
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Here to Stay by Melissa Tagg

Blake Hunziker has played nomad for five years and landed in his fair share of trouble too. But now he's finally returning to his hometown--the Lake Michigan tourist town of Whisper Shore. Counting on a not-so-warm welcome, he's surprised at not only a positive reception but also a job offer. Determined to settle down and prove himself responsible, he agrees to the catch that comes with the job offer--coordinating the annual Christmas festival--even though he has no idea how he'll pull it off.

Autumn Kingsley, inn owner and experienced organizer of the Christmas festival, has always dreamed of traveling the world. Now she has a job opportunity in Paris and a surprise potential investor coming to town who just might take on her family's inn and finally leave her free to go. The only problem is that she has just two weeks to whip the inn into shape.

Their families have a long history of not getting along, but when Blake comes to Autumn for help with the festival, she actually exchange for his help with the repairs to her inn. They may have struck a simple deal, but complications are quick to pile on when the guy who's had enough of running away and the woman who can't wait to leave join forces.

This is a book I requested from the Bethany House publisher on NetGalley.  I love a good, sweet romance and this looked like one I would really enjoy.  

First, I love the cover.  I think that is what drew me to this book initially.  It is playful and happy and makes me want to know what's going on inside.  :)

This is a Christian Fiction novel but I didn't find it overboard or preachy at all.  The characters in this book struggle with past hurts and pain, and dreams for the future.  The trick is knowing when to hold on and when to let go.  I felt like there was depth to the story and the characters.

Blake has been running away but is determined to now come home and face the demons of his past.  He wants to put down roots and prove to himself and everyone else that he is responsible and trustworthy.  Blake's heart is big and he loves to help people.  I loved how he overcame the struggles.  He's the guy you are rooting for the whole way through the book.

Autumn put her dreams on hold for the family inn.  She has been a loyal and dutiful daughter while her mother and sister have struggled through a difficult time emotionally but now Autumn is ready to change things up and follow her own dreams.  She is determined and focused but doesn't expect to have Blake enter her world and shake things up.

I loved the relationship between Blake and Autumn.  It started out pretty shaky but grew into a friendship along with the attraction.  I thought I would go crazy with all the near miss kisses.  The anticipation was killing me!  But all's well that ends well.  Happily ever after and all that, which this girl loves.

This book was perfect for me I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.  "Here to Stay" is the second book in the Where Love Begins series so I guess I better back track and read the first book!  I got a glimpse of the characters from that book in this one and I think it's going to be good!

You can purchase "Here to Stay" at Amazon.


  1. This sounds like a great read! A very nice and helpful review!

  2. Oh, I love a book with great anticipation building! Thanks for the recommendation!


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