
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

King of the Friend Zone $50 Book Blast!

King of the Friend Zone

 Esme Taylor has an amazing fiancé, a lifelong best friend, and a problem. The problem stems from the fact that her best friend is named Hunter and, well. . .he’s kind of (totally) hot. It’s hate at first sight when her fiancé, Jon, and Hunter meet. Jon’s convinced that Hunter is in love with Esme, and that Hunter must be out of the picture if their upcoming marriage is to succeed. Esme thinks Jon is paranoid. The truth is, Jon’s not that far off. Hunter is in love with his best friend and always has been. What Jon has wrong, however, is that Hunter never had any plans of ruining Esme’s happily ever after. Hunter wants what’s best for Esme, even if that’s not him. When Jon pushes hard to end Esme and Hunter’s friendship, opposition comes from the most unlikely of places. It’s an eccentric lady with a cookie cart who suggests a different solution to Esme’s problem: Hunter and Esme should give each other a chance. They’ve both thought of the possibility over the years—of course they have. But with a ring already on Esme’s finger and a heap of hurt feelings and broken trust in the mix, there hasn’t been a worse time to explore the depths of their feelings for each other. Both Esme and Hunter think it’s time to move on and leave childhood crushes in the past. The question is: Can one woman and the taste of one cookie change their minds?


While everyone around Hunter ate and drank, Hunter swirled the liquid in his glass and watched his friends and family interact with Jon. 

 The man was suave when he wanted to be; Hunter would give him that. He wore the right suits, said the right words, and charmed the right people. 

 What a hero. 

 He was also several inches shorter than Hunter, which meant Esme fit neatly against his shoulder as they stood and spoke with all their guests. Esme looked so content as she reclined against Jon, and Hunter wasn’t the only one who had noticed. The last person who had commented on Jon and Esme within Hunter’s earshot had called them “two peas in a pod” as if there were awards to be won in the category. 

 Well, there weren’t. 

 In that moment, Hunter was very glad he hadn’t been drinking that night, because otherwise he might have gone so far as announcing that fact to everyone. There are no awards for being two peas in a pod, everyone. Oh, and by the way, you should meet this guy when he isn’t trying to impress you. He’s a bit of a prick. 

 But, of course, no one wanted to hear that. No one wanted to hear anything from Hunter tonight except for a glowing toast endorsing the golden couple. 

 He still hadn’t written anything, although he had googled a generic speech and printed it out. It was in his pocket now, but he hadn’t practiced it and reading the prepackaged speech was pretty much out of the question now, thanks to his dyslexia. Reading on the best of days usually didn’t go that well for Hunter, but when he was seething mad? 

 Yeah, that wasn’t happening. 

 So he sat and swirled and watched and tried to imagine what in the world he could say that wouldn’t earn him more frowns than his jeans had already earned him. 

 Then it hit him: Why try? Why not be honest? There wasn’t a face at this party that he hadn’t known for the better part of twenty years—well, except Jon. His smug mug was as new as it was unwelcome in Hunter’s book. But everyone knew Hunter and they’d know if he vomited some fake, glowing speech their direction. 

 So why should he? 

 Why not be honest? 

 The idea grew on Hunter as the night went on and the praise for Jon became more and more abundant. The clincher was when Jon’s best man stood up and gave a speech that proved he’d probably met Esme all of once, and everyone in attendance nodded and beamed as the guy praised Esme in the most generic of terms. 

 According to whatever the best man’s name was, Esme was kind and compassionate and a joy to all those who met her. 

 Seriously? The guy had clearly never been within earshot of Esme when an ice cream truck passed in July playing Christmas music. That would redefine the guy’s definition of “joy to all those around her.” Yet everyone ooohed and ahhhhed and clapped until the guy sat and Jon gave his bestie an appreciative slap on the back with a look that said, Well done

 Then everyone in the future wedding party looked at Hunter expectantly. It was his turn. 

 In that moment, Hunter had a choice to make. He could either repeat the same lame puffery the best man had, or he could give the speech that had been building up in him like a sneeze all night. 

 Be nice now and freak out later, or let it all hang out? That was the question. And one quick glance at Jon’s arrogant face gave Hunter his answer.

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Author Sheralyn Pratt
Some describe Sheralyn as a girl who's been around the block and worked at every shop. This isn't far from the truth. Writing is what she loves most, however. There's a magical power in stepping into new perspectives time and again, and seeing the world through different eyes. Few things increase empathy more than walking in another's shoes for 100,000 words or so. At least that seems to be the trend so far.

Some random things to know about Sheralyn: * She's a wanderer (geographically) * She can write a novel, but doesn't have the attention span for one page in a journal * She vehemently disagrees with Stephen King's stance that authors should not watch TV * She is pretty much incapable of sleeping before midnight

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$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 9/23/16 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Just a Kiss (Summer Harbor #3) by Denise Hunter

Riley Callahan’s plans to reveal his secret feelings for his best friend are derailed when his life is drastically altered in Afghanistan.

