
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Like Never Before (Walker Family #2) by Melissa Tagg

Maple Valley became Amelia Bentley's haven after her heart and her dreams of a family were shattered. But her new life as a newspaper editor is shaken when the small-town paper is in danger of closing. Her one hope: A lead on an intriguing story that just might impress the new publisher...if only she new who he was.

After his biggest campaign success yet, widowed speechwriter Logan Walker now has the chance of a lifetime--a spot on a presidential campaign. But his plans are interrupted when he finds out he's inherited his hometown newspaper. He travels home intent on selling the paper and spending some much-needed time with his young daughter before making the leap into national politics.

But instead of a quick sale and peaceful break from his hectic career, Logan finds himself helping Amelia chase her story. She's scrappy, but wounded. He's dependable, but lost. They may butt heads more than expected, but a series of leads on Maple Valley's quirky unsolved mystery is just the start of the sparks that fly in the office and in their hearts.

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I must confess that I love Melissa Tagg and her books.  I've been waiting for this book since I finished the last one in this Walker Family series.  There is just something about Melissa's writing that connects with me.  It's easy to settle in with and I enjoy every minute of reading.

Amelia is a fun character.  She is scrappy and she is hopeful.  Even though she has been hurt- deeply- she still has a soft and kind heart.  The hope is always there in her.  I loved that.

Logan was the perfect brooding male leading.  He is struggling but as soon as he arrives home, he starts to remember who he is and what he really wants.  Amelia and Logan are the perfect blend for this sweet romance.  It was awesome to be back in Maple Valley again with so many characters that I have come to know and love.  They were all there making an appearance at some point or another.  It felt like coming home.

So, much love from me for this book.  Gentle, easy, flowing and feeling good.  That's how I feel about Like Never Before.  I cannot wait for the next book!  There are a few stories in this family that need to be told!

Content:  Clean, Christian Fiction

This title releases on April 5th!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Love is Come (Power of the Matchmaker) by Heather B. Moore

“I have to remind myself to breathe—almost to remind my heart to beat.” —Wuthering Heights

From the Power of the Matchmaker series:

Nelle Thompson lives a life of privilege during the turn of the century New York City. When her parents are killed in a terrible accident, she’s forced to live with her aunt’s family in a small town in Connecticut, and treated as a poor relation with no financial independence. Broken hearted and riddled with insomnia, Nelle’s health begins a downward spiral. When a locked part of her heart blossoms around her cousin’s fiancĂ© Mathew Janson, Nelle doesn’t know if she can endure one more heartbreak. Miss Pearl, owner of the local apothecary shop, becomes a mother figure to Nelle, but a fateful summer day has Nelle questioning everything she's ever believed and wondering if she’ll ever love again.

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

I simply love this Power of the Matchmaker series.  Every month I get a new novel, by a different author, with one minor character as a common thread.  It's so fun.  Each novel can stand on it's own and is not dependent on the others.  The only thing you may want to read is the prequel novel, Power of the Matchmaker because it gives you the background on Pearl who is the common thread to all these novels.

I loved this book, Love is Come.  It was so gentle and it brought all kinds of feelings to my heart.  I just finished a book before this that was more aggressive and violent and so in contrast, this book felt so good.  I settled in right away and enjoyed the whole journey to love with Nelle.

Nelle is so sweet and kind.  I was drawn to her and I always wanted good things for her.  Even when her own heart is hurting, Nelle is kind.  That is a trait I find so admirable in people and something I wish to have more of myself.

This is a feel good book.  I could see it being a Hallmark movie!  I really enjoyed my time spent in the world of Nelle.

Content:  Clean 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Giveaway Hop! Win a Book of Your Choice!

Hello and welcome!  

Giveaway hops are so much fun and I'm happy to be a part of this one.  I am giving away a book of your choice, $12 or less, from Amazon if you are US and the Book Depository if you are INT (and they ship to you free).  This giveaway is for a book, not money or anything else.  Thanks so much for stopping by!  Make sure to visit all the other sites and enter there too.  Happy Hopping!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Feisty One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

Can he hide his heart or will the reporter take everything? 

