
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Joni, Underway by Kelly Oran and Jonathan Harrow

Nineteen year old Joni Monday is loving life as an adult—living on her own, dealing with grown-up things like jobs, hook-ups, and doing her own laundry. Best of all: after finishing her first year at ASU, she will never again be called a freshman.

But when her brother is suddenly killed in a car accident, Joni’s adult life is turned upside down. Struggling to cope with loss, guilt, and anger—not to mention the meddling of friends and family trying to “fix” her—Joni is relieved to be presented with an escape in the form of a sailing trip her brother had been planning for months before he died.

With her first step onto the sailing vessel Lady Marguerite, Joni plunges into an adventure that will mark the beginning of her real adult life—a journey across the ominous dark blue of the Atlantic Ocean with a small, eccentric crew, and the young Captain Reid, whose gorgeous looks are only outmatched by his talent for care and kindness. Unfolding through the ups and downs of life at sea is an unforgettable story reminding us that love will always be a work-in-progress and coming of age never gets old.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

Kelly Oram is an author who knows how to write such vivid and real characters.  Her books are always witty and full of life.  In this book, she co-authors with Jonathan Harrow, her husband.  So, something new from her this go round.

This book takes on a more serious note, I think.  The vibe isn't gloom and doom but it's definitely not as light and fun as most of Kelly's other books.  The characters are still stand out though- with quirks, histories and stories of their own to tell.  I loved this sailboat full of such diverse people, each on their own journey.

The way the whole story unfolds from Joni's perspective is good.  It made me feel like I was really on the journey right along with Joni.  I became personally invested in the characters and the story.  Captain Reid is a truly a hero.  His heart is gold.  And the ending bit?  Ugh, rip my heart out!

My only hesitation with this book is the swearing and the sexual innuendo.  That's a personal thing for me though.  There are sexual situations although nothing described in detail outside of kissing.  

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Played for a Fool by Stephanie Black + $25 and Book Giveaway!

Three years ago, the small town of Britteridge was rocked by the senseless murder of Gail Ludlum. Now the people most affected by the tragedy have returned to the place where it all began, and the scene is set for the perfect revenge . . .
Megan O’Connor’s life was shattered when she was unwittingly drawn into a kidnapping plot that ultimately led to the murder of an innocent woman. Though the road to redemption has been long, she’s finally found happiness with her recent engagement to a wonderful man, a pillar of the community. But amid the chaos of wedding planning, the return of Gail Ludlum’s son to Britteridge sets in motion a disturbing sequence of events. Soon Megan finds herself the victim of a series of cruel deceptions that indicate one thing: her past mistakes have not been forgiven or forgotten. As the mischief escalates to dangerous levels, it becomes clear that someone is determined to avenge Gail’s death. And he won’t rest until he’s taken a life for a life.

Played for a Fool is the second book with these main characters.  You should really read the first book, Fool Me Twice, before reading this book.  It will help with understanding the background and characters.  It had been awhile since I read Fool Me Twice so it took me a minute to remember and find my groove with the characters.

This is a light suspense novel and a continuation of Megan's life since the last book.  She is now engaged to married and working hard as a student to get a degree.  Bad things start happening to Megan again- hate mail, cruel tricks and deceptions.  

Many times in suspense novels, you don't know who the bad guy really is but you have a list of potential suspects.  In this novel, you know exactly who the bad guys are and you know exactly what they are doing.  You get the story from both perspectives- the perp and the victim.  It's amazing to me that even though I knew who the bud guys were, and I knew what was going to happen, I was still on the edge of my seat.  Crazy stuff, that.  I found myself reading faster and faster until I had to force myself to slow down.  ha.  

I hope poor Megan gets a break now and is able to live a healthy, happy life.  Hopefully the next book, which I look forward to reading, will have new characters in a new place.  Stephanie Black is a fun author and if you love suspense with a touch of romance, you should check her out.

This is an LDS fiction book but there is nothing religious expressed in this book.  There is a mention of where the couple hopes to be married in connection with LDS temples, but that is it.  This book is clean (no swearing or sexual situations).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, September 28, 2015

Second Chance Ranch by Liz Isaacson

A new Christian western romance from bestselling author, Elana Johnson, writing as Liz Isaacson for her contemporary adult romance debut.

