
Sunday, December 9, 2012

For What It's Worth Review, blog tour and $25 Amazon GIVEAWAY!

Twenty-four year-old, Abby Benson has dreams of owning her own wedding cake shop. An inheritance from her aunt gives her the ability to make those dreams come true. She hires Dane, a handsome contractor, to help her get the bakery up and running and soon they’re moving toward their own happy ending.

Unsure what to charge for her cakes, Abby has a crazy idea to let the customer decide what they think their cake is worth. This plan has its ups and downs, but the novelty of the idea makes her a local celebrity. When she is interviewed on television about the unusual idea, business booms and Abby has cake adventures she never dreamed possible. But as her fame grows, Abby is swept up in a whirlwind that threatens everything she values. With the challenges that face her, will she be able to determine what is worth the most?

First off, I sure would love to have a rich aunt leave me an obnoxious amount of money to make all my dreams come true!  Sweet set up, that!  Alas, I have no rich aunt with mounds of money.  I'll have to settle for reading all about that kind of thing in sweet romance books such as For What It's Worth.

Abby is a smart girl.  A good business head on her shoulders.  I like her gutsy approach to business selling wedding cakes.  I have a great appreciation for anyone who has the patience to bake and decorate wedding cakes.  I have zip.  No talent or patience.  Through this book I gained an even greater appreciation for the art of cake decorating.

Dane.  Love him.  Enough said.

I loved the recipes at the beginning of each chapter.  Not only did it give me some great recipe ideas (Lemon Chocolate Chip Muffins, Lemon Kiss cookies, Peanut Butter Cake),it also made me wonder how that certain baked item might come up in the chapter I was reading.

The title and even the running theme in this book of "worth" really made me think.  What is something worth?  Why are some things worth more to some people than others?  Is time worth some things and not others?  It was an interesting theme in this book.  I like how Abby determines what is of most worth to her and works at a plan to achieve it.

This is an LDS fiction novel but there isn't anything over the top or especially preachy.  I loved reading this book.  It fit right into my happy reading place.  :)


Book Trailer

Author Karey White

Karey White grew up in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Missouri. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. Her first novel, Gifted, was a Whitney Award Finalist.

She loves to travel, read, bake treats, and spend time with family and friends. She and her husband are the parents of four great children. She teaches summer creative writing courses to young people and is currently working on her next book.


Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card + A Copy of For What It's Worth
Paperback available to US only, Ebook Available Internationally

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice review. I'm glad you enjoyed the book and I'm excited for you to try some of the recipes. They've all been kitchen-tested (and taste-tested, of course) by me.

    Merry Christmas!


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