
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Determinant by A.M. Hargrove Blog Tour and GIVEAWAY!

January St. Davis, on her own since the age of sixteen and struggling to stay in college, thinks she’s scored in a major way when she lands a paid summer internship at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. One evening, after working an especially long shift, a chance encounter with a group of mysterious men alters the course of her life.

Rykerian Yarrister, a Guardian of Vesturon with unearthly powers and impossibly gorgeous looks, finds himself at odds over the human female he recently saved from certain death. When it seems he is on the verge of winning her over, she is ripped from his hands by a strange and powerful being, threatening to destroy her if his demands are not met.

Do Rykerian and the Guardians have the ability to meet this fierce barbarian’s ultimatums, or will January suffer a horrid demise?

I signed on to be a part of this blog tour for Determinant months ago.  I knew this was book three and I also knew they said this book could be a stand alone but I really wanted to read the first two books first.  You can read my review of Survival and Resurrection HERE.  I have to say that I'm glad I read the other two books first.  It helped me feel like I knew the other characters and some history as well.

Having said that, I liked this book better than the other two.  I think I just like Rykerian and January more.  Rykerian was my preference in the other books and I was happy to see him step up as the main character in this book.  In fact I was SO happy I had this book waiting for me when I finished the other two because I knew Rykerian was the lead man.  (or, er, alien)  What is better than hot alien studs with super power abilities and the desire to protect?  

The pacing of book three was better, the characters were better and the overall feel of the book was better.  I really enjoyed reading it.  I'm looking forward to the next book as we follow another royal alien brother in his adventures.

Be sure to enter the giveaway for this book in the rafflecopter below!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway
One day, on her way home from work as a sales manager, A. M. Hargrove, realized her life was on fast forward and if she didn't do something soon, it would quickly be too late to write that work of fiction she had been dreaming of her whole life. So, she rolled down the passenger window of her fabulous (not) company car and tossed out her leather briefcase. Luckily, the pedestrian in the direct line of fire was a dodgeball pro and had über quick reflexes enabling him to avoid getting bashed in the head. Feeling a tad guilty about the near miss, A. M. made a speedy turn down a deserted side street before tossing her crummy, outdated piece-of-you-know-what lap top out the window. She breathed a liberating sigh of relief, picked up her cell phone and hit #4 on her speed dial. 

Boss: Hello

A.M.: Boss, is that you?

Boss: Why yes, A. M., who else would be answering my phone?

A.M.: Er... right. Well, I'm calling to let you know you can pick up my luxury Ford Focus at Starbucks near the interstate.

Boss: Why ever would I want to do that?

A.M.: Because I quit!

A.M. hit the end button and speed dialed her husband.

A.M.: Hi hubs, can you pick me up at Starbucks?

Hubs: Sure... Having some car trouble?

A.M.: Not at all. I don't have a car to have trouble with because I just quit my job.

Hubs: WHAT?!

A.M.: It's time for a new career and I am going to be a very famous novelist.

So began A. M. Hargrove's career as a young adult paranormal romance author of self-published ebooks. Her series, The Guardians of Vesturon, centers around a family of six siblings and is a mix of humor, mystery, suspense and of course, love. Survival and Resurrection are her first and second full length novels in the series and Beginnings is the prequel novella. Her third installment, Determinant, will be released on June 30, 2012. (It didn’t happen exactly like that, but you get the idea!)


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*Disclosure of Material Connection: I am a member of Reading Addiction Blog Tours and a copy of this book was provided to me by the author. Although payment may have been received by Reading Addiction Blog Tours, no payment was received by me in exchange for this review. There was no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own and may not necessarily agree with those of the author, publisher, publicist, or readers of this review. This disclosure is in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning Use of Endorcements and Testimonials in Advertising*


  1. This looks so good!!!

  2. Thanks Aimee for a chance to be featured on your awesome blog. I'm also (not so secretly!) thrilled you liked Determinant ;-) As much as I loved writing Survival and Resurrection, I agree with you on the pacing of Determinant. It was seriously fun for me as a writer as well, because I was able to introduce a major trouble-maker into the mix to stir to pot, so to speak. Poor Rykerian, LOL! Anyway, thanks again for allowing me to stop by!


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