
Friday, May 31, 2013

A Week Off for Graduation!

Hey everyone!  This has been a quiet, no post week for me.  I purposefully did this, knowing that I would be so busy and needed to focus on family.  My son had his 18th birthday this week and also graduated from high school.  It's been a busy week full of celebrating and family.  This is my oldest child and my only boy so it's also been a bit emotional for me.
Even though I haven't been posting, I've been reading and I've got some awesome reviews scheduled for next week along with some author interviews and of course, giveaways.  

I hope this week has found you well whatever you've been doing!  Here's to the beginning of Summer!  :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Above Rubies $50 Book Blast

   above rubies
His chivalry was strangling her. He thought he was helping her—and in truth, he was. She was in desperate straits. But as honorable as he was, he was also breaking her heart. Her attraction was drowning him. When World Champion rodeo cowboy Rossen Rockland and his friends rescue a young runaway who has been abused by her foster father and take her home to his parents’ ranch, he expects her to turn out to be a pain in the neck. And sometimes she is. It doesn’t take him long to figure out that she has way more than her allotment of troubles—and far more than her share of gifts. Lovely, talented, and ravingly brilliant, Kit Star is too young, unbelievably humble, and oh, so loveable. Knowing that she needs his protection and time to grow into her potential, Rossen also figures out that what she really is, is a pain in the heart. Watch for more of the Rockland Ranch Series!  

Praise for Above Rubies:

I absolutely could not put this book down. It had me laughing, crying, angry and pretty much every other emotion. I can not wait for the next one in the series to come out. Keep them coming!!! ~Addicted to Books This is the second book in the Rockland Ranch Romance Series. It can be read as a stand alone or copies of Peace River can be supplied if you would also like to review it.  

peace river

Peace River (Book 1)

The police didn't understand the danger, but she did. Her father had always been abusive, but now, with a ten million dollar Thoroughbred farm on the line, and a powerful bookie leaning on him, her father had become out of control. But how do you get away and take a world famous stallion with you? Carrie was getting desperate when a handsome and honorable but thoroughly cynical rodeo cowboy from Wyoming happened to show up with a horse trailer. He didn't ride a white horse, but he was definitely a knight in shining armor. He'll protect her from the mob, but can she survive falling in love with a bull rider?  

Praise for Peace River

"Give me a clean romance, humor and a good looking cowboy and I'm a happy girl. LDS fiction isn't always my favorite but I really enjoyed the characters and adventure in this book." ~Carol - Goodreads "There was plenty of action, adventure and danger to keep me guessing just how everything was going to turn out. I didn't want to put it down until I finished! Jaclyn Hawkes is one of my favorite LDS romance authors. You really can't go wrong with any of her books that you pick up!" ~Cathy -Goodreads


Author Jaclyn M. Hawkes

Jaclyn M. Hawkes grew up in Utah with 6 sisters, 4 brothers and any number of pets. (It was never boring!) She got a bachelor’s degree, had a career and traveled extensively before settling down to her life’s work of being the mother of four magnificent and sometimes challenging children. She loves shellfish, the out of doors, the youth and hearing her children laugh. She and her fine husband, their family, and their sometimes very large pets, now live in a mountain valley in northern Utah, where it smells like heaven and kids still move sprinkler pipe.

  Book Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 6/11/13
  a Rafflecopter giveaway
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. Prize value $50 US.

above rubies tour
                                                                    Tour Schedule

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Tale of Mally Biddle Blog Tour, Excerpt and Giveaway!

The Tale of Mally Biddle by M.L. LeGette When Mally Biddle agreed to spy upon the King of Lenzar and his overbearing knights she knew she was heading into danger. She didn't know she'd find a family unlike any other. Posing as a servant in Bosc Castle, Mally serves tea and tends fires for the most dangerous men in the kingdom. Her goal is to learn the truth of what happened sixteen years ago, when the infant princess met her death ... a death that is surrounded by more questions than answers. Along her search for the truth, Mally meets the energized Lita Stump, the strict and matriarchal Meriyal Boyd, and the opinionated Archibald Diggleby. Then of course there are the knights: Leon Gibbs who is slicker than a greased hog, Adrian Bayard, hot tempered and violent, and the worst of the lot: Sir Illius Molick, Captain of the Knights. And then there is Maud, a mysterious woman who just might know everything...

I just love the title of this book.  Mally Biddle is an awesome name.  It just rolls off my tongue in a fun way.  Mally Biddle, Mally Biddle.  :)  Yup, fun.

The cover is cute too, don't you think?  I like it.

So, as for the actual book, (for this is a review and not a commentary on the title and how it rolls off my tongue in fun. . .)

Very enjoyable.  This is a cute story about a girl who gets caught up in a castle scheme with a group of local rebels.  Of course, along the way she makes friends who become like family to her.  In her quest to find information for the rebels, she finds plenty of adventures and danger.

Mally is sweet.  She has courage and some spunk when she needs it.  Who can resist a girl who loves her horse like Mally does?  Not me.  ;)

I'd say the overall feel of the book to me was innocent.  The danger was never too scary, the romance was almost not even there.  The relationships between family and friends were sweet.  It was gentle, easy reading and had a sweet happily ever after ending.

