
Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Lady's Favor by Josi S. Kilpack

Lord Strapshire is the most-eligible bachelor in town, and he has set his sights on the lovely Bianca Davidson. It’s too bad that Bianca finds him to be an insufferable boor. In order to deflect his attention, Bianca plans to ask Mathew Hensley to pretend to court her. The problem is, Bianca hasn’t spoken to Mr. Hensley since they were both involved in a particularly embarrassing incident years before. But he owes her a favor, and Mr. Hensley might be Bianca’s only hope.

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

The saying, "pretty is as pretty does" fits this book perfectly.  Well, maybe it should be "handsome is as handsome does" because it's all about a man.  On the outside Lord Strapshire looks perfect.  He is all the rage in society but once Bianca spends a small amount of time with him, she realizes that he is anything but a gentleman.  Too bad the boor has his sights set on Bianca.  Bianca is desperate to escape his clutches and looks to Mathew for help.  They hatch a plan that leads to a little bit of a mess and a fantastic kiss.

This story is a novella but I loved the easy flow and progression.  It didn't feel hurried and I was left so satisfied in the end.  It was the perfect little diversion.  If you love regency romance, don't miss this one.   Josi Kilpack is a fantastic author that has proven herself through many genres.

Content:  Clean

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Loving Leah by Lynne Larson + $25 and Book Giveaway!

Caught in the middle of a massacre in Lawrence, Kansas, during the Civil War, Leah Donaldson, a twenty-year-old Mormon governess, must risk everything to save two children in her care—and she lives to pay dearly for the decision. Young Ethan Pace loves Leah and can hardly stay still as she is taken away by the enemy for refusing to reveal where he and his sister are hiding.

Five years later, Ethan desperately searches for her, trying to reconcile all that has happened and grappling with his feelings for her. Still idealizing Leah, he hopes she has survived and that he can help her get to Zion and her people. But after everything she’s been through since they last met, will Leah overcome her regrets and allow love into her life? Will she come to see Ethan as the caring man he has become rather than the lovesick boy she once knew?

I love historical fiction and learning about events that happened in our country's history.  I knew nothing about the massacre in Lawrence, Kansas before reading this book.  It always just baffles my mind what we as human beings do to other human beings.  This event is heart breaking.  It really, truly was a massacre of epic proportions.  I'm so glad this author chose to tell this story.  It deserves to be remembered and those people honored.

Obviously this is fiction, so the main characters of this book are fictional, but many of the characters mentioned were real.  The event was real.  Stories always take on a different feel when they are based on true and real events.  At least that's how it is for me.

Aside from the obvious devastation of the actual massacre, this book is gentle in nature.  It flows slowly and easily.  You get to know the characters in a very natural way.  It was a good story.

Content:  Some violence, clean otherwise

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Marry Your Billionaire by C.J. Anaya

Six years ago, Midge Knightly walked away from her trust fund, her Hollywood producer father, and the expectation that she would join the family business. Avoiding handsome playboys with hidden agendas was just an added bonus. Now one semester shy of graduation, she is shocked to discover her scholarship has lost its funding.

Her estranged father is having problems of his own. A contestant on his latest reality TV series has cancelled two months before shooting.

His solution?

Midge gets her trust fund back if she stands in as a potential marriage candidate for the dating series Marry Your Billionaire. Twenty women competing for one arrogant guy. Not Midge's cup of tea. Agreeing to this proposition sucks her back into the world she happily broke ties from, but no trust fund equals no college degree.

Brody Prescott, CEO and owner of an online dating company, has recently been pegged as a heartless playboy-among other things-by a disgruntled female after a disappointing date.

His solution?

Become the first bachelor on Marry Your Billionaire and hope that one of the contestants holds some potential. So what is he supposed to do when the woman who intrigues him the most wants to be eliminated?

Marry Your Billionaire is a fun, romantic romp set against the backdrop of reality TV. Throw on your PJ's, grab some chocolate and popcorn, and settle in for an entertaining love story.

 * Amazon * Goodreads

I was so excited to finally get to this book in my reading schedule!  I've been waiting with anticipation to read it and it seems like lots my friends on Goodreads and around the blogging world are reading it.  Before me!  But I'm hearing good things about it so that's awesome.

