
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Farsighted and Open Hearts by Emlyn Chand Blog Tour

Alex Kosmitoras's life has never been easy. The only other student who will talk to him is the school bully, his parents are dead broke and insanely overprotective, and... oh yeah, he's blind.

Just when he thinks he'll never have a shot at a normal life, an enticing new girl comes to their small Midwest town all the way from India. Simmi is smart, nice, and actually wants to be friends with Alex. Plus she smells like an Almond Joy bar. Sophomore year might not be so bad after all.

Alex is in store for another new arrival—an unexpected and often embarrassing ability to "see" the future. Try as he may, Alex is unable to ignore his visions, especially when they suggest Simmi is in mortal danger.

With the help of the mysterious psychic next door and friends who come bearing gifts of their own, Alex embarks on his journey to change the future.


Simmi Shergill's life is a mess. Her powers of psychic feeling are on the fritz, and Grandon Township's sudden population boom has brought quite a few unsavory characters to town. She also looks like an over-blown balloon in her size 14 pants, but not even starving herself seems to be helping.

At least she has Alex, the boyfriend who loves her so much he'd do anything for her. Last summer, he even risked his life to protect her from the mysterious boy everyone was convinced wanted to kill her.

Just one problem: she's not so sure she feels the same way. Is Alex really the man of her dreams? Why can't she stop fixating on her would-be killer, Dax? Part of her wants to run screaming in the other direction whenever Dax is around, while the other part longs to run into his embrace, no matter whom she'd hurt or what she'd risk.

Simmi's loyalty is on the line. Whom will she choose—the blind seer who loves her, or the charming telekinetic with "bad idea" written all over him? Emotions run high in the tension-packed book two of the Farsighted series.


For this blog tour I got to read both Farsighted and Open Hearts.  It's always nice to be able to finish up book one in a series and jump right into book two without any waiting.

In Farsighted we meet Alex.  Having been blind his entire life, Alex has never really fit in with the other kids at school.  When visions of the future begin to plague Alex, he realizes that he has just taken not fitting in to a whole new level.  Alex's life begins to change bringing with it new friends and new ideas.

I thought Farsighted was a good beginning to this series.  We are introduced to key characters who are realizing that they have special abilities.  The book is written from Alex's point of view and I feel like I got a pretty good sense of who Alex is and what he is about.  To me, Alex is intense, loyal and serious but also very insecure.  His insecurities are intensified by his visions, especially in the next book.

Open Heart is the second book in this series.  Simmi is the main focus character in this book and it is basically her point of view that we see events unfolding.  Simmi struggles with her self esteem and body image.  She is attracted to someone other than her boyfriend.  

There are a lot of good things going in these first two books but I had a hard time connecting.  The characters all had a strong voice and I felt like I could hear and see them, I just didn't make those emotional connections to them.  I wish the paranormal side would have taken a stronger hold of the story lines and driven the plot forward faster.  It felt like I was in the characters heads a lot and heard a lot about how they were feeling but I was there just too long and too much.  I guess I wanted to see them do more with their abilities and work together to accomplish some great goal against some evil force (which sort of did happen at the end of the first book but it was at the very end and didn't really last too long).  I guess for me it just fell a little short of the mark as far as the plot goes.

But, like I said before, the characters were strong.  Their voices were distinct and clear.  I liked how the author brought in real life family and social circumstances to the forefront of the books.  In Open Heart, Simmi deals with an eating disorder.  I thought the author did a great job portraying the thoughts and feelings that go along with such a hard thing.  

I like the diverse group of characters, different race, different family make-up, different abilities.  Honestly, the characters I am most interested in are Shapri and Dax.  

One thing I really appreciate and respect is the note at the beginning of Open Heart from the author and the dedication.  The dedication reads, "For every girl who has ever doubted herself, felt ugly, or unloved, or undeserving, or struggled through hardships alone.  Reach in and give yourself a hug."  I love that dedication.

And the note to readers goes like this.  "Although Open Heart is intended for a Young Adult audience, please bear in mind some mature situations present themselves during the course of this novel, including steamy make-out sessions, mild violence, and graphic descriptions of Simmi's eating disorder.  Parents of younger readers may want to read through themselves to determine whether Open Heart is a suitable fit for their children."

Thank you, Emlyn Chand for that.  I really appreciate it.

I would add to the author's note of caution that there is swearing in both books as well.

Other books in the series...

About The Author...