Content:  A few instances of mild swearing

Enjoy the following excerpt followed by the giveaway!

Galen grinned widely at her. On his chin was a nasty scratch and beside his right eye a faint bruise.

“Are you all right?” Mally immediately demanded. “I heard about the raid.”

“I’m fine,” Galen replied a bit too casually for Mally’s liking. “I’m glad to see you!”

“Don’t change the subject!” said Mally. “What happened?”

Galen looked a little surprised by Mally’s furious demand and a little … pleased? That didn’t make any sense to Mally, so she ignored the slight curve of his mouth and continued to glare at him.

Page: 137

Author Melissa LeGette Melissa LeGette lives in Georgia where she helps run a family farm, so her nails are a fright. The Tale of Mally Biddle is her second novel.

  Blog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 6/5/13
  a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Winter Queen by Amber Argyle

~Becoming a winter queen will make Ilyenna as cold and cruel and deadly as winter itself, but it might be the only way to save her people from a war they have no hope of winning.~

Mortally wounded during a raid, seventeen-year-old Ilyenna is healed by winter fairies who present her with a seductive offer: become one of them and share their power over winter. But that power comes with a price. If she accepts, she will become a force of nature, lose her humanity, and abandon her family.

Unwilling to pay such a high price, Ilyenna is enslaved by one of the invaders, Darrien. While in captivity, she learns the attack wasn’t just a simple raid but part of a larger plot to overthrow her entire nation.

With the enemy stealing over the mountains and Darrien coming to take her to his bed, Ilyenna must decide whether to resurrect the power the fairies left behind. Doing so will allow her to defeat Darrien and the other invaders, but if she embraces winter, she will lose herself to that destroying power—forever.

I know I've already said this because I did a cover reveal for this book, but I love the cover of this book.  It's so gorgeous.  The blues and purples, the dress.  Love.

If you read the Witch Song series by Amber Argyle, you know that she is a gifted and talented writer.  I really enjoyed those books so I was excited to see the beginning of a new series written by her.  

I have to say that this book really hooked me.  I had to put down my reading several times to attend to real life things (how annoying) but the book stayed in my head.  I was thinking about it and wondering what would happen next.  That, to me, is a sure sign of a good book.  I was always looking for the chance to pick it up again and I didn't want to stop reading.  I love books that just compel me forward, hardly leaving room for me to breathe.

I love the fighter in Ilyenna.  She is fiercely loyal and full of pride for her people and her position among them.  It's perfectly balanced with her kind, healer instincts that always shine through.  I was always firmly in Ilyenna's corner, rooting for her.

I was surprised by the violent nature of this book.  I wasn't expecting it to be quite as violent and bloody as it was.  I'll admit to cringing a lot.  Violence isn't my thing, especially such graphic violence as displayed in this book but it sure made this book intense and volatile.  I could barely put it down.  But there is my word of caution regarding the violence in this book.  :)

This book wasn't what I was expecting at all.  I guess I was expecting more of a traditional fairy book but that wasn't what this was like at all.  It brought brought a violent, real word struggle together with the magical quality of fairies.  It's not quite like anything I've read before and honestly, I want more.  (well more book, maybe less graphic violence?)

As for content, there is a lot of graphic violence, as mentioned above.  There is also sex outside of marriage, although not describe in any detail.  Pregnancy results in both mentioned sexual situations.

You can find Winter Queen, Fairy Queens Book 1 at Amazon.

Amber Argyle is the author of the Witch Song Trilogy (Witch Song, Witch Born, and Witch Fall ((Fall 2013)) and the Fairy Queen's Trilogy (Winter Queen, Summer Queen (2014), Daughter of Winter ((2015)). She runs because she likes to eat chocolate and fit in her jeans. She has a thing for vintage inspired clothes. Also, she can't fathom why people eat tootsie rolls. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Siren's Secret by Heather Ostler

"She screamed in agony. Deep down, she really thought she wouldn’t be cursed. She had lied to herself, given herself hope."

Julia already knows she is different. After all, she is a werecat, a shapeshifter. But she has other secrets—deeper secrets about her heritage that threaten to overtake her identity altogether. Spirited away to Sirenity, Julia learns that she is a siren—cursed to be alone forever. Her plans for a future with Terrence now seem futile, and what’s worse, her friend Caleb seems convinced that they are destined to be together despite her curse (and despite Terrence).

But beyond her complicated love life, Julia is still a princess, and she must keep her siren identity a secret. Soon, however, Julia fears that she might lose herself to this new heritage when she is needed most. She can’t afford to have an identity crisis when Alexis, her scheming mother, is plotting against the kingdom!

Filled with secret plots, dual identities, and hidden agendas, this adventure will leave you breathless. Fall into Julia’s world and discover what happens when secrets stay buried for far too long.

It's lovely to be a part of the blog tour for The Siren's Secret today.  Siren's Secret is the second book in this series, the first being The Shapeshifter's Secret.  My thanks to Heather Ostler for allowing me to read and review her book.

