
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Happy Release Day to Chemistry Lessons by Rebecca H. Jamison!

Everyone in Lone Spur knows Rosie will accept even the most unlovable animal into her life. Men, though, are a different story.

Take Destry, the guy who bought the ranch next door. Sure, he’s handsome and wealthy, but he wears flip-flops to work his fields. Not that Rosie should worry about him getting hurt.
Her biggest concern is that she needs to buy her grandfather’s ranch before her uncle sells it out from under her. The problem is that on her teacher’s salary, she doesn’t qualify for a loan. Her long-time boyfriend, Tanner, proposes a solution—they can get married and qualify for a loan together, only Rosie isn’t sure if her heart is with her faithful fiancĂ©, her ranch, or her swoon-worthy neighbor.

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Today is release day for Rebecca Jamison's new book, Chemistry Lessons!  I love when I can review books on their actual release day.  It makes me feel like I'm part of a party.  :)

For me, this book started off a bit slow, a bit off.  I can't pinpoint exactly why that was but I as kept reading, I settled in and got to know the characters more and it felt better.

Destry is all likable, all the time.  The guy is patient, helpful, thoughtful and wealthy.  He is out to help people change their lives.  He was easily the best part of the book.  Always there, always helpful. 

Rosie is so hardworking and determined but she is also very helpful and kind.  Both Destry and Rosie have bits in their past that have been hard- death, substance abuse, physical abuse, estrangement from loved ones- there are all sorts of big issues and problems for both of them.  I felt like these issues stayed on the surface and I never felt the gritty emotions of them with the characters.  I had a lot of questions that never got answered.  I felt like there were some inconsistencies as well.

I enjoyed how the story played out though.  I got much satisfaction in the ending- it always happy when things come together.  The setting was fun and I could easily picture what was happening.  Small towns- gotta love them!  This book is squeaky clean and that is always much appreciated when I read books. 

I received a copy of this book from the author for my honest review.

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