Watching the love of his life fall for his brother was enough to send Riley straight to boot camp. But over a year later, he’s officially a marine, and Beau and Paige are no longer an item. When Riley’s tour in Afghanistan is up, he intends to confess his feelings to Paige and win his best friend’s heart once and for all.

But all that changes when an IED takes the life of a comrade and leaves Riley an amputee. Now he’s heading home, injured and troubled. His plans to win Paige are a distant dream. She deserves so much more than the man that’s left. All he can do now is put some healthy distance between them. But upon his return he discovers his family has arranged for him to stay with Paige.

Paige is a nurturer at heart and happy to take care of her best buddy. By all appearances Riley is adjusting miraculously well to his disability. But as the days pass, Paige begins to see that the smiles and laughter are just a mask for the pain he’s hiding. To make matters worse, her job is in serious jeopardy. The animal shelter that she’s poured her heart into has lost its funding, and she has three months to come up with the money needed to save it.

As the weeks wear on, Paige’s feelings for Riley begin to shift into uncharted territory. Why is she suddenly noticing his arm muscles and the way his lips curl at the corners? Will she be able to deny her feelings for another Callahan brother? And will Riley let his heart heal so he can let Paige in?

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

I have been waiting what feels like forever to read this book.  It really hasn't been that long but there was so much anticipation after the last book that this book just couldn't come soon enough.  I was so happy to finally get to read Riley and Paige's story.

This series is one of my favorites by one of my favorite authors.  I have loved each book.  I think each book could stand on it's own, but you will love them so much better if you read them in order.  Trust me on this.

Poor Riley.  I just loved him.  Even in his most ornery, pig headed moments, I loved him.  The progression of Riley and Paige from friends to more than friends is bumpy and crazy and sometimes ugly but the journey felt real and vulnerable.  These characters were fantastic.

There is a feeling of coming home in this book as all the family is around and active in the plot.  I loved the sub plot with Riley's aunt.  That one has been building through all the books!  Resolution feels so good after struggle.

I can't wait to see what's coming next from Denise Hunter.  I'll be watching.  And waiting.  :)  

Content:  Clean

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Monday, August 29, 2016

$50 Book Blast for The Fall of Lord Drayson!

The Fall of Lord Drayson 

Who is he really? A high and mighty lord or a lowly servant? When Colin Cavendish, the new earl of Drayson, informs Lucy Beresford that she and her mother need to vacate the house they've called home for the past two years, Lucy is fit to be tied. They have no money, no relations they can turn to for help, and nowhere to go. How dare the earl break the promise his father had made to the Beresfords without so much as a twinge of conscience? Fate plays her hand when Lucy discovers the earl unconscious and injured in the middle of the road. When he awakens with no recollection of who he is, Lucy seizes the opportunity to teach the earl a much-needed lesson in humility and tells him that he is nothing more than a mere servant. Her servant, in fact. And thus begins the charming tale of a pompous lord and an impetuous young woman, caught together in a web so tangled that it begs the question: Will they ever get out?


He stared at her incredulously, as though she had escaped Bedlam. “Are you in your right mind, woman?”

 Lucy leaned forward and planted her palms on his bed so that her eyes were level with his. “My name is Lucy Beresford. I have lived in Askern all my life. I’m the sole daughter of a vicar and a seamstress who lived most happily despite their differences in station. When my father passed away, I came here, to this dower house. So yes, I am in my right mind. It is you who are not.”

 The earl’s jaw clenched, and Lucy took some pleasure at the sight. Perhaps he would come down off his high horse and show at least a small amount of kindness or respect.

 “I may not know who I am or where I came from,” he finally said, “but at least I do not feel the need to tell tales.”

 “Tell tales?” Lucy gaped at him. Was he accusing her of telling untruths? Her, of all people? What untruths? How dare he!

 Lord Drayson glanced down at his fingers, frowning when he spotted grime under his nails. He began to scrape it out as he spoke. “Claiming to be the daughter of a vicar and seamstress is all very romantic, but it cannot possibly be the truth.”

 “And why not?” she asked.

 His gaze returned to hers. “In my experience, the daughter of a vicar would behave with more decorum, would know how to make a palatable broth, and would never allow herself to be alone in a room with a man who is not her relative. If there is one thing I know with absolute certainty, it is that you are no relation of mine.”

 Lucy’s jaw clenched as she fought to control the rage building inside her. Ever so slowly, she pushed herself up to standing and glared down at the earl. “You are correct in thinking I am no ordinary vicar’s daughter. I do not love unconditionally. I show decorum only when I wish to. And I despise those who care for no one but themselves. But I do not tell tales.”