One of the things I appreciate most about this book is that it's clean.  Heather does a great job with this.  

Julia is definitely on a journey of discovery.  By the end of the last book and at the beginning of this book you get the feel that Julia thinks she has a good handle on things.  She is efficient at shape shifting and her studies are going well.  She has a boyfriend and seems pretty content despite the ongoing struggles with the Guild.  Of course, we all know that when a character in a book gets comfortable, things are really going to get shaken up.  Poor Julia.  It was inevitable.  ;)

I loved the world of Sirenity and I loved how the Siren's basically proved the prejudice's against them wrong to some degree.  It was a great new addition to the plot line.  

I have an on again off again like for Julia.  There are so many times that she does or says things that I just don't like.  Her friends and family are incredible loyal and patient with her even when I'm not sure she does much to instill that in them.  Maybe it's because she is the princess?  I don't know.  I think it's the selfish attitude that she'll do what she wants even if it hurts people and then say sorry later.  But, Julia isn't always selfish.  She puts everything on the line in multiple times to save her family and friends when it all explodes, but it's just the stuff leading up to that, I guess.

I think Terrance really gets the shaft in this book and I feel sorry for him.  I think he was treated so coldly by Julia.  Boo.  I like Terrance.

Things are left up in the air for Julia so I'll be looking forward to seeing how things unfold next.  I'm hoping for a more mature Julia and maybe a kinder one.  Julia's BFF has some secrets of her own that were never exactly resolved in this book so I'm hoping we get some answers there too.

This book hasn't been released but look for it in June.  The 11th, I believe.  You can find the pre-order at Amazon.  You can also find out more at the author's website.  The link is in her bio below.

I like fortune cookies, lucky pennies, shooting stars, and implausible coincidences. I’m always cold and have at least 5 different flavors of hot cocoa on hand at all times. I’m a sucker for happy endings and like to eat dessert first. I think Muppets Christmas Carol is one of the best movies ever, along with The Parent Trap. English accents, cloudy days, and family inside jokes make me smile. I am a writer, and I love finding inspiration in art, music, nature, seasons, and relationships.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Taming Wilde by Rachel Van Dyken and Leah Sanders

Taming Wilde by Rachel Van Dyken and Leah Sanders
Regency Romance
Length: 151 Pages
ISBN: 9781621351382

Being level-headed and even-keeled is a thing of the past. Sir Colin Wilde’s broken heart has sent him over the edge. And he is convinced the only way to get over the loss of Lady Gemma is to lose himself in debauchery.

Taking his cue from the private bachelor journal of Viscount Maddox, he presses forward in his quest to become the most notorious rake the ton has ever seen.

Prim and proper Lady Gemma isn't about to let him soil his reputation, especially over a misunderstanding. In spite of the propriety ingrained in her since birth, she throws convention to the wind and sets about to do the impossible... seduce a rake and tame Wilde.

Taming Wilde is a diverting, easy reading, flirty romance.  

Sir Colin tries his best to be a notorious rake but his heart just isn't in it.  He makes an awful bumbling mess of every attempt.  Lady Gemma is the only woman he really wants but he's convinced she spurned him.  Still, he just can't stay away.  The gentleman inside keeps taking over.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from the book. 

"...He decided the only way out was to dig deeper.

...He dug until his fingers bled.  And all he had to show for it was more darkness and more emptiness.  Then again, what did one expect when they were digging holes?"

Misunderstandings and that evil, self serving brother have left Lady Gemma hurting and angry.  I love the moment that Lady Gemma grows a backbone and digs deep for that determination to get what she wants.  Which is, of course, Sir Colin Wilde.

This was an enjoyable, clean romance.  It had a perfectly perfect happily ever after.  My thanks to Astraea Press for allowing me to read and review this book.

Purchase Taming Wilde on Amazon for just $1.99.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Gatekeeper's Daughter by Eva Pohler

Young Adult Fantasy
Date Published: 5/1/13

In The Gatekeeper's Sons, Therese and Thanatos, the god of Death, met and fell in love. In The Gatekeeper's Challenge, they did everything they could to be together, even break an oath on the River Styx. But the Olympians don't tolerate oath-breakers. In this final book in the trilogy, The Gatekeeper's Daughter, Therese may have finally succeeded in becoming a goddess, but if she wants to remain one, she'll not only have to discover her unique purpose, but also make some allies among the gods. Artemis sends her on a seemingly impossible quest across the world, while Than searches for a way to appease Ares. To make matters worse, her aunt's baby's life hangs in the balance.

The Gatekeeper's Daughter is the third book in this series.  While you may be able to understand this book by reading it alone and not the others, I would not recommend it.  Back story is so important and the connections to the characters will be a struggle if you don't hang with them from the beginning.  I'm glad I was able to read the first two books in conjunction with this review.  It really helped set the stage for the third book

If you are a fan of the gods and goddess's of mythology, you will love this book (and this series).  It incorporates all of them, I think!  