First I have to say that this book is long!  Like a double book, really.  Be prepared to settle in for a good, long romantic adventure.  Not an escape.  An epic romantic adventure.  :)

I have to say that Brody completely stole the show for me.  He was so consistent from beginning to end.  He set his sights on Midge and he never waivered.  His words and actions had MY toes curling and I loved how he never missed an opportunity to kiss that girl.  Even after he gets slapped.  Ha!

The chemistry is sizzling in this book.  Sparks are flying all over all the time.  But, I love how it's a little more than that.  There's a little mystery and suspense along with some of the classic misunderstanding and family issues.  Things weren't always what they seemed.

This book was fun and entertaining.  Definitely not a book to be taken too seriously.  The whole reality TV dating stuff has been done and redone but if you enjoy that- don't miss this one.  It will make you smile.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Daughter of Winter (Fairy Queens #3) by Amber Argyle

Bargains. Only the truly desperate make them. Only the truly desperate need them. And always, the desperate pay.

The silence and never-ending dark of winter are all Elice has ever known, for she is the daughter of the Winter Queen. Isolated in a northern queendom with only the seals for company, she dreams of color and music and life. So when a whaling ship crashes just offshore, she doesn't hesitate to rescue the lone survivor, Adar, who quickly becomes her friend. She must keep him hidden from her mother at all costs, for if the Winter Queen discovers him trespassing, she'll kill him.

When her mother reveals just how dark her soul has become, Elice realizes she is as much a prisoner as Adar. To ever know true freedom—to ever become the woman she was meant to be—she must flee with him. But in their flight, she begins to see hints of something more nefarious. The darkness that has taken hold of her mother is spreading, staining the world with its influence.

Unbeknownst to Elice, a bargain was made long ago. A bargain she was born to fulfill.

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

This book swept me away to a far off place of ice and cold where light and warmth rarely come.  <shiver>  Poor Elice knows nothing other than the cold world her mother, the Winter Queen has created.  Elice has such a soft and gentle heart that longs and dreams for more than the harsh world she lives in every day.  The only source of love and gentleness for Elice comes from her grandfather and one of the fairies.

I love how Elice saves animals and reads books.  She loves to dream and create things.  These things make her instantly likable and easy to connect with.  Even her mother's cruelty cannot suffocate the goodness in Elice.

This book was so vivid in nature.  I could easily picture the ice world and it's cold inhabitants.  A sense of foreboding is always there- throughout the whole book.  Dangerous things are alluded to, but never come to complete fruition in this book.  This book feels like the set up for the big bang that is still to come.  It kind of leaves you hanging at the end.  Well, not kind of.  It does.  

The pacing is good although not quite as fast as the previous books.  I felt like the intensity and violence, although still there, were taken down a notch compared to the previous books in this series.  That isn't a bad thing, just something I noticed.  I enjoyed this book and I'll be looking for the next book.  I can only imagine the awful things coming for Elice.

This series always has the prettiest covers.  I love this one.  It perfectly represents what is contained inside.

Content:  Some violence but otherwise clean

My thanks to the author for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Rebellious One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance by Jeanette Lewis

Holly Clarke is all set to marry the man of her dreams. Or rather, the man of her parents’ dreams. Whoever heard of a girl in 2016 America being betrothed? Holly knows she has to find a way out of the engagement—especially when she meets mysterious, sexy Jordan Fischler. But Jordan has a secret, and loving him could mean the end of everything Holly knows.

The Rebellious One is another fantastic addition to this Billionaire Bride Pact Romance series.  I love it!  (the series and this book)

The cover is super fun- you gotta love those shoes!  And that splash of red swirling around?  Love!  

This was such a fun story.  I loved Holly.  She was kind and not at all what you might be expecting when the story begins.  I loved the modern day spin on a betrothal and how everything really started in a garden with a pair of shoes.  Then comes the Facebook stalking.  Ha!

I was smiling a lot in this book because Holly and Jordan have some sparky encounters and the chemistry was hummin'.  So. Much. Fun.  I can't wait for the next installment!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Taylor Lynne (The Women of Merryton #2) by Jennifer Peel

Determined not to repeat the same mistakes as her mother, Taylor Cole left her husband with their toddler in tow fourteen years ago and vowed never to return to Merryton. Now she is finally ready to face her demons and put the past and her ex-husband behind her, but to do that she and her daughter must return to the place that haunts her memories. A place where she lost not only the love of her life, but her childhood hopes and dreams.

