
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday

Q. Genre Wars! What's your favorite genre and which book in that genre made it your favorite?

Well, I don't really have a favorite genre.  I'm sort of a moody reader, so sometimes I'm really in the mood for a good romance.  Or sometimes I want a good action book.  I love chick lit and sometimes I enjoy a good mystery.  I love westerns and well, paranormal and dystopian.  How can I pick just one?!  I can't.  Give me a good book in almost any genre and I'm a happy girl.  Some of my favorite reads so far this year?

Between Shades of Gray  (historical fiction)
Divergent (dystopian)
Kissing Cousins (romance)
Tiger's Curse (paranormal)
Cascade (historical romance/time travel)  
             *my giveaway for this book ends tomorrow so check it out!


  1. that was a good answer ,,Ihad a hard time,,trying to choose just the book cause I knew my genre,,I mostly read paranormal romance,,but since Ive started blogging I have opened my mind and actually have read a few different types and actually enjoyed them,,but Im a vampire girl all the way,,have a great a weekend..
    Im a new follower

  2. I love Divergent, I understand how hard it is to pick a genre! I have heard great things about Between Shades of Gray, will have to read it soon! Older follower!

    More Than Just A Book

  3. Thanks for the follow! I really want to read Between Shades of Gray so I'm glad to see you liked it.

  4. I really want to read Divergent, I've heard such good things.
    Here's my follow friday.

  5. Hi & Happy Friday!

    Great choices.

    My FF,

    Have a nice weekend.

  6. Hunger Games is my fav dystopian, I compare all others to it! ;)

    New follower! Happy reading, friend!

    Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

  7. Hi,

    stopping by for the follow friday!

    have a wonderfull weekend
    Kyanara from the Life of a BookAholic

  8. I almost keep getting Between Shades of Grey and then for some reason I don't. But I do want to read it so I'll have to be more decisive one of these times!

  9. New follower :) Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    I am sooo jealous that you got to meet Aprilynne Pike! I was hoping to see her at the Dark Days tour (along with all the other amazing authors), but they didn't make it over by me.

  10. Good answer. I'm a bit the same way.

  11. I really couldn't narrow it down to just one favourite either!
    Bonnie @ HandsAndHome

  12. I'm a moody reader as well and I go through phases when it comes to genres.

  13. I'm definitely a mood reader too! And, I agree 100 percent with Divergent being one of your fav reads of the year!! It was just amazing!!

    I'm a new follower! Lookin' forward to checking out your blog! :D

  14. Asking me to Pick my favorite genre is like asking me to pick my favorite food; There's no way I can come up with just one answer!

    Follow me back to my blog and I'll explain -

    Thank G-d it's Follow Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  15. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog!:D I think moods really affect us readers...sometimes I just feel like reading a happy, cute romance, wile other times I prefer a more intense and serious book. I haven't read Kissing Cousins (is this incest!?), Tiger's Curseand Cascade but Divergent is awesome!!

    Following :)

    Felicia @ A Novel Paradise


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