For me, the third book is the better of the three.  All three books were moderately paced.  I wasn't so engaged and tangled up in the story that I couldn't put it down.  The slower pace meant there were times I felt like things were dragging and I wanted to get on with the story.  The story concept isn't a new one and I can't help but compare this to other books I've read with similar concepts.  There were times when something would come up and it would be so easily solved because well, "I'm a God.  I can do that."  Sometimes it seemed like a easy out.

BUT, having said that, this was a good, solid story.  The characters and their actions were believable.  I loved Therese and her kind heart.  The whole unfolding of her heritage and powers and gifts was good.  Than was also kind and strong without becoming so overdone that I rolled my eyes.  He didn't overpower Therese with his personality and I really liked that.  I loved Therese and Than together.  It was them against the world for most of the time and it was awesome to see them work together for a common good.  There was also no outstanding love triangle which I really appreciated.

One of my favorite parts was the analogy of the shower head.  That was brilliant.  (Not explaining it here, you'll have to read it to find out what I'm talking about.)

Overall, a good read.  Diverting and entertaining.

Content:  Frequent mild swearing and profanity

Eva Pohler teaches writing at the University of Texas at San Antonio, where she lives with her husband,

three children, two dogs, two rats, and her very large collection of books.


Twitter: @EvaPohler

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Love in Bloom Giveaway Hop

Hi everyone!  It's May and everything is in bloom here, so why not Love too?  Actually, May is my anniversary month so flowers and love are in bloom here!  :)

So, for this hop we are supposed to give a book having to do with, . . . wait for it . . .


I'm going to be gifting a copy of A Timeless Romance:  Summer Wedding Collection
If you love clean romance with sizzle and humor, you are going to love this collection.  These writers are all amazing and these novellas are fabulous.  I loved them all.  You can read a synopsis and my full review here.

This book will be gifted through Amazon.  If you don't own a kindle, you can still read it on your computer.  Obviously this giveaway will be INT because that is the joy of the digital age.  :)  Thanks so much for stopping by!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Storm Bottle by Nick Green: Review, Tour and $25 Giveaway!

The Storm Bottle Swimming with dolphins is said to be the number one thing to do before you die. For 12-year-old Michael, it very nearly is. A secret boat trip has gone tragically wrong, and now he lies unconscious in hospital. But when Michael finally wakes up, he seems different. His step sister Bibi is soon convinced that he is not who he appears to be. Meanwhile, in the ocean beyond Bermuda’s reefs, a group of bottlenose dolphins are astonished to discover a stranger in their midst – a boy lost and desperate to return home. Bermuda is a place of mysteries. Some believe its seas are enchanted, and the sun-drenched islands conceal a darker past, haunted with tales of lost ships. Now Bibi and Michael are finding themselves in the most extraordinary tale of all.

This was such an interesting book, not quite like anything I've ever read before.  The whole incorporation of dolphins and sea life was just awesome.  When I was little I wanted to be a marine biologist because I wanted to work with dolphins.  For some reason dolphins seem to hold an attraction for most people.  There is a certain draw to them and I love how this book captured that attraction and blossomed it into this amazing tale.

I loved the Bermuda setting.  It's mystical and fits perfectly with the whole dolphin thing.  The ocean holds such wonders and adventures and Bibi and Michael each have their own share of them.  Michael's adventures will take you all through the ocean while he encounters sharks, whales and all kinds of ocean life.  Bibi's adventures focus mainly on land while she tries to find a way to get Michael back home.  Bibi and Michael will grow on you and by the end you will be rooting for them, fully invested in their stories.

The Storm Bottle is more of a juvenile fiction book but definitely has a cross over appeal to all people.  My only gripe with the book is the mild swearing and profanity.  I realize this is a personal preference and not everyone is bugged by this.  But, I am.  If I could remove the mild swearing and profanity, it would be a book I would one hundred percent recommend to anyone because I really enjoyed it.  It was well written and interesting.

Below is the book trailer which you should check out, followed by an excerpt from the book and the giveaway.  Thanks for stopping by today and enjoy!



‘He’s not right,’ wailed Jill. ‘He’s not himself at all.’

Michael found his voice.

‘I’m not,’ he said. Whistle-squeak yap. ‘I’m not Rodrigo. My name is –’ He tried to say Michael and got an odd sort of chirp. ‘I’m a… I’m one of those that live on the land. Out of the water.’ The words came to him, he didn’t know how. ‘I think something terrible has happened. Please. You have to help me.’

The dolphins’ whistles took on a muttering tone.

‘He’s beached,’ said Pedro, darkly. ‘Totally beached. It’s that place. I warned you.’

Jill whimpered. But the saw-finned dolphin wrinkled his eyes. Through the water came a tap-tap-tapping, like a thoughtful drumming of fingers.

