
Friday, June 26, 2015

A Worthy Pursuit by Karen Witemeyer

Stone Hammond is the best tracker in Texas. He never comes home empty-handed. So when a wealthy railroad investor hires him to find his abducted granddaughter, Stone eagerly accepts.

Charlotte Atherton, former headmistress of Sullivan’s Academy for Exceptional Youths, will do anything to keep her charges safe, especially the little girl entrusted to her care after her mother’s death. Charlotte promised Lily’s mother she’d keep the girl away from her unscrupulous grandfather, and nothing will stop Charlotte from fulfilling that pledge. Not even the handsome bounty hunter with surprisingly honest eyes who comes looking for them.

When the teacher he’s after produces documentation that shows she’s the little girl’s legal guardian, Stone must reevaluate everything he’s been led to believe. Is Miss Atherton villain or victim? She acts more like a loving mother than an abductress, and the children in her care clearly adore her. Should Stone break his perfect record?

Then a new danger threatens, and Charlotte is forced to trust the man sent to destroy her. Stone becomes determined to protect what he once sought to tear apart. Besides, he’s ready to start a new pursuit: winning Charlotte’s heart.

I love reading Karen Witemeyer's books.  I know just what to expect when I pick one up.  It always feels like sitting down with an old friend.  And isn't the cover cute?  I love it.

This was such a fun story.  I loved the interactions and spark between Stone and Charlotte.  Stone would surely like you to believe that he is as tough and unyielding as his name may suggest, but really he is kind and he definitely has a weakness for the teacher, Miss Atherton.  He had his work cut out for him gaining Charlotte's trust.

Charlotte is firm but so kind.  I loved her tact and her ability to think quickly in surprising and tough situations.  The children under her care bring life and credibility to the book.  It was a great setup.  Charlotte has some fierce determination when it comes to her children and as a mother I could completely relate to that.

I was interested and entertained by this book the whole way through.  It was classic Karen Witemeyer and I loved it.  I'm so glad I got to read and review it.  My thanks to the publisher, Bethany House, for allowing and providing for it.

Content:  Squeaky clean.  Christian Fiction.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Gift of Lies by Norma T. Rudolph

The locals call the place Jake’s Hell after Summer McCalister’s crazy uncle Jake who claims to have seen impossible things there. It’s a badlands of rugged rock cliffs and sharp pinnacles that no sane person would attempt to enter. The Atomalians call it Daneye, a secret alien city of unequaled beauty, masked behind illusion. Atomalians believe that natives of Earth must never know about them and their powers of the mind or it will destroy the Atomalians’ peaceful lives. When Summer is drawn out of bed and pulled to Jake’s Hell by an urge she can’t control, she fears she’s crazier than her uncle. But when the young Ahtomalian, Bentri, steps out of thin air, she knows she’s either crazy—or dead. Taking her to his unbelievably beautiful city doesn’t erase the fact that he’s keeping her hostage in a room with no door and no way out. Bentri’s world is suddenly and completely devastated by the appearance of the native Earth girl. If she’s discovered within the city, law decrees she be destroyed. As Bentri is bonded with her, that means he would also die. Their only chance might be to escape—but can Bentri survive in her world?

 * Goodreads Amazon *

This book is a young adult sci-fi, fantasy/paranormal kind of mix.  I would say it would probably please the younger end of the YA spectrum better, maybe even middle grade readers.  The story here is very simply written.  It had more telling and less feeling but it was a good story with a lot of imagination.  I can imagine a 12 or 13 year old (boy or girl) reading this and enjoying it.

As for me, I felt it lacked the tension and emotional build up that I like to see in books. I could easily picture the places and scenes described which was a fantastic thing, but I just wasn't feeling it. There were points that I did some skimming and was still able to keep up with what was happening.  The "history" read from the scrolls went on for pages and it was hard to read. It felt like the author needed to explain a whole bunch of things and needed a way to do that in one fail swoop.  It read just like a history lesson.  