Maryn Howe isn’t intimidated by billionaire recluse, Tucker Shaffer, or his enormous log cabin in Island Park, Idaho. Maryn needs this interview and she’ll get it at any cost, even if the last four reporters were physically removed from his presence. 

Tucker Shaffer has no desire to change his less than flattering public image; but his PR people persuade him to give it one more try. Ready to make nice with whoever comes through the door, Tucker is blindsided by a petite blond with an extra-large personality. As the snow piles up and the questions keep coming, Maryn discovers the secret Tucker Shaffer has spent the last four years torturing himself with. She suddenly sees him in a new light and she flees—right into danger and into Tucker’s arms. 

But the danger has just begun and now Maryn has to make a choice—trust in Tucker or lose it all.

I'm really loving the books in this series.  This is the third one that I've read and it was so fun.  I love Cami Checketts so it was no surprise that I loved this book.  She has a gift for writing easy flowing dialogue and romance that grows naturally.

Maryn is spunky and lively.  She feels like a fun person to be around.  Tucker is a tortured soul, desperate to find acceptance and relief from the burden of guilt he carries.  It's an interesting combination of personalities.  This book had such a Beauty and Beast kind of feel to it.  I love Beauty and the Beast!  Even the housekeeper will remind you of Mrs. Potts.

This is a clean romance.  It left me with warm fuzzies in my heart and a smile on my face.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Banished (Forbidden #2) by Kimberley Griffiths Little

She thought she’d lost everything…

After spending months traveling the harsh, unforgiving Mesopotamian desert, Jayden reunites with a broken, injured Kadesh. Although everyone was convinced the violent and unpredictable Horeb, Jayden’s betrothed, killed the handsome prince, Jayden knew in her heart that her love was alive and safe. But their reunion is short-lived, as they learn Horeb is on their trail and determined to take back the girl he has claimed. Soon, the two star-crossed lovers are on the run toward Sariba, Kadesh’s homeland, where, as heir to the kingdom, he plans to make Jayden his princess.

But the trek to Sariba comes with heartache and danger. After narrowly escaping being stoned to death for a crime she didn’t commit, and learning that her sister has disappeared, Jayden’s only solace is her love for Kadesh. But even he is keeping secrets from her…secrets that will change everything.

This gorgeous and enchanting sequel to Forbidden is fraught with love, danger, and heated passion that will leave readers breathless.

Oh, man.  I get so worked up and tense when I read these books.  My whole body is just on edge and I have to force myself to relax but then one minute later I'm all worked up again.  That's because this book is full on, all the time.  It is so fast paced and there is always something happening.  I cannot help but be fully caught up in this story.  It's so intense!

The desert setting is so harsh and deadly.  I can feel the sand everywhere and the sun beating down on me.  I was so thirsty while reading this book!

I swear Jayden has a death wish- but she is like a cat with eternal lives.  Jayden is fierce and loyal.  She is a protector by nature and I love how she is always trying to right the wrongs of her world.  But Jayden would be no kind of fantastic character if she didn't have those moments of gentleness and weakness to help me connect to her.  I am always rooting for Jayden's success.  And yay!  She found Kadesh!  A bit broken but alive and with Jayden's love and trust in him, he steps up to be the man he needs to be- for Jayden and for his people.

I'm telling you- this book is crazy, full on.  I was so compelled to keep reading- it was nuts.  I finished this book just like I finished the first book in the series- desperate.  Ugh.  Cliffhangers just kill me.  I wish I had the next book right now.

Content:  violence (some fairly graphic), talk of prostitution without details, passionate kissing.  (I read this book the minute I got it and didn't take any notes because I was a bit obsessed.  And it was a month ago so forgive me if I've forgotten something in content to report!)