From an early age, Emlyn Chand has counted books among her best friends. She loves to hear and tell stories and emerged from the womb with a fountain pen grasped firmly in her left hand (true story). Her affinity for the written word extends to absolutely every area of her life: she has published three novels and three children’s books with plans for many more of each, leads a classics book group with almost five-hundred members, and, of course, runs the whole shebang at Novel Publicity.

The book that changed Emlyn’s life is Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crocket Johnson. It opened her eyes to the world that could exist if only she was willing to create it—a lesson she has never forgotten. While she enjoys all types of novels, her greatest loves are literary fiction and YA. She’s best known for her Farsighted series and is developing a slow but steady following for the Bird Brain Books. She’s eager to see how her women’s fiction novel, Torn Together, will be received by the reading masses.

Website FacebookGoodReadsTwitterBlog

Make sure to check out the FARSIGHTED & OPEN HEART blog tour kicking off Monday, February 4th! 

GRAND PRIZE: Kindle or Nook -- Winners choice!

Fields of Elysium $50 Book Blast

Fields of Elysium by A.B. Whelan

How can love mend a heart full of hate?

Small town girl, Molly Bennett, moves to Los Angeles where she becomes an outsider while attending Beverly Hills High School. It seems life cannot be any more dreadful. Then one day after school, something magical happens. On a secluded hike in the Hollywood Hills, Molly chases her disobedient mutt and only friend into a hidden cavern. She stumbles upon a strange glimmering gateway that transports her to Arkana, a planet that is the cradle of an advanced human race. There, teenagers navigate amazing flying vehicles, compete in perilous games for glory, and possess supernatural powers. While Molly tries to wrap her mind around this unbelievable discovery, she meets the alluring and mysterious Victor Sorren. He is a Sentinel Apprentice, whose hatred toward people from Earth is beyond understanding. Yet every time Victor unpredictably saves Molly's life, his heart draws closer to hers, no matter how much he tries to fight against it. It further complicates things that their growing friendship is strictly forbidden. Earth people are prohibited in Arkana, yet Molly continues to cross through the portal to Arkana to see Victor. Torn between their double lives, they go down a dangerous path, from where there is no return and multiple endings.

Fields of Elysium is a suspenseful, romantic tale full of forbidden secrets, unimaginable danger, deception, and the never-ending fight for true love.


"The novel's take on otherworldly travel is a compelling one, and the romantic plot will likely appeal to Twilight fans." - Kirkus Reviews

"I expected a good love story with a paranormal twist. I got so much more. I think you should take the chance and read it. Let this book take you on the adventure, fall in love." - Young Adult and Teen Readers

"Fields of Elysium is a fabulous read. ... Whelan paints her faith into the fabric of her story with deft, light brushstrokes, making her work accessible to all, no matter their spiritual beliefs or background." - Readers Favorite

"I escaped into this fantasy world, author, A.B.Whelan, created and I didn’t want Molly to go. From detailed descriptions, to sweet romance, and to all the twist and turns in the story, it had me captivated from page one." - Mary Ting, author of the Crossroads Saga

"Whelan's writing is very vivid and descriptive. It's more formal than the average YA novel, but I enjoyed the lyrical and mesmerizing quality to it. I thought the overall story read like a fairy tale--very sweet." - Megan Thomason, author of Daynight

Author A.B. Whelan

A.B.Whelan is a Hungarian born, American writer. She currently lives with her husband and two children in Southern California.
While growing up in a wealthy Eastern European family, she had a chance to travel Europe. Later as an adult, she visited Africa and the Middle East and lived in Ecuador and in Crete.

Tour Schedule

$50 Book Blast Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash plus a gift bag of one signed copy of Fields of Elysium, a scrabble-tile pendant with a butterfly image on a chain necklace, and a fridge magnet.

Ends 3/11/13

Gift Bag open to US only.  If winner is international they will receive only the gift card or paypal cash.
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop!

It's hopping time again!  Giveaways are so much fun.  :)

For this hop, I will be giving a book of your choice, $12 or less open Internationally as long as Book Depository ships to your country.  I will be shipping through Amazon for a US winner.  Of course, you can always pick an ebook if you would prefer that.

Check the sidebar for other giveaways and book blasts going on while you are here.  Lots of chances to win!  Thanks for stopping by my blog.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, February 25, 2013

A Timeless Romance Anthology: Spring Vacation Collection

Six Award-Winning Authors have contributed new stories to A Timeless Romance Anthology: Spring Vacation Collection. Readers will love this collection of six sweet contemporary romance novellas, centered on a Spring Vacation, all with one thing in common: Romance.

