
Monday, May 23, 2011

Review: Will Work For Prom Dress by Aimee Ferris

Quigley Johnson is working hard at any job she can find to earn enough money for a prom dress.  Who cares if she doesn’t actually have a date yet.  There will be plenty of time to work that out.  A new job opportunity takes her to clothing design class where she is paired up with Zander who designs the clothes while Quigley models them.  He seems to be the guy dreams are made out of- hot, funny and talented.  At the same time, David, who has always seems to be Quigley’s arch rival at school, has taken a romantic turn and seems to be interested in her.  Prom, college applications, a best friend who can’t stay out of trouble and high school classes fill Quigley’s mind and attentions.  It is a lot for a girl to juggle.  Will Quigley pick the right guy?  Will she make it to prom?  Or will everything end in disaster?

Doesn't this author have the best first name ever?  I happen to really love it.  :)

This was a fun chick-lit read with plenty of humor. There are so many high school type situations that most people will relate to.

Quigley is a likeable character, going along with her best friend’s hair-brained schemes. I would say that we've all known people like Quigley's best friend, Anne.  Self assured, brave and outgoing, tending to get into trouble more often than not.  Or, Maybe you are the Anne personality!  I, myself, am more of a Quigley personality. I enjoyed seeing Quigley’s more reluctant and cautious personality work through her own insecurities to become more self-assured.  

This was almost a polar opposite of the last book I reviewed, Divergent.  What a great world where I can read both types of books and enjoy them for completely different reasons.  This is a great summer beach read.  Here's to chick lit.  (clink!)


  1. Loved you review I'm considering reading thid book

  2. This looks like such a fun read! I've read a lot of darker paranormal romances and dystopian books recently. Thanks for the review :)


  3. Thanks for your review :)
    This book is on my TBR list. I am more like Quigley myself.

    Also, I enjoy carols genres of books depending on my mood. Sometimes I'll read something light and fun like this one. Other times, it might be something like Thirteen Reasons Whyl

  4. Thank you for the review, it was a pleasure to read it and I will definetlly put it on my wishlist:)!


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