
Monday, November 18, 2013

Just Dessert by Heather Gray

Historical Inspy Romance
Length: 271 Pages
ISBN: 9781621352082

Dessert…the perfect remedy when nothing in life seems to be going right.
What do you do when you are the sole protector of four children, your brothers and sisters? When each day is haunted by disappointment, disillusionment and desperation? When you believe that everyone who ever loved you, including God, has abandoned you?
You bake a pie, of course.
What do you do when you find a woman whose heart is consumed by fear? Who does not know how to trust? Who scoffs at your faith and throws your kindness back in your face?
You eat a pie, of course.

To start off with, I think the cover makes this book seem A LOT sexier than it really is.  This book is a inspirational historical romance and it has quite a bit of inspirational in it.  I personally don't mind that, but you should be aware because the cover might put into my head a different kind of romance story.

This book had a slow, easy pace to it.  I enjoyed the story and the characters.  Mary is the glue that holds her family together.  She works so hard to maintain a home and take care of her siblings.  She is their protector and care giver.  Mary holds quite a bit of bitterness toward her community and her God.  She feels both abandoned her in her time of greatest need.  

Grady swoops in and saves the day.  But not in a superman kind of way.  He is gentle and unassuming.  He shows up and works.  He holds to his commitments.  He gains trust and helps to transform a family.  Grady is a man.

I love historical fiction and that's mostly what this is.  The romance is light and sweet.  The story made me want to eat pie.  Strawberry pie to be exact.  I wish I had a big slice of that sitting in front of me right now!  :)

You can buy Just Dessert at Amazon.

My thanks to Astraea Press for allowing me to read and review for them.


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