When they move back, Taylor can’t seem to remain apathetic toward her ex-husband or his nine-year-old daughter. She discovers that maybe all wasn’t as it seemed so many years ago. And maybe—just maybe—she and her ex-husband need each other more now than they ever have before. But can the exes put the past behind them and find a way to forgive each other? Or will they let past mistakes and misunderstandings keep them from future happiness?

Return to Merryton and join Taylor and Easton on their journey, and catch up with old friends you grew to love in Jessie Belle.

If you have never read a book by Jennifer Peel, you are missing out on something fantastic.  I'm serious.  Jennifer has a way of writing that just pulls you right in as a reader.  Every single book.  How does she do that?  What a gift.  Seriously.

This book brought me right into the lives of Taylor and Easton.  We first see Easton in the first book in this series.  He is a broken and unhappy man.  Knowing of him indirectly in the other book (Jessie Belle) really helped me feel for Easton in this book- especially since the whole book is told from Taylor's point of view.

I felt like I was living right in this story with the characters.  The emotions were real and tangible.  I understood them and I was just bursting for wanting things to work out.  My tummy had butterflies and my heart pounded.  I felt sad and I felt happy but no matter which emotion I was feeling, I love how the underlying emotion was always hope.

I really can't say enough good about the way Jennifer Peel writes.  It resonates with me as a reader and I am always over the moon excited when I get to read a book that she has written.  I cannot wait for the next book in this series!!  It's going to be good!

Content:  Clean

My biggest, loudest, most heartfelt thanks to the author for providing me a copy of this book for review.  :)

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The {Re}Model Marriage by Maria Hoagland

From the outside, Kirk and Jamie appear to have a beautiful home and the perfect marriage. Inside, the aging Craftsman is falling apart, their marriage is crumbling from neglect, and Jamie Royce wants out! Kirk, on the other hand, isn’t ready to give up on either the house or their relationship.

With their divorce scheduled for the day after their daughter’s high school graduation, Jamie and Kirk have to fix the home’s problems to lift their selling price out of the basement. Working to renovate the home together, they discover secrets—in the home, in their marriage, and in the fertility clinic that helped give them their daughter—and find themselves questioning what true love really is.

Remodeling a home can be so stressful.  Imagine remodeling a home and a marriage!  Stressful?  Yes.  They say building a home is one of the most stressful things on a marriage but I love how instead of that, this book shows how a couple moves closer together by working together.

Every marriage has bumps.  It takes work and compromise.  At the beginning of this book we find Kirk and Jamie in as much disrepair as their house.  They are both insecure and neglected.  There is no communication between them.  As the book progresses, we get glimpses of their meeting and courtship through flashbacks.  This is where we come to know both Kirk and Jamie and see why their relationship is worth fighting for.

I enjoyed this book for the most part.  I felt it got a bit wordy and repetitious in places that had me skimming but overall I enjoyed the book and felt satisfaction in seeing two people find their way back together.  Families are worth fighting for and this book portrayed that.

Content:  Clean- all the way around!

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Royal Brides by Traci Hunter Abramson + $25 and Book Giveaway!

In this eagerly anticipated companion novel to Royal Target and Royal Secrets, readers are invited back to the shimmering Mediterranean paradise of Meridia, where two royal weddings in a year are more than stressful—they’re deadly . . .

Lovely Meridian native Noelle Saldera yearns for adventure, but as the daughter of palace servants, working at Prince Stefano’s royal wedding may be as exciting as her life will get. But her options change drastically when she finds herself in the unlikely position of diffusing a bomb at the ceremony and being enlisted as the newest member of Meridian Intelligence—another wedding is in the works, and there can be no more close calls when Prince Stefano’s brother, Garrett, walks down the aisle.

The bombing attempt at the first royal wedding leaves few clues as to the assailant’s identity. Desperate for answers, Meridian officials enlist CIA agent Jeremy Rogers to prevent a repeat occurrence at the upcoming nuptials. The beauty of the plan: the bride is Jeremy’s sister, so his cover is foolproof. What no one could anticipate is the instant connection between Jeremy and Noelle. Now, with their hearts on the line, the pair must work together to stop a seemingly unstoppable enemy before time runs out.

This is the third book in this series although each book can stand alone.  Because it is part of a series, we see familiar characters from previous books and the story means more, I think, when you have read what comes first.  

Royal Brides is a romantic suspense in the mildest of forms.  I was interested in the story and the characters the whole time.  I didn't have the "bad guys" completely figured out so that was awesome.  It meant I was guessing the whole time.  

