
Friday, May 29, 2015

Trouble in Loveland $50 Book Blast

Trouble in Loveland peel 
What teenage girl hasn't gone to great lengths to get noticed by her crush? Charlee Jensen is no exception. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately in the end, Ryan her much older neighbor and unrequited love has no idea she exists during her teenage years, at least not the way she wants him to. That all changes, though, when Charlee returns home, after eight years, to work for her estranged father and Ryan ... her teen crush. This time, Ryan has no problem noticing her. His only problem is that he isn't quite sure what to do with this woman who is suddenly all grown up, beautiful and annoyingly charming. Throw in a cute three year old, and an ex-wife that's not quite ready to let go, and you have a whole lot of trouble in Loveland. Trouble in Loveland is a clean, heartfelt romance filled with humor and tenderness.
Grab your copy now!

You can read MY review of Trouble in Loveland HERE.

Praise for the Book 

"Jennifer Peel's writing captures you from the start and pulls you in. Trouble in Loveland is a fantastic book and was the perfect escape that I look for when I read. It has it all! Drama, humor, and romance. Highly recommend!"

 "I have a new favorite author! I am so glad that Jennifer Peel started writing because she writes exactly the kinds of books that I love and Trouble in Loveland is no exception--it's good, clean, romantic fun!"

 "Funny and heartfelt! Jennifer Peel creates characters that are so relatable! This story made me both laugh and cry. A must read!"  

Ryan’s eyes seared into mine. “I was hoping I would get to dance with you tonight.” “You were?” “Yes, but you’ve been quite popular.” He pulled back a tad and looked down at my dress. “You look very …” “Please don’t say grown up.” He smiled and shook his head. “I wasn’t going to say that, I was going to say …” he tried to think of something. “You were going to say it, weren’t you?” He sighed. “Charlee, you really know how to make a guy feel inadequate don’t you.” “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I find I like it.” “You do?” He nodded his head. “I also find you to be very …” he hesitated. “Very what?” “Beautiful and annoyingly charming.” “How can somebody be annoying and charming at the same time?” “See what I mean?” He winked. In my heels, we were practically eye level, and our faces were mere inches apart. I could smell the sweet smell of honey on his breath; I wanted more than anything to taste it, and the way he was looking at me at that moment, I thought maybe he felt the same way. His eyes quickly turned to confusion though before he pulled me a little closer. I rested my head against his and swayed against him. It was even better than I imagined. I wanted the dance to last forever. “By the way,” I whispered in his ear. “I find you very beautiful too.”
  Jennifer Peel Headshot
Author Jennifer Peel I'm a Colorado native who currently calls Alabama home. I'm the mother of three amazing children who have grown up way too fast. I enjoy the mountains, vacations at the beach, date night with my husband, late night talks with my kiddos, touring model homes, and pink bubblegum ice cream. I grew up on the Western Slope in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. I learned to love the beauty of the outdoors, but not camping--unless staying overnight at the Marriott counts. I met my husband while living in Denver and then several years later we traded the beauty and majesty of the Colorado Rocky Mountains for the art and culture of Chicago, Illinois. My family and I enjoyed living near this world class city, despite the crazy cold winters, but new adventures awaited in Northern Alabama--just six hours away from Orange Beach, Alabama. These three magical places (the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Chicago, and Orange Beach) are the inspired locations used in several of my books.
Also by Jennifer Peel

Jennifer Peel


Book Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 6/21/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Love Arrives in Pieces by Betsy St. Amant

For so long, Stella was known for her beauty. Now, with her heart stripped bare, she must discover who she really is.

Former pageant queen Stella Varland doesn t trust beauty anymore after her divorce. Her appearance betrayed her and led to her brokenness so instead of being beautiful, now she tries to make beautiful things, but always falls short. So she keeps her passion for her secret art to herself and focuses on her interior design work. But if she doesn t get another job soon, she ll be stuck living with her parents.

Contractor Chase Taylor is determined to live a life of no regrets after losing his fiancee in a car crash. Now he lives life at full speed, striving to see how much he can accomplish. He knows if he slows down, he ll fall apart. So he returns home to Bayou Bend to renovate the town s old theater, and is shocked to learn former flame Stella is the designer for the project.