In Moonlight Kiss, a delightful story by Josi S. Kilpack, Sarah is looking forward to the company retreat, namely because she’ll finally meet Clint—the man she’s been Instant Messaging for a few months. As a single mom, Sarah gets out . . . well, never. So adding vacation days onto the retreat so she can spend time with Clint is daring, yet exciting. She just hopes that the suave on-line Clint will live up to the man she hopes to share her heart with.

In Annette Lyon’s charming novella, Chasing Tess, Tess had been patiently waiting through three years of law school for James to pop the question. The night has finally arrived—at his graduation party. But his big announcement turns out to be completely unexpected . . . and devastating. Tess flees the party, promising herself she’ll never let herself waste time on James again. But as she makes a desperate cross-country drive, James makes his own plans on how to win her back.

Dancing at the Flea Market is a sweet romance by Heather Justesen. Mara, fresh out of the cold North Dakota tundra, spends her spring break in Texas with close friend, Anna. When the two women run into Carter, an impatient man with a painful past, it takes hearing Mara’s stunning voice at the local Karaoke club to thaw his heart. But as Mara gets to know Carter, she has to decide if the distance between their lives and homes is worth trying to bridge.

In Sarah M. Eden’s captivating novella, The Best Laid Plans, Madison gives up a vacation to CancĂșn with her office friends to return home and babysit her mother, who is in another sketchy relationship. The only problem with returning home is running into Derek, her ex-boyfriend who she decided to break up with before he could break up with her—Madison believes in always being one step ahead. When Derek teams up with Madison to investigate whether her mother is dating the right guy, Madison has a hard time ignoring what her heart is telling her about giving Derek another chance.

Picture Perfect, an exciting story by Heather B. Moore, follows Gemma who has never done anything out of the ordinary, until her boyfriend Randy decides to ignore her. But even cutting and dyeing her hair doesn’t get his attention. She decides to join her old high school friends for spring vacation, only to be faced with Drew, her best friend who suddenly seems interested in her as more than a friend. Gemma must decide if her heart is on the rebound or if it’s finally met its true match.

In Aubrey Mace’s enchanting romance, The Science of Sentiment, Rosie will do anything to forget Kevin, his completely perfect kisses, and the fact that he dumped her. When she arrives at her grandfather’s mountain cabin for a spring getaway, she discovers her worst nightmare—Kevin has been invited to stay the weekend too. Since there is only room for one in such a small space, Rosie is determined to kick Kevin out. But Kevin has other plans . . . which might include a reminder of why he’s the perfect kisser.

Ah...  I've been to my happy place.  Six sweet romances compiled into one awesome book. These are some of my favorite writers~ of course it's going to be good!

The great thing about anthologies is you get to sample the styles of several different authors.  Each brings their own flavor to writing.  I loved all these short stories.  They are all filled with the classic romantic elements of misunderstanding, confusion, kissing and happily ever after endings.  You can read them in one fail swoop (like me) or indulge in them one by one as you have time.  

Of course, I always wish I had more.  That's the flip side to short stories.  I'm always left wanting more.  I could definitely go for some full length novels made from these short stories.

Reviewing books is a fun hobby.  Some books are more fun to read and review than others.  :)  I was looking forward to reading this book and when I finally got to it it was like a happy reward.  My complete indulgence in my favorite feel good genre.  My thanks to Josi for sending over the book for my review.  

Spring Vacation Collection is available on Amazon for just $3.99.  Go ahead.  Go get it.  Indulge in the romance and enjoy!  :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Rapunzel Untangled by Cindy Bennett

Rapunzel is not your average teenager.

For one thing, she has a serious illness that keeps her inside the mysterious Gothel Mansion. And for another, her hair is 15 feet long. Not to mention that she’s also the key to ultimately saving the world from certain destruction. But then she meets a boy named Fane, who changes all she has ever known, and she decides to risk everything familiar to find out who she really is.

Filled with romance, adventure, and mystery, Rapunzel Untangled is one story you won’t want to put down. Discover the true meaning of love and friendship in this modern twist to the classic fairytale.

I have to admit that I do love a good fairy tale re-telling.  Especially one that brings the story into the modern day.  I'm such a sucker for happily ever after's.

In this book, poor Rapunzel has spent her life in her tower room.  She believes that she has an immune deficiency problem that prevents her from coming into contact from anyone or anything from the outside world.  She is carefully guarded and watched.  Her mother has always told her that she will be the key to saving the world although Rapunzel has no idea what that really means.

The one thing Rapunzel has control over is her education.  One day she realizes that she can connect to the outside world without ever actually seeing anyone through her computer.  That is the day that the whole world changes for Rapunzel.  Thank goodness for that curious teenage mind!