For me, this book lacked a bit of passion and intensity.  I didn't feel as much emotion or connection to the characters as I would have liked but this was still a good story and I enjoyed reading it.

Content:  Clean, some mild violence.  This is an LDS fiction book and there is some mention of things specific to the LDS religion although nothing preachy.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Change of Heart (Lobster Cove #1) by Jennifer Moore + $25 Giveaway

Change of Heart 
This summer, Nathaniel Cavanaugh vacations in Lobster Cove to spend quality time with his kids after his estranged wife’s tragic death. Successful and well-connected, he is on the fast-track to the highest legal positions in the country, but his family life suffers. After an accident throws Val nearly into his lap and costs her a job opportunity, Nathaniel surprises himself by overlooking her outlandish appearance and lack of qualifications to offer her a job as his nanny for the summer. Valdosta McKinley wishes for an internship at a Paris Art Institute to use her newly acquired art-history skills. She knows Nathaniel could never develop feelings for a girl from a trailer in a rural West Virginia holler—a lesson she learned the hard way years earlier. Will pursuit of their professional goals require Nathaniel and Val to give up the dream of being a family?

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The concept and plot of this story isn't a new one.  But it is a good one.  And well worth repeating when it is done well.  This book was so fun and I was caught up in the romance of it all.  

It was so easy to like both Nathaniel and Val.  Val will make you smile on almost every single page.  She has charm and quirk to go with her heart of gold.  Nathaniel has a few hangups but he is a good man.  Val brings out the very best in him by treating him with respect and kindness.  Val is a good cheerleader.  I loved how their relationship grew into friendship and then something more.  This book turned into an excellent romantic movie in my head.  I love when that happens

Jennifer Moore is one of my favorite authors and  I love reading her books.  This looks to be the first of a new series and I can't wait to see who's story we get to see next.  

Enjoy the following excerpt!

The crashing of waves soothed him and let him relax as he enjoyed the warm drink. His eyes drifted shut.
    “Mr. Cavanaugh?”
With a start, he opened his eyes. “I really think you should call me Nathaniel.” He was starting to getdrowsy.
        “Sir, that would be completely inappropriate, not
when I’m working for you.”
    “That’s true, but sometimes you don’t seem like an
Val raised her eyes and their gazes met. “I don’t act
very professional, do I?”
    “That’s not what I meant. Sometimes, you seem
more like a friend.” Nathaniel could tell that his guard was down. Why did talking to someone at night free people of their inhibitions? He needed to be careful not to say anything he’d regret.
Val picked at her nails. “I need to thank you again for coming to get me. It’s the second time you’ve rescued me. I’m not doing very well in the whole ‘being an independent woman’ department, am I?”
    “That’s what friends do.” He closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the chair. Moments later, he sleepily registered Val had moved the blanket to cover him and took the empty mug from his hand, but he was too tired to do more than mutter,     “Thanks.”

    “Good night, Nathaniel.” 


Jennifer Moore is a passionate reader and writer of all things romance due to the need to balance the rest of her world that includes a perpetually traveling husband and four active sons, who create heaps of laundry that is anything but romantic. She suffers from an unhealthy addiction to 18th and 19th century military history and literature. Jennifer has a B.A. in Linguistics from the University of Utah and is a Guitar Hero champion. She lives in northern Utah with her family, but most of the time wishes she was on board a frigate during the Age of Sail.

$25 Blog Tour giveaway

Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 5/1/16 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog Tour Schedule

 April 18th I Am A Reader - Spotlight Julie Coulter Bellon - Review Literary Time Out - Review Cuzinlogic - Spotlight Literary Chanteuse - Spotlight Susan Heim on Writing - Spotlight

 April 19th Getting Your Read On - Review Tifferz and her Sisterz - Review Heidi Reads... - Spotlight Why Not? Because I Said So! - Spotlight beck valley books - Spotlight Coffee Books & Art - Spotlight

  April 20th My Book a Day - Review Reading List - Review Katie's Clean Book Collection - Review Bunny's Review - Spotlight LeahSay's Views - Spotlight

 April 21st Wishful Endings - Review Simple Wyrdings - Review Kindle and Me - Spotlight My Creatively Random Life - Spotlight Queen Of All She Reads - Spotlight

 April 22nd Books Are Sanity!!! - Review Bookworm Lisa - Spotlight Hearts & Scribbles - Spotlight Mel's Shelves - Spotlight BookHounds - Spotlight