Forced to work together, Chase and Stella battle their chemistry and their pasts as they struggle to compromise and come together on a vision for the theater. Chase doesn t understand why Stella is such a subdued version of herself, while Stella doesn t get Chase s constant need for productivity and speed. Their wills clash as they attempt to hide their brokenness and their unresolved feelings for each other until Chase breaks through Stella s walls and convinces her to enter her mosaic tile art in a contest.

A near catastrophe, a fire, and a small-town gossip mill finally force both Stella and Chase to realize that they have a choice to hold on to the shards of their pasts, or surrender their fragmented pieces to the One who makes a beautiful masterpiece from the broken.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

Wow, that summary basically tells the whole story!  I for sure do not have to do a summary review for this book.

A few things are obvious from the very beginning of this book.  One, Chase and Stella have chemistry- a magnetism drawing them together.  Two, they have a not so great history together.  Three, they are both hiding things from their more recent past.  With those three things all put together, you know the road is going to be bumpy!

Stella and Chase both have a lot to work through although Stella seems the most needy.  Chase basically spends his time trying to make up for the past and apologizing for every little thing he does that sets Stella off emotionally.  

Sometimes I felt like the story was spinning around in the same place for too long.  Stella seemed to go around and around about the same things.  But, the story here is a sweet one and the patience of Chase should not be overlooked.  

I loved the "pieces" connection through art.  I love how Stella arrived at the place of healing, awareness and love.  It was a pretty moment.

This is a Christian fiction book, no content to report.  Clean!

My thanks to the publisher, Zondervan, for allowing me to read and review this title for them.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Now & Forever (Wild at Heart #2) by Mary Connealy

Matthew Tucker survives a grizzly attack by jumping over a cliff into a rushing river. Unexpectedly, Shannon Wilde takes the plunge with him. Going through a series of waterfalls and rapids turns into a bonding experience.

By the time they battle their way back to civilization, Shannon has been thoroughly compromised, and only a wedding will do. A mountain man who loves to wander in the wilderness far from other people finds himself hitched to a young woman with a passel of relatives, a homestead, and a flock of sheep to care for.

As they learn to live with each other, strange things begin to happen on Shannon’s land. Someone evil clearly wants to drive them off, but whoever it is apparently didn’t count on Tucker. Trying to scare Matthew Tucker just makes him mad–and trying to hurt the woman he’s falling in love with sets off something even Matthew never expected.

 * Goodreads *Amazon *

I love this series.  The first book was so good and I have been anxiously awaiting this next book in the Wild at Heart series.  The series is based on three sisters who are acting as men to homestead following their service as soldiers in the war.  It's such a fun premise.  I love the setting and the characters

The book opens with Matthew Tucker being chased and attacked by a bear.  Shannon tries to save him and they both end up falling over the cliff into a river.  Tucker and Shannon are both engaging and smart characters.  They have a fantastic chemistry.  Shannon is perfect for Tucker.  She is strong and tough but also soft and tender.  Tucker loves her ability to shoot and wield a knife.  :)

Mary Connealy is one of my favorite Christian fiction authors.  She has the ability to write so I can create a movie in my head.  The places and people in this book are so easy to picture.  I love that.  This book is clean and not too heavy in the Christian aspect.  I can't wait to read the next book in the series!  One more sister to go and she just may be the toughest of them all.

My thanks to the publisher, Bethany House, for providing an ARC copy for review.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Married 'til Monday by Denise Hunter

With a big anniversary party in the works for her parents, Ryan will pretend to be Abby's husband for just one last weekend.

Ryan McKinley has tried to move on from his ex-wife, Abby. He’s sulked, he’s gotten angry, and ultimately he bought her dream house. Big mistake. Living alone in the massive 2-story has only made him miss her more. When her parents call him out of the blue about their anniversary party in Summer Harbor, Maine, Ryan believes God has dropped a golden opportunity straight in his lap.

Abby McKinley never exactly told her parents about the divorce. A strained relationship with her dad has culminated in a distant relationship with her parents, but she’s finally succumbed to her mom’s pressure to make the drive for their 35th-anniversary party.

Then Ryan shows up on her doorstep, looking as devastatingly handsome as ever. When he insists he’s going to Seabrook, with or without her, Abby knows she can’t say no. Her parents still think they’re married and now Ryan knows it too. Besides, he only wants to check in with his best friend from college—her cousin Beau, who just lost his dad. It’s just a one-week road-trip with the man who broke her heart. What could possibly go wrong?

