
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Working It Out by Rachael Anderson: Review, Excerpt and $25 Giveaway!

A chance encounter . . . Grace Warren's life is safe and predictable—exactly the way she likes it. But when she gets roped into going to an auction to help out a friend, everything changes. She meets Seth Tuttle—a guy who unexpectedly kisses her then disappears, leaving her flustered and upset. If she never sees him again, it will be too soon.

A chance for love . . . Weeks later, when Seth limps into Grace's rehab clinic post surgery, she immediately recognizes him. Unfortunately, he's every bit as frustrating and annoying as she remembered. Yet there's something about him that makes her second-guess her carefully placed boundaries even though he's everything she's sure she doesn't want in a man. But maybe Seth is exactly what Grace has needed all along—assuming she's willing to risk safe and predictable for a chance at love.

I've been waiting FOREVER to get to Working It Out on my review schedule!  It took ALL the self control I could muster to keep from reading it WAY ahead of time.  I just love the way that Rachael writes a story and I'm always waiting for something new from her.  Love, love, love.

Working It Out starts out with a chance encounter and unexpected kiss.  That sounds like an awesome start to any book, right?  :)  Grace has this habit of finding the meanings for everyone's name and sort of judging them by that meaning.  (Yea! that my name means "beloved friend" in French!  Maybe I would pass muster with Grace!)  When Grace officially meets Seth, she knows just by his name and his obnoxious behavior exactly what kind of man he is.  Or does she?

I love the growing relationship that Grace and Seth form.  Grace has to let her walls down and change the way she thinks.  Seth has to learn how to see things from others point of view.  I really enjoyed the depth that Grace's relationship with her brother brought to the story.  There were some deeper meanings in the struggles all the characters faced and it just felt um, meatier?  More substantial?  More satisfying.  Gee, I sound like I'm describing dinner or something.  Well, if this book is dinner, it is WAY yummy and I want seconds.

The dialogue and characters all felt real to me.  It's one of the gifts Rachael has, I think.  I loved this sweet romance and I'm so glad I got to read it for this blog tour.  You can pick Working It Out up for a screamin' deal right now too.  $2.99! (see links below)

No questionable content.  Clean.

Enjoy the following excerpt from Working It Out.

Seth met Grace’s gaze once again and held out his hand for her to take. “Ready to go?”
She felt her resolve slipping, but couldn’t let it go completely. She stared at his hand, wanting to touch it, hold it, to interlace her small fingers with his strong ones. But she was his therapist, not his girlfriend.
His fingers wiggled. “My keys, please? I saw you pick them up when you were cleaning earlier.”
Huh? Grace glanced down. Sure enough, his keys were clutched in her hand. There was even an imprint on her palm from squeezing them too hard. Her face flamed, and she quickly handed them over.
Without another word, she turned and headed for the front of the building, wanting to crawl into the trunk of Seth’s car and hide. When she reached the outside air, she drew in a deep, steadying breath then grabbed the passenger door handle, ready to yank it open and dive inside. But it wouldn’t budge. The car was locked.
Forced to stand there, clasping and unclasping her hands, Grace waited for Seth to catch up and unlock it. But instead of clicking the button on his keyless remote, he walked toward her, stopping directly in front of her.
Grace stood frozen as he reached around and manually unlocked the car. His chest bumped against her shoulder, sending tingles up and down her arms. In and out she breathed, telling her racing heart to slow down and her body to stop responding. It was only a touch. A simple touch. Nothing to get all worked up about.
But then Seth looked at her in that intense way again, his face only inches from hers. Grace trembled, feeling like all of her defenses and inhibitions were falling in a garbled up heap around her. Nothing made sense anymore. Not Seth. Not her feelings. Nothing. Grace didn’t know what she wanted or didn’t want anymore.
“If you’ll step aside, I’ll open your door for you,” Seth said.

Blog Tour Special Price Drop!
Grab a copy of Working it Out for just $2.99!
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Author Rachael Renee Anderson Rachael Anderson is the author of five novels (Working It Out, The Reluctant Bachelorette, Minor Adjustments, Luck of the Draw, and Divinely Designed) and two novellas (Twist of Fate, from the All I Want anthology and The Meltdown Match from The Timeless Romance Anthology: Summer Wedding Collection). She's the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.  Blog * Facebook * Twitter

Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 9/10/13
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