After his deployment, injured and discharged Major Squire Ackerman returns to Three Rivers Ranch, anxious to prove himself capable of running the cattle operation so his parents can retire. Things would be easier if the ranch wasn’t missing 1.6 million dollars, which forces Squire to hire Kelly, the girl who rejected his high school prom invitation, as his accountant.

She’s back in town with her four-year-old son, living in her parent’s basement until she can get her life back together. With fresh ink on her divorce papers and open gashes on her heart, she’s not ready for much beyond her new job on the ranch.

Squire wants to forgive Kelly for ignoring him a decade ago. He’d like to provide the stable life she needs, but with old wounds opening and a ranch on the brink of financial collapse, it will take patience and faith to make their second chance possible.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

It's always fun when authors delve into a new genre and write something outside of what is typical for them.  Especially when they do it successfully and I think Elana Johnson (writing as Liz Isaacson) has done very well for her debut contemporary adult romance novel.

I always love a good western with horses and cowboys.  Squire is also military so that brings a few added elements into the mix.  On top of that, it's a second chance love because Kelly and Squire have known each other a long time and Squire kind of carries a torch for Kelly from high school.  There is a bit of a mystery surrounding some missing money on the ranch and Kelly has been hired to find it.  There is even a cute kid and a puppy!  What more could you ask for in a good love story?

Squire and Kelly have some great chemistry that really came through in the story.  I enjoyed their interactions and their conversations.  Even though they both fight it, that attraction could not be dismissed.

Overall and great romantic story!  I settled in and read through it quickly.  I'm looking forward to more in this genre from this author.

Content:  Clean.  No swearing or sexual content.  Christian fiction.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Jessie Belle (The Women of Merryton #1) by Jennifer Peel

Nestled in the picturesque Rocky Mountains, lies the quaint town of Merryton, Colorado. You will never find finer people or better friends. But try keeping a secret in Merryton and you will soon find that the good townspeople are better than any private investigator or undercover journalist. The men and women of Merryton are like living barometers, and when a storm is brewing in the life of one of their own, they are sure to get to the bottom of it--and forecast it on the Merryton grapevine.

Jessica and Blake Summers know a thing or two about what it’s like to be the latest and greatest news on the vine. Their thirteen year marriage has had more than its fair share of heartache and loss. Then the past comes knocking, in the form of a teenage girl, a daughter Blake never knew existed. The news sets the Merryton grapevine on fire.

In the wake of this revelation and firestorm, Blake and Jessica are forced to reevaluate their own relationship and priorities, all while learning that raising a teenage girl is not for the faint of heart. But in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty, they discover that Madeline may just be what the doctor ordered to heal their broken hearts and mend their own tattered relationship.

Will they have the courage to look forward and find a greater love than they could ever imagine? Or will past hurts and the town grapevine tear them apart?

It's always a happy day when I get a book from Jennifer Peel.  I've been looking forward to this book and this series and I'm glad I finally got to read it.  Jennifer Peel has a gift for writing characters that feel real and bring out real emotions in me.

This book is honestly like a real life drama playing out before your eyes.  Told in first person from Jessica's point of view, you really get an up close and personal look at her life and her heartache.  You also get to know all the people Jessie loves.  Her parents, her best friends, and Blake.  All these characters had definition and by the end of the book I felt like I knew them well.

Blake and Jessie have their struggles.  Blake may have made some mistakes, but honestly, his desire to keep trying and work on things makes him a hero in my eyes.  He has patience and knows how to work hard.

I could related to Jessie and all her emotions.  It was almost scary sometimes!  There is so much emotion in this book.  It is a love story but more like a rediscovering love story.  Maybe more along the lines of women's fiction.  All I know is when I finished the story I felt satisfied and hours later, I missed these characters.  

This book has some Christian elements to it but I wouldn't necessarily classify it as Christian fiction.  It is a clean romance- so swearing or described sexual situations although the couple in this book is married and their sexual relationship is mentioned.