Monday, March 21, 2016

Valentine Bride (Holiday Brides #1) by Shanna Hatfield

Two unlikely matchmakers set the stage for love… 

Fynlee Dale returns to Holiday to take care of her wacky grandmother. Although it means giving up her dreams of a career and husband, she needs to be there for Grams.

Carson Ford vows to take care of his elderly aunt after buying her ranch. Comfortable with all aspects of his life, his world turns upside down when he meets a woman who's impossible to forget.

They find themselves in the midst of a plot by two scheming old women determined to make them fall in love.

Valentine Bride is a funny, sweet romance novella given a liberal dose of humor through a cast of colorful characters intertwined around a heartwarming love story.

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

I just love a sweet romance with a bit of humor and fun.  In this book, Fynlee's grandmother takes center stage in her attempts at matchmaking.  Not only is Grams matchmaking, she is full of crazy antics.  Sweet Fynlee is going to need a pretty special man to put up with all of Grams shenanigans.  

Enter Carson- the man, the saint of patience.  He is the lucky guy Grams has chosen.  Lucky for Carson, he really likes Fynlee so going along with the attempts at matchmaking isn't a problem for him!  The real problem comes in the form of an ex girlfriend!  Oooh boy, it's trouble right there.

This book was a fun, romantic escape.  It's a quick read- just over a hundred pages.  I really enjoyed the colorful characters and the sweet romance.

Content:  Clean!  

Friday, March 18, 2016

Love at First Note by Jenny Proctor + $25 and Book Giveaway

Emma Hill was practically born with a violin in her hands. She lives for the life of the piece, for each song's story, for the perfect stillness after the end notes when the vibrations of sound are still humming through her body.

If only her love life were that harmonic. But she knew her chances at love would take a hit when she decided to leave her prestigious concertmaster position in the Cleveland Orchestra and move back home to Asheville, North Carolina. She justifies her actions with the fact that being concertmaster for the Asheville Symphony is better than no dates and no job.

But when Emma's world collides with piano-playing YouTube sensation Elliott Hart, she finds herself falling for the way he plucks at her heartstrings. Despite a, ahem, not-so-good first impression, the two soon develop the beginnings of a rhythmic relationship. But when Elliott insists they can't be together, it's up to Emma to strike up a little romance. Will she be able to bring their two worlds into harmony, or will she only manage to get herself in trouble?

Love.  Love, love, love, love, love.

So, so good.

Perfectly real, human characters who live, love, make mistakes and learn.  I loved the full on incorporation of music.  It was in every page and every feeling.  It made me want to go immerse myself in classical music.  I wish I could have heard the music described playing while I read.  That would have been perfect.  Maybe Jenny Proctor has a playlist somewhere for this book?  I need to check.  (yeah, just sent her an email...)  Okay, here is the link to the playlist for this book.  FIND IT HERE.  (Thanks, Jenny Proctor!)  Now you can listen to the music when you read the book.  I may just have to go back and read it again while listening.  It's a book worth perusing again.

Emma and Elliott were great characters.  There was a fantastic support of secondary characters for Emma in family and friends as well.  It all helped me, as a reader have a very clear picture of who Emma was and I loved seeing everything from her perspective.  Especially Elliott.  So romantic.  The tension is fantastic.

This is an LDS fiction book, but the references to religion are minimal.  (no drinking, no sex before marriage, a few scenes at church)  Clean and so much fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, March 17, 2016

By the Stars by Lindsay B. Ferguson


When Cal finally gets a chance with Kate, the girl he's loved since grade school, their easy friendship quickly blossoms into a meaningful romance. Spirited and independent, Kate keeps a guarded heart due to a painful past, and Cal wants nothing more than to gain her trust. But World War II soon cuts their time far too short, and Cal prepares to part from her – possibly for good. After he's gone, what Kate does next changes everything.

