
Friday, July 8, 2016

Chasing Fireflies (Power of the Matchmaker) by Taylor Dean

My sisters think I’m crazy.

But, I’ve never forgotten the mysterious woman from my childhood who told me Paul is the name of my one true love.

She told me to search far and wide for him.

I haven’t stopped looking ever since.

When I stumble across an article about a successful American entrepreneur named Paul who lives and works in China, I’m intrigued. When the opportunity to teach English in China presents itself on the same day, I know it’s not a coincidence.

It’s destiny.

My sisters say I’m chasing a dream.

Just like the fireflies we tried to catch on the warm summer evenings of our youth, the dream seems beyond my grasp. Will my quest for the elusive Paul always be just short of fulfillment?

My sisters tell me it’s a fool’s errand.

Until I remind them of the day we saw the Red Bird.

The memory silences them.

The Red Bird Incident remains inarguable—and proves my search for Paul is not a silly fantasy.

I will find Paul . . . I will.

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

Okay, first I have a confession.  I had my doubts about this book.  From the blurb I wondered if I would really love this book.  I follow Taylor Dean and I read her blog (because I am a HUGE Taylor Dean fan- I just LOVE her books) and she has been talking about this book for a long time.  I've been anxious to read it, but just a bit skeptical.

I NEVER should have doubted the talent that is Taylor Dean.  Never.  Ever.  I am a silly girl to have been skeptical going in.  I'm going to spend five seconds hanging my head in shame.  5 . . .4 . . .3 . . .2 . . .1

There.  Now.  Now I will tell you how much I adored this book.  :)

Adoration and love.  This book just weaved itself around me.  The characters were alive and vibrant in my mind.  Everything just came to life like a movie for me.  I love when that happens.  This book should be a movie!

The whole blurb gives you more questions than answers, and for pretty much the whole book you still don't really have a clue as to what it all means.  It's fantastic because as a reader I was guessing and wondering and forming my own ideas but I was wrong.  Ha!  Totally didn't have a clue.  But after the whole book with these characters- the moment of dawning and understanding just filled me.  The connection to the book was complete and I just loved it.  L-O-V-E.  Love.

If you have never read a Taylor Dean book, you really should.  My first book by her was I Have People.  It was fantastic and started the beginning of my obsession.  I have read all of Taylor's books and like I said before- I am a fan.

This book is part of the Power of the Matchmaker series.  Each book in this series can stand alone and is not dependent on the others.  However, you may want to read the prequel novella to understand how all these books connect with one common character who is the matchmaker.

Content:  Clean

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.


  1. So glad you enjoyed this one. I've read all of Taylor's books and loved them! I'll be sharing my review soon.

  2. Thank you for an AMAZING review, Aimee! I LOVE every word and I have re-read it several times today!


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