
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Infernal Detective by Kirsten Weiss

When Riga Hayworth finds a dead body in her bedroom a week before her wedding, it’s par for the course. When the corpse drives off with her fiancée… That’s a problem.

Riga knows dead. More intimately than she’d like. So when a murdered photographer gets up and walks away, she’s believes there’s necromancy afoot. And when she discovers that several of her wedding guests are under the influence of dark magic, she’s certain. But how can she catch a killer and stop a necromancer when even her nearest and dearest are lying to her?

Murder. The undead. Irritating relatives. The Infernal Detective is a fast-paced, paranormal mystery, where nothing is quite as it seems, and magic lies just beyond the veil.

This isn't my usual genre of choice but I really like to change things up once in awhile.  It helps to keep reading new and exciting.  The Riga Hayworth Series is new to me.  I haven't had the opportunity to read any books in this series until now and I'm glad I got the chance.

The Infernal Detective is a paranormal mystery/urban fantasy sort of book.  There are all kinds of magic in plentiful amounts.  Creatures too.  And one Riga Hayworth who is a PI and a bit of a magic filled person herself.

This is the 4th book in this series and like I said, I haven't read any before this one.  While I was reading, I knew there was a history I was missing but I never felt like I was lost because of it.  I really think that this can be a stand alone book.  Having said that, I think that the book would have meant more to me and I would have had a greater connection to the characters if I would have read the previous books.  

I really enjoyed this book for the most part.  It had excellent pacing and a story line that I was invested in from the beginning.  I loved Riga's no nonsense attitude and her smarts.  I also liked that Riga isn't a young whipper snapper but a 40 something adult.  It came from a more mature standpoint which was cool.  I don't read a lot of those these days.  The one drawback of this book for me was the language.  If I could take out all the swearing I would be much happier.  But, this is a personal preference.  I know not everyone is bothered by swearing so take that for what it is.  :)

If you enjoy paranormal/urban mysteries you will really enjoy this book and probably the whole series.

Content:  Frequent swearing (including the F word), alcohol use.

You can buy The Infernal Detective at Amazon.

About the Author:
Kirsten Weiss is the author of the Riga Hayworth series of paranormal mysteries: the urban fantasy, The Metaphysical Detective, The Alchemical Detective, The Shamanic Detective, and The Infernal Detective.

Kirsten worked overseas for nearly fourteen years, in the fringes of the former USSR and deep in the Afghan war zone.  Her experiences abroad not only gave her glimpses into the darker side of human nature, but also sparked an interest in the effects of mysticism and mythology, and how both are woven into our daily lives.
Now based in San Mateo, CA, she writes paranormal mysteries, blending her experiences and imagination to create a vivid world of magic and mayhem.
Kirsten has never met a dessert she didn’t like, and her guilty pleasures are watching Ghost Whisperer reruns and drinking good wine.


  1. Thanks for reading the book, and for taking the time to write the review!

  2. I haven't heard of this series before. I love UF and paranormals!


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