Fane helps Rapunzel connect to the world.  He introduces her to all kinds of new ideas, foods and experiences.  Together they discover friendship, romance and even the dark lies that have surrounded Rapunzel her whole life.

This book has a little bit of everything.  A sweet romance, discovery and adventure and a bit of the dark side too.  I really enjoyed reading it and so did my teenage daughter.  Squeeky clean reading for everyone!

You can purchase Rapunzel Untangled on Amazon.

Cindy C Bennett was born and raised in beautiful Salt Lake City, growing up in the shadows of the majestic Rocky Mountains. She lives with her husband, two daughters, and two dogs. She also has two sons. She volunteers her time working with teen girls between the ages of 12-18, all of whom she finds to be beautiful, fascinating creatures. When she’s not writing, reading or answering emails she can often times be found riding her Harley through the beautiful canyons near her home (yes, I ride a Harley and no, you'd never know it to look at me!).

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Baked Alaska by Josi Kilpack $50 Book Blast

Baked Alaska by Josi S. Kilpack

An Alaskan cruise is the setting for amateur detective Sadie Hoffmillers latest adventure. Sadie plans to spend time relaxing with her two grown children, Breanna and Shawn, and her boyfriend, Pete, while enjoying the luxury and cuisine of an elegant cruise ship and helping to plan her daughters upcoming wedding. But even as the crew prepares to leave port, Sadie has suspicions about the voyage ahead and the relationship between her normally easygoing son and a mysterious female passenger he obviously knows but refuses to discuss. When the woman is discovered unconscious during the second night at sea, Sadies apprehension escalates. Over the last few years, Sadie has developed an extreme dislike for secrets and it would seem her son is keeping one from her. *Includes eight new mouthwatering recipes, tested and approved by the official bakers of Sadies Virtual Test Kitchen.

Praise for Baked Alaska
Josi Kilpack has done it again. You would think that all these events that occur in Sadie's life wouldn't be natural, but Josi Kilpack has a way of making you believe that it just "happens" and it is normal. I have grown to love Sadie's character, even if she is a busybody, you can't help but cheer for her as she attempts to solve a mystery or crime. One of my favorite series. :)
~Goodreads Reviewer Lacey McNeill

Author Josi S. Kilpack

Josi S. Kilpack grew up hating to read until she was thirteen and her mother handed her a copy of The Witch of Blackbird Pond. From that day forward, she read everything she could get her hands on and credits her writing “education” to the many novels she has “studied” since then. She began her first novel in 1998 and hasn’t stopped since. Her seventh novel, Sheep’s Clothing, won the 2007 Whitney Award for Mystery/Suspense, and Lemon Tart, her ninth novel, was a 2009 Whitney Award Finalist. Josi was the Best in State winner in literature for 2012 and currently has two books (Banana Split and Tres Leches Cupcakes) as finalists in the 2012 Whitney awards.

Josi currently lives in Willard, Utah, with her family.

Tour Schedule

Book Blast Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 3/17/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

On Tour with The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back + a giveaway

The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson 

Everyone knows how all those fairy tales go. The princess gets beautiful, nabs her prince, falls instantly in love, lives happily ever after and leaves her evil stepsisters in the dust.

But what happens when you’re the ugly stepsister and your obnoxiously perfect—read pretty, smart, and, worst of all, sickeningly nice—stepsister is dating the charming, tall, devastatingly handsome guy you’ve had a thing for since you were nine years old?

Quirky, artistic and snarky Mattie Lowe does not lead a charmed life. Her mother is constantly belittling her on Skype. Mercedes, the school mean girl, has made it her personal mission to torment Mattie. But worst of all? Her stepsister Ella is the most beautiful, popular girl in school and is dating Mattie’s secret longtime crush, Jake Kingston.

Tired of being left out and done with waiting for her own stupid fairy godmother to show up, Mattie decides to change her life. She’ll start by running for senior class president against wildly popular Jake.

Ella can keep her Prince Annoying. Mattie’s going to rule the school.

And no one, not even a cute and suddenly flirty Jake, is going to stop her.

Love.  I'm pretty sure you are going to read that word one too many times in this review but it just cannot be helped.  This book was so cute and I just loved it.

Here's the thing.  I have a teenage daughter that loves to read.  She especially loves romantic teenage books but it is so hard to find those kind of books that are clean (no swearing, no sex).  I practically become giddy when I find a book like The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back.  It is full of all things teenager- school drama, boy crazy drama, imperfect family relations and self doubt.  (Did I totally just sum up a teenager's world?!)  That was this book.  It not only deals with the problem side of these things, it deals with the overcoming as well.  That's where my love comes in.