‘I am listening,’ said Sancho. ‘Tell me again.’
Author Nick Green Nick Green is a UK children's and YA author, best known for his trilogy The Cat Kin, published in the UK by Strident Publishing and in Germany by Ravensburger, and also as a BBC audiobook. He has appeared on BBC radio talking about his books, and has been shortlisted for two UK children's book awards. He regularly does school visits and other children's literary events. The Storm Bottle is his first straight-to-Kindle novel.
Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 5/26/13
a Rafflecopter giveaway    

Friday, May 10, 2013

Running Home by Cami Checketts

In Cassidy’s battle against human trafficking there are two choices: run or be captured.
Cassidy's humanitarian mission takes an ugly turn when human traffickers attack. Cassidy doesn’t know where to run—home to America, into Jesse’s arms, or any direction she can to escape the traffickers. Innocent families are being ripped apart and Cassidy must decide if she’s brave enough to stop running and join the fight.

Wow, here is another fantastic novella by Cami Checketts in the Running series.  This novella is the third installment.  Dead Running is the first book (full length) followed by Dying to Run which is another novella.

What I love about all three of these books is the suspense combined with romance and funny stuff to lighten the mood sometimes.  It's a perfect balance.

In Running Home, you have the ever present sizzle between Cassidy and Jesse right in the middle of action, action, action and suspense.  It just never lets up.  I swear it was over before I even realized I was reading.  I wasn't ready for it to be over.  But I loved every minute that I had.  

If you haven't read the Running series yet, you really should.  It's good clean reading.  Start with Dead Running though or you won't understand the next two books!  

Running Home           Dying to Run          Dead Running

Cassidy Christensen wants to run.
Captured by the traffickers who killed her mother, Cassidy's only hope is Dr. Tattoo, a man she loves but nobody trusts. When she finally gets a chance to run, someone else she cares about is taken. Running might be her only chance at survival, but Cassidy won't allow another family member to be killed in her place.

Cassidy Christensen is running.
Running from the mercenaries who killed her parents.
Running from a scheming redhead intent on making her life miserable.
Running from painful memories that sabotage her dreams of happiness.
With two very tempting men competing for her attention, she hopes she'll finally have someone to run to, but can she trust either of them? When secrets from her past threaten her family, Cassidy decides to stop running and fight for her future.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Timeless Romance Anthology: Summer Wedding Collection

Publishing Information:
A Timeless Romance Anthology: Summer Wedding Collection
Ebook Exclusive by Mirror Press
Released May 1, 2013
Six Award-Winning Authors have contributed new stories to A Timeless Romance Anthology: Summer Wedding Collection. Readers will love this collection of six sweet contemporary romance novellas, centered on a Summer Wedding, all with one thing in common: Romance.

In Melanie Jacobson’s charming novella, Love Bytes, Bree is the maid-of-honor and Dallen is the best-man. Living across the country from each other, they commiserate over their prospective best friends’ unrealistic wedding demands. While they plan and plot over email and texting, Bree
realizes that the best part about the Maui wedding might be meeting Dallen. She just hopes that he’ll feel the same way.

Romeo and Julie-ex is a sweet romance by Julie Wright. “Romeo” turns out to be a two-timing jerk, and when Juliet Moore’s pre-ordered wedding dress arrives from UPS, Juliet curses everything male. In a stubborn streak, she decides to keep the bridal photography appointment—if only because the money isn’t refundable and it was the one thing that her ex-fiance actually paid for. Plus, she has the perfect wedding dress. When Juliet shows up for the appointment and meets photographer Jack Montague, she might have to take back some of her curses on men.

In Rachael Anderson’s enchanting novella, The Meltdown Match, Courtney spends each summer in her hometown of Heimel, Alaska, to find inspiration for her next novel. Her writing method has become a pattern—outline a novel in Heimel, then move to the place her novel is set to finish writing it. But when she runs into former high school friend, Mitch Winters, and they both win the Meltdown Match—a traditional dating contest—Courtney discovers that leaving her hometown at the end of the summer might not be so easy this time.

In Golden Sunrise, an engaging romance by Annette Lyon, Natalie takes time out of her crazy schedule to fly to Vegas for her best friend’s wedding. Sierra and Jason, high-school sweethearts, are finally getting married. Fortunately for Natalie, her old high-school flame, Adam, has a work commitment and can’t be there as best man. But when she arrives at the wedding rehearsal—late and ragged—Adam is there. Memories from the past—and all her old feelings—come flooding back. When Adam makes a wild suggestion, Natalie just may take him up on it, even though she knows he’s moved on. A single choice may mean Natalie is taking a shot at reclaiming the past—or that she's putting her heart in harm’s way a second time.

Tide Pools is a captivating story by Heather B. Moore. When Lexi makes a quick trip to Hawaii to attend her friend’s wedding, she discovers that the engaged couple, Sydney and Apelu, are still trying to match-make for her. Lexi laughs because not only does their friend David have a serious girlfriend, but he owns a restaurant on the island. Lexi has too many plans that don’t include a long-distance relationship or coming between a guy and his girlfriend. But when Lexi meets David, she has a hard time remembering why all of her plans were so important.

