
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza Giveaway Hop!

Hello!  Welcome!  Thanks for stopping (or hopping) by today!  :)

For this hop I am giving away one book of your choice, $12 or less.  I will ship through Amazon if you are US and The Book Depository if you are INT.  

I will not be substituting the book for a gift card and the giveaway is for a book.  An actual turn pages and read it book or ebook.   Just enter below.  Good luck!  :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blue Hearts of Mars $50 Book Blast + Get Blue Hearts Free on Amazon today and tomorrow!

Blue Hearts of Mars by Nicole Grotepas

Retta Heikkinen knows the unspoken rule of society: love between androids and humans is forbidden. A simple enough edict until Hemingway Koskinen spends an evening charming her with his intense gaze, bewitching smile, and sparkling conversation that hints at so much more than the usual obsessions of high school boys. Rules were meant to be cast aside, especially when love beckons.

If only it were as simple as being in love.

Trouble is brewing, not just for Hemingway--for all androids. Secrets have been kept, lies propagated, and Retta soon discovers that a frightening future awaits thousands of androids if she doesn’t do something to stop it. Worse yet, she will lose the one love she’s ever endangered herself for: Hemingway.


"Nothing like I've read before. A true original story! Everything is so well described. Now if they could make a follow up book and movie, that would be great!" ~Mrs. Z (Amazon)

"I was addicted to this book from the beginning. Life on Mars was very real and not at all a sci fi world I didn't understand . . . I found myself rooting for Retta and Hemingway from the very beginning. Easy reading, couldn't put it down and had it read in a weekend. Waiting for a sequel!" ~TNielsen (Amazon)

"The ending of this book is exceptional. While it was different from what I imagined, the way the author brought in a shocking revelation was amazing. I probably reread the last chapter 3 times letting it sink in and the meaning behind it. It was truly beautiful . . . I would love to see more of Retta and Hemingway!" ~Kat Meyer, (Goodreads)

"I love how the author populated Mars . . . so descriptive and comprehensive . . . I could clearly picture everything as if I was seeing the movie &/or was along for the ride. . . . Retta, the main character, is strong, opinionated, and a great champion for her cause." ~Megan (Amazon)

"I had been in the worst reading slump ever and came across this on Goodreads and thought I'd give it a try. Well, I was pleasantly surprised on how funny and exciting and mysterious it was . . . Mei, Retta's bff, had me laughing out loud quite a bit as well as Retta herself. I'd definitely hang out with those two." ~Deanneluvbooks (Goodreads)

Blue Hearts of Mars has made it to the quarterfinals of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.

Readers are invited to download the excerpts (here) and rate and comment on the entries. So please, if you want to contribute, download and rate Blue Hearts! Your support is incredibly appreciated!

Or purchase the full version of the book here: Amazon

Author Nicole Grotepas

Nicole wrote her first fantasy novel in 7th grade on her mother's old Brother typewriter. It was never finished but it strongly resembled a Dragonlance plot and she's forever wondered what happened to the manuscript and Tonathan--the handsome elven protagonist. After living in Nashville where she worked as an editor, she returned to the Utah desert where she was raised. Nicole now lives near the Wasatch mountains with her husband. She writes and raises her son and three cats full time.

Tour Schedule

Book Blast Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 4/14/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 25, 2013

Home to Montana by Charlotte Carter

Staying in one place was never Nick Carbini's plan. When his troubled past leads him to Bear Lake, Montana, single mom Alisa Machak makes him consider putting down roots. Alisa doesn't have a problem letting Nick work in her diner, but when he starts edging his way into her heart, she has to draw the line. He reminds her too much of her son's father, another drifter who abandoned them both. Nick wishes he could be there for them, but believes he's not fit to be a husband. When his worst fears come true one night, it's up to Alisa to show him the perfect recipe for a forever romance.

If you love romance but like it more on the sweet side than the hot side, the Love Inspired romances by Harlequin will be perfect for you.  Romantic and sweet is exactly how I like them.  I want to feel the tension and I love the sizzle kissing.  When I'm in the mood for a good romance, Love Inspired is where I go.

Home to Montana was a great story of two people trying to deal with the past and wanting better for their future.  Nick is a war vet.  He's dealing with some PTSD on top of a rough childhood.  His heart is good and he knows how to work hard.  

Alisa has loved before.  Then she was left with a son to raise on her own.  She guards her heart and her son carefully.  Trusting is hard and trusting Nick is even harder.