Bentri probably had the most character development.  He has always been taught that "natives" are lesser beings with little intelligence and he treats Summer accordingly.  Actually, he treats her abominably.  Gradually he realizes that "natives" are intelligent and gifted.  His prejudice's diminish and he becomes kinder.  There is a good lesson in that.  What we think we know may not always be correct- especially regarding people.  The more time we spend knowing and trying to understand others, the better off we will be.  Prejudices are never good, and rarely correct.

This book is clean- no swearing or sexual content, which I always greatly appreciate.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Eyes Unveiled by Crystal Walton

Twenty-one-year-old Emma Matthews lost the song in her heart the same night she lost her dad. With an unfulfilled promise and an ultimatum shadowing her junior year of college, maybe it’s better that way. You can’t hurt if you can’t feel.

But when the reflection she sees in musician Riley Preston’s eyes borders dangerously close to the one she’s spent the last five years searching for, Emma discovers her walls can’t guard her heart from its fiercest desire. Terrified of what she’s experiencing, and even more afraid of what she might lose, Emma grapples for the courage to hold on to one dream without abandoning the promise of another.

Contemporary Inspirational Romance novel Eyes Unveiled lets you relive those heartfelt moments when you don’t know how you’d survive a day without your best friend, when you’re trying to figure out who you are and what you’re supposed to do with your life, and when falling in love changes everything.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

If you are looking for a book that is emotionally driven, this is your book.  I went through a whole array of emotions while reading this book.  This is a story about self-discovery, friendships and love.

I loved the immediate interest and attraction Emma had when she saw and heard Riley sing.  He spoke to her soul and I loved that.  Riley and Emma share a connection through music but they develop a friendship that expands beyond just music.

Emma was an easy character to relate to.  She seemed very human although maybe just a titch naive.  She doesn't ever expect the worst of people.  Emma has good friends and a good relationship with her brother.  I liked that support system for Emma.  It was good to see Emma grow and strengthen throughout the book.  Her struggles made her stronger.

There is a huge love triangle in this book and love triangles aren't my favorite, but I know they do happen in life and I can accept that.  The resolution of the triangle in this book seemed a bit unrealistic to me though.  

Overall, I enjoyed this book.  It was clean (no swearing or sexual content) and I'm always grateful for that.  I hear the next book in the series is coming out in July so I'll be looking forward to that.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Silver in the Blood by Jessica Day George

Society girls from New York City circa 1890, Dacia and Lou never desired to know more about their lineage, instead preferring to gossip about the mysterious Romanian family that they barely knew. But upon turning seventeen, the girls must return to their homeland to meet their relatives, find proper husbands, and—most terrifyingly—learn the deep family secrets of The Claw, The Wing, and The Smoke. The Florescus, after all, are shape-shifters, and it is time for Dacia and Lou to fulfill the prophecy that demands their acceptance of this fate . . . or fight against this cruel inheritance with all their might.

With a gorgeous Romanian setting, stunning Parisian gowns, and dark brooding young men, readers will be swept up by this epic adventure of two girls in a battle for their lives.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

At first I wasn't sure if I liked this cover, but the more I look at it the more I actually like it.  It is a great representation of what lies inside.  There is nothing generic about this book cover.

I have been a fan of Jessica Day George for a long time.  My girls have loved her books.  I am still a fan of Jessica, but this book actually didn't do it for me.  There were parts of it I really liked but overall I just didn't fall in love.

Let me tell you about the things I did like about this book.  The two main characters are cousins.  They were distinct personalities and I could see obvious growth in them throughout the book.  Dacia and Lou have a close connection and I really enjoyed them.  Lou more than Dacia, if I'm calling out a favorite.

I also liked the set up with the different shape-shifters-  The Claw, The Wing and The Smoke.  They are all parts of the same family who protect the Draculas.  It was cool and combined with the Romanian setting it felt textured and meaty.  It is obvious that the author did her research and homework to make this book feel as authentic as possible.