Mattie is a normal teenage girl that we can all relate to.  She has spent her life comparing herself to her step sister.  The mean girl at school picks on her and her own mother belittles her.  No wonder the girl struggles.  I think we can all relate to having a crush in high school.  Ah, the unrequited love.  But what if your sister was dating said crush?  Ouch.  What I love about Mattie is that she keeps plugging along.  She doesn't set out to change the world right off the bat but she does come to the realization that she can be herself and she can do things that are great.  Once her thoughts change, her actions change and she begins to feel better about herself.  She realizes what a great friend she has in her sister and life becomes better for her.  I loved seeing that transformation.  It's what this mother wishes for her daughter.  :)

This really is such a cute book.  It's a fast, breezy, easy book to read.  It made me smile and it had the happily ever after ending that every romantic heart loves.  My daughter is going to love this book.


Author Sariah Wilson

Sariah Wilson has never jumped out of an airplane, never climbed Mt. Everest, and is not a former CIA operative. She has, however, been madly, passionately in love with her soulmate and is a fervent believer in happily ever afters—which is why she writes romance. The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back is her fourth happily ever after novel. She grew up in southern California, graduated from Brigham Young University (go Cougars!) with a semi-useless degree in history, and is the oldest of nine (yes, nine) children. She currently lives with the aforementioned soulmate and their four children in Utah, along with three tiger barb fish, a cat named Tiger, and a recently departed hamster that is buried in the backyard (and has nothing at all to do with tigers).

Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 3/10/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Cinder returns in the second thrilling installment of the New York Times-bestselling Lunar Chronicles. She’s trying to break out of prison—even though if she succeeds, she’ll be the Commonwealth’s most wanted fugitive.

Halfway around the world, Scarlet Benoit’s grandmother is missing. It turns out there are many things Scarlet doesn’t know about her grandmother and the grave danger she has lived in her whole life. When Scarlet encounters Wolf, a street fighter who may have information as to her grandmother’s whereabouts, she has no choice but to trust him, though he clearly has a few dark secrets of his own.

As Scarlet and Wolf work to unravel one mystery, they find another when they cross paths with Cinder. Together, they must stay one step ahead of the vicious Lunar Queen who will do anything to make Prince Kai her husband, her king, her prisoner.

I just finished reading this book and wow, I just love this series.  I can't believe how creative author Marissa Meyer is.  How does she think this stuff up?!

The play on old fairy tales is incredible.  First we have a cyborg Cinderella and now we have a little red riding hood with the whole wolf aspect that you won't believe.  

The characters will draw you in.  The pacing of the book is forward moving at all times.  It just doesn't let up.  I loved that we didn't lose touch with Cinder and Kai and all the characters from book one.  We get alternating views from Cinder and Scarlet throughout the book, set on a course to intersect.  You won't believe all the crazy going down in this book.  CRAZY!  Crazy good.  :)

If you haven't read Cinder yet, you should.  This is a series that shouldn't be missed.  

You can buy Scarlet everywhere but here is the link to Amazon.  

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back $50 Book Blast

The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back by Sariah Wilson 

Everyone knows how all those fairy tales go. The princess gets beautiful, nabs her prince, falls instantly in love, lives happily ever after and leaves her evil stepsisters in the dust.

But what happens when you’re the ugly stepsister and your obnoxiously perfect—read pretty, smart, and, worst of all, sickeningly nice—stepsister is dating the charming, tall, devastatingly handsome guy you’ve had a thing for since you were nine years old?

Quirky, artistic and snarky Mattie Lowe does not lead a charmed life. Her mother is constantly belittling her on Skype. Mercedes, the school mean girl, has made it her personal mission to torment Mattie. But worst of all? Her stepsister Ella is the most beautiful, popular girl in school and is dating Mattie’s secret longtime crush, Jake Kingston.

Tired of being left out and done with waiting for her own stupid fairy godmother to show up, Mattie decides to change her life. She’ll start by running for senior class president against wildly popular Jake.

Ella can keep her Prince Annoying. Mattie’s going to rule the school.

And no one, not even a cute and suddenly flirty Jake, is going to stop her.



