
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Vagabond Vicar by Charlotte Brentwood

William Brook is an idealistic young cleric, desperate to escape dreary England for a mission adventure in exotic lands. It's his worst nightmare come true when he is posted to a parish in a small backwater village, populated with small-minded people and husband-hunting mamas. He’s determined not to form any ties and to escape the country as an independent single man.

A free spirit, Cecilia Grant is perfectly content to remain in her family home in Amberley village - when she's not wandering the countryside at all hours painting. Marriage options are few, but that won't stop her mother from engineering a match with one of the ruling family's sons. Cecilia attempts to win the man, but what is it about the new vicar and his brooding ways that is so appealing? Could he be the only one who has ever really understood her, and can she discover what he is running away from?

As William struggles not to fall in love with the lady's intoxicating beauty and mysterious eccentricity, he finds himself drawn into the lives of the villagers, despite their best efforts to alienate the newcomer. When he makes it clear he's not sticking around, Cecilia strives to restrain her blossoming feelings for him. Just when it seems love may triumph, dark secrets are revealed in Amberley and a scandal from William’s past may see the end of not only his career, but his chance at finding an everlasting love.

The Vagabond Vicar is an unashamedly romantic historical novel you'll fall in love with. If you love Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer, can't get enough of Downton Abbey or Cranford, or just prefer old-fashioned boy-meets-girl stories, try reading Charlotte Brentwood.

Sensuality level: sweet (only kissing)
Please note, although there is some mention of religious subject matter due to the hero's occupation, this is not an "inspirational" novel.

* GoodreadsAmazon *

Since the blurb for this book is so long, I won't do any sort of recap summary here.  I'll just jump right into what I thought!  :)

This was a good regency romance.  It was gentle and slow moving as you might expect.  The characters were good and although I didn't feel particularly attached to them, I was interested in them and their outcome.

Both William and Cecilia (especially William) spend a lot of time in the book remunerating the many fantastic qualities of the other.  Sometimes the on and on repeated descriptions got a bit much but overall this was a book I enjoyed.  It was clean and sweet and full of classic, small English town quirks and had many of the qualities you might look for if you love regency romance.

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