Somehow the execution of this book was lacking a bit for me.  I felt as though I was trudging through some scenes.  It felt heavy and long.  I have read so many YA paranormal books with shape-shifters and this one just fell short of some of the best ones I've read.  

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Get to Me (Men of Honor Series #2) by Lara Van Hulzen

Aimee can identify a killer.

Dane can keep her safe.

But is he willing to face his past to do it?

When Aimee Jansenn stumbles upon a drug deal gone bad she comes face to face with a killer. As the only witness to a crime, she falls into a deadly situation and is in need of police protection.

Dane Scott has sworn off women. Until a fireball named Aimee enters his world. Telling himself they’re just friends, he vows to protect her. Can his heart follow suit or will she change his mind about love for good?

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

Okay, first a confession.  I read "Remember Me", the first book in this series, and I loved it and I saw that this second book was out and I wanted to read it really badly.  I also wanted to be able to officially review it because, well, I love finding a new author whose books I love and I love sharing that.  So, I emailed the author and asked (or maybe begged- I'm not sure which) if I could review this book for her.  She said YES!  :)

I first met Dane in "Remember Me".  I just knew I wanted his story and I knew it would be good.  It sure was.  He is yummy.  And Aimee?  What kind of a super cool name and spelling is that?!  Yeah, I'm a bit biased.  But, alas, the main character Aimee, is really nothing like me, so I guess I can only claim a connection to her awesome name.

The chemistry between Dane and Aimee is palpable.  It had me silently (or maybe not always silently) begging for those those charged moments and physical connections.  Lara does an excellent job managing the lightning.

Here's what you get with this book: a clean romance with sparks, a bit of suspense and a little faith thrown in for good measure.  I was pulled into this book from the very beginning and I didn't want to put this book down.  The settings change from San Diego to the Lake Tahoe area- both places that I am familiar with and love.  

So yeah, I really liked this book.  I'm so happy Lara Van Hulzen let me read and review this book for her.  I cannot wait to see what she does next!  Hopefully she is madly working at it right now.  ;)

There may have been a couple instances of mild swearing.  (sometimes I forget I'm reviewing and the mental notes disappear)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Kisses in the Rain by Krista Lynne Jensen + $25 and Book Giveaway!

Georgie Tate is a survivor. She's survived an abusive relationship. She's survived the car accident that took the life of her controlling fiance. Now she just needs to survive the memories that haunt her. Escaping to her aunts' cozy home on a tiny island outside of Seattle, Georgie finds just the change of pace she needs to pick up the pieces of her life. Taking a job at a local seafood restaurant is the first step in reclaiming her sense of self, but she is completely unprepared for the battle that awaits her there.

Jace Lowe has loved and lost, and he's determined that it will never happen again. Hardened by heartbreak, he stays focused on his work as sous chef at one of the island's top seafood restaurants. When beautiful Georgie takes her place on the restaurant staff, Jace is resolved to keep her at arm's length, and his downright rudeness her first week goes a long way in achieving that goal. Georgie, on the other hand, doesn't want anything to do with Jace anyway and prickles against his abrasive behavior. As the combative pair comes together on a joint project for the restaurant, they find their distaste for one another dwindling. the connection is undeniable--and it terrifies them both. Can two people jaded by the past be softened by the promise of once-in-a-lifetime love, or is this just another recipe for disaster?

Super cute cover, right?  I love it.  

This book has a weightier feel to it as most of the book Georgie is struggling to connect the pieces from an accident that haunts her.  She cannot remember exactly what happened leading up to the accident but she remembers enough to know that it wasn't good.  Georgie is haunted by all sorts of what-if's and guilt over poor choices she feels she made.  She doubts her judgement, her abilities and herself.  While the physical effects of the accident are fading, the mental and emotional ones remain.

