
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Review: Fairer Than Morning

From Goodreads:
In 1826, Ann Miller travels to Pittsburgh with her widowed father and two young sisters, only to find that a mysterious man has pursued them all the way from Ohio. Is Ann's father just a circuit minister, or is he hiding something that may endanger them all?

Will Hanby indentures with a Pittsburgh saddler maker, only to discover that his master is a cold-hearted tyrant. After years of abuse, Will becomes a prisoner of his own mind. But then lovely Ann Miller comes to stay next door and her compassion lights a long-dark part of Will's soul. His renewed courage puts his life in jeopardy as he begins to assist fugitive slaves.

Will's murderous master and Ann's questions about her family may keep both of them bound in the shadows forever. Or will they find freedom-together?

When I picked this book up to read it, I thought I was getting a historical romance.  The back cover blurb (that is different from the summary above) led me to believe that.  I will say there was a little bit of romance that finally came to realization the last chapter of the book.  Otherwise, this was mostly a historical fiction, which I really enjoyed.  It’s one of my favorite genre’s of book.  Set in Ohio and Pennsylvania in the 19th-century, this story deals with the real time issues of slavery, indentured apprenticeships, and abuse and cruelty at the hands of their masters.  Elliott has based her story and main characters on the lives of real people who lived at the time.  This story evoked emotions of disgust, disbelief and empathy.  This world can be cruel and unkind but thankfully there are and were people who showed forth kindness and help others.  I think this book does a good job at showing this.

This is a Christian Fiction book that I received from BookSneeze for my honest review.

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