 He actually chuckled, but it was more of a scoff than a show of humor. “Did you learn those traits from your father?”

 “Do not speak of my father.”

 “I would prefer to speak of myself, but you do not seem to share that preference, so perhaps we should speak of your father instead. Where is he, by the by? I would very much like to meet him.”

 Lucy’s fingers became fists while her conscience became a battleground between all that was good and evil inside her. It was a short battle, with evil making a quick triumph.

 Ever so slowly, her body still trembling with anger, she lifted her chin. If he was going to accuse her of telling tales, then tell them she would. “Very well, Collins. If you must know, I am your employer. And though you may not remember me, or this house, or your position in it, or the fact that you are perfectly susceptible to coming off a horse, just like any other human, I still expect some kindness and respect from you.”

 “What on earth are you talking about? What position?”

 There was not a hint of hesitation in her voice when she answered. “You are a servant in this house.”

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Author Rachael Anderson A USA Today bestselling author, Rachael Anderson is the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

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  $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway Ends 9/18/16 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Exodus (The Moses Chronicles #3) by H.B. Moore

Book 3 in The Moses Chronicles series.

Let my people go ...

A plea has been made in behalf of the children of Israel. Now comes the epic climax years in the making—the final showdown between two of the most powerful men in history—one fueled by pride, the other guided by the world of God. Moses has received an extraordinary call from the Lord: he is to lead the exodus of the Hebrew people out of Egypt, ending generations of bondage. And he must return to the land of his birth to boldly petition a man he does not want to challenge ... or lose to: Ramses—pharaoh of Egypt. Ramses, harboring years of feeling betrayed by his best friend, is determined to stop Moses no matter the cost. He will not yield, even as a dark veil of plaques and pestilence descends over the land of Egypt.

What follows is a powerful chronicle of the struggles of the children of Israel as they traverse uncharted territory, both physically and spiritually. Amid the horrific catastrophes devastating their land and through the dramatic evens that follow, the Hebrews must face their fears and their faltering faith. For even in the darkest of times, there are manifestations of the Lord's constant care to inspire their hope for a bright future.

Exodus is a historical novel based on the story of Moses from the Bible.  It is most definitely religious in nature.  This is the third book in this series and you will want to read these books in order.

What I love about books like this is how the stories and people from the Bible are brought to life.  The people become more human, and their struggles and emotions become real.  Heather Moore does this so well.   It's sometimes hard for me to imagine such things when I am reading stories like this directly from the Bible.  I can appreciate the amount of time, thought and research a book like this involves.  

Through the course of this series, Moses has become familiar to me.  I feel like I know and understand him better.  This book is full of miracles but also such devastation.  It's hard for me to fathom how the Hebrews and Egyptians both could have seen so many wonders and miracles wrought by the hand of the Lord and still doubted.  I wonder what I would have done if I had been there?  I'm really glad I wasn't, but still.  This book makes you think.

Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, especially when it is well done.  I love books by H.B. Moore.  She is fantastic in this genre (and others too!).  I know what's coming for the Hebrew people and I'm looking forward to the next book.

Content:  Clean

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

To Have and to Hold: Three Autumn Love Stories (A Year of Weddings 2 #10-12) by Betsy St. Amant, Katie Ganshert, Becky Wade

Meet the people who make it all happen—the planners, the photographers, the musicians who have helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples—as they find their own happy endings in the second Year of Weddings novella collection.

Love Takes the Cake by Betsy St. Amant

She’s known for her delicious cakes, but there’s no recipe for dealing with the new man in her life.

Charlotte Cantrell is always the baker; never the bride. When Will, a regular at Charlotte’s bakery, catches her attention, she can only hope that he is the reliable man this single mother has always hoped to find. The problem is that he’s regularly stopping in to buy cookies for another girl. But when Charlotte is hired to bake a host of wedding goodies for a difficult bride and finds out Will is the best man, she has the perfect opportunity to get to know him better—and find out how serious Will is about this other girl in his life.

The Perfect Arrangement by Katie Ganshert

Meeting Nate was truly an accident—but Amelia finds that he’s one of the few people she can count on.

Amelia Woods is a small-town wallflower and the proud owner of Forget-Me-Nots, a quaint flower shop. Despite her success in business, her love life has always been a bit lackluster. Until she spies on her ex-boyfriend’s wedding and ends up in an embarrassing fender-bender with handsome wedding guest, Nate Gallagher.

Meanwhile, Amelia’s younger brother, William, has proposed to his girlfriend. Amelia would be excited except she has evidence that the fiancée is not who she says she is. It seems Nate is the only one available for any advice-giving, and he’s good at it—and pretty fun to talk to, too.