This is a heart warming story and I was happy reading it.  It is what I like to call brain candy.  There isn't a lot of deep thinking or intense action just a simple love story that will take you away for a little while and leave you feeling good.  

My thanks to Harlequin for allowing me to read and review this book.  

You can purchase Home to Montana at Amazon.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Poison Me by Cami Checketts: Blog Tour and Giveaway

Poison Me by Cami Checketts

Jake Merrill was raised by his grandmother, Ruby, and her hilarious friends. After a suspicious death at the retirement home where Ruby lives, she enlists Jake and Chanel, the beautiful activities director, to help her find the killer.

But secrets Ruby has kept for decades threaten her family and the man she’s always loved but could never have. Chanel’s unstable ex-boyfriend, a presumably dead relative, and vicious criminals add to the confusion. Time is running out as Jake, Chanel, and Ruby desperately search for clues to solve the murders and fight to save those they love. 

If I had to describe this book in a few words it would be cozy romantic mystery.  It reminded me a lot of Tristi Pinkston's cozy mystery series if you have read those but with more romantic sizzle.  

It took me a little bit to get into the book but when I did, it sure read fast.  I'm not sure I found Ruby's friends hilarious but I did really enjoy most of the characters and their interactions.  The romance part had some sizzle and that is always good for me.  In this book you get not one, but two couples stepping into the sizzle zone.  It's kinda like a two for one coupon.  :)  I enjoyed the tension building plot which lead to an all out ka-boom ending.   Very fun.  Here's what I decided by the end:

Secrets= No good
Ruby deserves a happily ever after
Michael=Too good to be true, #patience of a saint
Good friends=Everything
If it smells nasty, don't drink it!!!

My thanks to Cami for letting me join in her blog tour.  She always delivers good, easy reading to escape with.  You can find Poison Me on Amazon.

Author Cami Checketts

Cami is a part-time author, part-time exercise consultant, part-time housekeeper, full-time wife, and overtime mother of four adorable boys. Sleep and relaxation are fond memories. She's never been happier.
A portion of the proceeds from Cami's books will be donated to The Child & Family Support Center. For more information on this worthy cause, please go to

Book Blog
Fitness Blog

Blog Tour Giveaway
$50 doTERRA Oil basket and $35 wholesale membership, $50 Kate Ryan Skincare GC, $50 Amazon GC.  Ends 3/30/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Cleaning Giveaway Hop

Is it spring at your house?  I know it must be on it's way here because the mountains of snow all around us have disappeared.  That makes me happy.  Most of my spring cleaning will be focused outside.  It's time to clean up the flower beds and prune the rose bushes.  It's time to take care of the fruit trees.

It's also time to go through my books and see what I have laying around that I can offer to someone else.  This giveaway will have to be US only because I can't afford to ship a book across the world.  Sorry!  There will be one winner who will be able to choose from the three books featured below.

A Matter of Magic and Reached are both clean YA books.  A Creed in Stone Creek is an adult romance book and has sexual content and language.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 18, 2013

Going Vintage by Lindsey Leavitt

When Mallory’s boyfriend, Jeremy, cheats on her with an online girlfriend, Mallory decides the best way to de-Jeremy her life is to de-modernize things too. Inspired by a list of goals her grandmother made in 1962, Mallory swears off technology and returns to a simpler time (when boyfriends couldn’t cheat with computer avatars). The List:
1. Run for pep club secretary
2. Host a fancy dinner party/soiree
3. Sew a dress for Homecoming
4. Find a steady
5. Do something dangerous
But simple proves to be crazy-complicated, and the details of the past begin to change Mallory’s present. Add in a too-busy grandmother, a sassy sister, and the cute pep-club president–who just happens to be her ex’s cousin–and soon Mallory begins to wonder if going vintage is going too far.

I was super excited to be able to read and review this new book by Lindsey Leavitt coming out later this month.  March 26th to be exact.  :)  

Everything about this book was fun ~ from the cover to the end.  Mallory is quite a character.  When she finds a list of goals her grandmother made when she was Mallory's age, she decides that she will reenact the list.  After being burned by her boyfriend, Mallory needs to change things up a bit and decides to "Go Vintage".  Mallory seems to think that the generation her grandmother grew up in had things easier because technology wasn't as advanced but what she finally realizes in the end is that no matter when or where you have lived, drama and heartache can be found.  Mallory also finds out many things about herself and her family along the way.

I was very entertained by Mallory's sense of humor.  Sarcasm and wit always get me.  

