
Friday, March 22, 2013

Poison Me by Cami Checketts: Blog Tour and Giveaway

Poison Me by Cami Checketts

Jake Merrill was raised by his grandmother, Ruby, and her hilarious friends. After a suspicious death at the retirement home where Ruby lives, she enlists Jake and Chanel, the beautiful activities director, to help her find the killer.

But secrets Ruby has kept for decades threaten her family and the man she’s always loved but could never have. Chanel’s unstable ex-boyfriend, a presumably dead relative, and vicious criminals add to the confusion. Time is running out as Jake, Chanel, and Ruby desperately search for clues to solve the murders and fight to save those they love. 

If I had to describe this book in a few words it would be cozy romantic mystery.  It reminded me a lot of Tristi Pinkston's cozy mystery series if you have read those but with more romantic sizzle.  

It took me a little bit to get into the book but when I did, it sure read fast.  I'm not sure I found Ruby's friends hilarious but I did really enjoy most of the characters and their interactions.  The romance part had some sizzle and that is always good for me.  In this book you get not one, but two couples stepping into the sizzle zone.  It's kinda like a two for one coupon.  :)  I enjoyed the tension building plot which lead to an all out ka-boom ending.   Very fun.  Here's what I decided by the end:

Secrets= No good
Ruby deserves a happily ever after
Michael=Too good to be true, #patience of a saint
Good friends=Everything
If it smells nasty, don't drink it!!!

My thanks to Cami for letting me join in her blog tour.  She always delivers good, easy reading to escape with.  You can find Poison Me on Amazon.

Author Cami Checketts

Cami is a part-time author, part-time exercise consultant, part-time housekeeper, full-time wife, and overtime mother of four adorable boys. Sleep and relaxation are fond memories. She's never been happier.
A portion of the proceeds from Cami's books will be donated to The Child & Family Support Center. For more information on this worthy cause, please go to

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Blog Tour Giveaway
$50 doTERRA Oil basket and $35 wholesale membership, $50 Kate Ryan Skincare GC, $50 Amazon GC.  Ends 3/30/13

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