As Amelia works to craft the perfect flower arrangements for other people—including a ninety-year-old “fairy godmother” named George—she begins to wonder if real love is better than the dream. And if it is, will Nate still be interested when he learns who she is?

Love in the Details by Becky Wade

She left him to save his future, but they’ve never gotten over each other.

When Josh returns to his hometown of Martinsburg, Texas, to help his best friend get married, he didn’t intend to run into church wedding coordinator—and ex-girlfriend—Holly. He can’t help but pine after the girl he never got over.

Holly broke up with Josh years ago in an attempt to ensure his future success. But she loved him then and still loves him now. As she helps him plan his best friend’s wedding, she can’t help but feel horrible for the pain she caused him. And even though she longs to be with Josh, she doesn’t feel worthy of his big-time lifestyle when she is more comfortable in her small town world. Will Josh and Holly be able to keep things as they are when their true feelings threaten to surface at every turn?

These novellas were published separately at one time and they are now combined into one book for your reading pleasure.  I had read (and reviewed) Love in the Details previously (I love Becky Wade) but I hadn't read the other two so I thought I'd pick this one up.

I don't think I've ever read anything by Katie Ganshert but I'll be looking her up after reading her novella.

All three of these novellas are so sweet.  I really enjoyed them.  The autumn theme was perfect for romance and falling in love.  These women are strong and independent- a baker, a florist and a event planner.  They are making a way for themselves and are in the perfect place to have romance enter in.

These stories are sweet, gentle and left my heart smiling.  

Content:  Clean

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Arms of Promise by Crystal Walton: It's Release Day!

A dancer who won’t back down. A soldier indebted to a promise. The only thing more dangerous than the threat pitting them together is the secret keeping them apart.

Contemporary dancer Anna Madison is determined to honor her mom’s memory. With the life she’s built in downtown Chicago hinging on an upcoming audition, now’s the worst time for her childhood best friend—and the only man she’s ever loved—to reenter her world. Her dad’s current DA case instigates enough danger without adding on the risk of losing her heart. Again.

Army Ranger Evan O’Riley has always known his place in Anna’s life. Letting his feelings compromise her safety simply isn't an option. Especially when his promise to protect her drives him off the sidelines and into the one place even his special ops training can't save him from. Anna's arms.

Keeping her from uncovering the real reason Evan returns is one thing. Trying to hide the reason he left to begin with could destroy them both. But when the past they’ve both tried to outrun launches them down a heart-pounding road of threats, secrets, and attraction, resisting love may turn into the greatest risk they face.

If you like emotional romances mixed with humor, depth, and characters who come alive on the page, then you'll love Crystal Walton's moving story of love and forgiveness.

I have been reading Crystal Walton's books from the beginning and I swear she just keeps getting better and better.  This book was my favorite so far, I think.  Do I say that every time?  Maybe.  But I really loved this book and if I'm telling someone else about Crystal's books, I'm going to say that this one is my favorite.  :)  If you haven't ever read anything by Crystal Walton, this is a great place to start!

I'm sort of a sucker for second chance at first love kind of books and that is what this one is.  Then, throw in a bit of suspense and you have the perfect recipe for a great book.

Anna and Evan are both characters full of life and depth.  They are so human with strengths and weaknesses.  It was easy to settle into their story and feel right along with them.  Crystal has a gift for writing emotion.  It's one of the things I love best about her books.

So, it's love from me!  Pick up this book.  Read it.  Love it.  

Content:  Clean, some mild violence

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Boyfriend by the Book by Laura Briggs

Jodi Nichols isn’t the most romantic girl on the planet. She doesn’t get mushy over fictional love stories, or picture herself getting swept away by a handsome hero. She’s much too grounded in reality—and much too busy working as a concierge at the luxurious Regent hotel. Helping customers is Jodi’s passion in life, and while romance may be on the back burner for now, she is nursing a little crush on Levi, the cute and friendly deliveryman for the hotel packages. And unless she’s imagining things, Levi feels the same way about her.

But Jodi’s friends think she’s turning into a lonely workaholic. They try to fix her love life, buying her a copy of the bestselling relationship guide that claims women can find true love by channeling the wisdom of famous storybook heroines. Jodi thinks it sounds crazy—no way is she acting like Jane Eyre or Lizzie Bennet to find a man! But when Levi suddenly grows distant and Jodi’s chances with him seem to fizzle before her eyes, she wonders if her friends might have a point after all. Disheartened and lonely, she decides to give the so-called relationship guide a whirl, with unexpected consequences.

Before you can say ‘Pride and Prejudice’, Jodi is up to her neck in handsome, brooding men that seem too much like fictional heroes to be true. Her attempts to think like the greatest heroines in romance lead her to meet everything from a modern Mr. Rochester to an angsty Heathcliff, and even a Darcy-esque novelist. But when a former crush re-enters her life in the form of a modern day Romeo, Jodi wonders if there might be something to this ‘inner heroine’ thing after all. Now, if she could just stop thinking about Levi, then maybe her happy-ever-after will fall into place…or is something still missing from Jodi’s storybook romance?

