Kaireen, daughter of Laird Liannon, is suddenly forced into an arranged marriage with her sworn enemy, a Viking. She refuses to submit. With no mention of love, only land and the protection of her clan, she endeavors to get her betrothed banished from her country. Will love find its way around her stubborn heart?
Bram, the Viking, finds himself without future or inheritance as a younger son in his family. A marriage to the Laird’s daughter would grant him land if he swears fidelity and if his men will fight along with the Liannons against any foe—Irish or Viking. However, the Laird’s feisty daughter only holds animosity for him and his kind. Is marriage worth the battle scars of such a relentless opponent?
With the blame for a rival laird’s death treacherously set against the Liannons, Kaireen and Bram must find a way to lay aside their differences as an unforeseen darkness sends death snapping at their heels.
What do you get when you cross a Irishwoman and a Viking? FIRE. Yes, strong willed, determined, fire. What a pairing!
Kaireen is one tough chick. She is all the hot tempered fire you would expect in a good Irish lass. Push her and she will explode even if she is wrong. She is also brave and loyal and good with a bow and arrow. Don't get on her bad side.
Bram is smitten. I'm not sure exactly why. Perhaps he knows if he can catch Kaireen and get her to marry him, he will have some kind of super charged, feisty, strong children to continue his lines. He is big and strong, a protector. He promises his fidelity to Kaireen and nothing could be sexier than that.
This book is not for the faint of heart. There are full of evil bad guys, bloody battles, witches and messy kitchens to clean. (what? messy kitchens take courage, I tell you. Just ask Kaireen)
And of course, this is a romance and not one I would label clean. Well, it was mostly clean until the very, very end. Yes, one bedroom scene, descriptive, between a married couple. I would have to rip out the last couple pages and edit out with a sharpie a few less than classy phrases throughout the book in order for this book to stay on my shelves. There was also a handful or two of mild swearing.
It's funny because we all have different ideas of clean. The author and I exchanged a few words about the heat level of her book because I wanted to be very upfront about my preference for "clean" romances. I really appreciated her explaining things to me the best she could. Her publisher gave it a sensual rating, the lowest it can be for romance. I know there are romances out there much more descriptive (although I don't know much about them because I don't read them) but for me, this was enough over the line that I cannot call it clean but I CAN call it a great diverting read because I really did enjoy it until the very end when I got squirmy. :)
You can find Viking Fire on Goodreads.
You can buy Viking Fire at Amazon.

About the Author
Growing up in Houston, Texas, Andrea has always created characters and stories. But it wasn't until she was in her late twenties that she started writing novels.
What happened that ignited the writing flame in her fingers? Divorced, and disillusioned by love songs and stories. They exaggerate. She thought. Love and Romance are not like that in the real world. Then she met her husband and realized, yes love and romance are exactly like the songs and stories say. She is now a happy wife, and a mom to three kids (two boys and a girl).
Andrea writes paranormal and historical romance. When not writing or reading, one may find Andrea dancing in Zumba.
She believes in the power of change and counting each moment as a blessing. But most importantly, she believes in love.
Viking Fire is her second forthcoming novel with Crimson Romance and is a historical romance. Her debut novel, The Garnet Dagger, is a paranormal romance and is now available.
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