In Sarah M. Eden’s delightful novella, A Regular Bloke from Stanmore, Abby is helping her sister, Caroline, plan her British wedding. That’s right, Caroline is obsessed with all things British and insists on an authentic wedding in . . . Oregon. When they arrive at Sainsbury House reception hall, it has everything Caroline loves, and the host, Matthew Carlton, even has a British accent. Yet Abby isn’t buying the whole good-looking-British man with impeccable manners thing; she’s determined to expose him as a fake. But the more Abby gets to know Matthew, the more she realizes how wrong she really is.

Squee, squee, happy dance.  Humming, smiling, more dancing.  (Those first two lines are set to music in my mind)  Yes, I know.  You can't hear it.  Probably lucky for you.

I just wanted to set the stage for my excitement over being able to read and review this book, or collection of stories put into one book.  If you are a reviewer, you always have a book (or two) you are supposed to be reading because you have a review coming up you need to write.  And we all know that sometimes when a book comes along that you just really want to read and cannot wait, you shove all other books aside (kindly and respectfully, of course) and you delve into the book that is calling to you because you just cannot help yourself.  I know I'm not the only one to do this.  (am I?!)

This collection of short stories falls right into my happiest reading place.  I must also mention that these are some of my very favorite authors.  These romantic snippets of love are just perfect for reading one at a time in between whatever other things you have going on or they are also equally perfect read all the way through, one right after the other, in an obsessed "I have to have more" style.  (I'm not going to tell you which way I read them because labeling myself as obsessed is just wrong.  I prefer dedicated.)

I loved every single one of these stories.  They were all satisfying and delicious.  This would be a perfect summer beach read with a tall glass of raspberry lemonade.  You will finish this book feeling happy and romantically fed.  :)

My thanks to Rachel Anderson (who is one of the 6 gifted writers in this book) for sending over the book for me to review.  She is awesome.  (and she has a new book coming out soon.  I cannot wait to read it!)

Here is the purchase info for Summer Wedding Collection
The anthology is being release exclusively on ebook to Kindle and Nook, for only $4.99. Readers can visit our blog here:
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sweet Mercy by Ann Tatlock plus a giveaway!

Sweet Mercy
Stunning coming-of-age drama set during the Great Depression and Prohibition
When Eve Marryat's father is laid off from the Ford Motor Company in 1931, he is forced to support his family by leaving St. Paul, Minnesota, and moving back to his Ohio roots. Eve's uncle Cyrus has invited the family to live and work at his Marryat Island Ballroom and Lodge.

Eve can't wait to leave St. Paul, a notorious haven for gangsters. At seventeen, she considers her family to be "good people," not lawbreakers like so many in her neighborhood. Thrilled to be moving to a "safe haven," Eve soon forms an unlikely friendship with a strange young man named Link, blissfully unaware that her uncle's lodge is anything but what it seems.

When the reality of her situation finally becomes clear, Eve is faced with a dilemma. Does she dare risk everything by exposing the man whose love and generosity is keeping her family from ruin? And when things turn dangerous, can she trust Link in spite of appearances?

I'm happy to be a part of this blog tour today for Sweet Mercy.  I love books that give me a bit of a history lesson without seeming exactly like a history lesson.  When I get to learn about parts of history with the fictional elements of characters it really helps me to have an idea of what people must have been thinking and feeling at the time.

Sweet Mercy was a gentle flowing book that followed Eve and her family through a summer never to be forgotten.  Eve is pretty idealistic and perhaps even a bit "holier than thou" in her thoughts.  She cannot understand what would lead a person to break the law or struggle with her clearly defined ideas right and wrong.  It was interesting to watch her become aware that there is always more to a story than what meets the eye.  I guess that's just part of growing up.

I really enjoyed reading Sweet Mercy.  It wasn't a fast paced, suck you in kind of story but it was interesting and well put together.  It gave me some food for thought and some simple reminders that I should not be too quick to judge another because I probably don't know their story or understand their heart fully.

Enjoy the following excerpt followed by the giveaway!  :)

Jones pushed his hat back a notch and looked over his shoulder after the two boats. “The Little Miami meets up with the Ohio River not too far from here,” he said. “That’s probably where they’re headed.”

“Funny that they’re taking a bunch of castor oil down the Ohio River.”

Jones turned again to look at me. I couldn’t see his eyes but somehow I sensed they held amusement. My suspicions were confirmed when he shook his head and laughed. “Castor oil, nothing,” he muttered. “They’re hauling moonshine.”

For a moment I was speechless. I frowned and wondered whether I had heard him right. “Moonshine?”

“Sure. People like them are up and down this river all the time.”

It can’t be, I thought. This was Ohio, after all, birthplace of the Temperance Movement. I knew; I had done the research; I had won first place in the essay contest. “Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure.”

“Don’t they know moonshine is illegal?”

Jones laughed again, louder this time. “You’re kidding, right?”

“I’m not kidding, Jones. I can’t believe they’re hauling that stuff right out here in the open. They could be arrested and go to prison. They should be arrested.”

“Yeah? And who’s going to turn them in? You?”