Boyfriend by the Book is a perfect feel good read for curling up with on a rainy day or a summer afternoon, with lots of laughs and surprises to keep the reader turning pages!

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This is what I would call a fluffy fun book.  It's not to be taken too seriously and doesn't deal with any major life issues.  It's a surface read meant to make you smile and provide a couple hours of distraction.  At least, that's what it did for me.

The blurb sums up the book and then some so by reading it, you will get the whole idea of the book.  And what you read is exactly what you get.  Jodi works a lot and doesn't date much.  Her friends are all up in her business, trying to get her to date.  So, they buy her a book and once she starts reading it, the trouble begins.

Dating then becomes a comedy of errors for Jodi.  If you haven't read the classics like Pride & Prejudice, Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, you will probably miss a lot of the references in this book.  I liked them even though it was a bit unrealistic for Jodi to read a chapter and meet the very kind of guy described.  Still, there is a lot of fun to be had in this book.  I enjoyed it.

Content:  Clean

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Dear Jane by Rachel Ward

“Dear Quinn,

This is a hard letter to write. I have been thinking a lot about us for the past few weeks, and I can’t shake the feeling that we just aren’t meant to be…”

Quinn had her life perfectly planned out when she left on her mission: come home in eighteen months, marry her stunningly handsome boyfriend, and live happily ever after. But all of that changed when Quinn got a Dear Jane email from the man she thought she was meant to be with. Now she’s stuck at home with no boyfriend, no job, no major, and absolutely no social life.

As Quinn struggles to find her path forward, she begins to learn that life is not perfect and happily-ever-afters don’t always turn out how we expect them to. Will Quinn ever find the path that leads to her eternal happiness?

First off, I need to mention that this is an LDS fiction book.  References specific to the LDS religion are made.  There is nothing preachy, but some not familiar with this religion may not understand the references.

I really enjoyed this book.  I read through it quickly and it made me smile.  The characters were well defined and I could picture the scenes and places so easily.  It's hard to say much without giving away the content of the book which the blurb doesn't really mention.

Quinn is a good, solid character.  I really liked her.  Her family was flawed and imperfect but hers.  There was love with that imperfection and it was a good representation of most families.  There is always struggle and hard things in life.  Always.  Things rarely go as we expect them to.  People disappoint us, we make mistakes, we lose people we love.  Sometimes we just don't understand.  That is life.  Messy and hard.  I guess that was what I loved most about this book- even though all of those things were happening, there was still love and joy, forgiveness and hope.  That is life too.

The author did a good job of balancing the weightier things with happy things so that as a reader I never felt bogged down or overwhelmed.  It was good!

Content:  Some weightier issues- suicide, drug addiction, mental illness, divorce, abandonment

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Rachel Turner Ward graduated from Hillcrest High School after spending two years writing for the yearbook and the creative writing magazine. She then studied English at Brigham Young University­—Idaho, graduating with an emphasis in Literary Studies. She has contributed to several online publications, including Mormon Mommy Blogs and SheSteals. She has written a personal blog since 2009, Trapped Between a Scream and a Hug.  Rachel lives in Salt Lake with her six children and husband of 15 years.

Twitter and Instagram: @rachelsueward

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Slave Queen (An Omar Zagouri Thriller #3) by H.B. Moore

Special Agent Omar Zagouri’s latest case is his most dangerous—and his most personal yet. The discovery of secret sixteenth-century letters unveils a plot between the sultan Suleyman and his chief wife, Roxelane, to change the course of the Ottoman Empire. A descendent of Roxelane, Zagouri learns he has an enemy whose revenge has been centuries in the making.

Targeted by an antiquities collector who’s also descended from a chief rival for the ancient throne, Zagouri soon uncovers a modern-day conspiracy that threatens the lives of his family and the security of a nation.

To expose the plot, Zagouri must team up with Naim, the son of his nemesis, who heads an international black-market operation that may have ties to the killings. From ancient Constantinople to the present-day Middle East, Zagouri is on a collision course with history. Time is running out to solve a royal mystery and stop a ruthless killer—one who has Zagouri’s name on his hit list.

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This is a series I really love for so many reasons.  I am always excited to see another addition to this series and I feel like such a lucky girl to be able to read and review them!  H.B. Moore is right at home with this genre.  It is where she shines for me as an author.

So, this is the third book in this series.  You do not have to read the previous books to understand this book as each book has it's own specific story.  I would recommend starting at the beginning though.  It's such a fun ride and each book is so good.