I'm really looking forward to the next book in this series!  I got a little preview of what's to come and I'm excited!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Heart's Journey by Kristen McKendry + $25 and Book Giveaway

Adventure is in her blood, so when wealthy eighteen-year-old Rachel Hamilton’s treasure-hunting father disappears in the wilderness of British Columbia, she considers only one course of action: she will embark on a quest to find him. But for a well-bred woman with little understanding of the world beyond her upper-class existence, the harsh realities of the trail quickly become apparent. Woefully unprepared for the hardships of crossing a wild and unsettled continent, Rachel is hungry, lost, and distraught when handsome frontiersman Peter finds her in the middle of nowhere. Taking pity on the castaway, Peter promises to escort her to the safety of civilization. Little does he realize he’s taking on a naïve and foolishly brave girl who will test the limits of his patience. But he also discovers the same naïve girl will blossom into a strong, competent, and captivating woman as they undertake an epic journey that will forever alter both their lives.

Heart's Journey is a gentle adventure of growth and love.  Not romantic love, but a love for people and places and of self.  I really, really enjoyed this book.

Yes, Rachel Hamilton is a bit naive.  She thinks she knows so much and, as is typical for most young people, she also thinks she can do anything.  One of the best parts of this book was watching Rachel's transformation from a girl to a woman.  She is strong mentally with determination but her strength is tested in ways she never thought possible- physically and emotionally.  Rachel goes from a soft, genteel young woman to a woman who knows how to work hard.  She learns to deal with the difficulties of travel.  Her body becomes stronger and more capable.  

Mostly I loved Rachel's "Heart's Journey" as the title so easily expresses.  Rachel thinks she knows people and places because she has read or heard about them but her experiences teach her that there is so much more to know.  Rachel learns how to really love people.  She learns how to withhold judgment.  People are so much more than what you first see.  

The setting was both harsh and beautiful.  The secondary characters were well defined and added depth and flavor to the book.

I just really loved this book.  From beginning to end.  All of it.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Power of the Matchmaker by Heather B. Moore

A prequel novella to the POWER OF THE MATCHMAKER Series
Mystical . . . Beautiful . . . Romantic . . .
12 novels by 12 bestselling authors
Released once a month in 2016
Read the matchmaker’s story to find out where it all starts . . .

Mae Li has been in love with Chen Zhu for years, and he with her. But when the matchmaker arrives at the Zhu family home, she recommends another village girl for Chen.

Heartbroken, Mae Li watches as Chen does his duty by marrying another. Mae flees her village with the clothes on her back and her only possession—a pearl embedded comb, given to her as a goodbye gift from Chen Zhu.

Upon Mae’s arrival in Shanghai, she quickly learns that she’ll starve within days unless she sells her prized comb or joins a courtesan house. She goes to the Huangpu River and promises the River God that she’ll always be selfless if he will save her from becoming a prostitute . . . Her wish is granted when Ms. Tan, the matchmaker of Shanghai, finds Mae. But Mae must completely change her future and her name if she is to become the next matchmaker.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

I am so excited about this upcoming series!  Oh, the anticipation.  One novel a month by so many of my very favorite authors?  Yes, please!  This one is going to be good, friends.

This novella is the prequel to this new series.  At about 60 pages, it gives us the background and making of Mae Li, the matchmaker.  Her story is one of sorrow, loss and heartbreak.  But, it is also a story of hope and love.  Mae is so sweet and innocent.  She has a heart full of love.  Her promise to be selfless in exchange for her life and her virtue is one she honors.  How can you not love Mae Li?

This prequel left me wanting more.  A lot more.  I'm really looking forward to reading the first official book in this series.  Ahh, I wish I could read them all now!  :)

Here is the lineup of authors:  Karey White, Rachael AndersonSheralyn Pratt, Jaima Fixsen, Kelly Oram, Heather B. Moore, Julie Wright, Heidi Ashworth, Taylor Dean, Michele Paige Holmes , Janette Rallison, and Regina Sirois.