“My top pick of 2012 YA… This book is just. plain. fun.”
~Jordan McCollum, author of Saints & Spies and I, Spy

“Sariah Wilson's new book, The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back, is hilarious…What follows is a story of fun and romance with some good non-preachy life lessons thrown in.  The voice in the main character, Mattie, makes the whole thing.  I thought it was definitely a book I'd recommend to anyone with teenagers or who just want to read a good teen romance.”
~Julie Coulter Bellon, author of All Fall Down and All’s Fair

“Sariah [Wilson] has written one of the funniest stories I've read in such a long, long time. I literally couldn't put it down. Yes, my poor Kindle's battery died and I was attached to a short power cord, contorted in a very uncomfortable position while I read to the end…. Sariah Wilson captured the back-biting, insecure, hormone-driven, clique-riddled high school atmosphere so perfectly you'd think she never grew up. I dare you not to laugh as you read this witty and oh, so, romantic story.”
~Debra Erfert of Windows into Writing

“Sariah Wilson writes like the best of/most popular YA teen fiction/teen romance authors - Sarah Dessen, Jennifer Echols, Susanne Collins, Cassandra Clare.  She sucks you in and never lets you go.  I finished the ~194 novel in one night because I just couldn't go to sleep without knowing the ending!  I hope that Sariah comes out with more novels, I know I'll be re-reading this one all the time!  She's extremely talented and needs to be talked about.  I highly recommend The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back! to anyone (over the age of 12) who wants a YA novel that's a real modern-day fairy tale.”
~Hilary at Novel d’Tales

“This was such an entertaining story! I shouldn't have started reading it so late in the evening, because I didn't want to put it down to go to sleep…This is a book I can see myself reading several times. It's a fast, clean read with great characters, and I highly recommend it.”
~Andrea of Literary Time Out

The book is wonderful.  It’s quirky and fun.  The story makes you laugh and you fall in love with the characters right from the beginning…This is a well-written book.  It is one that will make you smile and sigh as you remember your first love.  And it has a moral…be yourself, believe in yourself and maybe, just maybe, your fairytale will come true.  Pick up this book.”
~Ana of The Book Hookup

Author Sariah Wilson

Sariah Wilson has never jumped out of an airplane, never climbed Mt. Everest, and is not a former CIA operative. She has, however, been madly, passionately in love with her soulmate and is a fervent believer in happily ever afters—which is why she writes romance. The Ugly Stepsister Strikes Back is her fourth happily ever after novel. She grew up in southern California, graduated from Brigham Young University (go Cougars!) with a semi-useless degree in history, and is the oldest of nine (yes, nine) children. She currently lives with the aforementioned soulmate and their four children in Utah, along with three tiger barb fish, a cat named Tiger, and a recently departed hamster that is buried in the backyard (and has nothing at all to do with tigers).

Tour Schedule

Book Blast Giveaway
$50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 3/5/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, February 15, 2013

Tide Ever Rising by Mandi Tucker Slack

Kadence Reynold’s favorite pastime is exploring old ghost towns. When she and her sister, Maysha stumble across an old journal and cheap pendant hidden in the depths of a crumbling foundation near Eureka, Utah, their world is suddenly turned upside down. Immediately, strange dreams and premonitions begin to haunt “Kadie” as she learns more about the keeper of the journal, Charlotte Clark. Kadie sets out on a journey to learn more about Charlotte and her family, and she and Maysha travel to Bremerton, Washington, where they discover Charlotte's still living twin sister, Adelaide and her family.

This was such a fun book to read.  It was the perfect book to curl up with on a cold winter's night.  Yes, this book does have some romance but it also has a bit of ghostly adventure that will give you little chills.  

Kadence has a hobby of exploring.  Of course this is going to lead to some adventure!  She finds an old journal and thinks that the family would love to have it returned to them.  This is the beginning of an adventure that snowballs into much more than the simple journal return it started out as.

Logan is protective and manly but oh so gentle and sweet with his grandmother and daughter.  I love the dynamics of Logan's family. Kadie is tenacious and kind.  Her sidekick sister, Maysha provides for some comic relief.

While the characters were good, I think the author's ability to draw you into the setting is her real talent.  I could easily visualize the many places Kadie's adventure takes her.  The old abandon ghost town, the beach, the forest, the cave.  I love when I can create vivid pictures in my mind as I read a book.  So for me, that was the best part of this book.

You can purchase Tide Ever Rising on Amazon.