This is a cute chick lit contemporary YA book that teenagers will be able to relate to.  It has high school drama, crazy family moments, secrets, social media explosions, boy/girl relationships and even a trip to Disneyland!  :)  That's all the main ingredients for a good book right there.  

Content:  Some make out scenes and some sexual innuendo.

You can pre-order Going Vintage on Amazon.

My thanks to both NetGalley and Bloomsbury for providing a copy of this book for review.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Confessions of a Cereal Mother by Rachel McClellan

In this humorous memoir you’ll discover several mind-saving rules, which include:

- Don’t throw your pregnancy test away before the full three minutes is up.

- Unless there is a rush on the grocery store pending a zombie-virus outbreak, never take your kids shopping.

- If your toddler is going to chew on a Band-Aid, hope it’s one found inside the community swimming pools chlorinated pool and not one found in their locker room.

- Never throw up in a cookie sheet.

- Things can always get worse. You could discover your child playing with a used tampon applicator. It’s not a whistle, sweetie.

- And most importantly, the moment one of your children is seriously ill, forget about everything else. You have the greatest honor in the world – being a Mom.

When I read the blurb for this book I just knew I would love it.  That's because all of those things have been me in some variation or another.  Vomit, poop, tampons, shopping with kids... oh, the stories I could tell.  I feel like if Rachel and I sat down and compared and shared stories, we would be instant friends.  

Well, except that I've never thrown up in a cookie sheet.  She gets the gold star for that one.  :)  Oh, and the whole strip down and jump on the couch thing?  Another gold star for Rachel.

If you are a mother you are going to relate to this book.  Life with kids can be insane.  Draining.  Emotional.  Disgusting.  Hard.  Stressful.  Funny.  Sweet.

I love how this book starts off so funny.  I was literally simultaneously laughing and gagging in disgust.  Reliving my own memories, I guess.

Then I am brought to another place where I relate to the angry monster mom who sometimes (more often than I want it to) comes out.  

And then I am taken to the place where everything changes because my child is in a place where life is no longer taken for granted.  Hospitals, MRI's, needles (so many needles) and a very sad baby that is hurting and I am left helpless.  Yup.  I've been there.  I still have to go there on occasion and it always hurts.  

But, that's what being a mom is.  Right?  I wouldn't trade it.  (well, in this minute I wouldn't trade it.  Wait until the kids come home from school and I might change my mind.)

This book is so easy to read and so easy to relate to.  It sure is nice to know I'm not alone in the craziness that is motherhood.  Thanks Rachel for letting me read and review your book.  I loved it.

You can find Confessions of a Cereal Mother at Amazon in print or e-book.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Max Zylander Blog Tour and Giveaway

Max Xylander and the Island of Zumuruud

Max has anger management issues. But she has a secret, too. She can make things happen. Like magic. She almost killed a loser skate punk and nearly used it on her stuck up older sister. The question is, can she do anything other than blow things up? Can she learn to control it? And is it really possible that an obscure teenage girl is the key to keeping all of humanity safe?

Philip just got his ring back. He got it taken away for messing with his teacher’s mind so he can cheat on a test. Now that he has his ring, he thinks he should be able to use his power to make his life better. A lot better. The problem is that people want him to be responsible. But if you could do magic, wouldn’t you use it to escape work in any way possible?

Aaron wants to be a soldier. He knows there are lots of people who would try to take over, and he’s determined to stop them. The problem is that there’s this new girl. And she might be not be on the right side of things. She’s really talented and pretty, but she might be able to destroy everything he believes in. Whatever the case, he knows he needs to learn to be world class with the magic sword while he figures out what to do.

Brynn never gets out. Her grandfather won’t permit it. Her only access to the outside world are high fashion magazines, so she has an unusual idea what she should wear. She’s dying to get out and travel. And adopt animals. Any kind of animal. Is she a lonely future granny with cats or are her ridiculous clothes actually the next fashion craze? What possible role could she play in the destiny of the world?

Max Xylander and the Island of Zumuruud is a fast-paced fantasy adventure for all ages (10 and up) and is the first of a planned trilogy. Fans of magic, swordplay, secret agents, and conspiracies set in a modern everyday world will not be able to put the book down. Jon Thomason is a debut author and paints a vivid world of magic right under our noses and delivers rapid-fire action that keeps the pages turning.


If you are looking for an adventurous middle grade book that girls and boys alike will love, than look no further.  This book is full on fantasy with all sorts of "jinni" magic.  Of course there are the good guys and the bad guys because what sort of book would this be without them?