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

First off, cute cover, right?  I love the title font!  

I always enjoy reading books by Denise Hunter.  I know exactly the kind of story I'm going to get and I know how I will feel in the end.  This is a Christian Fiction book and the fourth in the Chapel Springs Series.  I don't think you need to read them in order as each book stands on it's own.

Obviously Ryan and Abby have a history and not an all together good one.  Their history unfolds slowly as we get to know them better.  I think Ryan might deserve a medal and sainthood.  Honestly.  Ryan's patience knows no bounds.  Which is a good thing because Abby is a girl with a truck load of issues.  Wowza.  She never makes it easy for Ryan.  Ever.

I really felt badly for Abby.  She had my compassion for the really hard things in her life, but I never really liked Abby.  Most of the time she wasn't very nice.  Ryan, on the other hand, was easy to like.  That is a man who knows how to persevere.  He is a kind man and I really liked that.

This was an enjoyable read and a good distraction.  It's squeaky clean and left me feeling good!  My thanks to the publisher, Thomas Nelson, for allowing me to read and review this title for them.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Girl of Mine by Taylor Dean: A PACKED post of Review, $100 Giveaway, Book Trailer and Author Inspiration!

Taylor Dean's newest book is now available!


The year is 2003 and Captain Lucas Graham is at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, about to be deployed to Iraq. A few weeks ago, he broke his engagement with Jillian Barrett, leaving her stunned and heartbroken.

Knowing he can’t leave for war without putting his affairs in order, Luke obtains a four day pass with only one goal in mind: explain his life story to his former fiancĂ©e. 

The problem: Jill is now engaged to another man. 

But Luke isn’t giving up. He only has four days to gain an audience with Jill, even if he has to resort to drastic measures to do so.

And he will . . .

I was so, so excited to read this book. It's no secret that I love Taylor Dean's books. She really knows how to write a story that pulls you in and engages you emotionally as a reader. Taylor is one of the authors that I stalk (in the best possible way), waiting for an announcement of a new book.
This book had a few surprise turns and stories within stories.  It took awhile for the whole picture to come together as pieces kept falling into place one at a time.  I really liked it.  I just couldn't put it down.

I loved both Jill and Luke.  They were characters with real, human emotions.  It was easy to relate to them and it was easy to like them.  I went on an emotional journey with them both and came out on the other side happy and satisfied.  

Content:  Clean!  Yipee!

The book trailer:

The song that inspired me while writing GIRL OF MINE:
(Watch until the end. There's a surprise!)

A interesting tidbit about GIRL OF MINE:
My dad always worried about the cost of the electricity bill. If he walked past my bedroom and noticed that my light had been left on, he would turn it off and holler,
"That's okay, Taylor, I got your light."
It became a bit of a joke in our household. My siblings and I loved to try and catch my dad leaving on a light, just so we could say,
"That's okay, Dad, I got your light."
Now that I'm an adult with my own family, the term takes on new meaning.
The message behind it has worked its way into my new novel, Girl of Mine.
My father brought me into this world, he cared for me, and he taught me well. He gave me my "light," my life.
He nourished my "light" and helped me become the person I am today.
So, Dad, thanks for getting my light.
I'll always be grateful.

Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it's paranormal, contemporary, or suspense--you'll find all sub-genres of clean romance in her line-up.

$100 Blast Giveaway Enter to win an Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 6/15/2015 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, May 22, 2015

Hope In Every Raindrop by Wesley Banks + a $25 and Book Giveaway

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Hope In Every RaindropHope In Every Raindrop
by Wesley Banks
NA Contemporary
ebook, 202 pages
May 26th 2015

“Small towns have big stories.” That was a lesson Katie’s father taught her years ago. A lesson she’s taken to heart. And right now, Katie is desperate for a big story. Reeling from the recent loss of her father and with her agent breathing down her neck for the next book, the twenty-one-year-old writer picks a spot on the map and finds herself bound for a middle-of-nowhere town called Bishopville, South Carolina.

Taking a chance on the words of a local grocer, Katie stumbles upon a rare breed of dogs raised by the town doctor and his nephew Kyle. The only problem? Kyle isn’t interested in telling stories—especially not to a big-city girl who can’t seem to sit still. In an attempt to win him over as the clock winds down, Katie finds herself immersed in Kyle’s world, doing everything but writing.