In the suffocating jungles of the Philippines Cal encounters the chilling life of a soldier and deadly battles of war. With Kate's memory willing him on, Cal must put his trust in God to survive if he hopes to ever return to her. Inspired by a true story, By the Stars is a romance that stands the test of time and the most intense obstacles.

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

Historical Fiction is one of my favorite genre's.  I love traveling back in time to places and events that helped shape our world.  This is a simple story of an ordinary man who accomplishes extraordinary things just because of his goodness.  This book is inspired by a true story and I loved reading the afterword by the author.  

We take a journey back through Cal's life starting with events from his eighth grade year in school.  Cal is a small town farm boy who works hard alongside his family.  He is quiet and a bit shy but he is also kind.  I would call him a gentle soul.  It was so easy to fall into the book and get swept away into Cal's life.  He lived through so many horrific things with WWII and yet still kept intact his gentle kindness.

This has, at it's heart, a love story that spans decades.  It was a great story and one I'm glad I read.

Content:  Some war violence, at times descriptive.  LDS fiction (some religious content and references to things specific to the LDS religion)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Solstice by Jane Redd + Win This Book!

Four ways to get Banished from the last surviving city on earth are: 1. Cut out your emotion tracker, 2. Join a religious cult, 3. Create a rebellion against the Legislature, 4. Fall in love.

Jezebel James does all four.

Jez is on the fast-track to becoming a brilliant scientist, with one goal—to save her city from total extinction. Her caretakers have entrusted her with a secret plan to stop the rain from flooding the rest of the earth and start civilization anew. But the more Jez learns about the price of a fresh beginning, the more she realizes that carrying out the plan will lead to few survivors, and among the dead will be those she cares about the most.

I was so excited to finally read this book.  I nominated it on the Kindle Scout program and I'm so happy it got published.  This is an author I love, venturing into a new genre- dystopian.  How fun, right?

I've been hankering for a good, new dystopian book to read and Solstice fit the bill perfectly.  I was drawn into Jez's world where the waters are rising and the earth is dying.  I was absolutely longing to see the sun while I read this book.  

In this world, the government represses the people by suppressing their emotions.  The less they feel, the less they will fight back against what they are doing because the people simply cease to care about anything.  Jez is brilliant and she feels things.  She tries so hard to hide it because she knows if she doesn't, her life will be in jeopardy.  

This book has some fun twists and turns that I didn't see coming.  Of course, I didn't love the cliff hanger ending but I will be coming back to read the next book.  I hope I don't have to wait too long!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 14, 2016

Painting Rain by Annette K. Larsen + $50 Giveaway

Painting Rain 

 How do you heal your heart after tragedy leaves you broken? When the person you loved didn’t deserve it and they can’t earn your forgiveness because they’re already dead? How do you move on, and heal, and love? If you’re Princess Lorraina, you paint. A year ago Lorraina watched Tobias die, and she still doesn't know how she's supposed to heal—or forgive. How can she when she’s still running away? In an attempt to reinvent herself, she steps outside her comfortable life as princess and seeks the tutelage of a master painter—a man who is not at all impressed by her pedigree, and demands not just talent, but emotional honesty. Struggling to learn what’s being taught, she finds herself drawn to someone who not only knows her secrets, but who she once considered far below her notice. Now she is compelled to seek him out despite knowing their relationship would be forbidden if discovered. Staying away from him doesn’t seem possible when discovering him may be the key to healing her heart and rediscovering herself.

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I love reading books by Annette Larsen.  She has such a wonderful way of writing that draws me in from the beginning.  Her characters have personality, depth and growth and this book was no exception.

We have seen glimpses of Lorraina in previous books where her sisters had the spotlight.  She plays a minor role but you see the beginnings of a character shift for her.  I'm so glad we finally got to Raina's story so I could really know and understand her.

Raina has fantastic growth in this book.  As a reader, I just couldn't help but be so proud of her.  She knows that in the past she has made mistakes.  She is constantly trying to change and become better- to be open to new feelings and ideas.  How can you help but love her for that?  Raina is just endearing.