This has a sort of Harry Potter-ish feel to it, similar ideas in different places.  It is definitely geared to a younger audience.  If your kids have read Harry Potter, I'm not sure Max Zylander will live up to vivid and exciting world created there but, if you have younger kids that aren't quite on the reading level of Harry Potter, this might just be the perfect stepping stone for them in the fantasy genre.

I don't know that I'm raving love over this book but I do think it was a good solid story.  Fantasy isn't my love genre so I have a harder time getting into books that fall into this category.  I'm totally in a minority on this though.  :)  Here's what I do know:  I want some "jin" power!  That could sure come in handy.

Check out what others are saying about Max Zylander!  You will find a link to the full tour schedule below.  Enjoy the following excerpt and don't forget the giveaway found below as well.

...She spent every possible second learning better control and more power. She couldn’t leave it alone.

When Max was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia at age 9, she raged and fought. At the first needle, she shouted, “It’s not fair!” but nothing could express how she felt after hundreds. She was at the mercy of the doctors and of Fate. Couldn’t say no or yes. Couldn’t choose.

Now, her new talent let her take the world on her own terms. It was narcotic and wild. She loved the feeling of gathering a ball of flame brighter than the sun and releasing it any way she could dream up.

She became stronger with the power than she was with her muscles. She learned how to guide the flow of power. It felt like sculpting as she carved the flow of fire into different shapes. The flows could move objects any direction, depending on how she shaped them. She could apply the flows precisely or violently, or better yet, precisely and violently.

Before long, she bored of things she could do in her room and turned to practicing her skills in public. The more she did, the more reckless she became. No one could ever guess—who would believe it? The freedom was exhilarating...

Author Jon Thomason

Jon Thomason lives with his family in San Diego, after many years living in the beautiful Seattle area. He has a successful career in high tech where he's been fortunate enough to participate in many big-name industry releases.

Storytelling permeates everything he does. In the moments when Jon is not helping build the story of the tech world, he can almost always be found working on a project: writing, photography, videography, graphics design, or 3D art.

And he's always careful to conceal his jinni magic abilities, though perhaps might slip one day and be discovered...


Blog Tour Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash plus a copy of Max Xylander and the Island of Zumuruud
Print copy to US only, Ebook Internationally
Ends 3/31/13

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Goddess Inheritance by Aimee Carter

Love or life.
Henry or their child.
The end of her family or the end of the world.
Kate must choose.

During nine months of captivity, Kate Winters has survived a jealous goddess, a vengeful Titan and a pregnancy she never asked for. Now the Queen of the Gods wants her unborn child, and Kate can't stop her--until Cronus offers a deal.

In exchange for her loyalty and devotion, the King of the Titans will spare humanity and let Kate keep her child. Yet even if Kate agrees, he'll destroy Henry, her mother and the rest of the council. And if she refuses, Cronus will tear the world apart until every last god and mortal is dead.

With the fate of everyone she loves resting on her shoulders, Kate must do the impossible: find a way to defeat the most powerful being in existence, even if it costs her everything.

Even if it costs her eternity.

First off, a big shout out of love to NetGalley where bloggers and reviewers everywhere get to pick up awesome books.  :)

The last book in the Goddess Test series comes to an end.  I'm part sad, part relieved.  Getting to the end of a series means closure and resolution and I love that.  Especially if there are some happily ever afters in that closure.  But it's hard to let characters you love go.  <sniff, sniff>

I will miss Kate and Henry.

There were a few things I especially loved about this book.  I loved that Henry and Kate were working more together against the big evil and not working so much against each other.  Of course, each is trying to be the one to save the other but they have a common goal now~ their child.  Maybe it's because I have a child that I felt deeply Kate's desperate need to ensure her child's safety.  She will do whatever it takes.  I can relate to that.

Kate has a rough time of it in this book.  She is feeling the weight of the world, literally, on her shoulders.  She doubts her ability to find a way out of the mess with Cronus.  But the people that love her give her the encouragement that she needs to believe she can do it.  Or at least try.  

I just love books based around mythology.  I'd sure like to see a book dedicated to James.  Or even Ava's son.  I think we were left with some possibilities there.  

I really loved this book.  I have enjoyed this whole series and I'm sad to see it end but I loved the ending.  Kate's compassion to Cronus really touched me.  If you have read this already, you know what I'm talking about.  If you haven't read it yet, just wait.  You are in for a fantastic read.  :)  There is some swearing and some talk of sexual activity.  You can find Goddess Inheritance and all the Goddess Test series on Amazon.

