
Monday, February 13, 2012

Clockwise: Review and Giveaway!

From Goodreads:  A teenage time traveler accidentally takes her secret crush back in time. Awkward.
Boy watching with her best friend would be enough excitement for fifteen year old Casey Donovan. She doesn't even mind life at the bottom of the Cambridge High social ladder, if only she didn’t have this other much bigger problem. Unscheduled trips to the nineteenth century!

When Casey gets talked into going to the Fall Dance, the unthinkable happens--she accidentally takes Nate Mackenzie, the cutest boy in the school, back in time.

Protocol pressures her to tell their 1860 hosts that he is her brother and when Casey finds she has a handsome, wealthy (and unwanted) suitor, something changes in Nate. Are those romantic sparks or is it just ‘brotherly’ protectiveness?

When they return to the present things go back to the way they were before: Casey at the bottom of the social totem pole and Nate perched on the very the top. Except this time her heart is broken. Plus, her best friend is mad, her parents are split up, and her little brother gets escorted home by the police. The only thing that could make life worse is if, by some strange twist of fate, she took Nate back to the past again.

Which of course, she does.

I'm just going to start off by admitting something.  Pretend it's therapy or confession or something.  My name is Aimee and I totally judged this book by it's cover.  There.  I said it.  I'm forever and always telling my kids not to do that and then I'm guilty of the same thing.  Shame on me.  

The cover for this book is not at all appealing to me.  It just doesn't scream, "read me!".  I guess it sort of gives me the wrong idea of what to expect when I open it up.  I'm so glad that Elle Strauss asked me to review her book though.  I really, really enjoyed it.

I will say first that this book that while reading this book I felt more like it was closer to a middle grade novel than a YA novel.  Perhaps it's just on the younger end of the YA spectrum (15 years) than the upper end (25 years).  I do think it's a book anyone can read and enjoy though.

Here are some things I loved about this book.  The time travel took me to places that were interesting and gave me a sort of mini history lesson.  I could imagine and even feel some of the tensions of those era's.  Elle does a great job of making a scene come alive.

The main character, Casey, was so likable and so easy to relate to.  Her young ideas of love and boys really took me back to the time I was that age.  Watching those swoon worthy boys from a distance and dreaming.... desires to fit in and be accepted....

The characters found in all the places in time deal with real life issues.  Life is a struggle and it always has been.  The very real issues of slavery, women's rights, racial segregation, unwed mothers, split families, and underage smoking and drug use are all part of this book.  It's dealt with in a respectful and tasteful way.

I'm going to pass this book over to my 14 year old.  I think she will really like it.  I know I did.

Elle has generously offered an ebook copy of her book for a giveaway.  To enter, just leave a comment along with your email address.  Thank you Elle!

You can find out more about Clockwise and read the first chapter by clicking HERE.  
Find out more about Elle Strauss by clicking HERE.


  1. Clockwise sounds like a really cute book, and I'm really glad you reviewed it. I had never heard of it before, but it's on my TBR list now. :)

    pherlaithiel (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. CLOCKWISE sounds like a book i'd enjoy!

  3. Great review! Thank you. mhovley at gmail dot com.

  4. I judge books by their covers too and I really shouldn't b/c I have read some awesome books with horrible covers!

    This looks like a very cute and interesting read. Thanks for the review and putting it on my radar!


  5. Thanks for this opportunity

  6. I would love to read this. I'm always looking for books that I can pass along to my daughter too!

  7. I love all kinds of time-travel books, and I have actually imagined what it would be like to take a love interest back in time. LOL. Oh, all the trouble we would make! I'd love to review this book. :) Thanks for the giveaway!!

    kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

  8. Have to agree with you about the cover, not a book I'd pick up based on it but the story sounds like one I'd enjoy reading!!

  9. Great review sounds like my kind of book

  10. Sounds like a good book! :)

  11. Sounds good!

  12. I love a darling time travel story! Thanks for the giveaway:)

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  13. This sounds like a fun read :)

    I'd love to be entered: irisonbooks [at] gmail [dot] com

  14. I agree that the cover doesnt scream "read me", but after review, it interested me and I wanted to read it. Thanks for giveaway.

  15. Not to my usual taste but it sounds interesting and winning it would be a great excuse to diversify. jaseos81 at gmail dot com

  16. This book seems super interesting.. LOVE it :) thanks for the giveaway!!

  17. Lovely giveaway!!! Thank you xxxx



  18. OMG...i haven't read a book with a similar storyline as 'Clockwise' and that's saying something. Loved to dig into to a whole new world with new charcters :)

  19. Sorry forgot to leave my e-address its paranormalfantasyaddict [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. please enter me this book sounds really interesting.



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