Mandi Tucker Slack grew up in Orangeville, UT, where her father worked as a coal miner for eighteen years. In 1987 the coal mines shut down for a time and her father joined the U.S. Army. They were stationed in Hanau, Germany, and she had the opportunity to explore Europe. Mandi’s family returned to Utah in 1992, and they settled in Orangeville once again, where she attended and completed High School. She then attended the College of Eastern Utah, where she studied Geology. Eventually Mandi changed her major and moved on to Utah State University while she completed a degree in Special Education. She then married her best friend, Charles Slack. They have three children, with one on the way, 6 chickens, and a lizard (sometimes several lizards).Their family loves to spend time together. They enjoy 4-wheeling, camping, and especially rock hounding. Her house is littered with rocks and fossils. As a child Mandi spent many weekends with her parents and sister exploring abandoned mining towns and searching for relics among the brick ruins. Her adventures with her family are often the inspiration for her stories.

Visit Mandi at her website or her blog.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fractured Soul by Rachel McClellan: Blog Tour and Giveaway

Llona will do whatever it takes to protect her new found friends and home, but the dark plot that is threatening Lucent Academy, a school that’s supposed to be a safe place for Auras, may be too powerful for even Llona to defeat. This fast-paced tale of love, loyalty, and overcoming the darkness will keep you on the edge of your seat until the last page!

Ooh, I was so happy to be able to sign on for this blog tour.  I read Fractured Light and I was anxious to read this second book in the Fractured Light series.  Thanks to Rachel for including me in her new book tour.  :)

So, Fractured Soul?  Awesome.  I loved it.  The book has excellent pacing that just keeps pushing you forward, anxious and invested the whole way.  In my opinion, Fractured Soul was better than Fractured Light which is sometimes hard to accomplish in a series.

I loved the whole darkness/light battle that Llona fights within herself.  I feel like I fight that battle every day too.  Well, not exactly the same battle because I don't Aura blood and I have been bitten by a Vyken but, well, it seems to me that there is always darkness lurking on the fringes and if we give place to that darkness, even a bit, it can consume our feelings and thoughts.  (What?!  It's below zero as I type and I've seen more snow in the last few weeks than I care to think about.  The sun has a hard time shining.  It's darkness on the fringes for me.)

Llona is fiercely loyal and I love that quality.  She has a great group of friends and a curious mind.  When put all together, it makes for a great leading female.  Oh, and she can fight.  I love the light fights.  Especially the one where she uses her power to light up a stick like a light saber.  HA!

BUT.  The Ending.  Really?  Such a desperate mess you left me in.  Uugh.  My heart has been yanked out and stomped on.  I'm not sure if I'll recover.  Ever.  (just kidding.  kind of.)  I sure hope Rachel is busy writing the next book so I can read it soon.

This is exactly this kind of book I love to hand off to my teenage daughter.  It's clean but still has some swoon worthy moments of romance.  Enjoy this excerpt from Fractured Soul followed by the giveaway!

As soon as the Vyken appeared in the doorway, I tossed a ball hard. He dodged it by jumping up along the side of the wall, his nails and bare toes somehow finding a hold in the thin cracks of the wall. I threw another one, but he was already moving, scrambling alongside the stones like a spider. He was grinning.

I rolled away from the wall until I was in the middle of the room. I lost sight of him for just a fraction of a second, but that was enough. The Vyken was gone, or, I should say, hiding. He was still here. I could feel him. I looked up toward the rafters of the tower roof. It was pitch black.
At the bottom of the tower, I heard Christian begin to ascend the stairs. “I’m coming, Llona!” he yelled.

Still staring up, I created Light again in the palm of my hand and willed it to rise. The closer it got to the rafters the faster my heart beat. Sweat rolled down the small of my back.

Light began to fill dark spaces, exposing that which wished to remain hidden. My Vyken was there, but he wasn’t alone. Another sat crouched on a beam. Where his left eye should’ve been there was an empty hole.

I screamed when my Vyken dropped from the ceiling, extinguishing the light. He fell onto my stomach, pushing my shoulders into the floor. I tried to create Light, but it was as if he knew what I was going to do because his hands slipped up and pinned my wrists together. He bent forward and inhaled my skin. The warmth of his breath steamed my ear when he said, “I’m going to eat every part of you.”

Oh!  I should mention that Fractured Light is on sale right now!  $2.99 for the duration of the blog tour.  Excellent time to pick that up and get started on this fantastic new series.  Purchase links are included below.

Rachel McClellan was born and raised in Idaho, a place secretly known for its supernatural creatures. When she's not in her writing lair, she's partying with her husband and four crazy, yet lovable, children. Rachel's love for storytelling began as a child when the moon first possessed the night. For when the lights went out, her imagination painted a whole new world. And what a scary world it was...

Find Rachel

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Buy Fractured Light

Buy Fractured Soul

Monday, February 11, 2013

Showstoppers/Three Sisters Blog Tour with Giveaway!