Jace is also a bit haunted.  He's had a couple rough breaks but all in all he is paving a way for himself and reaching for his dreams.  Jace has quite a task ahead of him trying to win Georgie over.  Trust just doesn't come easy for either of them.

I enjoyed the growing friendship between Jace and Georgie.  They were both fantastic characters who I cared about and liked.  The supporting cast was great as well.  I loved the setting and the way things revolved around the restaurant and food - yummy sounding food like the chocolate cake Jace makes.  It had my mouth watering.

All in all this one was really good.  It is squeaky clean.  This is an LDS fiction book so there are some religious themes of forgiveness and seeking God's help.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, June 15, 2015

The Academic Bride (Billionaire Marriage Brokers, Book One) by Lucy McConnell

Early on, Pamela Jones realized she had an unusual talent for putting two people together. Over the years, she's turned it into a successful matchmaking service for the ultra wealthy: Billionaire Marriage Brokers. While she specializes in "business" marriages -- paring people off because of their skills, education, or training -- she can spot a potential love match a mile away. When Pamela has a "good feeling" about a bride and groom - a business marriage can become so much more.

Janel Fendrick is a go-getter. Her dream of excavating a Mayan temple is within reach -- until the funding is pulled and she's left scrambling for an alternative. Pamela Jones comes along with a proposal...and a groom! Janel hesitates, until she realizes that one year of marriage is a small price to pay to have all her dreams come true. What she doesn't realize, is that she's about to get more than she ever dreamed of.

 * Goodreads *  Amazon *

Here is the beginning of a new series of short stories from author Lucy McConnell.  I actually stumbled on the second book in this series, The Organized Bride (Billionaire Marriage Brokers Book 2), on Amazon, picked it up and read it.  I have read other books by Lucy McConnell (Snow Valley Anthologies ) which I really enjoyed so I was excited to read it.  I didn't realize at first that I was reading the second book but it is a stand alone book and didn't require me reading the first book in the series to enjoy it.  As soon as I finished it, I knew I wanted to read the first book and review it so I could share this fun series with everyone who loves a good, clean romance!

There are pros and cons for this book being shorter than a regular book.  The biggest con for me is that I was left wanting more.  More, more, more.  I think the author could have dragged this book out and given me a full sized novel with these characters and this situation.  I'm greedy.  I wanted more. 


Everything was accomplished in this book in a way that kept me invested and happy.  I was drawn in from the very first pages and I loved the growing attraction between Janel and Nick.  Nick is so considerate and sweet.  He really wants to take care of Janel.  I loved that.  I also loved the brownie bonding and the ice cream kiss.  Yum.  

I really love this series because I get fun characters thrown into a crazy situation where love grows and my romantic heart lets out a contented sigh.  These books are clean, which I really appreciate in my romance novels.  (no swearing or sexual situations- just some kissing)

Because these are shorter stories, I read through them quickly.  I polished this one off in a couple hours while waiting for my daughter at a conference.  I can't wait to read the next book!  I hope it comes out soon.  :)

Friday, June 12, 2015

With No Regrets by Julie N. Ford + $25 Giveaway

With No Regrets Cover

Finley isn’t exactly sure when her life began to feel unfamiliar. She suspects the transformation started long before she caught her husband and fellow garden club member doing the white-trash-two-step on her new Bernhardt sofa. Now free from the shackles of a loveless marriage, and with her children off to college, she’s finally able to go searching for the missing pieces of her heart. Finley’s best friend, Cathyanne, is already working hard to ensure that Finley finds true love this time around. But when Finley is unwittingly tossed into the arms of two men—their sexy trainer and her neighbor, a popular country star—Cathyanne fears finding the right guy will be more complicated than she ever could have imagined. For Finley, building a new life feels as impossible as flying a paper airplane to the moon. But maybe, just maybe, with the right help, she will find her whole heart—even if it’s in the very last place she thinks to look.
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I've been looking forward to reading this book.  I've read other books by Julie Ford and enjoyed them so I was hopeful for this one.  I'm coming in with mixed ideas about this book.  It's sort of a like/dislike relationship I have going on with this book right now.

