
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Refuge by Carole Rummage

Laney Lowell moved across the country to escape her past, not to fall in love. But when she becomes friends with Gabe, a handsome artist plagued by a mysterious disease, she'll have to decide between facing his dark truth or walking away from him forever. This thrilling romance is full of twists that will keep you guessing to the last page.

I picked this book up at NetGalley (throwing out a bit of NetGalley love).  Honestly it was the cover that really drew me in first.  I love those golds and browns.  So pretty.

Well, I have to say that there weren't a lot of twists that kept me guessing to the last page in this book.  It was a pretty obvious plot line but there were good things to be had in this book.

If you are not an insta love fan, then you might be a bit annoyed by this book.  It really is an insta love kind of relationship between Laney and Gabe.  It didn't really bother me so much, probably because I felt like both Laney and Gabe needed someone to love them.  They were both lonely and vulnerable.  They needed each other.

The relationship I did love was the one between Laney and her aunt and uncle.  I felt like the understanding and love that grew between them felt more realistic and touching.  It was, for me, the best part about the book because I actually felt something.  

I enjoyed the setting, which I felt like I could see in my mind.  It felt so peaceful.

Overall it was an okay read for me.  It wasn't quite up to par with so many of the other YA paranormal books out there but there was no swearing and no sex which I always appreciate.

Release date for this book is November 13th, 2012.  You can find it at Amazon or Cedar Fort.


  1. Love your review on this. Commenting about no swearing or sex makes this a good read because a good story line doesn't need that stuff. I especially liked that you talked about the setting. I am a huge fan of landscape descriptions that really invoke the senses without actually being there. Thanks!

  2. Rufuge sounds like a good book...the cover intrigues me too. :) Thanks for your review.

  3. I appreciate no sex as well. Wish the book got a higher review but I believe you were honest. Thank you.


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