Content:  Clean.  No swearing.  Some mentions of brothels and prostitution but nothing of consequence.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Burk's Surrender (Harmon Heritage #3) by Dora Hiers

Deputy City Manager Burk Harmon has always been the strong one for his family, but recently those responsibilities have dwindled. When Lacie Heatherton, Assistant Director for Parks and Recreation, ropes him into a city-sponsored trip to the mountains with fifty seniors, Burk has two things on his mind: considering a possible promotion and wooing Lacie past friendship and into a future. Lacie has emotional scars and a thirteen-year-old daughter to remind her that men can be cruel and unforgiving. Can Burk convince Lacie to relax her "no dating" policy or will he surrender his dreams of family and love?

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

I've had the pleasure of reading and reviewing all three books in this series and I have really, really enjoyed them.  The Harmon Heritage series is based on three siblings who have had a tough go in life.  Each of them deals with the hard things differently, but Burk has dealt the best, I think.  He has been the one to carry and support his family.  Now that his siblings are finally settled, Burk is able to turn his attention to his own life and finally go after what he wants.

I like Burk.  He is strong and he is a thinker.  He knows what he wants and he knows what he has to do to try to get it.  Burk is kind and knows how to show a girl that he cares.  I was all in and rooting for Burk from the very beginning.

The story flowed well.  The characters are flawed and endearing.  I was easily drawn into the story and I loved how it played out in my head.

My one peeve was how the author kept telling me how Burk and Lacie smelled.  In almost the exact same words, over and over.  I only need to be told once and maybe reminded in a different way another time.  I started rolling my eyes whenever the whole scent thing came up.  Enough with the smell thing already.

But, other than that, I really did enjoy this book.  This author has a great way of writing and I love how easily I can fall into her books.  This is a Christian fiction book.

Content:  Clean.  No swearing or sexual content.  Mention of rape but nothing in detail.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Stuck in a Good Book Giveaway Hop: Enter to Win a Book of Your Choice!

Hi everyone!  

It's time for a giveaway hop and I'm excited to be a part of this one.  I am giving away a book of YOUR CHOICE, $12 or less, from Amazon if you are US and The Book Depository if you are INT (and they ship to you free).  This giveaway is for a book, not a giftcard or any other items.

Thanks so much for stopping by and here's to being stuck in a good book!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, September 18, 2015

Out of the Ashes by Alicia Buck

“You’re not going anywhere, Father. You’ll get better,” Ash said, tears obscuring her vision as they ran down her face.
“No, I won’t. It’s better to get used to that fact now, dear.” The rasping of her father’s breathing, and her sniffling echoed through the stone chamber. “I’m so sorry for letting you down this way.”

When Ashelandra’s father dies, she ends up a servant in her own house, instead of the Baroness she was supposed to become. But Ash’s secret sorcery could be the key to winning back her home and following her heart to a future she never imagined. This fantasy-infused Cinderella story puts a magical twist on a classic tale. Riveting and original, it’s a spellbinding read.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

This really is a fantasy infused Cinderella.  It's full of magic which puts a fun spin on the old Cinderella classic that we all know and love.  

Even though this book started out really slow for me, it ended at a good pace.  The last half of the book the adventure picked up and things started moving.  Up until then I felt like the story was spinning in about the same place with very little forward movement.

Ashelandra is an interesting character.  She passion and conviction and a wee spark of mischief.  Even though plenty of awful things happen to her, Ash finds ways to keep positive and happy.  She puts her focus on what she is trying to accomplish long term and she sticks with it.  In the beginning, Ashelandra is impulsive and doesn't give much thought to those around her but by the end she had learned to think more about her decisions and how they might effect those close to her.

The prince is, of course, dashing, heroic and utterly smitten with Ashelandra.  I really liked him.  I loved the adventure to the magical fantasy world that had been secreted away.  

The ending was gratifying and left me feeling satisfied and happy.  So, overall I'd say I enjoyed this book.  The last part much better than the first part.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bearskin by Jamie Robyn Wood

When Conrad, Moiria, and Heppson’s evil enchantress mother tries to convince them to follow her dark ways, they must each decide where the line lies between good and evil, magic and mythology. Based on a lesser-known fairy tale, this young adult book features an impossible romance, an intricate plot, and twists you won’t see coming.

