
Monday, September 30, 2013

On Tour with Six Months Later by Natalie D. Richards + a Giveaway!

336 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Release Date: October 1st, 2013

Forgetting changed her. Remembering might destroy her. 

Chloe didn't think about it much when she nodded off in study hall on that sleepy summer day. But when she wakes up, snow is on the ground and she can't remember the last six months of her life. Before, she'd been a mediocre student. Now, she's on track for valedictorian and being recruited by Ivy League schools. Before, she never had a chance with super jock Blake. Now he's her boyfriend. Before, she and Maggie were inseparable. Now her best friend won't speak to her.

What happened to her?

And why can't she remember?

This book has such an interesting premise.  I loved how I was instantly drawn right into the story.  It was intense and forward moving the whole time.  I was literally compelled to keep reading.  I love when a book does that to me.

How freaky would it be to just wake up one day and find that your whole world had changed?  Crazy stuff.  Chloe is a smart girl though.  I like how she thinks about things and tries to figure out what's going on.  It's the gut feeling that things just aren't right that she depends on.  Even though she is confused out of her mind, she keeps trying and struggling and following her gut feelings.  I love how hard she works to try to salvage a friendship with her best friend, Maggie.

The good thing about this book was that we learned things right along with Chloe.  I felt confused and frightened and annoyed right along with her.  It was intense and I really liked that.  Oh, the mystery!

I haven't read a book quite like this before.  I flew through the book quickly because I just had to know and it isn't a short book by any means.  :)

My one problem with the book is the language.  There is quite a bit of swearing, including the F word.  Not a fan of the F word, especially in YA books.  That's just me and my personal opinion though.  If I could take out all the swearing, I would give this book 5 stars.  

You can find Six Months Later at the following places:

Natalie D. Richards won her first writing competition in the second grade with her short story about Barbara Frances Bizzlefishes (who wouldn't dare do the dishes.)  She later misplaced her writing dreams in a maze of cubicles and general office drudgery. Natalie never forgot about Barbara or those dishes, and eventually she found her way back to storytelling, following the genre of her heart, teen fiction.  When she's not writing or shopping her manuscripts, you can probably find her wading through the towers of dog-eared paperbacks that have taken over her bedroom. Natalie lives in Ohio with her amazing husband and their three children, who inspire her every day to stick with her dreams.


(1) Autographed book of Six Months Later by Natalie D. Richards
(1) Starbucks Gift Card
Some promo goodies

My question (#QOD) for the rafflecopter giveaway is this:  What is the worst thing you have forgotten?
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The UnofficialAddiction Book Fan Club -> Find Me Review
A Reading Nurse -> Six Months Later Review

The UnofficialAddiction Book Fan Club -> Six Months Later Review
A Reading Nurse -> Find Me Review

Friday, September 27, 2013

Family Size by Maria Hoagland

Jessica loves being the mom of an ever-expanding family, but when an ultrasound throws her a curve, can she adapt with grace?

Dragged away from home, Maya feels deserted by her workaholic husband in a land of confusing accents and church cliques. What will it take to acclimate and save her marriage—or does she even want to?

Sloane is an algebra teacher and runner who would give up both to be a mom, but no matter what she does, pregnancy remains elusive. Can she adjust her thinking and find purpose in her life?

As their lives intertwine, can friendship and faith help these women hurdle expectations of an ideal family size?

My guess is that every woman everywhere can relate to this book in one way or another.  I know I did.  If the struggle wasn't mine at one point or another, it was the struggle of someone close to me.  There was an automatic connection all the way through the book.

These women struggle with self esteem, fitting in, motherhood, friendships, and illness.  Every page is filled with struggle of some kind.  While I know that life deals hard things every day, this book felt like living the lives of three more people dealing with hard things.  This book was in no way for me an escape.  It felt heavy.  There were a lot of down and depressing things that didn't get a lot of lifting until right at the very, very end.   I guess I didn't feel a lot of relief or hope throughout although I know each woman had it or they wouldn't have kept going.  There were lots of negative things (feelings, words) and while I know these particular struggles are full of negative, I don't like dwelling there.   

