
Monday, November 28, 2011

Must Read Monday

Fans of Fiction

Must Read Monday is one of my favorite new things to do.  I'm having such a good time.  Even though every Monday I think,"Oh no, I'm going to have to use my brain this morning.  Am I really up for this?!"  :)  I do love the challenge of making an acrostic puzzle and I especially love hopping around to see what my new friends have written.  Such creative bloggers!

If you want to join in the fun, head over to Fans of Fiction and read up on the guidelines and sign right up!

This week's category: A book that made you laugh out loud.

My first response was "oh no."  There really aren't many books that make me laugh out loud.  I smile a lot, but laugh out loud?  Not so much.  I knew that this was going to be a hard one for me.  I finally came up with this though.  It's been awhile since I read this book but when I saw it, I remembered how funny I thought it was. 
Zita the Spacegirl

                                                         fInds a device
                                                      wiTh a big red button
                                         sitting in A hole

                                                 WhaT does she do?
                                                       sHe pushes the button!
                                             and prEsto! Her friend

                                  to a strange Planet
                                    full of humAnoid chickens,
                                           neurotiC robots and
                                                  a friEndly con man.
                                                 The Girl must become
                                                    an Intergalactic
                                          Or all wilL be lost.
Zita the Spacegirl is a graphic novel by Ben Hatke.  It is a fun for all ages kind of book.  Here is the link to my review


  1. looks so cute!!!

    here's my review of the alchemy of forever, releasing in january. stop by?!?!

  2. You definitely grabbed my attention with your "humanoid chicken" and Neurotic robots" lines! I'm trying to wrap my head around what they could be! This sounds like a fun book that my son would enjoy! I love the way you arrange your acrostics!

  3. Wow that sounds like a suoer cute book!

  4. I adore the cover. I have yet to read a graphic novel. This one looks really good. It is really hard for an author to make his or her writing come to life through humor, so I'm glad you thought of a funny one:) Neurotic robots and a friendly con man, not to mention humanoid chickens? Sounds like a crazy Old McDonald's Zoo (since farm would be too normal).
    -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction

  5. I'd press the big red button too at her age! Liked the "humAnoid chickens,neurotiC robots" part too. Bummer, this isn't in my library! I'll just have to keep a look out for it.


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