 April 26th Singing Librarian Books - Review Rockin' Book Reviews - Spotlight Min Reads and Reviews - Spotlight Rebecca Belliston - Spotlight Diana's Book Reviews - Spotlight

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Shadows in the Curtain (Destination Billionaire Romance) by Cami Checketts

Every stage actress wants fans, but what happens when one goes too far? 
Emmy has the perfect life— a house on the beach, a successful career headlining the local theater, more money than she cares to spend, and love. But when a brutal murder brings unimaginable grief, Emmy’s world comes crashing down. As she tries to pick up the pieces, she can’t seem to avoid Josh, the new fireman in town. 
Emmy does her best to fight the sizzle in her chest when Josh is near. But with the stalker still out there, terrorizing her and those she cares about, she can’t fall for anyone—especially Josh, a suspect in the murder investigation. 
If Emmy allows a man to get close, it’s not just her heart she puts at risk, it’s her life.

Find Shadows in the Curtain - Amazon * Goodreads

I'm thrilled to announce the re-release of Shadows in the Curtain with Gelato Books. Do you love the cover or is it just me?

I found an extra box of print copies of Dead Running in a closet and thought it would be fun with this release to give them all away. Please enter below to win one of 20 print copies of Dead Running or a $25 gift card.

Here is my review, along with one from my blogging friend, Katie.

Here's the thing. Cami Checketts knows how to write a good book. She knows pacing and tension and love. She brings those things together in such a fabulous way that I literally devour her books. Can't put them down, so bummed when they are over kind of devouring. The characters are real and believable and you connect to them, feel with them.

Before reading this book I read a couple books that were less than stellar and it's super hard to write reviews that are negative. You start questioning if you are just being too picky, you know? But then I picked up this book and I was reminded that yes, I do know what a good book is. This is the kind of book that keeps you pressing forward, wanting to read more.

Cami is one of my favorite romantic suspense authors and I am always so excited when I see she has a new book coming out. This was probably one of my favorites so far. It was a good, clean book and a great diversion for my brain. Yay!

"I love a good romantic suspense and Shadows in the Curtain was great--really creepy! I made the mistake of reading it at night while my husband was out of town and I was a little scared. I definitely didn't want to look out of the window and tripled checked the locks.

Emmy is such a sweet woman. She is very loyal to those she loves and is dedicated to her work. She is a very talented actress, but instead of focusing on fame and fortune, she seeks love and happiness. Emmy really has her priorities in line. I enjoyed the friendship she had with her neighbors, especially Kelton.

Josh is a mystery--is he the stalker/murderer or is he a friend? Sparks really fly between Emmy and the new firefighter, which makes it harder for Emmy to stay away.

I loved the suspense and mystery, because like I said before, it was really creepy. I thought it was well-done in a way to keep the reader engaged and invested in the story. The romance was sizzling, but clean, and for me (a clean romance lover), that kept me flipping the pages. The characters were well written and the mystery kept me guessing. I loved the setting--I love the ocean and would love to have a house in a place like this one (small town Oregon)!"
Katie Watkins, Reviewer, Katie's Clean Book Collection

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Forever and Forever: The Courtship of Henry Longfellow and Fanny Appleton

The first book in a new series which will focus on the lives of real historical figures who have intriguing stories of courtship that are recreated in fictionalized accounts based on real biographical and social history research.

"A well-researched, emotionally charged tale. A love for the ages." -Publishers Weekly.

It's 1836, and nineteen-year-old Fanny Appleton, a privileged daughter of a wealthy, upper-class Boston industrialist, is touring Europe with her family. Like many girls of her day, she enjoys the fine clothes, food, and company of the elite social circles. But unlike her peers, Fanny is also drawn to education, literature, and more intellectual pursuits.

Published author and poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is also touring Europe, but under much different circumstances. Widowed while on tour, he has stayed in order to gather credentials that he hopes will secure his professorship at Harvard College. When Henry meets Fanny, he sees in her a kindred spirit, a lover of language and literature and high ideals. He is in love. Fanny, however, is uncertain. He is ten years older than she is, and from a much lower social class. How could such a relationship ever thrive?

Could a book of Henry’s poetry, personally delivered, persuade Fanny to believe in a love that lasts forever and forever?

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

I love when I pick up a historical fiction book and I can just feel how much research the author did in preparation for writing.  This story felt so real and true to the time period and people it portrayed.

