
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Porcelain Keys by Sarah Beard + a Giveaway!

Title: Porcelain Keys
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary Romance
Pages: 352
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc. (February 11, 2014)
ISBN-10: 1462113966
ISBN-13: 978-1462113965

Aria's life is full of secrets--secrets about her mother's death, her father's cruelty, and her dream to go to Juilliard. When Aria meets Thomas, he draws out her secrets, captures her heart, and gives her the courage to defy her father. But when tragedy strikes and Thomas disappears, Aria is left alone to transform her broken heart's melody into something beautiful. Porcelain Keys is a captivating love story that will resonate long after the last page is turned.

Porcelain Keys was such a pleasure to read.  It wasn't quite what I was expecting going into it but don't ask me what I was expecting because I don't really know. ha.  Actually, I think I was expecting the usual YA book but what I got was something deeper and more substantial.  This was a tender and emotional story of a girl trying to escape the hurt to find hope, healing and love.

I loved the music aspect of this book.  Music has always been a part of my world and my emotions.  Music has the power to sway your emotions and take you to faraway places.  Aria has a gift within her for music.  She feels the pull to play and when she does, her emotions feed into the music and make it come alive.

Aria is a character you will feel connected to.  She is both vulnerable and strong.  Her tragedies will have you wishing for a happily ever after ending.  There was real depth to Aria and to this whole story.  She has to fight her way out of the darkness that threatens to consume her.  There is something admirable in that.

I walked away from this book feeling satisfied and happy.  Aria's story stayed in my mind well after I had read it.  I love when that happens.

You can purchase Porcelain Keys on Amazon or at Cedar Fort.

SARAH BEARD is the author of Porcelain Keys, a YA contemporary romance. She has a degree in communications from the University of Utah and splits her time between writing and raising three energetic boys. She is a cancer survivor and a hopeless romantic. She enjoys reading and composing music, and lives with her husband and children in Salt Lake City, Utah. You can follow Sarah on twitter at @authorsarahb, or at Her website is

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for being part of the blog tour!

  2. I've heard lots of great things about this book and am looking forward to reading it! I love stories with music in them.

  3. Glad you like it this book! :)
    The cover is beautiful and sounds very good!
    Looking forward to read,thanks for the awesome post! :)


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