
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Love and Fat-Free Cheese by Crissy Sharp

Fat-free cheese is okay—unless you’ve tasted real cheese. The same holds true with love, as Julia discovers when she meets Owen Denny, the strikingly handsome CEO of The Bradley Corporation where Julia now works. As Julia is forced to decide whether or not to follow her heart, she’s dragged into the mystery of the disappearance of her sister’s fiancé and the pharmaceutical conspiracy he plans to reveal. Can she protect her loved ones without sacrificing her own heart?

I'm super excited to share this book with you all today!  This is a new author to me and I can tell she is going to be a new favorite!  I do believe this is her debut novel.

The one thing confusing me right now is the blurb.  The main character's name is Juliet.  Not Julia.  ??  She doesn't even go by Julia in the book.  At all.  ??

Other than that, I really loved this book!  It was so easy to settle in with.  I was hooked from the very beginning and couldn't put it down.  There is a bit of suspense and intrigue to the story which slowly unfolds in mostly flashback form at first.  Then, when we are caught up, the past and present collide.  The suspense never felt too heart pounding or overwhelming.  It definitely had a lighter feel to it.

The characters were believable and I really liked them.  Juliet is a smart and witty girl.  I loved how her family was her center.  They rallied and took care of each other.  Juliet's brother, Everett is one of my favorites.  I sure hope he gets a book of his very own.  :)

I'm looking forward to more by this author!  

Content:  Clean, some mild violence

-I received a copy of this book from the publisher.  A favorable review was not required and all opinions expressed are my own.


  1. This sounds like a good quick read, I might have to pick it up some time. Thanks for the review :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kimberly! I really appreciate it!

  2. Thanks so much for the review, Aimee! I'm glad you enjoyed it. As for the blurb on the back, I wanted to cry a little bit when I received my copies in the mail and saw that the name had been changed to Julia. That's not my character!! Anyway, they changed it for the 2nd print run so it's all good now.

    1. Boo!! That would have made me want to cry too! In fact, I probably would have cried. Thanks for writing this fun book. I can't wait to read more from you!

  3. Okay, so I HAD to come check it out when I saw the title in my feed. Fat free cheese? I've never heard of such a thing. NEVER. And if it does exist, it's utter tripe. ;)

    Regardless, the book sounds great. I do get in a contemporary mood every now and again, so I'll have to throw it on the list. Cheese out!

    1. I know right?! That title. I actually did try fat free cheese once. Only once. It was so disgusting. I have no idea if they even make it anymore because I will never even look for it let alone buy it. I hope you give this one a try, Crystal. It's a fun romp!


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