I believe that while there are people out there who can be insensitive and even rude, there are also lots of people out there who are kind, generous and compassionate.  Most of the time comments that can be considered rude in this book are made by people who do not understand the circumstances.  When we as people understand each other better, we are naturally inclined to be more considerate and kind.

I guess one of the "moral of the story" standouts for me can be summarized by a comment Marjorie Pay Hinckley once made.  She said, "Be kind.  Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."  I really do believe that.  Most battles we fight are ones that cannot be easily seen on the outside.  The best thing we can do for each other is to be kind.  Even when we don't understand.  Another moral- don't judge.  If we would spend less time judging and finding fault, we would all be happier and every struggle would seem easier.

I think the author got the feelings of dealing with these particular struggles down perfect.  These are hard subjects to talk about and tough feelings to deal with.  I like that there is a book out there that might help people understand these struggles and feelings better so we can be more kind and understanding.

This is an LDS based fiction book.  While there are many mentions of church and church meetings and interactions, there wasn't really any preaching.  It's more about finding the faith to continue even when things are hard.

When Maria Hoagland is not working at her computer, she can be found walking barefoot in soft grass, remodeling houses with her husband, or enjoying campfires with their three children. She loves crunching leaves in the fall, stealing cookie dough from the mixing bowl, and listening to musicals on her iPod. Maria earned her degree at Brigham Young University, and although she adores mountain resorts near her Idaho home, she is no longer a fan of ice skating.

Maria has two published novels: Nourish & Strengthen and Family Size. Her poems have been published in small magazines, and her short story "Diagnosis & Treatment" won first place in the Linda Hunter Adams writing contest at Brigham Young University.

Facebook Author Page:

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ripple Effect Romance Coming Soon! Cover Reveal and Giveaway!

The Ripple Effect Romance Novella Series 
Enjoy this exciting new series of clean novellas by six critically-acclaimed authors.

"Like a pebble tossed into calm water, a simple act can ripple outward and have a far-reaching effect on those we meet, perhaps setting a life on a different course—one filled with excitement, adventure, and sometimes even love."

Book 1: Home Matters by Julie N. Ford
Book 2: Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin
Book 3: Righting A Wrong by Rachael Anderson
Book 4: Lost and Found by Karey White
Book 5: Second Chances 101 by Donna K. Weaver
Book 6: Immersed in Love by Jennifer Griffith

Home Matters by Julie N. Ford

According to her mother, Olivia Pembroke was born to be a star. But how is she supposed to be famous when she can't even get a decent acting gig? Her lucky break comes when she lands an audition for a wildly popular home improvement show. Even though she has no design training and has never even held a power tool, she refuses to let that stop her. She's confident that her destiny is finally within reach.

When her affections are torn between her heartthrob co-host and the irritating, yet somehow endearing lead contractor, does she continue to reach for the stars? Or does she design a new happily ever after? One that leads not to the fading lights of fame and fortune, but to a love that will burn forever.

Silver Linings by Kaylee Baldwin

Drew Westfall wants nothing more than to forget what he had to do in the name of "smart" business. Cutting off all ties with his parents—including handing over the entire contents of his trust fund to a charity—he takes off for Bridger, Colorado where his best friend has an extra room for him. It doesn't take long for him to realize that his business degree won’t do him much good in a town as small as Bridger, but he's broke and has nowhere else to go.

Eden Torresi has every reason to wallow. Not only did she lose her mother, but she had to drop out of nursing school and is in a relationship with a guy unwilling to commit. But Eden isn't the wallowing type. Instead, she chooses to spend most of her time taking care of the seniors at Silver Linings Nursing home. When she learns that her boyfriend's new roommate is down on his luck, her caring nature makes her want to reach out to him and offer what help she can. But the more time they spend together, the more complicated things get, especially when the seniors of Silver Linings decide to play matchmaker.

