
Monday, October 7, 2013

The Romney Family Table: Sharing Home-Cooked Recipes and Favorite Traditions by Ann Romney

Size: 9½" x 10½"
Pages: 224
Year Published: 2013

Home is where good things happen--and for the Romney family, the heart of the home is the kitchen. In The Romney Family Table, Ann Romney, wife of former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney, reflects on her many years as a mom, shares family recipes, and describes some of her favorite and not-so-favorite moments of raising a family. Woven together with personal memories and traditions are Romney family favorite recipes such as Peppered Pork Chops with Peach-Vinegar Glaze, Welsh Skillet Cakes, Honey Wheat Bread (which Ann made regularly for five growing sons), and Mimi’s Buttermilk Pancakes, which she and Mitt shared with their Secret Service detail at the end of his presidential campaign.

This unique blend of heartwarming and humorous stories told in Ann’s warm, welcoming style, candid family photos spanning four decades, and more than 125 fabulous recipes will inspire your own traditions and family dinners for years to come.

Do you love new recipes?  Do you love cooking?  Do you love family?

This is a book to be enjoyed on so many levels.  Not only is it a cookbook of sorts with so many yummy sounding recipes, it is a book about family and traditions and love.

When I started this book I thought I was in it for the recipes.  I thought that is what this book was mostly about and I'm always looking for new dinner and dessert ideas.  I was not disappointed in this at all.  There were lots of great recipes and ideas in this book.  Along with the recipes were fabulous pictures that made my mouth water.

What I wasn't expecting from this book was a sense of connection and a genuine interest in the Romney family.  Ann Romney is quite a lady.  She raised five boys and is now grandmother to many.  You can feel the love throughout this book as she shares traditions and memories.  One of my favorite stories was one she tells about getting 5 boys to church by herself by 8:30am Sunday mornings.  She actually dressed the boys in their church clothes before putting them to bed the night before so she could make it on time in the morning.  She packed muffins in the car for them to eat on the way.  It made me laugh but it also made me realize that we moms are inventive when we need to be to get things done.  It was a good story.

This book is so much more than just a recipe book.  But, it all works together in a fabulous way.  It's a great addition to my bookshelf and I'm excited to try a few new recipes from the book that I think my family will enjoy.  My daughter is the one who loves to cook in this house so maybe I'll have her try out a few as well.

My thanks to Shadow Mountain for allowing me to read and review this book.  It was my pleasure.

You can find this book at Amazon and Deseret Book.

Here is a video blurb from a recent TV appearance Ann Romney did if you want to check it out.  Also, if you click the Deseret Book link above there is a link there for a pumpkin bread recipe from the book that looks really yummy!  It's the perfect recipe for October.  I'm going to put my daughter to work on it today.  :)

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About the Author
Ann Romney places primary importance on her role as a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. As First Lady of Massachusetts, she worked to focus attention on the challenges facing at-risk youth and served as the Governor’s Liaison to the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998, she has volunteered much of her time to raise awareness of the disease. She and her husband, Mitt, celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary this year. They have five sons, five daughters-in-law, and twenty-two grandchildren.

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