"You saved my life, Kate.  You gave me everything.  There is nothing I would rather do than be with you forever."

Goodbye Kate and Henry.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Max Xylander $75 Book Blast

Max Xylander and the Island of Zumuruud

Max has anger management issues. But she has a secret, too. She can make things happen. Like magic. She almost killed a loser skate punk and nearly used it on her stuck up older sister. The question is, can she do anything other than blow things up? Can she learn to control it? And is it really possible that an obscure teenage girl is the key to keeping all of humanity safe?

Philip just got his ring back. He got it taken away for messing with his teacher’s mind so he can cheat on a test. Now that he has his ring, he thinks he should be able to use his power to make his life better. A lot better. The problem is that people want him to be responsible. But if you could do magic, wouldn’t you use it to escape work in any way possible?

Aaron wants to be a soldier. He knows there are lots of people who would try to take over, and he’s determined to stop them. The problem is that there’s this new girl. And she might be not be on the right side of things. She’s really talented and pretty, but she might be able to destroy everything he believes in. Whatever the case, he knows he needs to learn to be world class with the magic sword while he figures out what to do.

Brynn never gets out. Her grandfather won’t permit it. Her only access to the outside world are high fashion magazines, so she has an unusual idea what she should wear. She’s dying to get out and travel. And adopt animals. Any kind of animal. Is she a lonely future granny with cats or are her ridiculous clothes actually the next fashion craze? What possible role could she play in the destiny of the world?

Max Xylander and the Island of Zumuruud is a fast-paced fantasy adventure for all ages (10 and up) and is the first of a planned trilogy. Fans of magic, swordplay, secret agents, and conspiracies set in a modern everyday world will not be able to put the book down. Jon Thomason is a debut author and paints a vivid world of magic right under our noses and delivers rapid-fire action that keeps the pages turning.



"Impressively inventive and enjoyable...vivid storytelling and exceptional characterization...Max's personality is layered and complex...conveyed flawlessly...keeping readers intrigued and engaged...writing style is smooth, and a subtle sense of humor comes through...narrative tension builds at a good pace and easily flows toward a satisfying and exciting conclusion...parents are likely to both approve of the story and enjoy reading it themselves...talented writer...sure to find an appreciative audience that will eagerly anticipate the next book in the series." -- ForeWord Clarion Review

"Thomason shines in his heroine's characterization...magical" --blueink Review

Download a FREE Copy!
Max Xylander and the Island of Zumuruud is FREE from March 7th to 11th on AMAZON.

Author Jon Thomason

Jon Thomason lives with his family in San Diego, after many years living in the beautiful Seattle area. He has a successful career in high tech where he's been fortunate enough to participate in many big-name industry releases.

Storytelling permeates everything he does. In the moments when Jon is not helping build the story of the tech world, he can almost always be found working on a project: writing, photography, videography, graphics design, or 3D art.

And he's always careful to conceal his jinni magic abilities, though perhaps might slip one day and be discovered...


Tour Schedule

Book Blast Giveaway
$75 Gift Card or Paypal Cash (International)
Apple EarPods (US only)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baked Alaska by Josi Kilpack: Review and Giveaway!

Baked Alaska by Josi S. Kilpack

An Alaskan cruise is the setting for amateur detective Sadie Hoffmillers latest adventure. Sadie plans to spend time relaxing with her two grown children, Breanna and Shawn, and her boyfriend, Pete, while enjoying the luxury and cuisine of an elegant cruise ship and helping to plan her daughters upcoming wedding. But even as the crew prepares to leave port, Sadie has suspicions about the voyage ahead and the relationship between her normally easygoing son and a mysterious female passenger he obviously knows but refuses to discuss. When the woman is discovered unconscious during the second night at sea, Sadies apprehension escalates. Over the last few years, Sadie has developed an extreme dislike for secrets and it would seem her son is keeping one from her. *Includes eight new mouthwatering recipes, tested and approved by the official bakers of Sadies Virtual Test Kitchen.

I'm so happy to be a part of the blog tour for Baked Alaska by Josi Kilpack.  I have really enjoyed this series and every book comes with a fun new setting and awesome recipes.

Sadie is honestly a busy body type that can't sit still.  She likes to know everything.  In the last few books she has calmed down a bit and I'm so glad.  She is still Sadie but just not quite so overboard.  She has been through a rough patch but she is rebounding and coming into a new and improved Sadie.  At least I think so.

