
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Lost and Found: A Ripple Effect Romance by Karey White and a $25 Giveaway

Lost and Found by Karey White Lydia was supposed to have an adventurous and exciting summer. Instead she's done nothing more than read and eat takeout. Now it's time to go home, and what does she have to show for it? A big fat nothing. Unless, of course, her trip to the airport somehow turns into something more than just a flight home. Blake feels like he's been sent on a wild goose chase. While work is piling up back in Denver, he's on the other side of the country, hunting for some mysterious box that his grandfather left him. Well, no more. Nothing inside that box could possibly be more important than the opportunity to make it as the youngest partner at his firm. So he's going home, and that's that. But that's before he discovers his flight has been cancelled. When these two strangers meet at the airport, they make a split-second decision to search for the box together. Maybe with both of them on the hunt, Lydia can have her adventure and Blake can find the box. And maybe, if they’re lucky, they’ll even find some romance.

I’m pretty sure I say this every time I review one of these books, but I can’t help it.  I love them.  I love the concept of “the ripple effect” where a character from a previous book has their story told.  In this book it’s Lydia’s turn.  Yeah!

Lydia decided to take the summer and do something for herself; something adventurous and out of her comfort zone.  It took bravery and courage to travel to an unknown city and live by herself for the whole summer.  She was supposed to have adventures and live it up but found she just couldn’t be so bold on her own.  Feeling a bit let down and deflated, she heads to the airport on her way home.

Enter Blake.  (thank goodness)  It was just destiny.  Blake is everything charming.  Right away he sees Lydia, like really sees her.  I love how they morph their plans together and set out on an adventure.  Lydia is helping Blake find something that is seemingly lost but Blake is a kind soul and takes Lydia into consideration at every turn, providing her with her own moments to shine.  That was so sweet.  They are equally so good for each other.  I felt like neither one outshined the other.  Does that make sense?  They both gave as much as they took.

Blake gives Lydia confidence and faith in herself.  He opens her up to new things and allows her to spread her wings and fly.  Lydia gives Blake support and encouragement.  She gives him a safe place to figure things out and feel.

The title is so clever here because it’s more than a lost box that needed found.  It was Lydia’s lost confidence and Blake’s lost priorities.  Together they found the very things they needed.   And love.  They found love.  <sigh>

This was a fun book and a fantastic addition to The Ripple Effect series.  Sweet, clean romance with no content whatsoever to mention.  J  How happy!

Author Karey White Karey is a USA Today best-selling author. She grew up in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Missouri. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. Her first novel, Gifted, was a Whitney Award Finalist. She loves to travel, read, cook, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four wonderful children.  

  Updated Ripple Effect
The Ripple Effect Romance Novella Series Enjoy this exciting new series of clean novellas by six critically-acclaimed authors. "Like a pebble tossed into calm water, a simple act can ripple outward and have a far-reaching effect on those we meet, perhaps setting a life on a different course—one filled with excitement, adventure, and sometimes even love." Book 1: Home Matters by Julie N. Ford Book 2: Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin Book 3: Righting A Wrong by Rachael Anderson Book 4: Lost and Found by Karey White Book 5: Second Chances 101 by Donna K. Weaver Book 6: Immersed by Jennifer Griffith

Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 5/12/14
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Lost and found tour
Tour Schedule


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