One of my favorite things about historical fiction is getting to know more about people and events from history in a way that isn't so cut and dry as a historical account.  The author is allowed to take some liberties resulting in a more emotional connection.  

This story is gentle and covers quite an expanse of time.  It flows slowly but richly.  The characters are full of intelligence and passion.  Henry has such a devoted and loyal heart.  His passions run deep and true.  I really loved how he came to life for me.  He wrote such beautiful poems.

If you love historical fiction, you should really check this one out.  It won't make your heart race or your stomach clench, but it will bring real emotion in the most gentle of ways.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Goodbye Bride (Summer Harbor #2) by Denise Hunter

She only remembers loving him. But he can’t forget the way she left.

Following a concussion, Lucy Lovett can’t remember the last seven months of her life. She doesn’t remember leaving her fiancĂ© Zac Callahan weeks before their wedding or moving to Portland, Maine. And she sure doesn’t remember getting engaged to another man. All she remembers is loving Zac more than life itself.

It’s taken Zac months to move on after Lucy left him with no explanation. He’s thrown himself into his family’s farm and his restaurant business in Summer Harbor. Now Lucy’s back, vulnerable, homeless, and still in love with him. She needs his help putting the pieces together, but letting her back into his life is a risk—and the stakes are high. If he follows his heart he’ll win back the love of his life. But if her memory returns he’ll lose her all over again.

Oh, sigh.  I loved this book.  I wasn't too surprised at this given I love to read Denise Hunter's books.  This book just settled into my heart so nicely.  <sigh>

The whole set up for this book was so good.  The beginning drew me right in- immediately.  My heart was just hurting for both Lucy and Zac.  It was the perfect set up for a romantic journey.  The ending was perfect.  Love.

It was nice to see characters from the first book in this series and now I cannot wait for the next book.  I sense some good stuff coming!

Oh!  I also love the cover for this book.  Perfect!

Content:  Clean, Christian Fiction

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lady Helen Finds Her Song by Jennifer Moore + $25 and Book Giveaway

Spring 1813
The exotic splendors of India are legendary, and the colorful sights of her new home in Calcutta immediately captivate eighteen-year-old Lady Helen Poulter. Whereas many of her fellow British expatriates despise the culture they see as barbaric, Helen sees excitement in the unusual locale. It is in this vibrant, bustling city that she finds a kindred soul in Captain Michael Rhodes, an Englishman whose lifelong love of India runs deep. Their friendship quickly grows, yet despite their undeniable connection, she could never think of Captain Rhodes as more than a dear friend.

Her love, in truth, has been captured by dashing British Lieutenant Arthur Bancroft. This handsome soldier represents the embodiment of all she's dreamed of in a husband. Preoccupied by her growing affections, Helen never dreams that beneath the glamour of the city, hostilities are reaching a boiling point. When battle ultimately threatens both of the men in her life, she must make a choice: pursue the man who symbolizes her British past, or let herself love a man who promises an unknown future in the land she loves. But amid the casualties of war, will her declaration of love come too late?

I'm so happy to be a part of this tour.  Jennifer Moore is a favorite of mine and I just gobble her books right up.

This book is a regency, but set in India so you get a completely different feel than most typical regency novels.  I loved seeing India through Helen's eyes.  She was so excited for a new adventure and took in every sound, smell and sight with new eyes willing to know and understand this rich new culture.  It was not the typical English response which put Lady Helen a bit on the outs of her social circle.

Lady Helen is a character that is so easy to like.  I loved her gentle and kind nature.  She was adventurous and courageous.  Lady Helen and Captain Michael were the perfect match.  Their growing friendship and love was just perfect.

I loved how this book gently enveloped me.  It was easy to settle in with and it left me feeling happy and content.  So, so good.

Content:  clean

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

First Light (Forever After Series) by Michele Paige Holmes + win a copy of this book!

Seventeen-year-old Adrielle doesn’t believe in magic; she merely possesses it, though no one has ever mentioned that her unusual gifts—exceptional speed, a flair for fire, and an intimate knowledge of flora—aren’t things she was born with. When Adrielle starts a fire that burns down the family home, she must deal with both her grief and her siblings’ hurtful rejection.