Now for my many reasons for love.  :)

I love how this book jumps from present day to way back in history.  As Omar tries to unravel a conspiracy in present-day Middle East that involves a group of people trying to overthrow the government and re-establish their place as royalty, we also get the story of the Sultan and his wife that started the whole thing.  It's fantastic.  On one hand we have guns and chases, deadly plots and ruthless people.  On the other hand we have the rise of Roxelane from slave girl to Queen to the Sultan.  The plots are just as deadly, the people just as ruthless, but this side of the story gives us a peek into how it all came about.

H.B. Moore really knows how to write a story rich with history, culture and thrills.  As a reader, I feel like I'm stepping into the thick of things right away.  I have to admit that my favorite bits are when we are way back into history.  The rise of Queen Roxelane is a story I could read all on it's own and be perfectly happy.

If you haven't ever read a book in this series, I would surely recommend that you give it a try.  This series is one of my favorites.

Content:  A few instances of mild swearing.  Slavery. Concubines as part of a harem, and multiple wives.  There are references to sexual instances, but nothing described in any detail.  There is some violence. 

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Accidentally Me by Kim Karras

WANTED: Pretend stalker. No experience required. Tall, dark, and quirky preferred. Sabrina is desperate to go to her dream college, but her parents want her to stay close to home. If she wants to maintain her perfect child image, Sabrina must break rules that even her rebel sister keeps . . .

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

This is what I would call a coming of age story.  It is YA and it is clean.  It isn't really a romance but more of a young girl trying to find her way into adulthood.  

Sabrina wants to go away to college, but her parents want her to stay close to home.  Being the youngest child by quite a few years, and a surprise baby to boot, Sabrina feels like she has a lot to live up to.  She struggles with her place in the family.  She has watched her older siblings make mistakes and she tries her best to not make waves in her home but she really, really wants something that goes against her parents desires.

As a mother of teenage girls, this book was kind of funny to me.  I have a daughter this exact age and some of the things Sabrina did and thought just made me smile.  I enjoyed watching Sabrina stretch her wings, make some mistakes and come to some important realizations.  

This was a fun book.  I liked that romance wasn't the primary focus.  Sabrina is a character that most teenagers will find some connection with.

Content:  Clean (some talk of Sabrina's sister being pregnant without being married)

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Loving Roxie by G. G. Vandagriff

Roxie Castro comes to Florence, Italy to help her friend Georgia heal after the death of her husband. While there she decides to chase her dream of being an author, collaborating with the gorgeous Professor Stefano Nae in researching the murder of Princess Isabela di Medici. However, when they begin to delve into her history, strange things start happening to Roxie: panic attacks, the resurfacing of buried memories, and a fear that something from her past has come forward to haunt her future.

The professor's help triggers her powerful attraction to him, and this in turn worsens the attacks.The closer they get to solving the mystery surrounding her past, the more tangled her emotions become. Will discovering Roxie’s secret finally free them to explore their newfound feelings or will it snatch away the one chance they have for a lasting love?

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

This book wasn't exactly what I was expecting.  But now, going back and reading the blurb, I guess it is exactly what it said it was going to be.  I must have just got the wrong first impression when I read it.  I thought this was going to be more of a mystery/suspense kind of book with some romance thrown in but it was more of a tangled web of emotional and mental trauma that the main character had to work through.

Roxie is an unusual and very confusing character.  I honestly didn't know if I liked her for most of the book but I knew I could if the understanding were there.  It took a long time to get to that point, but it did happen and once I understood where Roxie was coming from, I liked her better.  

Stefano is a saint among men.  I didn't really understand his connection with Roxie or what he saw in her, but I did love his patience and the devotion he had to his mother and family.  He is a steady, kind man and he kept this book anchored amidst the emotional turmoil that was everywhere.

I loved the Italian setting. The descriptions of the places there were fantastic and made me long to be there too.

Content:  Mention of abuse, nothing descriptive.  Death, depression, dysfunctional families, PTSD

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Echoing by Jessica Blackburn

Rylee has an unusual gift. It brings good luck to those who are kind to her and misfortune to those who are not-at least, that's what the crazy woman in the woods tells her. But Rylee doesn't believe it until strange coincidences start happening to her classmates and friends. Her gift may not be a matter of luck but of life and death.

Conceptually, I really loved this book.  What a fantastic premise!  It was what kept me reading when the execution was frustrating me.  I really wanted to know what was going to happen and how everything was going to be resolved.

Everything was there in this book.  The characters, the setting, the whole concept.  This had the potential to be a fantastic book but for me there a disconnect in emotion.  While I knew situations were sad or tense, I didn't feel it like I wanted to.  I needed the words to be more than words.  It may have been the first person POV that made this one tougher for me.

But, like I said, the whole concept of this book was fantastic.  The book had a good, steady build and the ending climax was a page turner.  I was always pressing forward because I wanted to know more.

