because our little sister has been chosen to honor the Goddess. Her sacrifice will bring peace and love to this land. She is the pure vessel. We’re so lucky to have found her.”

“Lucky?” I echoed. The nonchalance manner in which she spoke was horrifying. “Our sister was hunted down for the express purpose of sacrificing her to the goddess.”


   Praise for the Book   Booklist (starred review) “At its core, this is a romance, with all the push and pull that goes along with impossible love, and Little elevates the story by creating a perilous landscape, both outward and inward, as Jayden must deal with the hardship of desert life as well as her own desires. . . descriptions of the landscape are evocative in both desolation and in beauty. Just as good is the pacing, which gets the blood pumping for both characters and readers. This will heighten anticipation for a no-doubt exciting conclusion.”  

Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books “Rich historical details are deftly woven into Jayden’s narration, and the dynamics of Jayden’s tribe are vividly drawn. Jayden’s story becomes as much about finding herself as it is about finding love.”  

Reader: “This book took my breath away. I loved the immersive story and the rich setting of ancient Mesopotamia. The customs, traditions, and beliefs of the desert people were captivating and every time I set the book down I couldn't wait to pick it up again. I've never read anything like this before.”  
Reader: “Forbidden was so captivating that I awoke early in the morning, while my family was still sleeping, so I could finish the last pages of this beautifully haunting tale.”

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Author Kimberley Griffiths Little Kimberley Griffiths Little is the author of ten award-winning Middle-Grade and Young Adult novels with Knopf, Scholastic and Harpercollins, including the Whitney Award, the Arizona/New Mexico Book Award, the SCBWI Crystal Kite, the Southwest Book Award, and others. ALA BOOKLIST named FORBIDDEN, the first book in her Ancient Mesopotamian historical fantasy a Young Adult Top 10 novel for the Historical category, Romance category, and Religious/Inspirational. Kimberley adores anything old and musty with a secret story to tell. She once stayed in the haunted tower room at Borthwick Castle in Scotland and didn’t sleep a wink; sailed the Seine in Paris; ridden a camel in Petra, Jordan; shopped the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul; and spent the night in an old Communist hotel in Bulgaria. She was born in San Francisco but now lives on the banks of the Rio Grande with her husband and three sons.  

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Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 2/27/17 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, February 10, 2017

An Inconvenient Romance by Chalon Linton + $25 and Book Giveaway

The countryside of England provided an idyllic backdrop for Charles Brumley's and Leah Hasting's childhood. Neighbors and best friends, the pair passed many happy days racing through the rolling hills of Derbyshire. Everything was perfect—until Charles ruined it all and abandoned Leah for university.

Six years later, the former friends are thrust into each other's paths once more. Leah had been looking forward to the ball, an opportunity to further her acquaintance with the handsome Mr. Wilkins—but when she sees Charles's familiar face through the crowd, her traitorous heart leaps.

Charles faces his own struggle: he has loved Leah since he was fifteen years old, yet it seems he is too late—it appears that her affections are otherwise engaged. As the pair tentatively renews their friendship, the spark between them in undeniable.

After so many years apart, leah endeavors to reconcile her feelings toward her once cherished companion. But when a conniving revival for Charles's attention approaches Leah, the threat is clear: give up her association with Charles or a devastating secret about her family will be revealed. Faced with an impossible decision, Leah must make a choice—the ruin of her family or the ruin of her heart?

Regency is such a fun genre and the English countryside always makes for a beautiful backdrop.  This book revolves around Charles and Leah, childhood friends with the spark of something more.  I enjoyed the alternating points of view which helped me form a stronger bond between both characters.  It was fun to see both sides of the story and made me a champion to both Charles and Leah.

 In the beginning I thought the characters acted much younger than their supposed ages.  I wish I would have had a bit more definition of their early relationship.  I was also bugged by the continued name change (which another of my blogging friends mentioned as well).  From first names to Miss or Mr, or just last names.  It was distracting. 

But, aside from these minor annoyances, I really enjoyed this book.  The characters were both easy to like and understand.  The back and forth banter made me smile and I could easily picture this story playing out like a movie in my head.  There was a dangerous accident, a dastardly villain, secrets and misunderstandings.

I do believe this is an author new to me.  And, I also believe that this is her first book.  This makes me extremely happy because while I enjoyed the book, there were some things that bothered me but that can only get better as this author refines her craft.  I'm really excited to have another author to keep my eyes on and I will be watching for future books.

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