
Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Orphan Circus by Jane Redd


Some chances happen only once in a lifetime.

For Rook, it’s either the circus, or stay at the orphanage.
And become nothing. Stay nothing.
For Mari, she will follow Rook. For now. Until she can escape her own past.

* Amazon * Goodreads *

I first started reading this book as part of the Kindle Vella program but I didn't finish it.  I'm glad I finally had the chance to read the whole things from beginning to end.  It's a really fast read, novella in length, so it didn't take long at all.

Rook and Mari are the underdogs for sure.  I was firmly in their corner, rooting for them from the very first pages.  They are endearing and so deserving of all things good.  What I loved most about them is the way they stayed together and took care of each other.  Especially Rook.  He's so good to Mari.  I absolutely loved him.  

I wish this story had been longer.  It ended too soon for me and I wanted more.

Content:  mention of whippings, a fight, mild peril, a sweet kiss.  

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Turn to Me (A Misty River Romance #3) by Becky Wade


His promise will cost him far more than he imagined.

Guilt has defined Luke Dempsey's life, but it was self-destructiveness that landed him in prison. When his friend and fellow inmate lay dying shortly before Luke's release, the older man revealed he left a string of clues for his daughter, Finley, that will lead her to the treasure he's hidden. Worried that she won't be the only one pursuing the treasure, he gains Luke's promise to protect her until the end of her search.

Spunky and idealistic, Finley Sutherland is the owner of an animal rescue center and a defender of lost causes. She accepts Luke's help on the treasure hunt while secretly planning to help him in return--by coaxing him to embrace the forgiveness he's long denied himself.

As they draw closer to the final clue, their reasons for resisting each other begin to crumble, and Luke realizes his promise will push him to the limit in more ways than one. He'll do his best to shield Finley from unseen threats, but who's going to shield him from losing his heart?

 * Amazon * Goodreads *

Ooh, I loved this book.  I'm pretty sure this is my favorite of the series but maybe that's because I've been waiting so long to get Luke's story?  The buildup was definitely worth it because this story had it all.  Romance, Mystery (who doesn't love a treasure hunt?!), Danger and Dogs!  😍

Luke is a tough nut.  He's been through a LOT and man, he's rough around the edges.  Finley is his exact opposite and also exactly who he needs to soften up those rough edges.  Finley is quite determined to rehabilitate Luke just like she does the dogs she rescues.  Luke can't run away because, well, he made a promise and funny thing, he really likes Finley.

I loved the slow build of friendship for Luke and Finley.  The growing intensity of feelings was spot on as both of them adjusted the way they viewed themselves and their lives.  Luke's protective nature was attractive and as the danger became clearer to me as a reader, I became so invested in every move, every detail that was happening with the characters.  It was one of those books that has lots of layers and lots of growth.  Mostly for Luke as he reconciles with his family, his friends, and himself.  I loved all of it.

Content:  Christian Fiction elements, mild peril, mild violence.  Kissing.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Games in a Ballroom by Jentry Flint


She was forbidden to love him.
He only wanted her heart.
Can a childhood game bring them together?

London, 1815

Olivia Wilde has resigned herself to never finding a love match. Her father has insisted she marry a man with a title, but the men her father deems acceptable are either boring or are only interested in increasing their own diminishing coffers. With her future looking dismal, Olivia vows to enjoy the last few months of freedom with her childhood friends, including Emerson Latham. His devilish smile and flirtatious teasing stirs up feelings she knows she cannot entertain.

Emerson is struggling to rise to his responsibilities after his father's death. Though he is still learning his place, one thing he knows for certain is that he wants Olivia Wilde to be his wife. Emerson had long ago fallen in love with her quick wit, beauty, and passionate heart. Yet, without a title, he will never be permitted to court Olivia openly. But he has a plan that may give him a chance to court her in secret.

As the Season kicks off, Emerson proposes a playful game of tag. Olivia's friends are delighted by the idea, though Olivia is wary. After all, the game must be played in secret as they tag each other at dinners and balls. As the romance builds between Olivia and Emerson, so does the risk of being discovered. Not only are their reputations at stake, so is their safety if they are caught by Olivia's strict father.

Can their love find a happily ever after before the game ends?

Tag?  In a ballroom?  Sounds fun, right?  Emerson thinks so too and he hopes by employing this game that it will give him opportunities to get closer to Olivia.  I liked this clever approach to this regency story.  It felt unique in that respect and I don't think I've read another book with that idea in it.  

Emerson is a fun guy- very determined to win Olivia over.  He's on the chase and it brought a smile to my face.

The whole story felt light and fun.  It never really left surface level for me in terms of emotion and depth but it was easy, happy reading which is a good diversion.  A good debut novel for this author!

Content:  some abuse alluded to but not described, kissing.
- I received a complimentary copy of this book.  All opinions expressed are my own.

JENTRY FLINT is a bookworm-turned-writer with the propensity to try just about anything. She has a true love of history and believes a good quote can fix most things. She lives in southern Utah with her husband and two daughters—who, naturally, are named after characters from books.

Her favorite things in life are flavored popcorn, her grandmother’s purple blanket, and curling up on the couch to watch a movie with her husband. Games in a Ballroom is her debut novel.