Righting a Wrong by Rachael Anderson

Seven years ago, Cambri Blaine fled her small hometown of Bridger, Colorado after her senior year ended in a fiasco. Only Jace Sutton knew the real reason why—that she was a spineless coward. Now, seven years later, her father's been in an accident and needs help, and Cambr has no choice but to return home. So with trepidation, she takes a leave of absence from the landscape architecture firm where she works and boards a plane, hoping against hope that Jace is no longer around and that the past can stay where it belongs—in the past.

If only life worked that way.

Jace never expected to see Cambri again. After she’d led him on, bruised his heart, and left town without a backward glance, he was forced to pick up the pieces and try not to hate her for it. Eventually, he put it behind him and moved on, creating a life for himself in his beloved hometown. But now that Cambri is back and looking more beautiful and sophisticated than ever, some of those old feelings resurface, and Jake instinctively knows, for the sake of his heart, that he needs to avoid her at all costs.

If only it were that easy.

Lost and Found by Karey White

Lydia was supposed to have an adventurous and exciting summer. Instead she's done nothing more than read and eat takeout. Now it's time to go home, and what does she have to show for it? A big fat nothing. Unless, of course, her trip to the airport somehow turns into something more than just a flight home.

Blake feels like he's been sent on a wild goose chase. While work is piling up back in Denver, he's on the other side of the country, hunting for some mysterious box that his grandfather left him. Well, no more. Nothing inside that box could possibly be more important than the opportunity to make it as the youngest partner at his firm. So he's going home, and that's that. But that's before he discovers his flight has been cancelled.

When these two strangers meet at the airport, they make a split-second decision to search for the box together. Maybe with both of them on the hunt, Lydia can have her adventure and Blake can find the box. And maybe, if they’re lucky, they’ll even find some romance.

Second Chances 101 by Donna K. Weaver

Thirty seven year old Francie Davis, a recent widow and empty nester, gets to attend college at last. She’s sure her luck has changed when she also lands a job on campus that will pay her tuition, as administrative assistant to a history professor. When her handsome new boss yells at her on the first day of work, Francie worries she will never be good enough.

For Professor Alex Diederik, life is going downhill fast. Not only is his bitter ex-wife trying to poison their only daughter against him, but now his one place of solace—his work environment—is being complicated by his attractive new administrative assistant. She drives home his feelings of failure as a husband and father, and Alex wonders if hiring her was the right thing to do.

Francie will have to put aside her hurt and insecurities or risk her dreams, while Alex must look outside himself if he’s to mend the breach with his daughter. And, perhaps, find someone who can help heal his pain.

Immersed in Love by Jennifer Griffith

Lisette Pannebaker speaks five languages and has a brilliant business plan—personal language immersion. Clients can hire her to shadow them and speak all day in any language they need to learn for business or travel—whatever.

But there’s a major hitch: she’s far too pretty. Clients with less than honorable intentions sign up just have Lisette at their side. Solution? A make-under. Way under.It works like a charm. None of her male clients show her the least bit of interest.

Until… Erik.

Erik Gunnarsson is charming, kind, and smart—everything she’s ever looked for. Even though he seems to have a secret and she swore she'd never date a client, Lisette is tempted to shed her disguise—even if it means jeopardizing her career.

Giveaway Details
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 10/31/13

Bloggers who put up a spotlight post about these books on their blog can enter to win an additional $25 gift card or paypal cash.  See details in the Rafflecopter.

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the authors. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rocky Road Review, Giveaway and Excerpt

Rocky Road

It was supposed to be a girls’ weekend in scenic St. George, Utah that would include shopping, trying out the local cuisine, and participating in a breast cancer fundraiser. The fact that one of the organizers of the fundraising event, a local doctor, disappeared two months ago was not supposed to be Sadie’s problem. In fact, she refuses to participate in the grassroots investigation her friend Caro, and Caro’s cousin, Tess, have put together prior to her arrival. But then she meets the ex-wife of the missing doctor. How could she not ask a few questions . . . that lead to a few more questions . . . that lead to a small town and yet even more questions. Before she knows it, Sadie is in the middle of yet another murder investigation and trying to piece together a convoluted trail of good intentions, hidden motivations, and philanthropy turned big business.