This book is targeted to a YA audience and it is clean.  That is a huge bonus in my opinion.  It's tough to find books of this nature that are clean and you can pass of to your teenagers without worry.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

On Tour with For Love or Money by Tara Taylor Quinn + Giveaway!

For Love or Money

                                       For Love or Money
(Family Secrets #1)
by Tara Taylor Quinn
Adult Contemporary Romance
Mass Market Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
August 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

She can't afford to lose this…or him

There's no way that struggling single mom Janie Young is going to lose Family Secrets. Not even to Dr. Burke Carter. The prize money and media exposure from the cooking-competition show will secure the future for her and her son, who has special needs. Sure, Burke is a talented chef with his own reasons to win, but he already has so much: wealth, a beautiful daughter, great looks…and definitely her attention. As their families become closer, Janie is beginning to care too much about him. But she can't afford to get involved. Not when everything is riding on beating him.

GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & NobleHarlequin

For Love or Money has a fun setting with a cooking show competition where the characters of this book meet.  They share a common goal of winning the competition which makes them naturally working against each other.  Burke is trying to win the competition for his daughter who is struggling with depression, blame and self worth since the death of her mother.  Janie is desperate to win because she needs the money to help with the costs of being a single mother and raising her young special needs son.  Both have a lot on the line.

I enjoyed the story line of this book.  I kind of wish I had more details of the actual cooking show that would have brought that aspect of it to life more.  The relationship between Burke and Janie is slow moving as they are both a bit wary and the competition is definitely something they cannot ignore.  Burke's daughter is the catalyst in bringing the two together even though she does it without realizing.  The story spends a lot of time in the head's of both Janie and Burke as they try to figure things out.  

Janie has two fantastic friends who offer support and encouragement to her.  I loved them.  The ending was climaxed perfectly and left me feeling good about the world again.  :)

This book is gentle, slow moving and full of emotional struggle for the characters.  There are lots of real life challenges represented.  This is a clean read with the Harlequin Heartwarming line, but just as a head's up, many of Tara Taylor Quinn's book are not clean so just be aware if that matters at all to you.

Content:  some profanity and mild swearing

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

The author of more than 70 original novels, in twenty languages, Tara Taylor Quinn is a USA Today bestseller with over six million copies sold. A 2015 RITA finalist Tara appears frequently on bestseller lists, including #1 placement on Amazon lists, and multiple showings on the Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller list. She has appeared on national and local TV across the country, including CBS Sunday Morning.

Tara is a supporter of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. If you or someone you know might be a victim of domestic violence in the United States, please contact 1-800-799-7233.

Check out the other releases and events part of this promotion HERE!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Tour Schedule

August 7th: Launch
August 8th:
August 9th:
August 10th: 
August 11th: 
August 12th: Grand Finale
August 13th: Harlequin Junkie

Heart Stopping Tara Taylor Quinn Giveaways


$10 VISA gift card and winner’s ebook choice of one of TTQ's Superromance Where Secrets Are Safe Series
US only
Ends August 17th

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Kindle Fire with Six Pre-loaded TTQ Books (books 1-6 from Where Secrets are Safe series)
US only
Ends August 31st

To Enter: Submit your receipt online for your pre-order or purchase the soon-to-be-released Heartwarming compilation: A Heartwarming Holiday: 15 Connected Sweet Holiday Romances and/or
of any of Tara Taylor Quinn’s six releases being promoted on her Heart Stopping Tour (Love By AssociationHis First ChoiceThe Promise He Made HerStrangers in Paradise: Sheltered In His ArmsSheltered In His Arms Audiobook, and For Love Or Money). Enter as many times as you purchase. One book purchase equals one entry (one receipt or invoice/order number per entry and must be entered at time of entry).


1st Place: 25,000 Harlequin My Rewards Points – equivalent of 5 free books, reader’s choice of any book published by Harlequin/MIRA/Carina Press.
2nd Place: 15,000 Harlequin My Rewards Points – equivalent of 3 free books, reader’s choice
3rd Place: 10,000 Harlequin My Rewards Points – equivalent of 2 free books, readers choice
Open internationally
Ends August 31st

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Caribbean Rescue (Destination Billionaire Romance) by Cami Checketts

Just in time for the Summer Olympics, bestselling sweet romance author Cami Checketts brings you a new Destination Billionaire Romance.

Zack Tyndale was destined to win gold in the 2012 Olympics, but he tripped and shattered his own dreams. Running from his controlling father and the compassion in everyone’s eyes, he buys an island in the Caribbean where he can live blissfully alone.

Madeline Panetto’s graduation present is a trip sailing around the Caribbean on her father’s yacht. Unfortunately, her father is a pirate, and when there is an uprising on his ship, she escapes and crash-lands on Zack’s island.