Princess Lorraina is an artist- a painter.  I know absolutely nothing about painting and I have zero talent for anything in that artistic realm so the romp into the world of a painter was fun for me.  I enjoyed the setting and the magical world painting created for me.

I loved this book.  It was so sweet and beautiful.  I was sad to see it end.

Content:  Clean.  A few instances of kissing.  
“Now.” Master Sterrino stepped toward me, grabbing my arm and pulling me forward until I stood in front of the canvas. He jabbed a finger at the blank expanse. “This is your one chance. This is it. So I suggest you take it! If you are so convinced that I should spend my time teaching you instead of a worthier candidate, then prove it!” My chest rose and fell as I battled my emotions. I fought for poise, for dignity. I fought for the righteous indignation I had felt only moments before. But his words screamed through my head, over and over until all I could hear were the words Tobias had spoken to me. What’s pathetic is that you have one chance. And this is it. I—am it. I’m your one chance to choose, and you won’t take it! It had been a long time since I’d felt this kind of burning anger, and I hated it. I hated that Sterrino had found a way to fling me back into the muck that I’d been in throughout my youth, that he could make me feel isolated and unwanted. What did he want? For me to paint something angry and disgusting? To tear open my healing heart and smear my own blood all over the canvas? I had put up with Dante’s provocations—his odd mood swings—all in the hopes of having a chance to work with this man, to show him what I could do. Now as he stood there, mocking, I couldn’t make myself move. “That’s what I thought,” he said with grating satisfaction. “Brilliance comes from experiencing life, from true love and true loss. I didn’t expect a privileged member of the royal family to be acquainted with either.” He raised one eyebrow as a final challenge. True loss? He wanted to know what my loss looked like? “Fine.” I stalked over to the paints. “You want me to paint something you’ll understand?” I ignored the brushes and thrust my hand directly into the bowl of deep black, scooping out a handful and slapping it onto the canvas in globs. I grabbed a rag and smeared the paint until it spread in uneven, clumsy strokes across most of the canvas. But I couldn’t leave the black uncontaminated, so I grabbed two more rags, dipping one into the gray and the other into brown, smearing them on top of the black, mixing everything into a muddy mess. If pain and angst was all he wanted to see, then I could certainly give him that. I had spent so much of my life pushing people away—afraid that any close attachments would make me weak, that having fun with my sisters would make me less worthy of my title. I knew what isolation, anger and fear would look like. I threw the rags aside and curled my hands into claws, then dragged my fingernails over the canvas, slashing through the paint, criss-crossing in jagged, broken stripes. I scrubbed my hands on my skirts, forgetting that I had abandoned my apron, and moved on to the bowl of red. The final touch would speak of blood because that had been the ending of my tragic story. The story that I would just as soon have left behind but which Sterrino seemed determined to drag out of me. I grabbed a jar of linseed oil and dumped some into the red, mixing it until it was thin and fluid; then, cupping my hands in the bowl, I filled them with crimson liquid before flinging it at the canvas. It splashed across the surface, dripping down in rivulets. I shook my hands forward, splattering the edges with the excess paint from my hands, then took two steps back, my breathing labored as I took it in. What I had created was angry, torn, and ugly. Exactly what I had wanted. Exactly what I thought Master Sterrino deserved. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to tamp down the burning in my chest caused by the blatant reminder of the pain I used to cling to so desperately. I tore my gaze away, refusing to claim it as my own and spun to face Master Sterrino. He was staring at me, his eyes intent but unemotional. I flung one paint-caked hand toward my work. “There you have it,” I declared. “Enjoy.” I sank into a mocking curtsey, but as I did, it reminded me too much of the way I used to treat people, of the way that Tobias used to taunt and humiliate, and I hated myself for stooping to such depths. I turned without meeting his eyes and stalked out of the studio.

Blog Tour Sale!! Grab a copy of Just Ella for 99 cents!