First, I did enjoy reading a book with a slightly older main character than I usually see in many books.  Finley is a woman with grown children and a lot of life experiences behind her.  Recently divorced, Finley is trying to work through the emotions and conflict surrounding her new found place in life.

I liked the basic story line and I enjoyed Finley's growth through the book.  Her struggles seemed real and even though I couldn't relate personally to many things she was going through, I felt the emotional tug.  I loved the journey personally that Finley is on that is apart from her romantic entanglements.  It was a self-awareness that shifts as she realizes that there are other people out there, struggling, and that she make a difference.  Not just generally, but personally.  That was the best bit of the book for me.

This book, for me personally, was a bit crass in many parts.  There is swearing and many instances of crass kind of talk.  There is a lot of sexual innuendo and references to affairs.  I guess I just wasn't expecting that.  I will be hesitant to pick up more book by Julie Ford because now I am confused as to how she writes.  None of her other books have been this way.  So, there is the like/dislike.  I liked the story and the personal growth for Finley but I could have done without some of the swearing and sexual references.

Here is an excerpt from "With No Regrets".

Packed like corralled cattle between four wood paneled walls, the riotous crowd filling the bar overwhelmed the echo of Finley’s boots as she made her way through the darkened hallway. Built during the early days of Nashville, Tootsie’s was rumored to have launched Willie Nelson’s career as well as other famous performers like Kris Kristofferson, Patsy Cline, Waylon Jennings, and in more recent decades, Quinton Townes. 
At the end of the hallway, and through an open door, Finley spied her neighbor. 
Jagged locks of ashy-blond hair peeked out from under a worn cowboy hat to poke at the frayed edges of his western shirt. A dimple split his right cheek as he smiled, his head bent toward that of a young woman.
Finley moved closer, watching as the groupie handed Quinton a cocktail napkin. “Will you sign this for me?” she said, adding a coy smirk.
Quinton ran his smoky gray eyes over the woman’s skintight T-shirt as he slipped the paper and pen from her hands, his fingers lingering a touch longer than necessary on hers. “Who should I make this out to?” he drawled in that slow, Texas way of his.
Gazing out from under a pair of mascara-laden lashes, she said, “McKenna,” and then bit down on her plump bottom lip.
Finley rolled her eyes. This one was young, even by Quinton’s standards. Likely, not much older than her daughter Royanne, or Quinton’s own estranged daughter, Annie, for that matter. Because she hadn’t known him back when he was married, it was hard for her to imagine him as anyone’s daddy. But then he’d become a father long before the world had known his name. Before his solo career had taken off and he’d mistakenly boarded a high-speed train running on tequila and cocaine, barreling headlong into the blinding lights of one forgotten arena after another. Before he’d traded the unconditional love of a wife and three children for the fleeting admiration of his fans. Before the cheers of the crowds had echoed into a deafening abyss where there wasn’t enough booze or blow in his empty hotel room to silence the void. And certainly before he’d woken up one morning a homeless, washed-up one-hit-wonder with nothing but a broken-down Mazerati to call his own. The very day he just so happened to have entered Finley’s life.

Author Julie N. Ford A graduate from San Diego State University with a BA in Political Science, Julie N. Ford also earned a Masters in Social Work from the University of Alabama, which has only made her better able to recognize the unhealthy, codependent relationship she has with writing. Professionally, she has worked in teaching and as a marriage and family counselor. She is the author of six women’s fiction novels, including Count Down to Love, a 2011 Whitney Award finalist. When she’s not writing, she entertains delusions of being a master gardener, that is, when she’s not killing the unsuspecting plants in her yard with her good intentions. She lives outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband, two daughters, and the cutest Scottish fold cat you’ve ever seen. She loves to chat with readers.