When inspiration finally strikes, Katie is faced with an unforeseen catastrophe and a truth she can no longer ignore. While she has come to love the dogs, the real story may be about Kyle Walker.

Amazon - Smashwords

I love the title of this book "Hope in Every Raindrop" and the running theme of it throughout the book.  I also loved the dogs in this book and how they played a large roll in the life and learning of the characters.

Katie is taking a risk for something that she loves.  She wants to write a meaningful story and she is willing to work hard for it, even if she is frustrated by the circumstances.  I admired her drive and her love for the written word.  She was both strong and vulnerable and a connection to her was easy to make.

Kyle was a bit of an enigma throughout the whole book.  I'm not sure what Katie saw in him other than his devotion to the dogs.  The emotional connection was lacking a bit for me but the story was still a good one and I really enjoyed reading it.

Content:  Mild swearing and sex behind closed doors between an unmarried couple.  No description, but you know it happened.

wesley-bio-300x460Wesley Banks was born in 1983 and grew up on the west coast of Florida. He graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Civil Engineering. After spending over 7 years building movable bridges from Florida to Washington he decided to focus on his true passion: writing.

Wesley recently moved from Florida to Oregon to get back to the great outdoors that he’s love so much. He lives with my wife Lindsey, and his two dogs Linkin and Story. Most of his time these days is spent writing, with as much rock climbing, hiking, or skiing as they can fit in.

Wesley’s debut novel, “Hope In Every Raindrop,” is set to be released May of 2015.

Follow the Tour

May 21st - Launch
May 24th - Writing Pearls
June 3rd - Grand Finale

Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card
3 ebook copies of Hope In Every Raindrop
Open internationally
Ends June 8th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

$25 Cover Reveal Giveaway for Veils and Vengeance by Rachelle J. Christensen

Veils and Vengeance 
When wedding planner, Adrielle Pyper, goes to Hawaii to orchestrate a destination wedding, she isn't prepared for what she finds. After the trauma of her previous event, the beautiful isle of Kauai is the perfect place for Adri to unwind and do what she does best – plan. She even lets herself indulge in the attention of the groom’s handsome brother. But just when everything seems to be perfect, an afternoon snorkeling trip turns to murder when Adri discovers the body of a young woman. Shaken, but unable to let it go, Adri’s sleuthing leads her into more danger than she could imagine. When a number of “accidents” threaten her own life, it soon becomes apparent that someone will do anything to keep Adri from interfering with their vengeance.  
add to goodreads    


Author Rachelle J. Christensen Rachelle J. Christensen is a mother of five who writes mystery/suspense and solves the case of the missing shoe on a daily basis. She graduated cum laude from Utah State University with a degree in psychology and a minor in music. She enjoys singing and songwriting, playing the piano, running, motivational speaking, and, of course, reading. Rachelle is the award-winning author of six books, including Wrong Number, Diamond Rings Are Deadly Things, and What Every 6th Grader Needs to Know. Her novella, Silver Cascade Secrets, was included in the Rone Award-winning Timeless Romance Anthology, Fall Collection.

$25 Cover Reveal Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 6/15/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Moses Chronicles: Bondage by H.B. Moore + $25 and Book Giveaway

A gripping, historical fiction account of the events that lead to Moses’s flight into the wilderness, The Moses Chronicles: Bondage will take you back to a rich period of history replete with scandal, strife, love, and hope as God prepares a prophet to lead His chosen people.

I always go into any book that fictionalizes scriptural events hesitant.  There are so many liberties that need to be taken to fill in the blanks and I hate confusing fact with fiction.  But, I usually just approach books like this as works of fiction and not fact or scripture and then I'm okay.

This book was so rich and full of life.  I could easily imagine the scenes and the people as I went through this book.  I loved the alternating points of view of Miriam and Moses.  It really helped me create a firm personal connection to them both.

Miriam is a character ruled by her heart.  She acts and speaks from her heart.  I love her devotion to Moses, even though he doesn't know who she is.  She has such faith in him.  Miriam gets into one scrape after another because she does allow her heart to lead her.  I loved her journey in this book, her adventures and her road to love.  She is a very satisfying character.