Ann Tatlock
Ann Tatlock is the author of the Christy-Award winning novel Promises to Keep. She has also won the Midwest Independent Publishers Association "Book of the Year" in fiction for both All the Way Home and I'll Watch the Moon. Her novel Things We Once Held Dear received a starred review from Library Journal and Publishers Weekly calls her "one of Christian fiction's better wordsmiths, and her lovely prose reminds readers why it is a joy to savor her stories." Ann lives with her husband and daughter in Asheville, North Carolina.
  Tour Giveaway 1 winner will receive a copy of 3 of Ann's Books Sweet Mercy, Travelers Rest and Promises to Keep Open to US & Canada Only Ends 5/21/13
  a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Tale of Mally Biddle $50 Book Blast

The Tale of Mally Biddle by M.L. LeGette When Mally Biddle agreed to spy upon the King of Lenzar and his overbearing knights she knew she was heading into danger. She didn't know she'd find a family unlike any other. Posing as a servant in Bosc Castle, Mally serves tea and tends fires for the most dangerous men in the kingdom. Her goal is to learn the truth of what happened sixteen years ago, when the infant princess met her death ... a death that is surrounded by more questions than answers. Along her search for the truth, Mally meets the energized Lita Stump, the strict and matriarchal Meriyal Boyd, and the opinionated Archibald Diggleby. Then of course there are the knights: Leon Gibbs who is slicker than a greased hog, Adrian Bayard, hot tempered and violent, and the worst of the lot: Sir Illius Molick, Captain of the Knights. And then there is Maud, a mysterious woman who just might know everything...
Praise "To say I loved this book is an understatement. Mally is a wonderful character and she encounters so many quirky folks on her assignment. Very well written and engaging story! And an added bonus of a love triangle! I enjoyed it from beginning to end!! I will definitely be looking for more from this author!" ~April Holgate  

Author Melissa LeGette Melissa LeGette lives in Georgia where she helps run a family farm, so her nails are a fright. The Tale of Mally Biddle is her second novel.
  mally biddle

Book Blast Giveaway $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Ends 6/2/13 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, May 6, 2013

Memory's Wake by Selina Fenech + Giveaway!

YA Fantasy
Date Published: 6/7/11

Lost in a world full of monstrous fairies, a troubled sixteen year old has to find out who she is and why her memories were stolen before she is found by those who want her dead.

She takes the name "Memory" and knows she has just one goal - to find her way home, wherever that is. But this land is strange. No technology to be seen, and iron is banned, thanks to a pact the humans have with the magical creatures who share their pre-industrial era world. In her t-shirt and torn jeans, Memory knows she's different, even before she performs impossible magic.

Haunted by her past, chased by a dragon, wanted by the king and stalked by the strange, handsome savage that seems to know her, everyone is after Memory, and she suspects it's not just for her eye-catching outfit. Her forgotten past holds dangerous secrets that will challenge everything she believes and risk the lives of everyone she loves.

Memory's Wake contains 44 black and white illustrations by the author and artist. Approx. 80,000 words or 320 pages in paperback.

Well, there is no doubt that author and illustrator Selina Fenech has a gift, or I guess I should say gifts.  :)  To be able to combine illustrations with a book in YA format is really cool.  Super cool.  

While I enjoyed the story and the characters (which I promise I will touch on again in a minute) what I really found myself looking forward to were the pictures.  I fell in love with them.  I would be reading and wishing that there were more pictures of this particular scene or that particular scene.  When I did turn a page and get a picture it was like Christmas.  Here is one of the pictures so  you can see what I mean.  

You can actually see lots more of the pictures on the author's website which is listed below after her bio.

As for the story, I enjoyed it.  It wasn't quite as gripping as some YA fantasy books I've read but it was a good solid story.  The characters were well defined and distinct and I had a good time hanging out with them.

I liked how the story unfolded with Memory.  Just a bit at a time.  It was engaging and it really picked up speed as the story went along.  I know the second book is already out so I'm hoping to be able to pick that up sometime soon and continue on with Memory and crew.  I'm hoping for something good between Will and Memory.  :)

Content:  A moderate amount of swearing.

Author Bio:
Born in 1981 to Australian and Maltese parents, Selina lives in Australia with her husband, daughter, and an unnamed cat. During her life Selina has found ancient Roman treasure, survived cancer, had knights joust at her wedding, been mugged for doughnuts, made a living as a visual artist, and shared her imaginary worlds in paintings and now in her novels.

Contact Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Coming Up Daffy by Sandra Sookoo

Coming Up Daffy by Sandra Sookoo
Contemporary Romance
Length: 108 Pages
ISBN: 978-1-62135-145-0

Alice Attler has a green thumb in everything except cultivating relationships. Though she’s more comfortable encouraging green things to grow, she’s mystified that every relationship she’s had has withered. When a client’s daffodils won’t grow, she heads to the bait shop for earthworms where she meets Mark.

Mark Kincaide doesn’t know what to do with himself. His brother is on his honeymoon and he’s stuck with Grandma for company. Plus, he’s not a fan of the evil llamas. Just once he wants to do something heroic and be known as someone other than the bait guy. When the local plant specialist/florist comes calling, he can’t take his eyes off her…and it’s for more than catching a glimpse of bird poop in her hair.