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   With No Regrets

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Girl in Seat 24B by Jennifer Peel

One red eye flight and ten years of marriage later, Carly Bishop had what she considered a practically perfect life. Her journalist husband and her two adorable children were everything to her. But soon she would find out that her dream life didn't fall in line with her husband's expectations.

Left alone to sort out the pieces of her crumbling life, Carly finds strength in her children and her growing relationship with her in-laws. Most importantly, she finds her greatest strength as she builds a friendship with herself.

This is a beautiful story of one woman's strength and determination as she finds the will to move forward and be happy while the life she had grown to love crumbles around her. It is a story of a man who has lost his way and may lose it all if he can't find his way back. The Girl in Seat 24B is a story of love and forgiveness.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

I have now officially read every book by Jennifer Peel.  This was the last book to check off my list.  Something I love about Jennifer Peel is her ability to make me feel like each of her books are something new and different.  This book isn't anything like her other books, it's a bit tragic and sad but not without hope.  It has a completely different feel to it than her newest book, Trouble in Loveland. (which I loved, by the way!)

I was, from beginning to end, pulled into the dynamics of this book.  It felt so real and emotional.  I really had a hard time pulling myself away from this story and these characters.  Consequently, I read through this book in a day.  (yeah, not much else got done...)

Carly is an incredibly patient and kind woman.  A much better woman than I am.  No doubt I would have reacted in a much less stellar way if I was in her position.  I really liked Carly though.  She is strong, resourceful and did I mention patient?  Man.  So patient. Like, she might be a saint, patient.  Jennifer Peel wrote this in such a way that it really felt personal to me-  like my friend telling me a heartbreaking story.  I really, really liked it.

One thing that I still just do not understand completely is Michael and his complete about face.  I mean, he was wishy washy for most of the book and I got that, but then he completely went the other way with such gusto and I'm not sure I completely bought into how that came about.  Especially after so long.  It was a small thing really, and one probably more based on my personal experiences and personality than anything else.  

Bottom line:  I loved it.  I was emotionally invested and that, to me, is really the beginning and end of it all.  If you can make me feel something and make me care, you have done a good job.  So, good job, Jennifer!  Thank you for allowing me to read and review for you.  I love your books, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Playing for Keeps by Ranee' S. Clark

Football-loving TyAnne Daws has long admired BYU's star quarterback from afar. This semester, she's determined to step away from the sidelines and she has the perfect game plan for winning the heart of Anthony Rocket Rogers. When some smart moves land her in one of his classes, she finds herself in the perfect position to make her play. But as she gets to know the real Anthony, away from the lights of the stadium, Ty realizes that this is no game; she's falling in love . . .

Anthony takes full advantage of his all-star status, holding girls at arm's length for one reason: it keeps him from repeating the same mistakes that once led to a devastating heartbreak. When he meets Ty, his assumption that she's just another pretty face is quickly proven wrong. Though he's completely drawn in by this sweet young woman, her intriguing mix of amusing football know-how, and her quiet selflessness, he will not let himself fall in love. But when faced with the reality of losing the woman he's come to care for despite himself, Anthony's resolve is tested. It's getting harder to keep his head in the game when his heart's on the line.

This book was so much fun!  It is the BYU college scene in full force with classes, friends and athletics.  It is also an LDS fiction book and there are religious elements and church events and activities mentioned but nothing overbearing.

Ty and Anthony are both fantastic characters.  Their personalities really shine through in this book.  I love how they both start off playing a sort of game- with themselves and with each other but then things shift and progress and evolve.  Ty is so well rounded and kind.  Not only does she know football as well as any of the team players, she can play like one of them too.  She impresses everyone with her football knowledge and with her quick mind and soft heart.  I really liked Ty.  And so did Anthony!  Except that Anthony tries to play the game a bit longer because he is a bit broken and a bit afraid.

I loved how the author brought in some meatier topics with the OCD of Anthony's sister and the stalker.  It helped give weight and texture to the story.

