
Friday, March 18, 2011

Review: A Cowboy's Touch by Denise Hunter

Abigail Jones is a workaholic. Writing is her life. She is the “truth seeker”, writing to expose corruption and lies. All that overtime work is catching up with Abby though and she finds herself with high blood pressure, headaches and heart palpitations. Her mother and Dr. agree. A three month leave of absence is just the thing Abigail needs to rest her body and mind.

Middle of nowhere Moose Creek, Montana is where Abigail ends up for the summer. Great Aunt Lucy is getting older and some time spent with her is just what the doctor ordered. The slow pace and majestic scenery will calm the nerves and the spirit. Or it would, if Wade Ryan weren’t standing in the picture looking all attractive in his cowboy hat, strong and steady, making her stomach flutter and her heart pound.

Abigail knows she is in trouble of falling deep for Wade and spending ever day in his presence only cements the fact. As she works as a nanny for Wade’s eleven year old daughter, she finds her heart and mind agreeing that a life with these two might be all she ever wants.

Wade is hiding things though. His past is secreted away and locked up tight. In digging deep to find the answers, Abigail is faced with decisions that could tear them apart. How far is she willing to go? What will she risk?

I have to say right up front that I’m a fan of Denise Hunter’s books. I’ve read many of them and I’ve loved them. This was, I think, one of my favorites. A hunk of a cowboy, sizzling attraction and a journey of love and faith. It was a perfect combination for me. I loved it. I like the imperfect characters who make mistakes but know how to be accountable and overcome. And I like examples of forgiveness too, for others and for ourselves. When my heart gets a happily ever after ending, I feel good.

I received this book from Book Sneeze for my honest review.


  1. Hmmm. Sounds like a perfect read for a country girl at heart. I'll check it out.

  2. I've never heard of this one before, but I am definitely interested after this review! It sounds like something very different from my norm, so it would be great to break up the pace and style of my reading list. :)

    -Sandra @

    I hope you're having a great evening!

  3. This book is already on my TBR mountain.
    I have a thing for cowboys. I also enjoy books involving children. So the premise of this book is right up my alley.

    Thanks for the review :)


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