As always, Josi Kilpack delivers another cozy foodie mystery with Rocky Road.  I love that I always know what I'm getting when I pick up a book in this series.  Not only will you have a romp of a mystery with Sadie who just cannot help but find herself in the middle of anything going awry around her, you will be treated to the most yummy sounding recipes.  (I always say I'm going to make them but honestly, I'm a girl that just does not like to cook or bake so they never seem to make it to reality.)  Although, there is a recipe in this book for fry sauce and while we don't make that exact recipe, we do make fry sauce in this house.  All my kids know how to make fry sauce.  And we all make it with our own little spin based on personal preferences.  :)

Oh, wait.  This is a book review not a fry sauce dissertation.

Usually we find Sadie working on mysteries, avoiding the local police and her fiance who is a police officer.  She is a girl who sniffs out what others miss.  It always leads to trouble. Rocky Road is a bit different in this sense because Sadie is actually working with the police this time.  Yup, all above board and on the up and up.  Right?  Well, almost.  :)  Sadie was much more level headed in this book.  Leading the youngin's and all that.  I enjoyed Caro and her contribution to the book but I really missed Pete.  This whole book takes place in just a few days but I still missed Pete.  

This is an easy read.  The dialogue flows naturally and the characters feel real.  I love the Southern Utah setting.  That area is so beautiful.  I lived there when I was really young and whenever I see those red rocks it feels like coming home to me.  Even after all these years.  

Enjoy the following excerpt from Rocky Road:

“Sadie’s been in here questioning her the whole time.” She pointed at Lori for emphasis and Sadie felt her face heating up in reaction to the accusation.
“Questioning me?” Lori looked at Sadie again.
“I was not questioning her,” Sadie explained while glancing between them, “we were just . . . talking.”
“About Dr. H,” Tess said accusingly.
“Well, yeah, and other things, but –”
“Wait.” Lori put up her hand, looking somewhat cornered. They all went quiet. “What are you talking about?”
“Sadie’s an investigator, didn’t she tell you that?”
Sadie didn’t know what to say. Tess was making Sadie look like she’d been deceptive, which she hadn’t been. The conversation had just . . . evolved of its own accord. Okay, maybe she’d guided it a little bit but there was so much more to it than that and she felt cheapened by the way Tess was pouncing on this circumstances she wasn’t even trying to understand.
Author Josi S. Kilpack 
 Born and raised in Salt Lake City Utah, I met my husband in high-school--well, he wasn't my husband then, just the cute guy in weight training with the permed mullet--and we married in 1993. I wrote my first book while on bed rest with my third child and have gone on to publish 20 novels, the most recent being part of The Sadie Hoffmiller Culinary Mystery Series. I currently live in Willard, Utah with my husband, children, and cat.  
Culinary Mysteries by Josi Kilpack
culinary mysteries
  Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 10/6/13   Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
   a Rafflecopter giveaway  

rocky road

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson

Title: Blackmoore
Author: Julianne Donaldson
Page Count: 276
Genre: Regency Romance
Book Brand: A Proper Romance

Kate Worthington knows she can never have her heart’s desire and so believes she will never marry. But Kate’s meddlesome mother has other plans. Kate journeys to the stately manor of Blackmoore on the cliffs above the seashore, where she must face the truth and the man that has kept her heart captive.

Set in northern England, Blackmoore is a Regency romance that tells the story of a young woman struggling to learn to follow her heart. With hints of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters, Blackmoore is a page-turning tale of romance, intrigue and devotion.

This book, in truth, reminds me of both Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters.  It's that old English feel~ the separation of classes, the countryside, the speech.  I just loved it.

This book makes me wish I were standing on the Moors in England with the wind whipping through my hair.  It makes me long for old castles and walks along the sea shore.  I want to go to England!!

I loved the beautiful descriptions.  I could almost see, feel and taste everything in this book.  The characters were so well defined in my head.  My heart just ached as Kate's story unfolded bit by agonizing bit.  There were several moments in the book that the writing was just so beautiful.  So, so beautiful.  What a talented writer Julianne Donaldson is.  How lucky I am to be a part of promoting this book.

