
Friday, December 10, 2010

Getting Started

For some reason, blogging has sounded so intimidating to me!  I've been dragging my feet, watching, wanting but just not doing.  Finally, I feel as though I've arrived.  Well, maybe I've got one foot out the door anyway.  My blog will be mostly dedicated to books and reading.  It's what I love.  It's a heritage, this love for reading.  One I am happily passing on to my kids.  There isn't many things better than finding a fantastic, love at first read kind of book and being able to share it.  Here I want to share what I'm reading and if it's love or not.  Welcome to my world.


  1. The first couple of months are the hardest, I found. You feel like you're sending out your work, but no one is reading it. I'll definitely be reading yours though, I love book blogs!

  2. Just start posting reviews. I did nothing but review books for the first couple months. Join the Friday blog hops too so people can find your site.

  3. I've just started my own book blog in the last month as well, it's a bit of a daunting prospect isn't it! Best of luck, and you've got a new follower from Parajunkee's blog hop :)

    P. x


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