It's funny because I started reading this book right as I was working out details with my family for a cruise.  We got it all booked as I am reading about a murder mystery on a cruise ship.  Eek!  Luckily I'm not going on an Alaskan cruise or there might have been one too many similarities!

I really related to Sadie's mother hen instincts with her son.  It's a hard thing to let your kids grow up and trust them to make their own decisions.  Especially decisions that don't involve you.  Poor Sadie.  Secrets are just no good.  And Sean's secret is a doozy!

I was glad to see Pete in this book, stepping up and taking some control, helping.  I've always loved Pete.  He is steady and you can count on him.  I'm so glad to see that to some degree, Sadie is giving up some of her crazy and trusting Pete's judgement.  That trust is huge.

I don't think I've ever eaten Baked Alaska.  It's such a shame because that cover looks really good and I'm thinking I've been deprived.  

If you love a good, cozy murder mystery, you should really try Josi's Culinary mystery series.  It's fun, easy reading.  If you've already read most of this series and Baked Alaska is next, you know what you are in for.  You won't be disappointed.

Author Josi S. Kilpack

Josi S. Kilpack grew up hating to read until she was thirteen and her mother handed her a copy of The Witch of Blackbird Pond. From that day forward, she read everything she could get her hands on and credits her writing “education” to the many novels she has “studied” since then. She began her first novel in 1998 and hasn’t stopped since. Her seventh novel, Sheep’s Clothing, won the 2007 Whitney Award for Mystery/Suspense, and Lemon Tart, her ninth novel, was a 2009 Whitney Award Finalist. Josi was the Best in State winner in literature for 2012 and currently has two books (Banana Split and Tres Leches Cupcakes) as finalists in the 2012 Whitney awards.

Josi currently lives in Willard, Utah, with her family.

Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 3/20/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

On Tour with Aura by Rebecca Lynn Talley: Review and Giveaway


"I half-turned to her and shrugged, still processing what I'd seen, or at least what I thought I'd seen, in Ms. Neal's eyes—like they weren't hers. Obviously, they were her eyes, but it looked like she'd plucked them from someone else's head. A dead someone else's head."

In the fight between good and evil, Light is your only weapon.

Crystal Scott finally feels like a normal teenager. She has a lead in the high school play, a best friend, and a gorgeous boyfriend. With prom only a few days away, Crystal’s ordinary life seems perfect.

Endowed with great Light because of her virtuous choices and her inherent gifts, Crystal’s aura has become visible to those with the ability to see auras. Unfortunately, her power has also attracted the attention of demons intent on destroying all Light.

When Vincent Crandall, the human host for a powerful demon, discovers that Crystal’s Light is strong enough to disrupt the connection between demons and their hosts, he realizes she may be able to sever the connection altogether. Determined to stop her from interfering with his plans to rule the world, he sends operatives to neutralize her Light.

After the operatives fail to disable Crystal, Vincent decides he must harness her power for himself. He kidnaps her parents, and Crystal is thrust into battle against a demon army she didn’t even know existed. With the help of a mysterious young man and his mother, Crystal must learn to use the power within her before Vincent kills her parents and exploits her Light.

Aura is another classic story about good vs evil, light vs dark, with a paranormal spin.  

The book started out slow for me.  It took awhile for me to settle in and enjoy but it did happen.  Everything in this book was good.  Good characters, good story.  It's just that I've heard this story before.  There wasn't anything new or overly engaging.  

One great thing about this book was the overall message.  You could feel deeper meanings  in this book.  I love the whole idea that as Crystal was good and made good choices her light, or aura, got brighter and she became a powerful influence for good.

And as you may or may not know, I really appreciate a clean read.  This book was exactly the kind of book I feel comfortable handing off to my daughter.  

Up next is an excerpt from Aura followed by the giveaway!  Enjoy!

“Looks like we’re right on schedule for the summit meeting with the other divisions.” Vincent smiled as he continued. “I’m sure you’ve heard that upper management is considering combining the southwestern and western divisions and I’m in line to head the merger. Of course, I plan to make the western division a strong competitor for our eastern comrades. The east coast currently out sells and out performs us, but I plan to change that.”

“Sir, we do have a problem,” Jack said. “In Colorado. Silver City.”

Vincent glared at Jack. He didn’t like being interrupted especially with news of a problem. Vincent was set to take over the western half of the United States, something he’d been working toward since he started with the organization right out of college. “What kind of problem?”