I enjoyed my time in this book.  My older teenage daughter read it too and loved it.  It was right up her alley.

My thanks to the publisher, Covenant, for allowing me to read and review this title for them.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Rori's Healing (Harmon Heritage, Book 1) by Dora Hiers

Still stinging from the publicity surrounding her father's death, social phobic Rori Harmon prefers the solitude of her animal sanctuary, accepting that marriage isn’t in her future. Racecar Driver Graham Decker refuses to be wrangled into a relationship by another money-hungry female. On a philanthropy mission, he arrives just in time to assist Rori with a llama birthing, but his appearance thrusts her into the media spotlight again. Has Graham found a woman who doesn't care how deep his wallet extends? Has Rori finally met a man who will stick around when times get tough? Is healing for a hurting heart finally within Rori's reach?

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

Here's a new, clean romance releasing today!  Dora Hiers is a new author for me and I'm always happy to find new authors to love.

This book caught my attention right away.  Rori runs a animal sanctuary and has quite a few llamas under her care.  One of the llamas is ready to give birth and Rori is looking for a vet to show up and help her.  Graham happens on the situation for totally different reasons, but Rori mistakenly thinks Graham is the vet and he doesn't correct her.  It's a great way to start off the book and it immediately sucked me in.

I loved Graham and Rori.  I loved Rori's support system and how kind they were to her.  Graham is patient and persistent.  He knows he has to prove himself to Rori and earn her trust.  It was good stuff.

The only complaint I have is the cover for this book.  While a pretty cover, I feel like it doesn't represent what's inside at all.  I would have liked to have seen something that represented Rori and Graham better.

I read through this book quickly and had small tantrums in my head when I had to put it down.  :)  I can't wait to read the next book- hopefully about Rori's long lost brother who left his bride (and Rori's best friend) at the alter!  

This is a clean romance- no swearing or sexual situations.  It is also Christian Fiction.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Summer in Snow Valley: A Summer Romance Anthology + $25 Giveaway!

Summer in Snow Valley

Summer in Snow Valley #1 Bestselling Amazon Authors of Christmas in Snow Valley, have teamed up again with six wonderful summer novellas that are sure to make your summer sweet and sassy!

Catching Caytie by Amazon Top Seller Cindy Roland Anderson On the night Caytie Holbrook intends to break up with her cheating boyfriend, he blindsides her by announcing their engagement at a dinner party. When Caytie discovers her father is in on the scheme, she runs away from her home in Beverly Hills to hide out at her uncle’s ranch in Snow Valley, Montana. While Snow Valley is a beautiful place, Caytie only plans to stay until her twenty-fifth birthday when she’ll inherit a trust fund her grandmother left her, allowing her to pursue her dream to move to Italy. That is until she meets Jace McAllister, an incredibly sexy—although somewhat grumpy—cowboy who threatens to disrupt her plans.

Tin Foil Tiaras by Amazon Top Seller Jeanette Lewis Cameron Elliott has come to Snow Valley to coach Annalisa Drake in the Miss Snow Valley pageant, and prove to her demanding boss that she deserves a place at the prestigious Westbrooke Agency. But Annalisa’s handsome and protective big brother, Kyle, is determined to keep his sister from becoming a reluctant beauty queen. As Cameron tries to win Kyle over, Kyle insists some things are more valuable than a title and as crazy as it sounds, Cameron might just believe him.

A Touch of Love by Amazon Top Seller Cami Checketts Annie Stirland has endured a lifetime of teasing, embarrassment, and isolation due to her speech impediment. When irresistible cowboy, Luke Wilson, seems to be falling for her, she’s certain he’s too good to be true. A tragedy involving his ex-girlfriend proves she’s right. What man can resist sheltering someone they once loved? Annie knows she should walk away, but Luke isn’t ready to give her up.