  Annette LarsenAuthor Annette K. Larsen I was born in Utah, but grew up in Flagstaff, Arizona and St. Louis, Missouri, the fifth of seven children. I attended Southern Virginia University and Brigham Young University, where I studied English and Theater. I now live in Idaho with my husband and four children. I have Charlotte BrontĂ« to thank for the courage to write novels. After being bombarded with assigned reading about women who justified abandoning either their families or their principles in the name of love, I had the great fortune of reading Jane Eyre. And that was it: finally, a heroine who understood that being moral and making the right choice was hard, and sometimes it hurt, but it was still worth it. After rereading it several years later, I realized that if I wanted more books to exist with the kinds of heroines I admired, then I might as well write a few myself. My books are about women who face hard choices, who face pain and rejection and often have to face the reality of sacrificing what they want for what is right. The consequences are often difficult or unpleasant, but in the end, doing what’s right will always be worth it. I believe there is no substitute for good writing or good chocolate. Fortunately, one often leads to the other.

  Blog Tour Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Code or Paypal Cash Ends 3/31/16 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Moses Chronicles Volume 2: Deliverance by H.B. Moore + $25 and Book Giveaway

Experience the life of Moses as never before, following his journey from fugitive of Egypt to prophet of God. In this exhilarating follow-up to H.B. Moore’s biblical drama The Moses Chronicles: Bondage, the account of Moses’s flight from Egypt continues. Moses’s life as he knew it is over. He has chosen to stand for his beliefs at the cost of being cast out of his royal home and family. He is free of the wickedness of Egypt, but peace is not to be found, for Moses is as much an aimless wanderer as those in the nomadic tribe he encounters in the wilderness. Exhausted by long weeks of travel, he nevertheless jumps to action when he observes a group of young women accosted by a band of Bedrayan men at a communal well. These lovely daughters of Jethro are grateful for his help, and their Midianite tribe welcomes Moses with open arms. As he learns the ways of the Midianites, his kinship with Jethro grows—as does his admiration of one of Jethro’s daughters, Zipporah. But when Moses suddenly receives a burning call to free the very people he has long oppressed, will he have the courage to return to the land from which he has been exiled?

I have been looking forward to this book since I finished the first book in this series.  The world that Heather Moore creates in these books are clear and rich and full of culture.  I can so easily picture the places, characters and events in this book.  I can feel the sun on my face and the dirt in my water.  My mind is playing it all like a movie.  I love that.

This book brings the story of Moses to life.  So often in biblical stories, the people become lessons I learn from and I forget that there was a real human side to them.  They were real people with real, every day struggles.  They lived and loved.  They laughed and cried.  Books like this help me to remember and imagine those very human qualities.  I know the author took many liberties in writing this book but the base of all the major events come right out of the bible.

This second book was different from the first in that the internal struggle for Moses was less.  He is less conflicted and he isn't fighting against his conscience. This book begins with Moses wandering in the desert after fleeing his home in Egypt.  He meets different people and eventually falls in love.  He works and builds a new life with the Midianite people.  This was more of a love story.  It was also the important part where Moses grows up and learns more about his God.  It lays a firm foundation for what is to come.

The next book though?  It's going to be intense!  I know what's coming and I can't wait to see how Heather Moore brings it to life for me.   

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Fear of Falling (Shores of Indian Lake #5) by Catherine Lanigan + $100 Giveaway!

Fear of Falling
by Catherine Lanigan
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages
March 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Her best bet is to stay away

Was Olivia hearing this right? The one man in Indian Lake she'd found truly intriguing since, well, forever—the hopelessly handsome heir to the region's most successful farming operation, Rafe Barzonni—was involved in horse racing? That made him, and her sudden attraction, downright dangerous. He wasn't just out of her league. He was a gambler. Like her father. With the shame of her father's racetrack betting addiction still haunting her, Olivia can't be part of that world. Rafe's world. She can't trust him, or his magnetism. But there's something deep in his incredible blue eyes that keeps drawing her closer…

I'm happy to be a part of the tour for Fear of Falling.  The Harlequin Heartwarming line is one of my favorites because I know exactly what I'm going to get when I pick one up- a sweet, clean romance.  I love that.