“There’s this . . .” His sentence trailed off.
“What, Jack? There’s this, what?” He emphasized the last word.
He pursed his lips and then said, “What does that mean?”
Chris, a man in his early thirties with cropped black hair, cut in, “A very recent associate in Silver City has reported a disruption of control over the host.”

“Then take care of it.” Vincent had no time for this, not with the summit meeting looming. He ran his fingers through his thick hair attempting to settle his bubbling anger. His powers of persuasion were far more successful when he was calm.

Jack leaned forward, making his chair creak. “Apparently, a teenage girl there can interrupt the connection in our newer, and possibly weaker, associates.”

“Preposterous.” Vincent blew out a breath. Was he working with morons? A teenage girl? Absurd.

“If she has enough Light to sever the connection between our associates and their hosts—”

“Yes, yes, I know. You don’t have to explain it to me, Jack.” Losing associates, and thus control, in any city reflected poorly on the organization, and on him. Vincent couldn’t have that.

“What should we do?” Chris asked.

Vincent closed his eyes for a moment, considering his options. He drew a deep breath and gazed at Priscilla, head of associate training. “Neutralize the girl.”

Author Rebecca Lynn Talley

Rebecca Lynn Talley grew up in the gorgeous seaside city of Santa Barbara, CA. She met, and married, her husband, Del, while attending Brigham Young University. She graduated from BYU with a degree in Communications. She currently lives in rural Colorado on a small ranch with a dog, too many cats to count, and a herd of goats. She and Del are the proud parents of ten wildly-creative, multi-talented children.

Rebecca is the author of a children's picture book, Grasshopper Pie (WindRiver 2003), a children's chapter book, Gabby's Secret (DuBon Publishing 2011), four novels, Heaven Scent (CFI 2008), Altared Plans (CFI 2009), The Upside of Down (CFI 2011), and Aura (DuBon Publishing 2012). She has also authored numerous children's stories and articles for both print and online magazines.

When she isn’t writing, Rebecca loves to date her husband, play with her kids, swim in the ocean, and dance to disco music while she cleans the house. She has folded at least one million loads of laundry, baked hundreds of batches of chocolate chip cookies, and eaten 5,478 gallons of ice cream.

Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 3.21.13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Tour Schedule

Monday, March 4, 2013

On Tour: At First Touch by Mattie Dunman plus a GIVEAWAY!

Liz Hannigan has been on the run since she was twelve years old.
Her mother is dead. Her father has lost his job. And thanks to an experimental procedure, Liz is now able to ‘download’ the contents of every brain around her with a simple touch. Forced to hide from both the federal government and a darkling group of morally deficient scientists known as the Coalition determined to exploit her abilities, she moves with her father to the bucolic coal town of Pound, West Virginia.  But the hunt for Liz and her abilities hasn’t ended, and her hopes for peace are shattered when she inadvertently downloads the enigmatic Carey Drake, whose unusual good looks and charm conceal a secret as shocking as her own. Stunned by the knowledge that she has found someone else who has extraordinary abilities, Liz finds herself drawn to Carey, discovering a deep attraction, and dares to hope for the first time she might find love.
But when an agent of the Coalition begins stalking her, Liz must find a way to work with the government agency she most mistrusts as she strives to build a longed-for normal life and take down the agent who has tracked her down. Caught up in a struggle to save herself and those she loves, the girl who sees all is blind to true danger until it is too late.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.  I really liked this book.  :)

That's always a good start to a review, right?

The plot in this book was forward moving at all times.  I never felt stagnant or bored.  It had an excellent build up and I felt just like I was watching a movie.  You know the movie where the characters are walking right into trouble and you are yelling at them, "NO!  Don't do it!"?  That was this book for me.  Well, at least the ending of this book was that sentence.  I just love reading a book where somewhere along the lines I become invested in the story and I care about what is happening.

I loved the characters.  I love Liz and I love her dad.  Liz has moved around a lot and it's hard to fit in when you are different.  The gloves she has to wear so she doesn't "download" people causes her to stand out as different.  Her struggles and abilities make her both vulnerable and strong.  It was both of those things that really made me love Liz.

When Liz meets Carey, the slow sizzle begins.  Carey is everything hero-ish.  Honest to goodness hero.  Think knight in shining armor, Captain America hero. You just can't go wrong with Carey.  Liz accidentally downloads Carey but I love how she doesn't access all his thoughts and memories because she wants to learn about him from him.