Even though I know the story of Moses, when I finished this book I was still a bit annoyed that it ended where it did.  I wanted to continue on with Moses.  It was a cliff hanger but not.  The real cliff hanger is me wanting to know how the author will weave her magic into this story and make it something that pulls me in and engages my mind and my heart.  I guess I'll just have to wait!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Seaside Surprises (The Seaside Hunters) by Stacy Claflin

Tiffany Saunders is on the run. When she winds up stranded in a seaside town, she wants nothing more than to forget her horrific past and kept moving. But a chance meeting with a handsome local changes everything.

Jake Hunter has some deep emotional scars and is trying to cope with running the family business. The last thing he wants is a relationship—until a mysterious brunette walks into his store and complicates it all.

Tiffany prefers to keep the painful memories of the past where they belong—in her rear view mirror. But dark secrets cannot stay hidden forever. Just as the walls around Tiffany’s heart start to come down, the past catches up with her. Will true love be able to conquer all?

 * Goodreads Amazon *

I love discovering new authors in the clean romance genre.  Stacy Claflin is new to me and I haven't read her other books so I don't know if they are clean or not, but this one is and I know she has plans to write more books in this series about the Hunter brothers.  I'm looking forward to them!

I love books with an ocean setting.  For some reason I am so drawn to them.  I love the ocean.

This book has a very predictable story line, I could have called the whole thing from the beginning but it was still very enjoyable.  Tiffany is on the run from an abusive husband.  She is trying to keep a low profile and stay hidden and safe.  She thinks she is just passing through this ocean town but then she steps in to Jake's store and everything shifts.

Jake is attracted to Tiffany.  One look is all it takes.  Jake is a patient man- loyal with a strong sense of duty.  He has been through a great loss which makes him so gentle, humble and compassionate.  I loved Jake.

This is a sweet, clean romance.  There is at least one instance of mild swearing that I can remember.  There is some violence (domestic abuse, attempted murder and some fighting).  While the romance here is sweet with only kisses, the main characters do become involved before a divorce is finalized.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Date and Dash (Better Date Than Never Series, #10) by Susan Hatler

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

Good news!  Bad news!  Good news!

Good news:  A new book, Mary Ann's story, in this Better Date Than Never series!

Bad news:  I think this is the last book in this series!  :(

Good news:  Another series is starting soon! Every Little Kiss (Kissed by the Bay Book 1)  It looks good and I can't wait to read it!

I have loved, loved, loved this series.  These books are so flirty and fun and the covers are a fantastic representation of what is inside.  I am always in the mood for one of these books.  The stories are short but oh, so satisfying.  They fill up my romantic heart and leave it with a breathless sigh of happiness.  

This is Mary Ann's story.  Mary Ann is impulsive and enjoys life but she has a deeply sentimental side as well.  She is on her way to an auction to bid on her grandmother's long lost bracelet when she gets into a bit of an accident.  Through a series of miscommunications, Mary finds herself with a date instead of a bracelet and her date is no other than the stiff, unyielding guy she hit on her way to the auction.  Talk about bad luck.  Or is it?

I think this story is one of my favorites.  Yup, favorite.  I said it.  Each book in this series can stand alone- you don't have to read them in order.  There is some character cross over though so reading from the beginning is fun because then you see old friends later.  Either way, it's going to be good.  

This is a sweet, clean romance with some kissing.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

My Fairly Dangerous Godmother by Janette Rallison

Some people bomb auditions. Sadie Ramirez throws up during her tryouts on TV show America's Top Talent. Her performance is so bad, it earns her a fairy godmother through the Magical Alliance's Pitiful Damsel Outreach Program. Enter Chrysanthemum Everstar: a gum-chewing, cell phone-carrying, high heel wearing fairy godmother in training. She misinterprets Sadie's wishes and sends her back in time to be a part of The Little Mermaid story and then makes her one of the twelve dancing princesses. Wishes are permanent, and if Sadie wants to get back to her home, she'll have to strike a magical bargain--one that involves stealing a goblet from a powerful fairy queen.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

If you have read any of the previous books in this series, you have an idea of what this book is like.  It's a mishmash of fairy tales- The Little Mermaid and The Twelve Dancing Princesses in this one.  Then you have a character (or characters) thrown into these fairy tales by a fairy godmother in training, Chrysanthemum Everstar (Chrissy).  She has a tendency to really mess things up and this time is no different.

