
Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Mannequin by S.G. Rogers

Aubrey Whittingham lost everything when his family drowned in a ferryboat accident, including the will to live. His neighbor Rosamund tries desperately to bring him back from the brink of despair, but the beastly young duke fights her every step of the way. His feelings for her deepen, and when she departs for London, he vows to regain his health and woo her properly. Unfortunately, she disappears before he has the chance.

Rosamund is admired and praised as a mannequin for an exclusive London modiste, but her life is empty without the man to whom she gave her heart. Now, just when happiness seems within her grasp, jealous rivals conspire to ruin her dreams.

Can a beastly duke and a beautiful mannequin ever achieve a fairytale ending?

 * Goodreads * Amazon *

This book was just full of all the elements that make up a great story.  The characters were well defined and I really felt like I knew them.  The places and events were so clear in my head and I could easily imagine everything playing out like a movie in my head.  

Rosamund is a sweet and gentle young lady.  She has been treated poorly most of her life by her distant relatives whom she has lived with since her parents died.  This part of the story has a very distinct Cinderella type feel to it with an aunt who can't stand her and cousins who treat her cruelly and spitefully.  But then Rosamund has the opportunity to help a neighbor and it seems an answer to her prayers.

The next part of the story has more of a Beauty and the Beast feel to it as Rosamund tries her best to bring Aubrey back from the brink of death.  Aubrey is depressed and has lost his will to live.  Slowly but surely Rosamund coaxes Aubrey back into the land of the living despite his cruel words and temper tantrums.  Somewhere during Aubrey's transformation, Rosamund finds herself in love with him but is sure that he will never be able to love her back for she is so far beneath his station.  

I really enjoyed the growing relationship between Rosamund and Aubrey.  The transformations for them- together and separately- as they both grow stronger and fight to find their way.  The ending was fairy tale worthy and made all the struggle to get there worth it.

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