
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

An Unexpected Wedding (Treasured Dreams #5) by Susan Hatler

Instead of being an excited bride-to-be, Holly’s frazzled beyond belief as she tries to plan her wedding. Her fiancé, Dave, says whatever she wants works for him, but she can’t get her mom and soon-to-be mother-in-law to so much as agree on a date.

The worst part is that her dad passed away four years ago, and she’s heartbroken he won’t be walking her down the aisle.

Holly begins to accept the wedding is doomed, but then an unexpected surprise reminds her why she’s getting married in the first place.

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

Oh hello, Holly.  

I loved being back with you for 24 pages.  You have the sweetest man to love you.  Dave is all that and a box of chocolates too.  Seriously?  Can he do no wrong?!  You are one lucky girl.  Every single time I step into your world, however briefly, I am reminded how love should really be and I step out with my heart filled with a little more happy.  I can't wait to see what comes next!  Until then~


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