This was an easy to read book.  It had all the elements that make me love reading.  A great plot that moves forward, characters that I love to love (and hate) a paranormal aspect and romance too.  I'm glad I was able to read and review this book as part of this blog tour.

Content:  There was some swearing, teenage drinking and some violence.

You can purchase this book at Amazon.

Mattie Dunman is a lifelong resident of "Wild & Wonderful" West Virginia, and has dreamed of being a writer since she first held a pen in hand.

Mattie has pursued several useless degrees to support this dream, and presently enjoys teaching (or tormenting, as the case may be) college students the dying art of public speaking. She spends most of her free time writing, but also indulges in reading and traveling.

She is the proud owner of an adorably insane American Eskimo named Finn, and a tyrant cat named Bella, who take up more of her attention than they probably should.

Mattie is currently working on the second book in the First Touch series, and is ecstatic about her new release, At First Touch.

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Friday, March 1, 2013

Good Guys VS Bad Boys Giveaway

Sorry this is so small.  I couldn't fit it original size on my blog so you can barely read the print here.  Uugh!  Here is a link to the original giveaway on the author's site.  It is full on size so you can see it in full glory.  :)  Click HERE.

I can tell you that this is an awesome giveaway and you don't want to miss it.  So many awesome books up for grabs not to mention the whole Midnight Fire Series by Kaitlyn Davis.  I've really enjoyed her books and I can't wait to read Scorch coming soon.  :)  If you haven't read this series, Ignite is the first book and it is FREE right now so you can check it out and get started on the series.

And where do I stand?  Team Luke!

Below is the rafflecopter for the giveaway.  Below that are purchase and information links regarding the Midnight Fire series and Kaitlyn Davis.
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Ignite Purchase Links:

Amazon –

Barnes & Noble –

iTunes –

Sony –

Kobo –

Smashwords -

Simmer Purchase Links:

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Barnes & Noble –

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Kobo –

Smashwords -

Blaze Purchase Links:

Amazon –

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Author web links: (web, blog, twitter, facebook, goodreads, etc)

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Everyting You Need to Know about Girls Camp: The Essential Planning Guide for Leaders by Stephanie Worlton

Few callings strike fear into a woman’s heart like that of being a Girls Camp leader. Whether you’re a new camper or a seasoned leader, Stephanie Worlton is here to help. 

Make your Girls Camp an experience to remember with Everything You Need to Know about Girls Camp. Filled with helpful tips on everything from holding your first meeting to dealing with unhappy campers, this essential guide takes the stress out of planning to make your camp a success!

This book is specifically intended for members of the LDS faith who participate in the yearly tradition known as girls camp.  This is where adult leaders plan a summer camp for girls between the ages of 12 and 17.  This camp usually lasts 5-6 days and is full of not only camping and adventure activities but also service and spiritual activities intended to build young women up and give them camaraderie and confidence.

Speaking strictly by personal experience, Girls Camp is definitely a job that strikes fear into my heart!  It's such a huge undertaking.  I've been to many different girls camps over the years in many different places.  I've never been in charge of the whole shabang though ~ only in charge of smaller things within.  Thank Goodness.  But now I know, if I am ever put in charge (please, please, no) that I have the most excellent resource available to me, (aside from having Stephanie Worlton herself) and that is this book!

This book takes you from the very, very beginning of planning and thinking all the way through to the end.  It will give you advice that only a seasoned, experienced girls camp leader can give.  It's like a treasure trove of good ideas, tips, songs and RECIPES!  

If you or someone you know is the new Camp Director and the freaking out has commenced, here is the answer to the madness that has enveloped the mind:  Everything You Need to Know about Girls Camp.  :)

You can find out more by clicking HERE.

You can purchase HERE.

Enter to Win: 

As part of the blog tour, Stephanie will be giving away two great prizes. Visit her Kreating Krazy author blog to enter for your chance to win a "Camp Leader Survival Kit" or a signed copy of the book.

Stephanie Connelley Worlton lives in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains where she enjoys frequent opportunities to observe nature and appreciate God’s magnificent creations. She is a seasoned Camp Director, an avid Scouter, and a devoted youth leader. Aside from the busy schedule she keeps as a wife and mother of four, Stephanie enjoys organizing, interior design, gardening, carpentry, painting, and being involved with the youth of our rising generation. To learn more about Stephanie or her book, visit her “Kreating Krazy” blog: