
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Storm Bottle by Nick Green: Review, Tour and $25 Giveaway!

The Storm Bottle Swimming with dolphins is said to be the number one thing to do before you die. For 12-year-old Michael, it very nearly is. A secret boat trip has gone tragically wrong, and now he lies unconscious in hospital. But when Michael finally wakes up, he seems different. His step sister Bibi is soon convinced that he is not who he appears to be. Meanwhile, in the ocean beyond Bermuda’s reefs, a group of bottlenose dolphins are astonished to discover a stranger in their midst – a boy lost and desperate to return home. Bermuda is a place of mysteries. Some believe its seas are enchanted, and the sun-drenched islands conceal a darker past, haunted with tales of lost ships. Now Bibi and Michael are finding themselves in the most extraordinary tale of all.

This was such an interesting book, not quite like anything I've ever read before.  The whole incorporation of dolphins and sea life was just awesome.  When I was little I wanted to be a marine biologist because I wanted to work with dolphins.  For some reason dolphins seem to hold an attraction for most people.  There is a certain draw to them and I love how this book captured that attraction and blossomed it into this amazing tale.

I loved the Bermuda setting.  It's mystical and fits perfectly with the whole dolphin thing.  The ocean holds such wonders and adventures and Bibi and Michael each have their own share of them.  Michael's adventures will take you all through the ocean while he encounters sharks, whales and all kinds of ocean life.  Bibi's adventures focus mainly on land while she tries to find a way to get Michael back home.  Bibi and Michael will grow on you and by the end you will be rooting for them, fully invested in their stories.

The Storm Bottle is more of a juvenile fiction book but definitely has a cross over appeal to all people.  My only gripe with the book is the mild swearing and profanity.  I realize this is a personal preference and not everyone is bugged by this.  But, I am.  If I could remove the mild swearing and profanity, it would be a book I would one hundred percent recommend to anyone because I really enjoyed it.  It was well written and interesting.

Below is the book trailer which you should check out, followed by an excerpt from the book and the giveaway.  Thanks for stopping by today and enjoy!



‘He’s not right,’ wailed Jill. ‘He’s not himself at all.’

Michael found his voice.

‘I’m not,’ he said. Whistle-squeak yap. ‘I’m not Rodrigo. My name is –’ He tried to say Michael and got an odd sort of chirp. ‘I’m a… I’m one of those that live on the land. Out of the water.’ The words came to him, he didn’t know how. ‘I think something terrible has happened. Please. You have to help me.’

The dolphins’ whistles took on a muttering tone.

‘He’s beached,’ said Pedro, darkly. ‘Totally beached. It’s that place. I warned you.’

Jill whimpered. But the saw-finned dolphin wrinkled his eyes. Through the water came a tap-tap-tapping, like a thoughtful drumming of fingers.

‘I am listening,’ said Sancho. ‘Tell me again.’
Author Nick Green Nick Green is a UK children's and YA author, best known for his trilogy The Cat Kin, published in the UK by Strident Publishing and in Germany by Ravensburger, and also as a BBC audiobook. He has appeared on BBC radio talking about his books, and has been shortlisted for two UK children's book awards. He regularly does school visits and other children's literary events. The Storm Bottle is his first straight-to-Kindle novel.
Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 5/26/13
a Rafflecopter giveaway    

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