First Love; Love First by Amazon Top Seller Taylor Hart Janet Snow doesn’t expect to get caught in a full-blown make out session at her brother’s wedding. Especially not with Michael Hamilton, the boy she’d written off ten years ago. Even though they both agree to no complications, Janet's not sure they can stick to it given their past. After a trip to the hot springs, a helicopter ride, and a proposal, even the most cautious single mother would start to wonder if true love really is just about the timing. Now Janet has to make a choice—play it safe or trust that her first love could also be her last.

Romancing Rebecca by Amazon Top Seller, Kimberley Montpetit Rebecca Dash loved spending her teen summers swooning over Jane Austin and helping her aunt at the Starry Skies Bed & Breakfast in Snow Valley. But as a recent college grad, she’d rather write sappy romance novels than go out with guys that make her a nervous wreck. When a team of fire-fighters set up camp on the lawns of the B&B and Captain Wade catches her eye, Becca soon learns that there’s more to a happily-ever-after than a flirty fireman with muscles the size of the Montana hills.

Love in Light and Shadow by Amazon Top Seller Lucy McConnell Mercedes O'Shay has sworn off gorgeous men because they have a tendency to break her heart. When she meets her new neighbor, Chet Bauer, she immediately puts him in the Do Not Date category based on his well-defined muscles and stunning blue eyes. But the more Mercedes learns about the cowboy who reads classics and forges iron, the more she realizes the heart doesn't see in black and white; it sees light and shadows.

I really enjoyed the first collection by these authors- Christmas in Snow Valley.  I was so happy to hear they had joined together again to give me more clean romances in a setting I feel like I now know.  Snow Valley!

As you can see from the blurb above, this book features six different authors each with a novella length story.  Two of my all time favorites are featured in this book- Cindy Anderson and Cami Checketts and I loved both of their stories here.  All the stories were good though and I sure did enjoy my time spent with this book.

I started out reading these straight through but about mid-way I was diverted and had to catch the rest of the book in snatches.  That's the good thing about anthology collections, the stories are short enough that you can read one at a time, here and there, or you can read them all straight through.  There is a continuity with the setting so you feel like you are getting to know the whole town and visiting some familiar places within each book.  I really liked that.

This book is up for 99 cents right now.  That is an AWESOME price!  There is absolutely no reason not so spend a dollar for 6 great stories that will fill your need for sweet romance.  :)

Grab your copy for just 99 cents!
Summer in Snow Valley Graphic 99 cents  

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Summer in Snow Valley

Monday, June 1, 2015

Beyond the Fortuneteller's Tent by Kristy Tate

When Petra Baron goes into the fortuneteller’s tent at a Renaissance fair, she expects to leave with a date to prom. Instead, she walks out into Elizabethan England, where she meets gypsies, a demon dog and a kindred spirit in Emory Ravenswood.

Emory must thwart the plans of religious zealots. His mission is dangerous, his enemies are fanatical, and Petra Baron is a complication that Heaven only knows he does not need. Or does he? Although Emory is on Heaven’s errand, he learned long ago that Heaven does not always play fair.

As Petra slowly falls for Emory, she wonders if he really is who he seems, or if he is just as lost as she is. How can they have a future while trapped in the past? Or is anything possible Beyond the Fortuneteller’s Tent?

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

This book started out really slow for me.  I had a really hard time staying with it and pushing through.  But I did, and things did pick up.  I can't really pinpoint what made this book so difficult for me to settle into.  Something in the execution, I guess, because the plot is a good one and even the characters show promise.

Petra is young.  I guess that's how I would describe her.  I didn't really connect to her on a personal or emotional level and I didn't see a lot of growth in her.  Emory is an enigma to Petra as well as me.  I think I got a better clue of who he was as the book progressed, but there is still so much left unsaid.  

The ending?  I'm not sure I buy it.  

I don't know.  I would give this book three stars if I were rating it.  There were parts I really enjoyed but things sort of weaved in and out of enjoyment for me.

Content:  A couple instances of mild swearing.