Three Sisters and Showstoppers by Helen Smith

Three Sisters and Showstoppers are two novella-length stories in the Emily Castles mystery series. The first full-length novel, Invitation to Die, will be published by Thomas & Mercer in October 2013.

The Emily Castles mystery series is set in present-day London. It features twenty-six-year-old Londoner Emily Castles and her neighbor, eccentric philosophy professor Dr. Muriel Crowther. In Three Sisters, Emily goes to a party in a big house at the end of her street. She's sure she witnesses a murder, but no one will believe her. She teams up with Dr. Muriel to investigate.

In Showstoppers, Emily helps out at a local stage school run by her neighbor, Victoria. Soon she's mixed up in a blackmail plot and two deaths. Emily and Dr. Muriel team up to prevent further a massacre live on stage during the end of term show.

Praise for the Emily Castles Mystery Series

Fast-paced, funny, and mysterious... Helen Smith is a master story-teller.
~Socrates Book Reviews

It grips you from the very beginning.
~Babs Books Bistro

Bright, colorful and full of surprises.
~Amazon Vine Reviewer

Fast-paced and unusual, I highly recommend this one.
~Eva’s Sanctuary

Praise for Helen Smith

Smith is gin-and-tonic funny.
~The Booklist

These books had several great things going for them.  First off they were super quick reads.  If I'm going to sit down with a light murder mystery, this is how I love them.   Witty and quick.  

Second, these books are British to the core.  My Grandparents grew up in England and moved to America after their second child was born.  I grew up with their accents and so many of the words that differ from us here in America.  I loved the very British vibe to these books.  It made me miss my Grandparents.

I would have to say I enjoyed Showstoppers better of the two books but Three Sisters was a great introduction to key characters found in Showstoppers.  These are clean mysteries.


Author Helen Smith

Helen Smith is a novelist and playwright who lives in London. She's the author of bestselling cult novels Alison Wonderland, Being Light and The Miracle Inspector as well as the Emily Castles Mystery Series.

Amazon * Facebook *  Twitter * Blog

Tour Giveaway
10 winners will each receive a Kindle Ebook copy of Showstoppers & Three Sisiters
Ends 2/28/13

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule

Friday, February 8, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Nobody by Jennifer Barnes

There are people in this world who are Nobody. No one sees them. No one notices them. They live their lives under the radar, forgotten as soon as you turn away.

That’s why they make the perfect assassins.

The Institute finds these people when they’re young and takes them away for training. But an untrained Nobody is a threat to their organization. And threats must be eliminated.

Sixteen-year-old Claire has been invisible her whole life, missed by the Institute’s monitoring. But now they’ve ID’ed her and send seventeen-year-old Nix to remove her. Yet the moment he lays eyes on her, he can’t make the hit. It’s as if Claire and Nix are the only people in the world for each other. And they are—because no one else ever notices them.

In the world of paranormal it's sometimes hard to come up with a novel concept that feels different than other books.  At least it feels that way to me as a reader.  I really liked the concept of this book because it was interesting and different.  The idea of people who go unnoticed and forgotten yet hold incredible powers to fade into another realm and accomplish all sorts of things because other people can't see them is so cool.  And on the opposite side you have people who can influence other people through their very persuasive powers.  I just love when you can take real life sort of things and exaggerate them into something of another world.  So yeah, for me, loved the concept.  I would have loved to have seen it developed more and maybe included a POV from the inside of the Institute.  

Claire and Nix were great characters.  I enjoyed them and thought they were so good together and not just because they were both Nobody's.  I think I especially enjoyed Nix because his emotional journey was on such a larger scale.  

I felt like the story was so slow and repetitive in the beginning.  I kept thinking that "Yeah, I've already heard this, let's move on".  Things really picked up towards the end and I enjoyed that part.  The ending was great.

Overall a good read.  There are a few instances of mild swearing.  My thanks to Edgemont for sending me this book for review and for providing for a giveaway here today.

You can find out more about author Jennifer Barnes at

You can purchase Nobody at the following places:

The giveaway for Nobody is US/CAN only.  You can enter on the rafflecopter below.

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Romance is in the Air Giveaway Hop!

Love, love, love.  I love to read Romance, especially if it's clean!  Yipee for this perfect time of the year to spread the love.  Today I'm giving away an ebook copy of:

A Timeless Romance Anthology:  Spring Vacation Collection
This giveaway is open to all (US and INT).  I will be gifting this book through Amazon.  (You can read it on your computer or kindle or mobile device)  Just enter on the rafflecopter below.  Thanks so much for stopping by and Happy Valentines Day to you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway