
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Review: Across the Universe by Beth Revis and a GIVEAWAY!

(From Goodreads)  A love out of time. A spaceship built of secrets and murder.
Seventeen-year-old Amy joins her parents as frozen cargo aboard the vast spaceship Godspeed and expects to awaken on a new planet, three hundred years in the future. Never could she have known that her frozen slumber would come to an end fifty years too soon and that she would be thrust into the brave new world of a spaceship that lives by its own rules.

Amy quickly realizes that her awakening was no mere computer malfunction. Someone-one of the few thousand inhabitants of the spaceship-tried to kill her. And if Amy doesn't do something soon, her parents will be next.

Now Amy must race to unlock Godspeed's hidden secrets. But out of her list of murder suspects, there's only one who matters: Elder, the future leader of the ship and the love she could never have seen coming.

AGH!  This is such a mixed review for me!  Maybe I should tell what I loved and then what I didn’t love?

Wow, this book is a page turner for sure.  I was completely sucked in from the very beginning and I literally plowed my way through this book.  It was so compelling and I have to say, a bit disturbing.  It reminded me of how I felt reading the Hunger Games, the urgency to keep reading to find out what happens.  Only a very well written story can do that.  I think the characters were solid and I understood them and where they were coming from.  How crazy would it be to be frozen in one time and wake up in another time that had ideas, values and lifestyles completely backward and foreign to everything you had ever known?  Yeah, this book stays in your head.  I like that.  There is really only so much you can say without giving everything away here.

And now for what I didn’t love.  I know I am on the conservative side of reading.  I freely admit this and understand it is a difference between me and other readers.  I guess the most bothersome thing in this book for me was the whole “mating season” and how it was described.  It was disgusting and crass.  I do realize, that is exactly what the author wanted me to feel about it, but I think I would have still gotten that point without the descriptions of groping, thrusting and smells.  I just didn’t need the details and it all went on a bit long for me.  That didn’t need to be such a focal point.  If I could tweak that aspect of the book, you would have a girl who would be raving about this book. 

Something I have to say that I loved is the idea that DNA does not the entire person make.  It’s that soul, the spirit inside you that really makes you who you are.

Content wise, there is swearing and plenty of sexual situations.

I'm giving away a copy of this book.  If you haven't had a chance to read this book yet, just leave me a comment letting me know why you'd like to win.  Don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact if you do win.  I'd love for you to follow my blog, but I won't make you.  :)  Happy Reading!


  1. I've been considering picking this book up for quite some time now. It is similar in genre to a lot of what I've been reading lately. I've read a lot of positive reviews about the book (and a few negatives here and there). I would love to opportunity to check it out for myself! Thanks for the opportunity!


  2. Hi! I am old follower. This book is on my wishlist and I have entered every contest available and gone to book stores to get it. Alas! I have so far been unsuccessful. So I am expressing my interest here :)


  3. I really enjoy dystopian fiction, so this really sounds like something I would enjoy.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  4. I haven't read this yet, but I am so intrigued. It seems many bloggers have a "love/hate" relationship with this book. I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about. Great review. Thanks!

  5. I rarely read Sci-fi so this would be a great place to get me into the genre!


  6. I've heard nothing but great things about this book and I would love for the chance to win :) thanks for doing this giveaway!


    ps. im an old follower ;)

  7. I will love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway

  8. I'd love to win and read it. I feel like I'm the last book blogger to read it. Even though I know I'm not.

  9. I have read so many great reviews about this book and the story seems really interesting.
    I love that cover too.
    Thanks for the chance.
    eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

  10. I would love to read this book and get a chance to play with the cool reversible cover!

    rain_orchid11 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  11. I was able to read the first chapter of this book and I was completely sucked in. I have not been able to purchase it as of yet and winning it would be a bonus. The first chapter was riveting and left me in tears!

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I absolutely loved this book and just finished reading it a couple of days ago, will be working on my own review for it as soon as I'm finished with the arc copy of Where She Went. This is a wonderful giveaway! :)

    I'm definitely following you, as I think our blogs have some things in common.

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  14. I would LOVE to get my hands on this book! I've heard nothing but great things about it, & your review doesn't disappoint, either. Across the Universe sounds like its right up my alley! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway :)

    old follower :)

  15. Well I'm a College student with no job so all the money i do scramble up is for Textbooks and those are nowhere near fun to read.Since it came out everyday when I pass through the mall on my way home I would go into Borders and just stare at it (& maybe pick it up) probably drove the employees bonkers I don't think I'm wanted there anymore LOL!!!


  16. I haven't read this yet but I want to soooo bad. I follow Beth Revis' blog, and enter like alllll of her contests, to no avail!
    Thanks for the opportunity!

    Rebekka @ Rebekka's Reading Room

  17. I've wanted this book for a very long time. As well as reading it, I'd love to write a review and let my friends read it, too. :)

    cheylea120 (at) yahoo (dot) com

    Thank you!

  18. Great revie this book sound very interesting, is in my wish list

  19. At first this book it took me hours to get into, but by the next day I was flying through the pages. The mating scene...yeah. But I love the book. It made me feel claustrophobic, though!

  20. I just picked up this book at the library this week. It is part of my Library Loot for this week. ;)

    So...I am a little nervous about actually reading your review since I haven't read it! But I am in love with the cover and I can't wait to dive in!

    ~Asheley T.

  21. "Wow, this book is a page turner for sure. I was completely sucked in from the very beginning and I literally plowed my way through this book." It must be really really good, isn't?! Now I want this book so badly. Thanks for the review.

  22. I loved this book. The plot was super amazing. I want to have the sequel already so I can know what happens!


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