I read this book in one day.  Given, I didn't do a whole lot else because honestly, nothing seemed quite as important as reading that book.  :)  What?  I made dinner.  Everyone was picked up from school and fed.  What more do they need?  It was just one day.  One very good day.  I love this book.  I hope if you love regency romance you will give this book a read.  It is perfectly clean and simply beautiful.

You can find the following books by Julianne Donaldson on Amazon.  If you haven't had the chance to read Edenbrooke, this an awesome time to pick that one up!  (titles are linked)

Julianne Donaldson grew up as the daughter of a U.S. Air Force fighter pilot. She learned how to ski in the Italian Alps, visited East Berlin before the wall came down, and spent three years living next to a 500-year-old castle. After earning a degree in English, she turned her attention to writing about distant times and places. She lives in Utah with her husband and four children.

My thanks to Shadow Mountain for providing the book for my review AND providing the book for the giveaway as well.  Giveaway is open to US only.
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Me and Kimberly Krey: Dishing our favorite Kissing Scenes!

On tour with Prism Book Tours... 

Welcome to... The Kissin' Tour!

Ooh, you are going to LOVE this!  Today Kimberly and I are going to dish some of our top, favorite kissing moments from movies, TV and books.  This is, after all, a Kissin' Tour.  :)  

Kimberly asked me to review her newest book, Cassie's Cowboy Crave before this tour was organized so I've already done my review and you can read it HERE.  Kimberly and I have exchanged quite a few emails and smiles but this was, by far the most fun we've had so far.  I love our top kissing scenes and I really hope you do too.  :)  It's all about the kissin'.

Aimee:  This one is a little cheesy but it's from the Sound of Music.  The two young love birds (Leisl & Rolf)
 are outside singing "I am Sixteen" and they are dancing around in the rain.  It's sweet and romantic and then at the end the boy gives the girl an innocent kiss and runs away.  She is all dreamy and then she lets out a squee!  I love that because it's a sweet, innocent first kiss that makes my heart do a little sigh.  (this clip gets a little ridiculous repeating it, but it's all I could find.)

Kimberly:  That’s a super cute one! One of my favorite Movie Kisses would have to be from A Walk In The Clouds ~ Keanu Reeves & Aitana Sánchez-Gijón. They’re not really married but everyone thinks they are. They’ve just “smashed the grapes” in the vineyard, and when they come inside, passion erupts between them in a slow and sizzling kiss! I love it! Of course, I have several favorites. But this is definitely up there on the list. Here’s a link if you’d like to see it for yourself: (if you want to skip right to it, you’ll have to go 2 min into the video)

Aimee:  I LOVE that movie and that is one good kiss scene.  Okay so how about from TV?  I'm going with one from last season's Bachelorette show and Drew.  Here my heart does a bigger sigh.  It's when he and Dez are having a romantic dinner and he stands up and drags her outside into an alley, pushes her up against the wall and kisses her.  Um, hello.  Yum.

Okay, I watched yours. I loved it. You’re right. Something about that whole set up is wonderful! I’m posting a link so others may enjoy it too! (sorry I couldn't get this one to link up to youtube to embed it in the post!  

One of my favorite TV kisses is from a show called My So-called Life. Claire Danes (LOVE HER!) and Jared Leto (love him) experience what I think is such a sweet first kiss! I also love the cute little dance she does on the way up to her house afterward; adorable! 

Aimee:  Aw!  See, that why I love the Sound of Music one.  Both have that innocent feel about them and the excitement after the first kiss.  That one is perfect.

Kimberly:  I do have to add one more because I simply can’t help myself. It’s from Lost. A kiss between Sawyer and Kate. Whether you watched this show or not, you must experience this one! Warning: Watching this might make you want to kiss a man while he’s tied up to a tree. Just sayin’.

Aimee:  Oh yeah.  We are awesome at this kissin' picking!  I wonder how long we could go on?!

