
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

From the Start by Melissa Tagg

Kate Walker used to believe in true love and happily ever after. While her own love life may have left her brokenhearted, it hasn't kept her from churning out made-for-TV romance movie screenplays...until a major career slump and a longing to do something meaningful send her running back to her hometown of Maple Valley.

Permanently sidelined by an injury, former NFL quarterback Colton Greene is temporarily hiding out in a friend's hometown to avoid the media and the reminders of all he's lost. Maple Valley seems like the perfect place to learn how to adjust to normal life. The only trouble is he's never really done normal before.

While Kate plays things safe and Colton is all about big risks and grand gestures, they both get what it's like to desperately need direction in life. An unexpected project gives them both a chance to jumpstart their new lives, but old wounds and new dreams are hard to ignore. Starting over wasn't part of the plan, but could it be the best thing that's ever happened to them?

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Melissa Tagg is one of my favorite Christian Fiction romance writers.  I love how she writes.  Her stories make me happy.  :)

Kate sure has a big heart.  I love that about her.  She comes from a fun family and I cannot wait to read everyone's stories.  It's going to be fun!  

Colton is a character that grows on you.  As you see his struggles and learn his story you become attached.  I couldn't help myself.  I desperately wanted Colton to figure things out, find his way and feel happiness.

I loved the small town feel of Maple Valley where everybody might be in everybody's business, but because of that, they also know how to help and support and pull together. 

I enjoyed every moment with Kate and Colton.  I was invested in the story, the characters and the outcome.  Now I'm back to watching and waiting for the next book...

This book is clean- no swearing or sexual content.  It is a Christian fiction book and there is talk of God.  

Melissa Tagg, author of Made to Last and Here to Stay, is a former reporter and total Iowa girl. In addition to her homeless ministry day job, she is also the marketing/events coordinator for My Book Therapy, a craft and coaching community for writers. When she’s not writing, she can be found hanging out with the coolest family ever, watching old movies, and daydreaming about her next book. She’s passionate about humor, grace, and happy endings. Melissa blogs regularly and loves connecting with readers at

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