Can these two find refuge from the pirates and with each other?

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

Ummmm, I love me some billionaire romances.  This one was really yummy.  (I'm hungry right now and I'm sensing some food related words overpowering my brain. . .)  What a combination- the Caribbean, a hot reclusive Olympian (with his own private island!!) and dangerous pirates.  It was the perfect set up for a fantastic romantic suspense.

I love Cami and her books.  She knows how to bring in the best balance of suspense and romance.  I loved these characters.  I felt like I knew them and I could easily picture them in each new place.  This book is fast paced- just like I like it.  Of course, it was over way too soon, but I sure did enjoy the time I had in this story.

This is a fun series as each book is written by a different author but share the one common theme of the billionaire.  They are independent books- not one depends on another so you can jump in and read them in any order.  Not all have the suspense element, but if you enjoy a bit of danger in your books, you should really pick this one up.  It's one of my favorites!

Content:  Clean

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Kisses Between the Lines: An Echo Ridge Anthology (Echo Ridge Romance Book 2)

Welcome to Echo Ridge, New York where romance finds its way into the hearts and lives of the people who walk the streets of the close-knit community. 

In these five novellas, readers will experience the power a book has to change a life, make dreams come true, and bring two hearts together as the characters work to fill the classic section of the library. Filled with charm, wit, secrets, and hope, each story is a sweet romance with a promise to keep you turning pages into the night. We hope you enjoy this book and the kisses between the lines.

The Kiss Thief by Rachelle J. Christensen
As the head librarian of the Echo Ridge Library, Britta Klein thrives on order and categorization. Unfortunately, the old church-turned-library is in desperate need of a renovation. The Harvest Hurrah fundraiser seems to be the answer, but plans keep going awry. With help from Milo Geissler, accomplished musician, piano tuner, and kiss thief, each catastrophe is narrowly avoided. When Milo goes to great lengths to help Britta find a key classic book, she begins to wonder if there is more to life than books and order. Can she allow this man who speaks the language of music to tune her heart to a new song?

The Lion, The Witch, & The Library by Lucy McConnell
Jennifer Solomon's birthday wish is for the one thing she's been too shy to go after: Kirke Staples, Echo Ridge’s resident playwright, an avid mountain biker, and her best friend. Friend, as in don’t kiss, don’t covet, and don’t under any circumstances fall in love with the man. But it’s too late—she’s already fallen in love. Hoping for a birthday kiss that will change everything, she arranges an "accidental" meeting with the handsomest man on the library board. Her carefully laid plans are thrown off track when the beautiful Bay Barington sweeps into town and casts a spell over Kirke. In her efforts to win Kirke’s heart, Jennifer is forced to take a look at her inner self and decide what type of woman she wants to be, a lion or witch.

The Last of the Gentlemen by Cami Checketts
Despite the hardships she’s faced, Emma Turner, is determined to make a good life for her three children. Working nights and struggling through life doesn’t leave much time for romance, which is just fine as far as Emma is concerned. But when her son's good-looking lacrosse coach takes an interest in her children, Emma has to fight off the smolder in her stomach and banish her daydreams. This school-girl crush needs to end before she embarrasses her son and herself. If only she could tell that to her heart.

Much Ado About a Kiss by Heather Tullis
Fay’s life is just fine, thank you. Running the café she’d practically been raised in: Check. Her artwork in a gallery: Check. Volunteering on the library board: Check. The one thing she doesn’t need right now is a guy in her life—especially her brother’s irritating best friend from high school, so when the two men announce that they are moving home to start a ski and mountain bike shop in town, she isn’t pleased. If only she could completely forget that one kiss she and Austin shared in high school. Why does he have to upset her just-fine world? Not this time. Not if she can help it. But can she?

Pride & Persuasion by Connie E. Sokol
Lindy Marchant has left heartbreak and downtown L.A. to help her cousin kickstart an antique shop in sleepy Echo Ridge. That is, until she's roped into the library fundraiser to become an assistant for Armand D. Beaumont, the French bestselling detective writer. The two have met before, and Lindy hasn't forgotten the disastrous outcome. Now Armand's celebrity quirks threaten to upset her life yet again.

Some of my favorite authors are filling the pages of this book!  What a fun trip back to Echo Ridge, New York to meet new characters and see some from the previous books.  This is the second book in this series, but it can be read independently.

I love anthologies like this.  They give you a common theme between the novellas but the variety of different authors and writing styles.  I love how the authors of this anthology include characters from each other's novellas in their books.  It ties the stories together and gives everything a real feeling of community.  The book/library fundraising theme for this anthology was so fun.  I could easily picture the library, events and characters in all these stories which was fantastic.

So, it's love from me for this book!  I'm looking forward to the next book and what these authors come up with next!

Content:  Clean

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.