This is the second book in this series, by this author that I have read.  In this book we meet Olivia and Rafe.  Olivia's thing is photography and I love how that was incorporated into the book.  Rafe is all about horses and not just horses, but racing horses and that is something that scares Olivia.  Olivia and Rafe have their share of misunderstandings- back and forth throughout the book.  It certainly takes them quite awhile to get on the same page about everything but things eventually start coming together.

I loved the general feeling of community and family in this book.  It felt comfortable and it helped me have an idea of who Rafe and Olivia really are.  Their family and friends are part of them.  I kind of wish I had read all the other previous books because I could see that Olivia and Rafe's friends all had a love story that I didn't know about.  It didn't stop me from enjoying the book and I never felt lost, I just wished I had known them better.

This is another perfectly sweet and clean romance from Catherine Lanigan and Harlequin Heartwarming.  It was a good, romantic escape.

The Other Books in the Series


Catherine Lanigan is the bestselling author of over thirty published titles in both fiction and non-fiction, including the novelizations of Romancing the Stone and The Jewel of the Nile, as well as over half a dozen anthologies, including “Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living your Dream”, “Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul”, “Chocolate for a Woman’s Heart”, Chocolate for a Woman’s Spirit”. Ms. Lanigan’s novels have been translated into over a dozen languages including German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese. Ms. Lanigan’s novels are also available on audio-cassette, CD and on electronic format. A prolific writer, she is always writing wonderful stories. She has several titles only available in ebook format on Several of her titles have been chosen for The Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Clubs. Her novel, The Christmas Star, won the Gold Medal Award Top Pick from Romantic Times Magazine for December, 2002, and has also won Book of the Year Romance Gold Award from ForeWord Magazine as well as Book of the Year Romance from Reader’s Preference. In March, 2006 Divine Nudges: Tales of Angelic Intervention and the second in Lanigan’s Angel Watch series of books, was published by HCI, the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher.

Tour Schedule

March 7th: Launch
March 9th: Becky on Books
March 10th: Getting Your Read On
March 14th: Reading Addict & Colorimetry
March 15th: Mel's Shelves
March 18th: Thoughts of a Blonde
March 20th: Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

$100 Amazon eGift Card
Open internationally
Ends March 25th

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On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Grab Our Button!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Legally Wedded (Legally in Love #3) by Jennifer Griffith

Morgan Clark is desperate. With just her senior year to go at Clarendon College, and her scholarship up in smoke, she suddenly finds she can’t qualify for financial aid. And until Morgan finishes and can work full time, her sister can’t even start school.

Josh Hyatt is desperate. Without his degree from Clarendon he won’t be able to join his girlfriend in their dream career which she’s already begun, and he can’t qualify for government grants thanks to his estranged father’s interference.

Morgan, meet Josh. Josh, meet Morgan. Are they desperate enough to get legally wedded?

Legally Wedded is the third book in bestselling rom-com author Jennifer Griffith's Legally in Love series, following Attractive Nuisance and Asked & Answered.

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This is the third book in the Legally Wedded series and seriously, my favorite so far.  This book had me smiling and swooning.  It was the perfect romantic escape.

I love that the author states in the back of the book that she isn't trying to change the world with her book.  It's not meant to do anything other than create an escape for the reader and provide a bit of fluff entertainment.  Well, she sure nails it.  I really loved this one.

The attraction is always there between Josh and Morgan.  Always.  It's sparking and crackling and sometimes igniting.  The kissing scenes were the best- I got all gooey inside.  :)  I was so glad I got them throughout the book instead of having to wait until the end!