 * Goodreads *Amazon *

I am not familiar with the fairy tale this book is based on so I was pretty clueless coming in.  I would like to find and read the original fairy tale though and see how it compares.

For me this book was very slow going.  I had a really hard time staying with the book and in the moment.  The first chapters are pretty much all in the characters head with very little dialogue or action going on.  It was really hard to get through.  I realize the author was setting things up for what comes later and much of it was important information but it really was tedious to be in each character's head for so long.

I started enjoying things more when Heart starting interacting with Bear.  I had more dialogue and the story started progressing more quickly (although still slowly compared to most YA fantasy books).  The last couple chapters of the book are by far the best as we reach the climax and the characters reach their potential.

I felt like this book was more technical than emotional.  I was reading the story but I wasn't feeling the story.  I was more like an outsider looking in on a story unfolding.  I really liked the concept though there was just something lacking in the execution.

Content:  Clean.  No swearing or sexual situations.  Mild violence and some dark magic.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Simply Anna by Jennifer Moore + $25 Giveaway

Suffering from a cruel heartbreak, Lord Philip Hamilton has been driven to seek refuge from the painful memories haunting London, and his father’s Jamaican sugar cane plantation provides just the escape he needs. Philip finds solace in his hard work and takes comfort in the fact that his distance from society ensures that his heart will be protected from future entanglements. Protected, that is, until the unexpected appearance of a mysterious woman with no memory of her past. The only clue to her identity is a necklace inscribed with a name: Anna. In a matter of weeks, this gentle, intelligent, and impossibly beautiful stranger turns Philip’s world upside down. But as the bond between the pair grows, the threat of Philip losing his heart once more is only the beginning of the dangers that await. Island renegades and a ruthless band of pirates clash in a swashbuckling battle, and it soon becomes clear that these villains may be the key to unlocking Anna’s past . . .

My happy dance comes out in full force whenever I get to read a new book by Jennifer Moore.  There is always something more to her books that pull on your heartstrings.  In this book, it's slavery.  And boy, is it heart wrenching.  I'll never understand how we as people can be so cruel to each other.  Jennifer mentions in her afterwords how difficult it was to write about the slavery.  I can only imagine how hard that was because it was hard to simply read about it.

I loved how this book progressed.  Lord Philip goes from arrogant and full of himself to generous and kind.  His hard work earns respect.  I'm sure glad that happened because in the beginning I wasn't sure I was going to like Philip!  By the end I loved him.  I love how he loved Anna.

Anna is intelligent, gentle and kind.  She is self motivated and capable.  I fell in love with her from the very beginning.  We get to know Anna in the first bit and when she loses her memory, thankfully, we don't lose ours.  I liked knowing about Anna so that when she has flashes of memory, I know exactly what she is remembering.  So often as a reader, we are clueless as to what is really happening because the story unfolds slowly.  It is sometimes frustrating to be left in the dark.  This book made me feel empowered.  I knew things the character didn't.  :)  That seems so petty but it's true.

I loved the setting in Jamaica.  It's someplace I'd love to go someday.

All in all, I loved this book.  It was fantastic.  :)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Million Miles Away by Lara Avery

Perfect for fans of Nicholas Sparks, this breathtaking story of love and loss is guaranteed to break your heart and sweep you off your feet.

When high school senior Kelsey's identical twin sister, Michelle, dies in a car crash, Kelsey is left without her other half. The only person who doesn't know about the tragedy is Michelle's boyfriend, Peter, recently deployed to Afghanistan. But when Kelsey finally connects with Peter online, she can't bear to tell him the truth. Active duty has taken its toll, and Peter, thinking that Kelsey is Michelle, says that seeing her is the one thing keeping him alive. Caught up in the moment, Kelsey has no choice: She lets Peter believe that she is her sister.

As Kelsey keeps up the act, she crosses the line from pretend to real. Soon, Kelsey can't deny that she's falling, hard, for the one boy she shouldn't want.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

I really liked the blurb for this book so I thought I'd pick it up for review.  My thanks first to the publisher, Little Brown, for allowing me to read and review this title for them.