Picking one stand alone kissing scene from a book is hard to do.  There are so many! So, my next pick is sort of a multi book theme, but the hottest place to kiss, I guess.  The Pantry!  Who knew?!  Anyway, in Cassie's Cowboy Crave, there is some hot kissing in the pantry which was particularly inspiring for me.  (See what I have to say on that in my review and interview with Kimberly HERE)  I LOVED this scene.  It reminded me a little bit of the pantry scene from Kissing in the Dark by Marcia Lynn McClure.  A couple is thrown together during a party game for 11 minutes in the pantry together.  They do some steamy makin' out.  There is also a pantry kissing scene in a Jaclyn Hawkes book I read.  I'm telling you, kissing in the pantry is HOT.  I'm going to be making a sign for above my pantry that says, "The hottest place to kiss"  What?!  I'm not kidding.  My husband doesn't know this yet but he's going love this new idea.  I think I'll give it to him for his birthday coming up in October.  :)
Kimberly:  Haha! Yes, the pantry; you’ve got to love it. And great birthday idea, by the way. How about making two of those signs; my hubby has a birthday coming up as well. ;)

So I have multiple book favorites as well. But I’ve narrowed it down to one incredible kiss from Marcia Lynn McClure’s novel, The Visions of Ransom Lake. In one particular scene, Ransom, upon scolding Vaden for letting “worm boy” kiss her, shows her just how a real man should deliver a kiss. And boy, does he know what he’s talking about. Very yummy scene! Will always be at the top of my list. 

And that is it!  Our first kissin' list!  We hope you enjoyed it, were inspired by it and we especially hope it made you smile.  

Ooh, so now you must tell us YOUR favorite kissing scene!  Share, share, share!

Kimberly Krey honestly does know how to write up a great kissing scene and you won't be disappointed if you pick up her latest book, Cassie's Cowboy Crave.  Kimberly is an awesome sport to do this with me.  It takes such time and I'm not the only one on this tour with something special going on.  Check out all the stops and leave some love where you can.

The Kissin' Tour
The delights of Romantic Tension!

Sept. 16 – Launch
20 – Mommasez…
Sept. 27-30 Grand Finale

Writing Romance That’s Clean Without Losing the Steam!

Kimberly Krey

I'm a writer of contemporary clean romance, a lover of home, family, & friends, & the ultimate hater of laundry.

A few of my favorite things: Diet Coke, Cafe Rio, and novels by Marcia Lynn McClure.

I do not go anywhere without: SoftLips Chapstick and Altoids Smalls.

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads

Cassie's Cowboy Crave (Sweet Montana Bride, #1)

Sweet Montana Bride Series
by Kimberly Krey
Published July 12, 2013

Twenty-four-year-old Cassie Lovell has a great job, good friends, and an apartment with a killer view. That is, until life is turned upside down. Without the chance to say goodbye, Cassie is forced into a witness protection program on Emerson Ranch. Just when she fears life is doomed, Cassie meets Shane Emerson, the stunningly handsome cowboy who’ll be posing as her newlywed groom. 

Shane Emerson is determined not to fall for the woman he’s agreed to harbor. Especially since the whole thing was his family’s way of trying to get him hitched. So why is it when he takes Cassie into his home, Shane wants nothing more than to turn their make-believe marriage into more than just a sham? 

In a moment of weakness, Shane steals a kiss. 
In return, Cassie steals his heart. 
Yet before they confess their undying love, 
a hidden danger threatens to tear them apart.

*Although this novel is considered clean romance, it does contain passionate kissing and a few mild curse words.


$100 Amazon Gift Card + Signed Paperback + Recipes!  (Int'l.)
Sept 16 - Oct 11

Must be 18 to enter, able to receive winnings. See other applicable restrictions on Rafflecopter.

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Cinderskella by Amie and Bethany Borst: Cover Reveal, Giveaway and a SQUEE!

Cindy is just a normal 11¾-year-old girl. At least until she wakes up one night and finds out she’s dead. Well, she isn't technically dead—she just doesn't have any hair . . . or a nose . . . or skin. Yep—all bones, no body.