Josh and Morgan get to know each other in a very unconventional and perhaps a bit backwards way.  But they do get to know each other and more than that, they come to genuinely like each other.  There are some bumps in the road- of course there are.  Most of them they face together, until the end.  That is a bigger bump and it has to be faced separately.  <sigh>

Loved this one!  I want to read it again.  Right now.

Content:  Clean with some swoony kissing

Monday, March 7, 2016

If We Were a Movie (Power of the Matchmaker) by Kelly Oram + Book Giveaway

if we were a movie 
If We Were a Movie by Kelly Oram (Power of the Matchmaker #3)
Music meets Movies in this sweet college romance from the bestselling author of Cinder & Ella. NYU freshman Nate Anderson is a triplet who is desperate to escape his wild and crazy brothers. After they screw things up for him one too many times, Nate flees his housing situation and takes the first available room for rent as far from his brothers as he can get. Enter his new roommate Jordan--a quirky LA girl who believes that everything in life has already been done in the movies. In this heartfelt tale of love, friendship and family, Nate learns how to deal with his new adult life using Hollywood films as a guide.
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What readers just like you are saying about If We Were a Movie:
"WOW! This book is great! The concept is so inventive, and the writing is brilliant."
"I thought Cinder & Ella jerked with my emotions too much but this one might have it beat."
"I finished reading If We Were a Movie yesterday. I loved it! I fell hard for Nate. Jordan was amazing! And Pearl's timing was perfect! "
"Amazing concept with movies as chapters, and fantastic storyline." "I loved this story and was humming along to the songs from the book whilst reading. I can see this book becoming the movie it was written to be." "If We Were a Movie made me want to binge watch movies, listen to old playlists and re-read it all at once."

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I love this Power of the Matchmaker series.  It's got some fluidity with Pearl as the common character, bringing couples together, but each book is really it's own entity.  Different authors have different writing styles and every book feels new and fresh.  You can read these books in any order and it doesn't matter because they are not at all dependent on each other.  My only recommendation would be that you read the prequel novella first.  It is there that you meet Pearl and get to know her story.  It makes every other encounter with her more meaningful.

Kelly Oram has a very distinct voice in the writing world.  She is known for the young and edgy kind of writing.  Her book definitely stands out as having a bit of a different feel than others in this collection so far.  The one thing that kinda bugged me the most was that Pearl didn't feel like Pearl to me.  Her motives were in line with the character I got to know previously, but the very few and brief encounters with her in the book just didn't feel true to what I felt from Pearl in the prequel novella and how she felt in previous books.

Aside from that, I really loved the concept of this book.  All the movie and song references were so fun.  I loved that every chapter was a movie title and it directly related to what was happening for the characters.  

The characters are larger than life, full of energy and potential. Not just Nate and Jordan, but every secondary character as well. It was so easy to fall into this book and become invested in the characters.  I often had to slow myself down because I was speed reading.  That's what happens when I get so into a book- I start reading faster and faster because I just have to know what's going to happen next!  I had to slow myself down, take a deep breath and enjoy the ride.

Content:  Underage drinking and party situations, implied unmarried sexual relations  (nothing described in detail), kissing, some innuendo, mild swearing

TEASER: “So this is what a Pearl-approved guy looks like.” She shook her head once and cracked a smile. “She’s got good taste, I’ll give her that. You’re an odd mix of sexy and adorable. Don’t see that often.”
I was a little taken aback by the compliment, if that’s even what it was. She may have just been stating what she considered to be fact. She laughed at my surprise and held out her hand to me. “Nice to meet you. I’m Jordan Kramer.”
I’d been afraid of that. “You’re a girl.”
Jordan laughed. “That’s what it says on my birth certificate, but I’m really glad you were able to figure it out without needing to read it.”
Nope. I definitely didn’t need that.

Kelly Oram

Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen--a fan fiction about her favorite music group, The Backstreet Boys, for which her family and friends still tease her. She's obsessed with reading, talks way too much, and likes to eat frosting by the spoonful. She lives outside of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, four children, and her cat, Mr. Darcy.
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