So, I have some mixed feelings about this book.  I am a fan of Nicholas Sparks and I'm telling you that this book in no way compares to his books.  The depth wasn't there, the believability wasn't there, the emotional pull just wasn't there.  At least for me.  Yes, there was love and yes, there was loss but nothing on the level of Nicholas Sparks.  This book was just too juvenile and predictable to be compared to Nicholas Sparks.

There was just too much in this book that I found unrealistic and unbelievable.  I am married to an identical twin.  Even when I was first getting to know him, I never confused him with his brother.  They are very alike not just in looks but in personality as well. Anyone caring to know them even a little bit would never confuse them.  A passerby on the street, yes.  Someone who didn't know them well at all, yes.  But someone claiming to love them?  No.  Never.  So, the whole twin confusion thing just didn't fly for me.  Especially since Kelsey and Michelle were so very different in style and personality.

Kelsey is certainly a flawed character without much of a moral compass.  Even flawed, she was likeable and certainly had some redeeming qualities mixed in the book.  I think mentally she showed some growth but for the most part I was frustrated with her.  Peter is a forgettable character.  He was patient and kind in the book but I didn't connect emotionally with him or Kelsey in this book.  Where my heart should have been breaking it just wasn't.

The book from beginning to end was completely predictable, which isn't always a bad thing, but I just felt a little let down.  I don't know, I just didn't buy it.  Even the ending.  I read the book, I finished the book.  I didn't hate it but it was just okay for me.  There was some content in the book that I didn't love (like the swearing and sexual innuendo).  It just didn't need to be there.

Content:  Swearing, sexual innuendo and underaged drinking (parties).

Saturday, September 12, 2015


The POstables are on a mission to deliver a soldier's letter from Afghanistan, while Oliver's estranged father surprises him with news that shakes him to the core.

Check out more about the movie HERE.

I am a fan of the TV series, Signed, Sealed, Delivered.  My kids think might think I'm sappy but I love this series for more than one reason.  First, it brings in real life issues for real life people and deals with them in a kind and gentle way.  Every episode may have hard and sad things, but there is always the overwhelming feeling of hope as well.  Second, I love shows and movies that leave me feeling good and that is what this TV series does for me.  I love the characters and the quirks of each one.

How exciting that there is a new Signed, Sealed, Delivered movie coming out THIS SUNDAY!  I was seriously over the moon that I got the chance to preview it ahead of time so I could share it with you!  There is nothing better than sharing the things that you love with other people in the hopes that they will love it too.

This movie was so good.  I loved the continuation of the TV series right into this movie.  Hallmark is so awesome.  This movie deals with a young girl who lost her mother in Afghanistan.  While she is being bullied for holding out hope that her mother will return, the Postables are trying to get this letter to her.  Rita and Norman are tentatively stepping into a new phase of their friendship, and Oliver's father makes a surprise and unwelcome appearance back into his life.

There are small sparks of romance, a bit of drama, friendship and lots of warm fuzzies going on in this movie.  It was nice to take a couple hours to settle in all comfy and watch this movie.  I hope you will tune in and love it too!

And now for the giveaway!  Here's what you get:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, September 11, 2015

Every Little Kiss (Kissed by the Bay Book 1) by Susan Hatler

When Wendy Watts left Blue Moon Bay, she vowed never to return to the small coastal town where her parents had abandoned her and her brother. Now she’s a successful Realtor, and a workaholic who stays away from complicated emotions—until her grandmother dies, leaving Wendy the Inn at Blue Moon Bay and mandating that if Wendy sells it, she must put it on the market herself “in person.”

As soon as Wendy arrives in Blue Moon Bay, bad memories, the inn’s poor condition, and her brother’s pleas to keep the inn overwhelm her. Then she meets a sexy laid-back stranger on the beach, and Wendy does something she never does . . . she opens up and confides her problems to him. Since Max Huntington’s only in town for one night, Wendy spontaneously kisses him, hoping to be distracted from her troubles for just one evening.

But when Wendy begins the painstaking process of fixing up the inn in order to sell it, Max tells her he’s staying on longer. He’s enchanted by the charming inn and even more with the kisses they shared on the beach. He wants to help her with the repairs, and she reluctantly accepts his offer.

