
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How To Catch A Prince by Rachel Hauck

Prince Stephen came to America to escape responsibility. But what he found complicates his life more than ever.

Corina Del Rey is happy with her life in Melbourne, Florida. She spends her days engrossed in her career as a journalist and has her sights set on climbing the corporate ladder if for no other reason, to distract herself from her dissolving family. But when she is confronted with the past she fought so hard to put behind her, she struggles to make sense of her future.

Prince Stephen of Brighton Kingdom has moved on since the tragic death of his buddies in Afghanistan. A star professional rugby player, he has no intention of looking over his shoulder at what could've been.

But when a notice arrives in the mail requiring his and his wife s appearance before the courts to dissolve their marriage, he must deal with the questions rumbling around in his heart. He thought his marriage had been annulled long ago, but his memories of Corina Del Rey remain close. Does he still love her? Can he even find her? Above all, can he tell her the truth about that fateful night in Afghanistan seven years ago? If he does, he might really lose her forever.

Rachel Hauck is one of my favorite Christian Fiction authors.  I'm always looking to snatch up her newest, latest book.  I'm really loving this Royal Wedding Series and I think this one is my favorite so far.   The cover is gorgeous, don't you think?

I absolutely fell in love with Corina.  I love her fortitude and quiet, gentle strength.  I love her determination and her patience.  As she has fought her way back from a dark and hurtful place, she has become a thing of grace and beauty.

The one phrase in this book that is really the theme for Corina is "love well".  It really resonated with me and the phrase is still there, bouncing around in my thoughts and echoing through my heart.  How do I "love well"?  Am I loving well the people I come in contact with?  I love Corina's journey with the phrase "love well". 

I love the romance here and the glimpses of Stephen's family that I have known in previous books.  I'm glad Stephen's story is finally here.  I've been waiting for this one and it did not disappoint.  I love this series!

My thanks to the publisher, Zondervan, via NetGalley for a review copy of this book.


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