Sadie is the girl usually on the outside looking in.  She is shy and maybe a bit of a loner.  She loves music and dreams of a career in singing.  Sadie decides to try out for a talent TV show and bombs her audition big time.  Because it is so pathetic, a fairy godmother is sent to her as part of an outreach program.  Poor Sadie thinks she is making her dreams come true with her wishes, but no.  Instead, something goes horribly wrong and she becomes the little mermaid.

This book is fun.  It is light hearted and humorous.  You really can't help but smile through so much of it.  It is perfectly clean and appropriate for tweens on up.  You don't have to read the previous books to understand this one, it can stand alone.  However, you will have a better understanding of Chrissy if you start at the beginning of the series.

My thanks to the author for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Gentleman's Kiss Romance Collection

Are you ready for some good old-fashioned romance in a contemporary setting? Then you’ll enjoy these nine stories of modern women who are forced to slow down and take a new look at dating and romance when new men enter their lives. For some it will take vacation time, others will discover through music, while some need the gentle nudges from both God and Grandma. Delight in discovering how chivalry is not dead despite the stresses of today’s world.

 * GoodreadsAmazon *

This book is exactly what it proclaims to be:  old fashioned, sweet and clean, Christian fiction.  Each novella is by a different author so each one is new and fresh.  Ooh, and I love this cover.  I don't know why but it just oozes sweet romance to me.

I liked these books, but they were all a little slow going.  So gentle that it was bordering on sleepy.  It took me awhile to get through them all because it wasn't something I could read straight through like other novella anthologies I have read.  I read one story here and there in between other books I was reading and it worked out well that way.

I am always in for sweet, clean romances though and that is what these are.  Happily ever after times nine!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Trouble in Paradise by Karen Tuft + $25 and book Giveaway!

Andy Kendrick has always dreamed of bigger things than tiny Eagle Bluff, Arizona. So when the opportunity arises to shake off the dust of his hometown and move to the tropical paradise of Hawaii, he grabs it. But he never imagined that apiece of his past would follow him to his new life . . .Kimberly Briggs has lived her life on the fringes of the crowd, timid and afraid since the death of her brother, but when she learns that Andy, her lifelong crush, is moving to Hawaii, she's finally ready to step out of the shadows and take a risk.

Kimberly is the last person Andy expected or wanted to see in Hawaii. But when fate incessantly throws the pair together, there's little to be done but make the best of the situation. As the awkwardness fades and Kimberly begins to emerge from her shell, Andy realizes there's much more to her than he realized. But even as they revel in the adventures of island life, drawn together by a growing attraction, an unforeseen peril threatens Kimberly's life.

Can the once-timid young woman now draw upon the inner strength Andy has helped her discover so the two of them can build a life together? Will Andy grasp that love knows no geographical bounds?

One thing I can really get behind right now is a book set in Hawaii.  I'm dreaming of Hawaii and counting the days to our trip this summer.  This book made me want to be there right now!  I've been to Oahu before so it was nice to be able to easily picture most of the places talked about in this book.

Kimberly is an interesting character.  She has been raised by overprotective and fearful parents so her wings have never been spread let alone learned to fly.  She knows she is timid and easily frightened and she wants to change that.  Her baby steps in the right direction help give her more confidence and it's nice to see the growth as she makes a conscious effort to change and experience what life has to offer.

I wasn't sold on Andy until almost the end of the book.  I honestly couldn't see what Kimberly was so attracted to but he eventually grew on me.  I was happy to see Lucy and Ethan from "Reality Check".  It's always nice to reconnect with characters from previous books.  (you don't have to read "Reality Check" to read this book, but you might like to)

This was a slow growing romance, mostly one sided for the better part of the book.  I enjoyed the story and the characters.  I was interested and invested.  There is a slight touch of suspense though the book where you just know something is going to happen- and it does.  The ending is made up of all things happily ever after so that made me very happy.

This is an LDS fiction book.  Religious things like going to church are mentioned but there is no preaching.  This book is clean with no swearing or sexual content.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Candy and the Cankersaur by Jason Sandberg

This is the sweet and funny tale of a young girl named Candy and a Cankersaurus Rex! Candy receives a dinosaur as a gift and is determined to train him to be a good pet.

As a bedtime story Picture Book it’s aimed for children ages 3-6.
As a read-alone Picture Book it’s appropriate for children ages 6-9.

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This is, obviously, a children's book.  It's about a little girl named Candy and the dinosaur she receives as a pet, a not so nice neighbor boy named Chuck and a father who is too busy.  