Human by day and skeleton by night, Cindy is definitely cursed. And because her mother recently died, Cindy has no one to turn to except a father who is now scared of her and an evil stepmother who makes her do the housecleaning with a toothbrush. To make matters worse, the Spring Fling dance is approaching, and Ethan, the cutest boy in sixth grade, doesn’t seem to know Cindy exists. Of course, Cindy doesn’t think letting Ethan find out she’s part skeleton is the best way to introduce herself.

While facing such perils as pickled pig’s feet, a wacky fortune teller, and a few quick trips to the Underworld, Cindy’s determined to break the curse—even for a single night.

Cinderskella is available for purchase at Barnes & Noble (

This is a very special cover reveal for me today.  I used to live near Amie and Bethany and Amie was a good friend to me.  I'll never forget our trip to the Chocolate Festival.  :)  Now Amie and Bethany are authors and that is so super exciting!  I'm so happy for them both.  I cannot wait to read Cinderskella!

Amie and Bethanie Borst are a mother-daughter writing team. Amie believes in Unicorns, uses glitter whenever the opportunity arises, accessories in pink and eats too much chocolate. Bethanie is a spunky 13 year old middle-schooler who loves archery, long bike rides and studying edible plant-life. Cinderskella is their first book together and is part of the Scarily Ever Laughter series. You can find them on Facebook ( Twitter ( Pinterest ( From the Mixed-Up Files of Middle-Grade Authors ( and blog (


Amie Borst is celebrating her book release and cover reveal with a monthly giveaway in The Great Cinderskella Giveaway! If you’d like to win a $25 Amazon gift card, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. You’ll be automatically entered into the grand prize drawing for a Kindle Fire in October!

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Friday, September 20, 2013

A Good Lookin' Man by Marcia Lynn McClure: Review and $25 Giveaway!

A Good-Lookin' Man by Marcia Lynn McClure Excerpt However, in an instant—in less than a breath or the bat of an eyelid—the elusive pepper spray hiding somewhere in her purse was all but forgotten. For standing before her—right there before her, not three feet away—was the best-looking, most gorgeous, handsomest man she had ever seen in all her life! “No, seriously,” she thought out loud with lingering bewilderment at how perfectly stunning the man standing before her was, wearing a worn pair of Levi’s, dusty cowboy boots, and a short-sleeved, plaid-print, snap-up shirt that hung open, revealing a bronzed, perfectly sculpted torso that was simply a mass of muscles. She was so unsettled by the man’s appearance that she wasn’t sure whether she was whispering aloud to herself or her car. Either way, the man asked, “Beg your pardon, ma’am?” “Oh…oh, nothing,” Fairlee said as she began rummaging in her purse again. But the man’s presence and appearance had entirely rattled her. As her awe-inspired brain obviously quit sending out instructions to the rest of her body, Fairlee felt her purse slip from her hands—watched in humiliated dismay as its contents tumbled out and scattered over the shoulder of the road.    

Oh, this little novella is the perfect evening escape from reality.  Marcia has got to be one of the best romance writing gals if you are looking for a good "escape from reality" book.   This one is a quick read that will leave you wishing for more, but utterly satisfied.

The attraction is palpable and the title " A Good Lookin' Man" might be an understatement.  :)

One thing I know I need is a little Fairlee of my own and I'll tell you why.  She loves to iron.  That is one job I do NOT love.  So, send over Fairlee, please.  I've got plenty she can do here!!

I love reading Marcia's books.  They always make me smile and swoon just a little.  Her kissing scenes are the stuff of good dreams.

Marcia Lynn McClure’s intoxicating succession of novels, novellas, and e-books, has established her as one of the most favored and engaging authors of true romance. Her unprecedented forte in weaving captivating stories of western, medieval, regency, and contemporary amour void of brusque intimacy has earned her the title “The Queen of Kissing.” Marcia, who was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has spent her life intrigued with people, history, love, and romance. A wife, mother, grandmother, family historian, poet, and author, Marcia Lynn McClure spins her tales of splendor for the sake of offering respite through the beauty, mirth, and delight of a worthwhile and wonderful story.

  Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 10/9/13
  a Rafflecopter giveaway
Goodlookin Man copy
Tour Schedule

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Kindling and Penumbras by Braden Bell

Loud shrieks sliced the air, followed by the smell of burning cloth. Conner looked over in time to see Geoffrey jumping up and down, yelling and shrieking. Smoke poured from the seat of his shorts while blue and yellow sparks snap-crackle-and-popped all around the heater.

All thirteen-year-old Connor Dell wants to do is pass pre-algebra, play lacrosse, and possibly kiss Melanie Stephens. He didn’t mean to set anyone’s gym shorts on fire or make school lunches explode. But now that the strange powers inside him have been ignited, Connor’s normal teenage life is about to go up in flames!
Homework? Of course. Crushes? Sure. But who knew seventh grade included superpowers?

He'd watched himself do terrible things inside the Shadowbox.
Things he hadn't told anyone about.
Things he couldn't stand to remember.
Conner Dell wants to be good--he really does. But he is terrified that he might be turning into a Darkhand, especially when new powers start to surface. What's worse, the Stalker is following Conner, but no one else seems to be able to see him. The Magi think he might be hallucinating, the guilt of what happened in the Shadowbox keeps weighing on him, and his relationship with Melanie Stephens is complicating things. Even for a Magi, Conner knows his life is anything but normal.
Best friends? Check.
Field trips? Of course.
Fighting evil shadow monsters? Uh-oh.

I can't tell you how many times I wished there were more books like this out when my two older kids were younger.  Especially my boy.  These books have all the things he loved when he was in those middle grades.

There are so many things to love about these books.  The foundation is the classic struggle between Light and Dark - Good vs. Evil.  You have three kids with developing super powers and the bad guys who are trying to get them.  From there though, a magical and complicated story develops, bringing hold your breath moments and heart pumping adventure.  It's classic fantasy stuff but unique too.

The things that make these books for me are that they are free of swearing, profanity and sexual situations.  They are right on level for middle grade readers but not in any way less exciting.

I love the three kids that this story revolves around.  They interact well and they felt believable to me.  I believed they were the age claimed.  There were lots of intense moments and the bad guys are really bad!  It's a magical fantasy feast for middle grade readers.

Braden Bell has an awesome website that you can check out.  It has book trailers and pictures.  You can even read the first few chapters of Penumbras there.  It's a fantastic site and will get your kids (and even you!) excited to read these books.  

Braden Bell earned a Ph.D. in educational theatre from New York University. He holds a B.A. and M.A. in theatre arts and child drama from Brigham Young University. He and his family live on a quiet, wooded lot in Tennessee, where he teaches theatre and music at a private middle school--the world described in The Kindling and Penumbras(whether his evenings and weekends are spent fighting evil is something he cannot disclose). An experienced performer, Braden enjoys singing, acting, reading, gardening, and long walks with the dog.

Braden enjoys interacting with readers on his blog or Facebook page.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rocky Road $50 Book Blast!

  Rocky Road

 It was supposed to be a girls’ weekend in scenic St. George, Utah that would include shopping, trying out the local cuisine, and participating in a breast cancer fundraiser. The fact that one of the organizers of the fundraising event, a local doctor, disappeared two months ago was not supposed to be Sadie’s problem. In fact, she refuses to participate in the grassroots investigation her friend Caro, and Caro’s cousin, Tess, have put together prior to her arrival. But then she meets the ex-wife of the missing doctor. How could she not ask a few questions . . . that lead to a few more questions . . . that lead to a small town and yet even more questions. Before she knows it, Sadie is in the middle of yet another murder investigation and trying to piece together a convoluted trail of good intentions, hidden motivations, and philanthropy turned big business.
Author Josi S. Kilpack Born and raised in Salt Lake City Utah, I met my husband in high-school--well, he wasn't my husband then, just the cute guy in weight training with the permed mullet--and we married in 1993. I wrote my first book while on bed rest with my third child and have gone on to publish 20 novels, the most recent being part of The Sadie Hoffmiller Culinary Mystery Series. I currently live in Willard, Utah with my husband, children, and cat.  
  rocky road

Culinary Mysteries by Josi Kilpack
culinary mysteries

  BookBlast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 10/6/13   Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
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