While journeying to far away Tallinyne, in search of her older, estranged sister—the only relative who might take her in—Adrielle is separated from her escort when the carriage is beset by thieves. Alone, she is thrust into a dangerous and unfamiliar world where she encounters fairies and gypsies, a wild boar, a drunk cook, and an evil queen whose curse is sweeping death across the land. Adrielle also finds love, falling hard for a kind, funny, handsome—and completely unavailable prince.

From the glowing pearls tucked beneath her mattress and keeping her awake at night, to Queen Nadamaris’s curse that seems to thwart Adrielle’s every effort, Adrielle struggles to navigate a world of magic she never imagined, where people she knows and loves are not always what they appear to be. With the glowing pearls—and her fondest desire—within her grasp, she is forced to make a choice no girl should ever have to—satisfying her own heart or saving the kingdom.

Here is where I admit, yet again, that I don't always read the blurbs for books.  Or, I just skim them a bit for a general feel and I don't really, really commit it to memory.  So, yes, I didn't read the blurb and was so surprised at the course this book took.  Ha.  I know.  I really should read the blurbs.  But, sometimes it's fun to be surprised by an author you know and love.  This book isn't like the other books that I've read by Michele Holmes but I've loved her books so far and I knew I wanted to read this one.  Simple as that.

The words that keeps coming to mind for this book is "mish mash".  There were so many connections to fairy tales and moments of familiarity but they were just that- moments, because it all felt very new and fresh and nothing like the old fairy tales.  I wasn't expecting that.  I just thought this was a book with some magic in it.

I loved Adrielle and I loved the handsome prince.  (oh, I feel a love paragraph coming on. . .)  I also loved how all the characters were woven together as part of that mish mash.  It gave the book a fun edge.  I loved the fairies.  The twist at the end was clever and I loved that too.

It took me a few chapters to really get into this book but once I was there, I couldn't read fast enough.  I had to purposefully slow myself down because I was trying to race through it get to the end.  Yeah, I was invested.  So good!

This is a book I'll pass off to my teenagers.  It was clean and full of magical, fairy tale fun.  The ending will feel perfect.  I can't wait to read the next book in this series!

Content:  Mild romance, some kissing.  Some violence. 

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* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Dark Memories by Linda Hope Lee + $50 and Book Giveaway!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Dark Memories
Dark Memories
by Linda Hope Lee
Adult Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 210 Pages
March 25th 2016 by The Wild Rose Press, Inc

Held responsible for a student's tragic death, teacher Deborah Kent was fired from an exclusive girls' school in Fairfield, Vermont and left town in disgrace. Now, she’s back in Fairfield with the intention of operating a bed and breakfast from her guardian's Victorian home. When threatening notes indicate someone isn’t happy with her return, Deborah suspects her student’s death was no accident. The man she turns to is the one least likely to help.

Horse breeder Milo Jordan has long harbored anger toward the woman he blames for his younger sister's death. Too many questions have gone unanswered, but now Deborah appears to hold the key to the truth. Can he put aside his anger, and his growing attraction, and work with her to solve the puzzle of the deadly event?

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If you love books with a bit of mystery and suspense, you just might enjoy this book.  Deborah is a haunted lady.  She lives with the painful memory of finding one of her students dead while on a fieldtrip.  Of course she feels responsible and there is always a nagging memory just out of reach.  When Deborah moves back home, she meets the brother of the deceased girl and it doesn't go well.  To top it off, someone is out to scare her away.  When she doesn't leave, the menacing notes she has been receiving escalate to actual attacks and attempts on her life.

The author definitely tries to give you a sense that everyone is guilty so you don't know who it really is but suspect eveyone.  There are a lot of people to suspect with possible motives.

This book was clean and I really appreciate that.  3/5 stars

Linda Hope Lee

Linda Hope Lee writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and mysteries. She enjoys traveling especially to small towns in search of story ideas. She's also an artist, specializing in watercolor, pen and ink, and colored pencil. Photography provides inspiration for both her writing and her art. She lives in the Pacific Northwest, where many of her stories are set.

Other Books by the Author

Eva's DeadlineHer Summer Crush (Return to Willow Beach)Treasures of the Heart
Finding Sara (The Red Rock, Colorado, #1)Loving Rose (The Red Rock, Colorado, # 2)

Tour Schedule

April 4th: Launch
April 5th: Bookworm Nation
April 7th: Bookworm Lisa
April 10th: EskieMama Reads
April 11th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

$50 Amazon eGift Card
3 copies of Dark Memories (print if US, ebook if international)
Open internationally
Ends April 16th

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