The illustrations are cute and the story is one that kids will probably enjoy- especially younger children.  Who doesn't love stories about cute and well trained dinosaurs?  This is a fun one!

About The Author

Jason Sandberg, born in Minneapolis in 1971, discovered the artwork of Jacob Kurtzburg in 1977 and soon acquired a love of drawing. He received a Scholastic Art Award before studying History and Studio Arts at the University of Minnesota from 1989 to 1993. Sandberg has had several exhibits in Minnesota and his drawings and paintings were published in various national indy art magazines throughout the 1990s. PREVIEWS magazine described his Pop Art as "base alternative art on mescaline." Critic and historian Scott McCloud classified his art as "uncategorizable," and Alternative Press Review described him as a talented artist who defies expectations. Sandberg specializes in acrylic painting and his work has been purchased by collectors in Europe and Asia. A one man exhibit of his realist paintings was held in Manhattan in September of 2004. Sandberg's work has appeared in PREVIEWS, NEW YORK QUICK GUIDE, JUPITER and NEW ART INTERNATIONAL. His primary influences are J.M.W. Turner and Edward Hopper.

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Friday, May 8, 2015

Spotlighting Crooked House by Marlene Bateman + Excerpt

Someone is trying to kill Liz Johnson and it’s up to quirky private investigator, Erica Coleman, to find out who. Erica is no stranger to murder and mystery, which is why her best friend’s daughter, Megan, turns to her when unaccountable and potentially fatal “accidents” threaten her roommate’s life.

Once Erica arrives at the ramshackle old mansion known as Crooked House, matters go from disturbing to deadly as it becomes clear someone is trying to kill Liz.  As Erica begins to unearth secrets, she discovers a twisted web of love, money, greed, and deception. Although the police and friends sometimes find Erica’s OCD annoying, its those very traits that help her sift through evidence and see clues that others miss. Erica must draw upon her all her investigative prowess to keep Liz safe and unmask the killer before he can accomplish his deadly objective.

 With a dash of romance and surprising twists, this thrilling mystery will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. As with all Erica Coleman mysteries, ten delicious recipes are included.  

“I’m scared.”
Erica’s heart turned over when she heard the quaver in her young friend’s voice on the phone.
Then Megan asked, “Can you come?”
 “Of course.” Erica’s reply was automatic. She would do anything she could to help. Although she often received emotionally-laden phone calls in her job as a private investigator, there was a difference when the call came from the teen-aged daughter of her best friend. The very fact that Megan—who was usually so calm and composed—sounded frightened out of her wits, put Erica on high alert.
“I think someone’s trying to kill my roommate, Liz,” Megan said.
“What makes you think that?”  Erica asked. “Has someone threatened her?”
“No, but Liz has had a couple of serious accidents lately—at least she says they’re accidents, but either one of them could have killed her.”
Erica made an effort to reel in her skepticism. “Tell me about them.”
“First, someone tampered with her car. The brakes went out and Liz ended up driving across someone’s yard and hitting a tree. Fortunately, she was okay. The second one happened downtown. Liz was on the sidewalk waiting for the bus when someone shoved her. She fell into the road. A truck was coming and if a guy hadn’t pulled her back, Liz could have been killed.”
Still, they could have been accidents, Erica thought, at least until the third one occurred—this time at Crooked House.

Marlene Bateman was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and graduated from the University of Utah with a BA in English. She is married to Kelly R. Sullivan. Her hobbies include gardening, camping, reading, and enjoying her four cats and three dogs.

Marlene’s first novel was the best-selling Light on Fire Island. Her next novel was Motive for Murder—the first in a mystery series that features Erica Coleman, a quirky private eye with OCD. The next book in that line, (they do not have to be read in order) is A Death in the Family.

Marlene has also written a number of LDS non-fiction books under the name Marlene Bateman Sullivan. Those books include: Gaze Into Heaven; Near-death Experiences in Early Church History, which is a fascinating collection of over 50 documented near-death experiences from the lives of early latter-day Saints, Heroes of Faith, and Latter-day Saint Heroes and Heroines. Marlene also wrote three books about documented accounts in early LDS church history when a person either saw or heard an angel; Visit’s From Beyond the Veil, And There Were Angels Among Them, and By the Ministering of Angels.