
Friday, February 18, 2011

Follow My Book Blog Friday

I love Fridays!  It's the day I dedicate myself to hopping around and saying hello and making new friends.  It's awesome.  :)

Today's question!

If you are a fan of Science Fiction what is your favorite book? If you haven't read Science Fiction before...any inkling to? Anything catch your eye?

Well, I must admit to not being a total science fiction fan.  It's not my first choice to read ALTHOUGH, I have read my fair share.  I think my favorite reads were the star wars books before the last actual movies came out.  My husband and I read them together and it was fun to read them first and then compare them to the movies as they were released.  I just won Across the Universe in a giveaway so I'm looking forward to reading that.  

Before you leave here, make sure you check out my review and giveaway for Change of Heart that ends today.

Happy Friday!


  1. I've mainly stuck with the big names in the world of Sci-fi. There are too many other great genres out there...

    Have a great weekend!

  2. im not really into sci fiction too.

    found you thru the hop and im a new follower!

    happy friday!

  3. Anything with aliens counts as Sci-fi in my book! And The Host has a lot of alien stuff going on!!! Thanks for hopping by the blog!

  4. Star wars is everybody's fave isn't it? haha, thanks for stopping by at my blog and I've followed you back :)

  5. Hi just hopping to your blog site =)

    Across The Universe is one I'll have to read myself soon.

    I hope you have a blessed weekend.


  6. [Your blog is so pretty. I love it. :)]

    I've only just heard about Across the Universe. Sounds very interesting! Happy Friday!

  7. I've read the Star Wars novels for years, mostly before they killed off the solo kids.

    Have a good hop!


  8. Hopping back! Have a great weekend!

  9. Let me know what you think of Across the Universe when you read it. Most reviews I've seen for it have been really good though. I only read part of it and never finished it! I'll get around to it before the end of February though!

  10. Hopping through. I really want to pick up Across the Universe.
    New follower!
    My Hop

  11. New follower here via the Friday Hop. I'm a new contemporary romance writer and reader of almost everything! Hop you stop by and check out my blog.

  12. Thanks for coming over for Follow Friday, and now I'm following you back!

    Aaron (Dreaming About Other Worlds).

  13. just returning the love :) new follower! i'll be on the look out for your future posts!


  14. returning the favor from Follow Friday =)

    Ilove scrapbooking too! Eventhough it seems like I never have the time anymore.

  15. Thanks for stopping by. I keep hearing about Across the Universe so I hope you enjoy it! I am a new follower :)

  16. Thanks for stopping by! I've never read any of the Star Wars books. I might have to look into them, I've seen them mentioned a few times. New follower as well. :)

    Have a great week!

  17. Hi! I love chocolate too;) Not so much for Sci-Fi though...


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