
Thursday, December 3, 2015

True To You (Taking Chances #2) by Liwen Y. Ho

Wanted: A man with the four C’s (Chinese, Christian, Cash and Career). Ability to cure hives a definite plus.

Melanie Koo may be a physician skilled in helping others, but the one thing she can’t fix is her own love life. That’s why her mother comes up with the perfect remedy-an arranged marriage. Being the dutiful daughter that she is, she agrees to this loveless match … until a chance meeting leads her straight to the cure for her hopeless heart.

Ben Peters is everything Melanie was not looking for in a guy, but she can’t help but be drawn to his passionate and kind nature and, not to mention, those adorable dimples. For once in her life, she considers breaking parental expectations to go after what she wants. The only thing standing in her way is a five foot one traditional Chinese mother and her scheming ways.

Now Melanie has to make the biggest decision of her life. Will she stay true to her family or will she choose to believe that true love can be colorblind?

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

What a fun little romance!  I was pleasantly surprised by this book and how much I liked it.  There were so many little things that made me smile throughout.  

The characters were easy to like.  Especially Ben.  I loved his attitude toward life and how he was so easy going.  He brought out the best in Melanie and that is what love should do.

It was interesting to have the Chinese culture so embedded in this story.  I loved learning about cultural ideas and phrases.  In fact, the book refers to Chinese people who act more white as bananas.  Yellow on the outside, white on the inside.  And white people who act more Chinese as eggs.  White on the outside, yellow on the inside.  I'd actually never heard of that before.  I was sitting in a college class later that day and the instructor mentioned this very thing.  It was so weird because I had JUST read about it.  At least I could say I knew what she was talking about.  Ha!  In a way, this book reminded me of My Big, Fat Greek Wedding.  Only Chinese instead of Greek.

I really enjoyed this story and I'll be looking forward to more by this author.

Content:  Clean (there is a reference to sex outside of marriage that resulted in a pregnancy but no details)

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