
Monday, February 9, 2015

On Tour with How I Fall/How I Fly by Anne Eliot + Excerpt and a $25 Giveaway!

How I fly 
  How I Fall by Anne Eliot *WHAT IF YOU HAD AN IMPOSSIBLE CRUSH?* Impossible because she’s Ellen Foster. The beautiful, smart, and possibly fragile photography-girl. You’re Cam Campbell. The guy who plays football 24/7 with no life. But what if during junior year, you decide to finally try for her phone number—until this glitter-crazed new girl ruins your plan. Worse, the girl is Irish, awkward, and insists you and Ellen should become best friends—with her! Only, you don’t want to be friends with a human tornado, and you think Ellen might need to stay a crush. This is because after one interaction you’ve discovered Ellen Foster really is fragile. Your problems and secrets are too big for anyone to understand. *WHAT IF YOU COULDN’T RESIST?* But what if the three of you wind up assigned to a group photography project, where rumors are already circling about the new girl being ridiculous? You know she’s nice but very alone, so you convince your crush to help protect the new girl. Suddenly, working on the project makes hanging out, texting, talking—and even high school—seem fun and completely normal when it’s anything but normal. *WHAT IF YOU KISS?* What if you kiss Ellen Foster and it’s perfect enough to make you believe in things you shouldn’t. You tell her secrets and share your dreams. You make the kinds of promises and create plans to be together that might be impossible to keep when you’re only sixteen and your parents control your entire future, but... WHAT IF YOU HURT HER?  

HOw I fall
How I Fly by Anne Eliot *WHAT IF IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON...?* Over six months after an accident that broke her legs as well as removed her boyfriend from her life—because Cam Campbell left town and dumped her—high school senior, Ellen Foster, wants to move past her broken heart. She’s off to attend a summer photography workshop at a real university along with her best friends. Ellen’s determined to find a new love—or at least a summer boyfriend. In the dorm, she meets Harrison Shaw. He’s a handsome photography student, a charmer who likes her, and a perfect way to forget her past. *WHAT IF IT ALL GOES PERFECTLY...?* Ellen thinks she has everything she wants. Her summer program couldn’t be better. She’s half in love with Harrison Shaw, and she’s going after her next scholarship. But when she kisses Harrison, she can only remember how Cam Campbell used kiss her better, sweeter, and how he used to make her feel like she could fly… *WHAT IF SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT...?* When Cam shows up at the university it’s a shock, especially to Ellen’s new boyfriend. Cam’s distant, different and very afraid to hurt Ellen again. He asks Ellen if they could be friends despite the past and how they’ve both changed and Ellen agrees. But after all they’ve been through, can Cam and Ellen ever be just friends? *WHAT IF...?*

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For this review, I read both How I Fall and How I Fly.  This is a two part book series and you really cannot read the second without reading the first.  You would be hopelessly lost and missing out on way too much.  

These are YA book.  The characters are juniors in high school.  For the most part, they act and talk like teenagers.  The teenage high school drama is all there, in full force.  But there were moments when the characters acted and spoke much older than the 16-17 year olds that they are.  Especially in the second book.  

I couldn't help but be drawn in by these characters.  They were all so well defined.  By the end of the books, I really felt like I knew them.  They were familiar to me and I was attached to them.  

There is a lot of internal dialogue going on in these book.  We "hear" both Ellen's and Cam's thoughts.  Ellen has a lot of very amusing thoughts and they made me smile.  But sometimes I felt like it was a little much.  Every single thought was spelled out for me, leaving nothing to my own imagination.  I always knew exactly what Ellen and Cam were both thinking.  Sometimes I liked it, sometimes I didn't.

I love the circle of friendship the four main characters build.  They look out for each other and they help each other.  Each in their own way.  It was good to see.

I love the photography aspect to these books.  This was a fun way for not only the characters to connect to each other, but for me to connect with them.  It played a huge part in the plot of these books.  I also feel like I learned a little something about Cerebral Palsy that will hopefully make me more empathetic and kind.

My biggest complaint about these books would be the swearing (there is quite a bit of it), followed by the sexual innuendo which increased substantially in the second book.  For those reasons, I will not be handing these books off to my teenage daughter which is unfortunate because aside from those things, I really did enjoy these books.  They are engaging and emotional.  The first love, second chance at first love was so, so sweet.

Enjoy the following excerpt!

I pause at the corner down from the bus stop so I can regain some control. Both legs—the good one and the bad—are quaking dangerously. I’m also breathing like I’ve run a marathon in thick maple syrup instead of simply walking five blocks, but who cares? I’ve just navigated sidewalks covered with snow and ice with no crutches and no cane for the first time in my life. And I did not fall. Not once!

I check my phone to record the time and what I see has me almost gasping out loud.

*Crowd roars. She waves. She bows. She’s got ten minutes to burn!*

Because I have mild Cerebral Palsy, my physical therapist, Nash, would normally get half of the credit here. But it was my idea to pull double workouts all summer and fall. This victory is all mine, but either way, I can’t wait to give him a report. He’s going to be so proud. This will prove to him there is light at the end of my tunnel. The guy is so gloom and doom. He’s always thinking about my future and making predictions based on statistics, while I’m trying to convince him that I can write my own statistics.

Today, I will get to be the one who’s right!

Breath caught up, I straighten my messenger bag and face the bus stop ready for anything and anyone this day might try to throw at me! But two steps into walking the last half block, the calf of my bad leg spikes a surprise cramp.

“Please…no,” I mutter, jerking to a stop as white-lightning fires up my entire leg. The pain’s so harsh I could swear it’s stopped my heart. Scanning for anything that can save me from a public wobble-wobble-Ellen-falls-down event, I veer off the sidewalk and head for the cars parked on the street. Luckily, I’ve locked my hand onto a car mirror just as the knee on my bad leg buckles completely. For insurance, I lean most of my upper body weight on the dripping car hood, happy that my lumpy, hand-me-down jacket is at least waterproof. Only then do I pull in a slow steady breath and test—and beg—and pray—for my still trembling good leg to be okay.

It holds steady, but since I’m not allowed any guarantees with how my body behaves, I keep a death grip on the car any way I can. At least my sudden move has turned me away from the kids down at the stop. If I’m lucky, no one will have seen how I almost just hit the pavement. Even better, while I work out the kinks in my calf, I’ll be able to pretend that I’m simply admiring the snow and taking pictures of random stuff with my iPhone like I always do.

“Come on. Please. Come on.” I twist my bad ankle in a slow circle while more shards of pain pull my calf even tighter. Elation has disappeared, replaced by lead-heavy frustration.

   Anne Eliot
Anne Eliot is the author of the, How I Fall/How I Fly two book series, and bestselling, young adult teen issue romances, Almost and Unmaking Hunter Kennedy. She loves writing about teens who live outside the ordinary and she's devoted to stories about teens who live outside the ordinary but who also get to find sweet first kisses and first loves. Anne resides in Colorado with a very patient husband, two teens of her own whom she adores (an some teens near and far thanks to hosting many exchange students) who are all growing up too fast.  

$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 2/25/15 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.   a Rafflecopter giveaway
How I fly (1)

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