An innocent trip to a river bank to dig up bulbs puts Alice in danger and Mark finally has his chance to play the hero. After things settle down, he hopes he and Alice will have more in common than just worms and a penchant for taking tumbles into embarrassing moments.

If you are in the mood for a sweet, quick romantic read, you should check this book out.  It's novella length so it won't take too long.  This book has an easy flow and characters that will charm you.  (well, except Grandma who didn't charm me at all)  

Mark was awesome.  Who wouldn't love a man who wants to feel needed as a man and maybe even play the hero a time or two?

I love these romantic novellas by Astraea Press.  They are perfect for that hour before bed when all is quiet and you just want to snuggle down and read some romance.  Okay, yes.  That's exactly what I did.  

Although this book makes mention of sleeping with someone in a former relationship, this book has no sexual content other than kissing.  I like them clean.  :)

You can find Coming Up Daffy on Amazon for just $1.99.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Cover Reveal: Working It Out by Rachel Renee Anderson

Author Rachael Renee Anderson

Rachael Anderson is the author of four books: Divinely Designed, Luck of the Draw, Minor Adjustments, and The Reluctant Bachelorette. She's the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

Working It Out
A chance encounter . . . 
Grace Warren's life is safe and predictable—exactly the way she likes it. But when she gets roped into going to an auction to help out a friend, everything changes. She meets Seth Tuttle—a guy who unexpectedly kisses her then disappears, leaving her flustered and upset. If she never sees him again, it will be too soon.

A chance for love . . .  
Weeks later, when Seth limps into Grace's rehab clinic post surgery, she immediately recognizes him. Unfortunately, he's every bit as frustrating and annoying as she remembered. Yet there's something about him that makes her second-guess her carefully placed boundaries even though he's everything she's sure she doesn't want in a man. But maybe Seth is exactly what Grace has needed all along—assuming she's willing to risk safe and predictable for a chance at love.

Giveaway Details
Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 5/31/13

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fields of Elysium: Review, Tour and $25 Giveaway!

fields new
Fields of Elysium by A.B. Whelan How can love mend a heart full of hate? Small town girl, Molly Bennett, moves to Los Angeles where she becomes an outsider while attending Beverly Hills High School. It seems life cannot be any more dreadful. Then one day after school, something magical happens. On a secluded hike in the Hollywood Hills, Molly chases her disobedient mutt and only friend into a hidden cavern. She stumbles upon a strange glimmering gateway that transports her to Arkana, a planet that is the cradle of an advanced human race. There, teenagers navigate amazing flying vehicles, compete in perilous games for glory, and possess supernatural powers. While Molly tries to wrap her mind around this unbelievable discovery, she meets the alluring and mysterious Victor Sorren. He is a Sentinel Apprentice, whose hatred toward people from Earth is beyond understanding. Yet every time Victor unpredictably saves Molly's life, his heart draws closer to hers, no matter how much he tries to fight against it. It further complicates things that their growing friendship is strictly forbidden. Earth people are prohibited in Arkana, yet Molly continues to cross through the portal to Arkana to see Victor. Torn between their double lives, they go down a dangerous path, from where there is no return and multiple endings. Fields of Elysium is a suspenseful, romantic tale full of forbidden secrets, unimaginable danger, deception, and the never-ending fight for true love.

Well, first off I want to say that I'm always happy to be a part of blog tours for Kathy over at I'm a Reader, Not a Writer.  She's a popular gal in the blogging world and doing lots of fun things.  Blog tours are a great way to read books and link up with others, sharing reviews and opinions.  

I have a deep respect for authors.  Writing is a labor of love, I think.  Every book from every sort of author takes courage.  You write something that you have labored hours and hours over and set it before the world to read.  Readers always have an opinion.  Not all readers agree.  I hope you will understand this in my review of this book today.

For me, this book was tough to get through.  I didn't feel any emotional connections with the characters.  I liked the characters well enough, I just didn't connect with them.  It's hard to get into a book when you can't feel that connection.  

The book was really slow moving.  I did some skimming, I admit.  There were some parts that I really enjoyed but overall it was just hard to get through.

I could tell from the beginning that the author's native language was not English.  The dialogue didn't always flow as it should.  The grammar was off sometimes and there were words that were misused.  

This just wasn't a great book for me.  There were a lot of creative and good ideas, but it just wasn't put together in a way that pulled me in as a reader.  But, I am one girl with one opinion.  You should check out all the reviews on this tour to see what other people are saying.

Content:  Some mild swearing and profanity

Author A.B. Whelan A.B.Whelan is a Hungarian born, American writer. She currently lives with her husband and two children in Southern California. While growing up in a wealthy Eastern European family, she had a chance to travel Europe. Later as an adult, she visited Africa and the Middle East and lived in Ecuador and in Crete.
  foe blog tour giveawaysBlog Tour Giveaway $25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash A gift bag of one signed copy of Fields of Elysium, a scrabble-tile pendant on a necklace, and a fridge magnet Ends 5/15/13 Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. a Rafflecopter giveaway