
Friday, February 15, 2013

Tide Ever Rising by Mandi Tucker Slack

Kadence Reynold’s favorite pastime is exploring old ghost towns. When she and her sister, Maysha stumble across an old journal and cheap pendant hidden in the depths of a crumbling foundation near Eureka, Utah, their world is suddenly turned upside down. Immediately, strange dreams and premonitions begin to haunt “Kadie” as she learns more about the keeper of the journal, Charlotte Clark. Kadie sets out on a journey to learn more about Charlotte and her family, and she and Maysha travel to Bremerton, Washington, where they discover Charlotte's still living twin sister, Adelaide and her family.

This was such a fun book to read.  It was the perfect book to curl up with on a cold winter's night.  Yes, this book does have some romance but it also has a bit of ghostly adventure that will give you little chills.  

Kadence has a hobby of exploring.  Of course this is going to lead to some adventure!  She finds an old journal and thinks that the family would love to have it returned to them.  This is the beginning of an adventure that snowballs into much more than the simple journal return it started out as.

Logan is protective and manly but oh so gentle and sweet with his grandmother and daughter.  I love the dynamics of Logan's family. Kadie is tenacious and kind.  Her sidekick sister, Maysha provides for some comic relief.

While the characters were good, I think the author's ability to draw you into the setting is her real talent.  I could easily visualize the many places Kadie's adventure takes her.  The old abandon ghost town, the beach, the forest, the cave.  I love when I can create vivid pictures in my mind as I read a book.  So for me, that was the best part of this book.

You can purchase Tide Ever Rising on Amazon.

Mandi Tucker Slack grew up in Orangeville, UT, where her father worked as a coal miner for eighteen years. In 1987 the coal mines shut down for a time and her father joined the U.S. Army. They were stationed in Hanau, Germany, and she had the opportunity to explore Europe. Mandi’s family returned to Utah in 1992, and they settled in Orangeville once again, where she attended and completed High School. She then attended the College of Eastern Utah, where she studied Geology. Eventually Mandi changed her major and moved on to Utah State University while she completed a degree in Special Education. She then married her best friend, Charles Slack. They have three children, with one on the way, 6 chickens, and a lizard (sometimes several lizards).Their family loves to spend time together. They enjoy 4-wheeling, camping, and especially rock hounding. Her house is littered with rocks and fossils. As a child Mandi spent many weekends with her parents and sister exploring abandoned mining towns and searching for relics among the brick ruins. Her adventures with her family are often the inspiration for her stories.

Visit Mandi at her website or her blog.


  1. This sounds like a really neat mystery and I am definitely intrigued!

  2. Thank you so much for the great review!!


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