Although she’s determined to remain detached from the allure of her inn, Blue Moon Bay and Max, every repair, every stroll on the beach, and every moment spent with Max, draws her in and reminds her of the local legend she’d believed as a child: that being kissed by the bay under a blue moon will lead to love that lasts forever.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

Well, it's the start of something new from one of my all time fav's, Susan Hatler!  The Kissed by the Bay Series has begun and it's going to be a fun ride.  I already love the setting- it sings to my heart.

Wendy left her home of Blue Moon Bay and vowed never to return, she left behind a group of people she really hurt.  Wendy was trying to escape and avoid dealing with the issues she faced there.  She was determined to build a successful career and a new life far away from her old one.  The process of Wendy's healing was a good one and I enjoyed watching her realize that in leaving her home, family and friends, she was dealing out the same hurts that had been dealt to her.

I think everyone needs a Max in their life.  Seriously, he is the knight on the white horse named Patience.  I liked that Max knew what he wanted.  He was steady and sure and so very kind.

This was such a sweet story.  It was more than just a romance (although the kissing was great!).  It was about reconnecting, forgiving, and loving.  I really enjoyed it!  I can't wait for the next book in the series, The Perfect Kiss, set to come out in November.  I'm really "over the blue moon" about Susan and this series!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Marrying Christopher (A Hearthfire Romance #3) by Michele Paige Holmes

Having seen both his sisters Grace and Helen happily married, Christopher Thatcher is free to pursue his dream of life in America. With adventure in his heart and mind, he boards one of the first steamships set to cross the Atlantic in the record breaking time of only twenty-five days. Within the first two of those, his resolve—to avoid women and the complications they often bring to a man’s life—falters when he meets Marsali Abbott, a young woman with a past even more troubling than his own. Whether from years of habit protecting his sisters, or simply because he feels drawn to Marsali, Christopher chooses to help her and becomes her friend. As the truth about what awaits Marsali in America becomes evident, he is faced with a more difficult choice, one that will impact their lives far beyond four weeks together at sea.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

I was so excited to finally be able to settle in and read Christopher's story.  He is the last sibling in this series and I've watched him help his sisters find love and care.  I was anxiously awaiting this book so I could watch Christopher find his love because he deserved it.

This has been a fantastic historical romance series.  I've loved each book but I think Christopher may just be my favorite.  This one jerked my emotions all over the place and the last third of the book I seriously felt so desperate- like pulling my hair and yelling AAAHHHHRRRGGGHHHH!

Christopher is leaving his homeland of England to begin a new life in America.  He has dreams of owning his own land and being his own man.  Now that his sister's are both settled with men who adore them, Christopher feels this is his time.  Christopher knows how to take care of people.  His sister's have taught him how to work hard, how to be a gentleman and how to love well.  

If you don't fall in love with Marsali in this book, you are crazy.  She is gentle kindness itself.  But don't think that means she doesn't have a backbone- because she does.  Christopher and Marsali are perfect for each other.  I loved them both.  Together and apart.

I could easily picture the scenes from this book playing out in my head like a movie.  The characters were strong and each one had personality and definition.  This was a fantastic book for me and I really loved it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Lost King $100 Book Blast

Lost King H.B. Moore

From USA TODAY bestselling author H.B. Moore Undercover agent Omar Zagouri has been ordered to Giza. A prominent Egyptologist was murdered, and a priceless artifact—the only complete version of the Book of the Dead—is missing. Omar is still reeling from the recent disappearance of his girlfriend, Mia Golding, but he puts his quest to find her on hold to track down the lost piece of history. Omar’s mission is not just to locate the sacred book; he must also rescue the two archaeologists kidnapped and forced to translate its hieroglyphics under threat of death. Their kidnapper is determined to discover the text’s rumored explosive revelation: that Moses did not receive the Ten Commandments from God but instead copied them from the Egyptians. Though Omar’s need to find Mia grows more urgent, he must focus on finding the enemy who will stop at nothing to ignite a controversy that will change history, and the world, forever.

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   Heather Moore
Author H.B. Moore H.B. Moore is the USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of more than a dozen historical novels set in ancient Arabia and Mesoamerica. She attended the Cairo American College in Egypt and the Anglican International School in Jerusalem and received her bachelor of science degree from Brigham Young University. She writes historical thrillers under the pen name H.B. Moore, and romance and women’s fiction under the name Heather B. Moore. It can be confusing, so her kids just call her Mom.

Book Blast Giveaway $100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 9/30/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Falling Like Snowflakes ( A Summer Harbor Novel) by Denise Hunter

When the Christmas season finds Eden in Summer Harbor, Maine, she's on the run from trouble. Romance is the last thing on her mind.

Riding in a bus in the thickly falling snow, Eden Davis wonders how it ever came to this--fleeing under cover of night with young Micah sleeping fitfully in the seat beside her. When a winter storm strands them in Summer Harbor, Maine, Eden wonders if what might have been the end could be a new beginning.

Beau Callahan is a habitual problem-solver. He's recently left his job with the sheriff's department to take over the family Christmas tree farm to save it from insolvency. But he's flummoxed. During the busiest season of the year, he's shorthanded. Then Eden shows up looking for work, and Beau believes he's been rescued. Competent, smart, and beautiful, Eden's also guarded and quiet. He soon figures out she comes with a boatload of secrets. But Beau can't seem to help himself from falling for her.

As Christmas Eve approaches, Beau discovers he'll do anything to keep Eden safe. But who's going to protect his heart from a woman who can't seem to trust again?

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

Denise Hunter is one of my favorite Christian Fiction authors.  I'm always on the lookout for the next new book from her.  I've come to know exactly what I'm going to get from a Denise Hunter book and I am never disappointed.

Eden is on the run.  We get bits and pieces of her story as things go along- in flashbacks mostly.  Meanwhile Eden is trying to find work, hide her secrets and keep her son safe.  It's a big burden to carry.  Eden is a strong woman, afraid of the danger she's in, but not afraid to do what it takes to keep her son and herself safe.  Eden doesn't trust though, understandably, which makes it really hard for the people who are trying to help and love her.

I liked Beau from the very beginning.  He is protective and strong.  He works hard and loves his family.  He is everything a male hero lead should be.  Beau is also a patient man and he works hard to help Eden, even when he doesn't understand.

This book was so easy to settle into.  I read through it quickly and it ended before I was ready.  I loved it and I cannot wait to see what comes next for the Callahan brothers!  Today is release day for "Falling Like Snowflakes" so go pick up your copy today!

This is a clean romance.  Christian Fiction.  No swearing or sexual content.  There is some mild violence.  My thanks to the publisher, Thomas Nelson, for providing a copy of this book for review.

Mending Hearts by Kimberly Krey $50 Book Blast

mending hearts 

Logan & Candice, on the verge of divorce, decide to give their marriage one last try. But will they be able to get past the issues holding them back? Candice is through with married life and all it entailed: infertility, an adoption gone wrong, and the death of her husband’s twin brother. Now that they’ve been separated for nearly a year, Candice is finally ready to set Logan free. But when he steps back into her life, Candice begins to have second thoughts. Even though she hasn’t fully healed from the heartache she endured over their married years, she can't fathom the thought of losing him a second time. Can Candice let go of past hurts and give Logan a second chance, or will her fears keep them apart? Logan has spent the months of separation giving Candice the space she needed. But when he discovers that Candice is about to file for a divorce, he decides he better take action quick. He didn’t spend the best years of his life with this woman, only to let her slip away. Yet just when the opportunity comes again – his chance to finally make things right – an entirely new force threatens to tear them apart. Will opposition keep the heart-broken couple from getting back together or will they have the strength to break through the barriers, no matter what their future might bring?
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Kimberly Krey 
  Author Kimberly Krey Writing Romance That's Clean Without Losing the Steam! I'm a reader of good, clean romance, a lover of family time and Diet Coke, and the ultimate hater of laundry. I'm not patient enough to enjoy yoga, or tall enough to be great at basketball, but I do love to run - anywhere but on a treadmill. I love the sound of a rainstorm when I have no place to go, the feel of Soft Lips chap Stick on my lips, and the first peek of blue water as we round the mountains toward our favorite getaway in Bear Lake.


   $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 9/29/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway