
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fighting For the Edge by Jennifer Comeaux + $25 Giveaway

  Fighting for the Edge Cover
Fighting for the Edge Two friends. Two dreams. One night that changes everything… Ice dancer Aubrey London scoffs at romance. She’s focused on winning a medal at the upcoming Olympics and uses that as her excuse to avoid serious relationships. But when she and longtime friend Chris Grayden are thrown together by unforeseen circumstances, Aubrey finds herself questioning everything she's ever known about love, complicating her life both on and off the ice. Pairs skater Emily Petrov embraces romance. She and her husband Sergei still act like honeymooners two years after their wedding. As Emily’s coach, Sergei provides constant support while she prepares to challenge for gold at the Olympics. But Sergei’s support might not be enough to help Emily overcome the one challenge she never saw coming. With the Games only weeks away, Emily and Aubrey are on the verge of realizing their dreams. But one snowy, stormy night sets in motion a series of events that will test them in ways they never imagined, giving them more to fight for than Olympic medals.  

Since I've read the first two book in this series I was really looking forward to reading and reviewing this last book in the "Edge" series.  I love watching competitive figure skating.  It's one of my favorite sports to watch.  The Olympics is a magical time to watch figure skating and this book is set around making it to the Olympics.

It was nice to have Emily and Sergei married in this book.  I liked it.  Adding in Aubrey's story was awesome.  I have always liked Chris so it was good to see him so upfront and interacting with Aubrey.  Chris shoulders a lot of responsibility in this book and I just love his sense of loyalty and strength.

The story is engaging and it always felt forward moving.  I was interested and wanted to keep reading.  These are the kind of books that make reviewing easy.  The characters are real and I can see them and by this, the last book, I really feel like I know them.  I'm sad to see this series end but I'll be looking forward to reading whatever Jennifer Comeaux comes up with next!

There are some sexual references, steamy kissing and make out scenes, and sex behind closed doors between a married couple (although nothing descriptive).

Enjoy the following excerpt from Fighting For the Edge!

Sergei nudged one leg between my knees, bringing our bodies closer. I tilted my chin up, and he brushed a long curl away from my face.
“Winning is very sexy,” he said.
“Yes, it is.” I nodded slowly and fingered one of the buttons on his shirt. “You know what would be really sexy? Winning an Olympic gold medal.”
He chuckled. “It always comes back to the Olympics.”
“I know, I know. I shouldn’t obsess. But it’s getting so close that I can’t stop thinking about it. And lately I’ve been thinking about all the freak things that could happen in the next eight weeks.”
“Like what?” Sergei arched an eyebrow, seeming afraid to humor me.
“Like… I could step off a curb wrong and break my ankle. Just walking down the street and BAM! Olympics are over.”
“I could carry you everywhere,” he said with a smile.
“That sounds very appealing. Or I could get one of those motorized scooters old people use. A Hoveround!”
He rubbed both my shoulders and then cupped his hands under my chin. “Em, you can’t live in fear that something terrible is going to happen. You’ll drive yourself insane.”
“More insane than I already am?” I asked with a laugh.
“I want this dream to become reality for you. I want it even more than I did for myself. But whatever happens in Torino, it’s not going to define you. What will define you is how fearless you’ve been, how hard you’ve worked, how much you’ve inspired young skaters.”

There was so much love and sureness in his eyes. I reached up and caressed his stubbly cheek, and as I touched my mouth to his, I let my palm trail down his chest. His warmth always gave me such comfort, and being in his arms made me feel totally at peace. I might need to take up permanent residence there the next eight weeks.

Life on the Edge (Book 1) Nineteen-year-old Emily is new to pairs skating, but she and her partner Chris have a big dream–to be the first American team to win Olympic gold. Their young coach Sergei, who left Russia after a mysterious end to his skating career, believes they can break through and make history. Emily and Chris are on track to be top contenders at the 2002 Winter Games. But when forbidden feelings spark between Emily and Sergei, broken trust and an unexpected enemy threaten to derail Emily’s dreams of gold.
Edge of the Past (Book 2) Summary: Emily's skating career and personal life have never been more golden. She and her partner Chris have won every competition they've entered this season, and she's found the man of her dreams in her coach Sergei. But when one of the biggest competitions of the year takes Emily and Sergei to Russia, Sergei's past explodes into the present and makes Emily doubt everything in their future.  
Author Jennifer Comeaux
Jennifer Comeaux is a tax accountant by day, writer by night. There aren't any ice rinks near her home in south Louisiana, but she's a diehard figure skating fan and loves to write stories of romance set in the world of competitive skating. One of her favorite pastimes is travelling to competitions, where she can experience all the glitz and drama that inspire her writing.
When not working or writing, she is an avid follower of the sport of figure skating, travelling to competitions around the country. Those experiences allow her to see another side of the sport and serve as an inspiration for her writing. Jennifer is blessed with a wonderful family and many friends who have encouraged her to pursue her dream of being a published author.
Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 12/19/13
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Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
fighting for the Edge tour

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for reading and being part of the tour, Aimee!


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